《Body Modifier: Energy Required》Chapter 4 YOU CAN EAT MORE WITH LESS CHOKING


During the day, the streets of Steinriver City were bustling with people who were busy with their matters. Here and there they were busy crossing the hard concrete road with a width less than ten meters.

It wasn't just people who passed by, some animal laborers pulled the carriage carrying people or goods. On the side of the road was filled with traders milling about, various types of goods or services they often offered. Anyway, the streets were so crowded, it's clear that many people depended their lives on this street.

A carriage was traveling at a speed that was neither too slow nor too fast, cutting through the crowd of streets. Many people were distracted by it and saw an unusual-looking carriage passing with a very familiar symbol. Some of those who happened to be on the carriage's route stepped aside to make a way for it.

“It is the symbol of the Archduke family.”

Several people were seen whispering to the person next to them. After all, the Archduke Family was one of the most respected families in the city they lived in, especially in the western district.

Aria, who was sitting by the window of the carriage, observed the situation outside along the way. This wasn't the first time he'd traveled outside the confines of the family's guarded residence, but those occasions were extremely rare in between. No one in their right mind would allow a child less than three years old to roam out there unsupervised.

His sister, Rosalind, she's not old enough to take on that responsibility. Moreover, with her temper, it would probably be safer if he was alone than together with his sister. Based on his experience, he would be the one who would prevent his sister from jumping into trouble.

His father, Garreth, as the head of the family, was quite busy with his matters and his obligations as one of the Royal Aegis, a title that only a few capable people had with contributions that were recognized as royal merit by the Empire. It was the title that could only be bestowed by the Emperor directly.

Even though Aria wasn't very clear about what and why, he knew his father was an incredibly strong person, even though he had never witnessed it with his own eyes. Garreth in his eyes was a family person who loved his children, friendly to many people, and always said yes to his wife. There was nothing like the rumors he had heard about his father.

'I'll have to find out later,' Aria thought. He was determined to pique his curiosity when he was alone with his father. With luck, he could also hear other things which had become a big question in his mind about this world.

Again, even though his father was the head of the family, he would not say no to his wife. While his mother…

Aria withdrew his gaze and looked at his mother who was sitting beside him. Coincidentally, his mother also followed his doing, staring at the scenery outside the window. He secretly watched the figure of this woman. Her long black hair was styled very neatly and elegantly, part of it was let loose, and another part was arranged in such a way using hair ornaments combined with her clean fair face, adding to her regal impression.

If she was silent like this, the impression she gave was so full of authority that could only come from a woman who usually had power. However, Aria came back to his senses and was a little conflicted.


Not that he had any complaints against his mother, no, he didn't have any at all. His mother just did whatever she thought was the best for her children, even though it always ended up being too much. She just wanted her full presence at every moment of her children's growth, and that showed how much she cared for us.

It's just that the problem lay with him. He felt unaccustomed to all the attention that was being poured out. Although his body was small, he had an awareness from birth, or it could be said he had an old soul inside his young body. So it bothered him a little. Just looked at his sister, even with all the restrictions and treatments they received more or less the same, her sister did not have any complaints and still maintained her bubbly self and cheerfulness.

He turned to Rosalind who was looking out with such excitement, that made Garreth had to pull her body several times because she was too excited till half of her body almost pushed outside. Aria could only sigh softly.

“No longer enjoying the view outside, eh? Is your butt a little sore? Come here, just sit on mother's lap," although he sighed softly, it caught the attention of Alisa who was sitting next to him. She patted her lap as a gesture.

"No, mom, I'm fine. The view outside is really good, lots of green that freshen my eyes," Aria refused her mother's offer and turned his face back to the outside. He didn't want to lose his butt's freedom that he had fought so hard since the beginning of the journey just yet. He even had to whine like a brat; indeed he was; so that he could sit independently instead of on his mother's lap.

"Oh, of course, the scenery is so beautiful and refreshing," came her mother's voice from behind, which sounded playful. His face blushed with embarrassment. The excuse he came up with without thinking bit him back. Instead of a green view, what visible was the bustle of the crowd like in the market, with many people selling many delicious-looking foods.

"Brother, it's bad to lie to mother," Rosalind joined in on their conversation. Aria turned to glare at his sister who instead glared back at him defiantly with her hands on her waist.

"Come on, don't fight, you two," Garreth interceded his two children who had started a staring war.

"How long will it take us to reach grandpa's house, father?" Aria asked, taking the chance from his sister's stare.

“Once we cross the Steinriver River bridge, the journey from there will take less than two hours. We'll be there before evening."

“Too long, why do we have to use the carriage? It will save more time if we just use the horses straight away,” Aria complained.

“Don't say that, think about how your mother and sister are. It's not proper for a lady to use a horse straight away, that would be crude," his father reminded him.

Alisa just smiled, while Rosalind nodded in agreement, “But I don't mind, Daddy! It's just that I don't know how to ride it, will you teach me?”

Rosalind requested her father, pleading like a little puppy, so cute.

“Haha, sure, we need to set a time for that.”

"Thank you, Daddy! Love you!" she hugged her father with joy, not forgetting to stick her tongue to her brother, mocking him.


Aria just snorted in response to her behavior and resumed the conversation earlier, “But why do we have to visit grandpa's residence just for big sister's ceremony?”

Yes, their visit was related to Rosalind's soul enlightenment ceremony. Aria had witnessed the same ceremony before, which was performed by several children of the guards and maids, as well as some people who were related in their residence.

Even though it's called a ceremony, it's a simple procession of activating spiritual energy in their body with the use of soul stones. It didn't look complicated, it's just that not many people had access to this soul stone, and the one who preceded this ceremony should have good control of their spiritual energy.

So that only a few families and certain institutions or societies could be trusted by ordinary masses. Its use on ordinary people was not prohibited, so usually every year there will be similar events held in several places, including their residence. And that's what confused him.

“This is just a family tradition, every child that already has the criteria will carry out the ceremony in the presence of only family members. In a few years, you will also do the same,” this time it was his mother who replied.

“After all, this is also the first time Aria will visit grandfather's house. I believe he will be so happy to have a visit from his grandson,” his mother continued with a smile.

His grandfather, Neville Archduke, the head of the Archduke Clan, had visited their residence since his birth several times. But his mother was wrong, not long after he was born, his family had visited once to the old man's residence. But maybe his mother meant that because he still couldn't remember anything at that time. This visit was considered his first.

Alisa was the third daughter of the clan leader, and this also confused him. Why did his family use the name Archduke instead of his father's surname, which he didn't know. Was it possible that the culture here matriarchy?

Aria didn't know, and he also thought it was too advanced knowledge for a child less than three years old. But it didn't mean he could just accept it, there's always another way to Rome. Ah, he didn't know if there was a city as a substitute for Rome to make that phrase more understandable for people here. Meh, whatever.

"I haven't visited Father's family either," as if something clicked inside his head.

This surprised his parents. It seemed they did not expect their son to think the other way.

While his mother was silent for a moment as if considering an appropriate response, his father didn't care at all. Gareth just smirked as he said, "Well, this is where my family is."

Alisa heard her husband's answer, looked at him with a gentle gaze.

Aria watched the two alternately, raising his eyebrows. 'Is that a clue? What does it mean? Are you guys playing riddle with me?' thought Aria.

He knew there was something implicit behind his father's words, but he saved it for later. Serious conversations would be quite comical if a toddler did it, so, later again.

He also no longer asked many questions about these things, only occasionally heard Rosalind screaming when she found something that a six-year-old child considered quite novel. And she also spouting question after question occasionally. Both Garreth and Alisa took their turns answering her, making sure she was partially satisfied.

Aria became a bit quieter while putting on an appearance as if he was going to rest for a while. Yet his attention was focused on inside his mind.

After a long time accumulating energy by patiently eating everything he could eat. And of course, with all the restrictions put by his mother, he was ready to make his first attempt at this system.

There were several considerations regarding which body parts he should prioritize first. He threw away the notions such as muscles and bones for the first time. He just didn't think it was that important to have such an athletic build full of muscle like steel at his age. That was weird in his opinion.

There were two things he considered at first, the first was the brain, and the second was the ventriculus.

Brain, it's clear the effect of modification he hoped to obtain was something that could make him a genius. Because he had the principle that being a scholar was much better than being a coolie, that's modern-human saying.

But after knowing there was something very magical, like spiritual energy, he hesitated. Of course, he still thought the brain was still important, but to get a better start, he chose another option.

Yes, ventriculus. It's simple, actually. The most important now was how to collect more energy. The only option he knew now was through eating, he didn't know any other way. So, to speed up that process, he had to become a glutton, a big eater with a big stomach.

Convinced of his choice, he executed it immediately.



Limit Modification: 51/50 Energy Required

Effect: N/A

Execute the modification? Y/N

The accumulated points were reduced with only one remaining. With some trepidation, he was paying close attention to his body's reactions, worried that something would change. It could be pain like the usual fiction or immediately losing consciousness.

It felt like something unknown was flowing in his body, gathering at one point in his stomach, right where his ventriculus was. A warm feeling was felt there, over time it turned hotter and hotter. Not enough to make him cry out like a boiling pig, but the sweating pig was more likely.

His mother, who was sitting at the side, noticed the unusual change of Aria, who suddenly broke out in sweat so much.

"Are you all right, son? Why are you sweating so much?" Alisa asked worriedly, wiping the sweat off her son's forehead.

“I'm fine, Mother,” Aria replied, looking down at his already drenched state, “I'm just… hungry.”

The answer left the whole carriage speechless. Are you so hungry you're sweating that much?! Didn't you already devour three plates of fish before leaving?! How gluttonous you are!

Aria couldn't care about their thought, he still had a concern about the fate of his future stomach.



Limit Modification: 1/100 Energy Required


- Slightly improves the overall performance of the digestive system


Limit Ability: Locked (1/5)


Yeah, he was right, this should be down the path of gluttony.

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