《Myriad Paths》Chapter 2: Samsara Sect


“Ah, I’m known as Fatty Anencephalus Klutz! You can call me Klutz. Not the most flattering Dao name, but… it’ll have to do. In the Samsara sect our seniors decide our Dao names. As for where we are, we’re in Samsara City, the headquarter of the Samsara sect!”

Ivor groaned. “How did you make a city this quickly? It’s only been… a day or so.”

Klutz started to sweat. “Um… you helped me, so I guess I can tell you. It’s the magic of hope, dreams, and human sacrifice.”

Ivor started sweating harder than Klutz. “Is that… a policy of the Samsara sect? Because I kind of like my life.”

Klutz chuckles. “You’re safe if you become a disciple, even a service disciple, so I would apply if I were you.”

Ivor slowly stood up. “I swore to myself I wouldn’t join a sect and be controlled, but… screw Dao hearts, I value my life. Where do I apply?”

“I can bring in your application if you want. I can recommend three service disciples a month, but they might not be accepted. It looks like you reached Meridian Opening without being in a sect, so you should be good enough. Interesting technique you used though. Would you mind telling me about it?”

“Klutz, you’re being nice to me, but isn’t asking me this much… invasive? I don’t really want to share.”

Klutz smiled a little. “Ah yes, you must want to keep your technique secret to avoid being targeted. It shouldn’t be a problem, considering that the sect probably has far better techniques than yours, but I’ll respect your wishes. I can show you around the sect if you’d like… Ivor.”

“That would be wonderful.”

Ivor got up and walked out with Klutz toward the central area of Samsara City. Klutz comments something: “There are markets here, but I can show you around the outer area after I bring you to sect headquarters to register.”


“Alright. I’m wondering what kind of treasures they have in the markets. Oh, does the Samsara sect give you stuff when you join?”

Klutz responded with, “Yes, of course! The Samsara sect is one of the most dangerous. If you join as a service disciple, you’ll have to help fight the beast tides when they come, but you’ll be given a Qi Attunement technique book if you haven’t reached it and far more. As you’re at meridian opening, you’ll get an explanation on the stages of cultivation and a chance to go through the Treasure Trials. I can’t tell you much about them, as it’s against sect rules, but I can say that there will be a series of trials, one on each floor. You’ll get a talisman, treasure, or scripture from a random selection of five each time you complete a challenge, with it being more likely to get good ones on higher floors, although the challenges get harder. We have it because it’s a bound treasure of Supreme Elder Epiphany, the oldest Supreme Elder of the sect. The interior is far larger than the outer appearance, with only five floors being physical, the many in between held in a tributary of the Samsara, a truly astounding feat. The challenges are to reward the strong, and the randomization tests your Karma. You’ll also get a basic energy pill a day. Normally you wouldn’t get nearly this many pills, but there are so many materials here, and the Samsara sect is exceedingly generous. Some call this situation the apocalypse, but I call it a blessing!”

Ivor sighed. “Yes… you’ve said so quite a few times now. It’s also quite astonishing how much cultivators can do, even storing things in the Samsara. Anyway, we’re already here. I guess it’s pretty obvious, but walking is way faster as a cultivator.”


Ivor walked inside with Klutz to the application desk.

Klutz bellows to the receptionist, “I’m here to recommend this guy to the sect! He cultivated Meridian Opening, so along with my recommendation, he should automatically be a service disciple.”

The confused receptionist stutters before starting to write on a piece of paper. “Sure… I’ll put his name down. You can go to the outer treasury to select your items. Here’s a slip.”

The receptionist handed Ivor a slip saying “Service Disciple Bonus.” Ivor was stunned. “You’re just… going to believe him?”

The receptionist was appalled. “Are you suggesting that senior brother would lie? He would be killed if he dared to do something like that.”

Ivor was somewhat surprised and responded, “He would? That’s surprising, but he was telling the truth, so it’s fine.”

After a while of walking, Ivor and Klutz reached their destination. It was a grand building, seemingly forged of solid steel, appearing to be only five stories tall, although apparently containing myriad floors. Ivor asked, “So Klutz, just confirming, I take an explanation on the stages of cultivation and a pill from the first floor and then go up a floor to start the trial.”

Klutz nodded. “Yes. To get into the trials just show the slip to the elder guarding the gate. I need to cultivate, so I won’t be accompanying you in. When you finish, the supervising elder will tell you where your dorm is. See you later!”

Klutz walks away, leaving Ivor to enter, and enter Ivor does. The room is nearly empty, with a few students selecting basic scriptures and the treasure hall elder sitting on a stool. Ivor walks up to the elder and shoves out the slip. The elder lets out a snort and points to his right and to a staircase on his left. “Hmph. Go right for your explanation on cultivation and left to enter the trials.”

Ivor bowed and cupped his hands, desperately hoping that the few xianxia he had read accurately described how to talk to elders. “Thank you senior for your guidance. I’ll go now.”

This brings a smile to the elder’s face. “Finally a disciple who knows how to talk to elders. Thank the heavens!”

Ivor walked to the right and picked up a book titled “The Basics of Cultivation” from a large stack before turning around and asking the elder, “Senior, do you perhaps have a… satchel?”

The elder barked, “Of course I do! Oh, and take that.” before throwing a satchel into Ivor’s face.

Ivor grabbed the satchel and saw a small white pill inside it, which he assumed was the basic energy pill. He then dropped the book into the satchel and walked toward the stairs, steeling himself. This will probably be difficult, but I want some treasures. I probably could have waited to redeem this until I was stronger, but actually… the pills I would miss and the lack of the manual would seriously stunt my growth, so I guess this is the best option.

Ivor nervously walked up the stairs, his feet pounding on their stone, before turning the iron handle on the deep blue door before him and pushing it open, revealing a black void. Gathering his confidence, he put one foot through the door and then stepped into the void with his other foot. The door slammed shut behind him on its own, and then the void shined bright, morphing into something else.

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