《Master of combat in a Different World》The device and... (2)
Author's note: Just so you guys may have already seen, my updates has been really really slow. It is because I have been stuck with a very important business in real life, so I can't service you guys with too mush chapters. I am truly sorry, and hope that you will forgive me.
Anyway, enjoy this short chapter!
Part 1
Once upon a time on earth, a certain boy looked up at the sky.
He was constantly bullied and discriminated.
His brother was kind and smart. But he also got bullied hard. They both traversed through a certain empire on Earth.
The big brother had a girlfriend, and they can survive on each others company. But the little brother, Bazulu, had no one.
He faced everything without a proper support from someone. Nor parents. One day, a group of big nobles came to him, and smashed him down on the floor.
His brother wasn't there to save him.
He cursed the world. He cursed Earth.
Then suddenly, a power grew in him. A power that was only possible among the other Zillions of possible outcome that was bended due the strong will of a normal human. He gave up. He hated this wretched world. The evil Roman emperor, the discriminated society. He hated the reality he was living in. He hated his brother who had a girlfriend to rely on. He wants to remake this world. Make it a better place with his own version. His body made magic happen. His massive hatred, will, and beliefs made miracles, but in this case can only be described as an abomination.
On that day, a monster was born. The roman named it after the god of death, made myths about it. And many other ways. But one thing was clear. The monster had made the roman empire fall to its The roman magician who hasn't had their mind totally tainted by 'science' yet fought back. But their poor magicians can't fight the strong will of the monster's magic which completely denied and rejects reality. The evil god was born.
But the god, Bazulu, disappeared. Why? Well, a god can only be stopped by another god... Or a devil.
Part 2
Blood scattered on the floor. Diablo was standing, opposing a certain human who had injured him. On his waist, a large wound was made from the human's unknown blade. But demons don't often spill blood, since their bodies regenerate blood vessels quickly. Especially for the demon king.
The blood belongs to the human himself. The human was smiling, opposing to his physical appearance. His body has loss lots of blood. And his mind was weary. It was taking alot of concentration just to keep his cells regenerating. The 6 Holy Asura arms behind his back was crumbling. Ares's blessing was wearing off. Mark was currently wielding a spear, Gungier in his hand. He laid Gungier on his shoulders.
(Damn, even with Kronos's time spell, this bastard broke through that with brute force. I can't really use my science world here yet. It would bring too much harm. But I loss too much blood, if this keeps on going, I'll die even when my cells are regenerating.)
The human's wound closed up quickly, but much more slower than before.
"You are mighty, human. If I say that we should fight again with full power at both sides, I doubt I would again.”
Diablo honestly praised Mark. Even with the help of Zeldias, defeating the human was no easy task. He had been using strange weapons that fires out bullets that made sound only after it hits, and causes massive explosions. The human had also slowed down time and used his spear to tear apart the clouds and earth. All of Diablo's anti magic spell failed to block these attacks sometimes, either due to the massive power it held or the strangeness of it. Some attacks can't even be considered magic in the first place.
Mark took out 3 injectors and injected himself with emergency calories and mind relaxing medicines. They are all foreign and dangerous but Mark was a scientist. And he has recipes of all the medicines he needed. Still, there is no such things as a one-sided safe and convenient medicine. Since this one will have a major backlash later.
"I... Can still fight, master..." Zeldias tried to bring his body up and face Mark. Before plopping down again. He was a devoted demon lord. But his physical body has its limit. His power, , can't even make himself stand up again. His pride was severely damaged. But he still can't give in.
"Go, Zeldias, I'll shall take care of this from now on." Diablo quickly let Zeldias retreated while blocking him from the railgun bullets that he was shot at constantly by Mark's gun. Diablo can't react to something at the speed of sound immediately, but he has more than enough time to wait for Mark to pull the trigger or aim the gun.
(C'mon, bone marrow. Hurry up and give me blood!) Mark took more pills for blood and he drank his fructose water. Fructose is the sweetest kind of simple sugar that can immediately be transformed into energy faster than glucose and lactose. Making it a perfect choice for energy.
"Hahh... I can still can go on, Mr. king." Mark smirked with a challenger's smile on his face. Mark used his superb body strength to rush into Diablo again. Diablo countered, only to find Mark's face already vanished, and a kick kissing his chin. Diablo was blown upwards highly.
"Sh&t, even my kick can't break your neck." Mark complained as he shot three mini dynamites from his mechanics arms. It exploded on Diablo's body, and he immediately tumbled across the hard surface. Mark look grudgely at his half broken mechanical arm. Although he was fortunate enough to cover all the sophisticated parts inside a very hard and artificial box. The arm can no longer make radioactive Francium, nor can he create anymore dynamites. He can still move it and there are some tricks he had up his sleeves, in which case should be called arm instead.
Diablo jumped right back up, his face was filled partly by anger and frustration. He launched himself forward towards the human. The human suddenly bent his back down and supported himself using his two arms. Mark used his hands to balance himself as he back flipped and stood right up again.
Diablo raised his hands and he shot out barrages of blue fire. Fire's temperature and color depends on its
Diablo had disappeared from the scenery. Mark used his mechanical hand's radar functionality to sense Diablo far above him. VERY FAR.
"Eat this. !!!!" Diablo roared out as things started to fall... No, rain down from the sky above. Arrows, hatchets, molten rocks, acids, magic swords, dangerous explosive magic, etc. You name it. Mark quickly dodged them one by one as he prepared the perfect formula needed to create a stable plasma shield around him.
(P=voltage*current= x kilowatts... There! Got it.)
A shield started to materialized around Mark. All the weapons were nullified. Diablo doesn't let this chance go as he raced towards Mark.
Mark canceled the plasma shield and used his legendary spear to block Diablo and dodge once again. The boy threw the spear at an immeasurable speed that instantaneously lowered the distance between him and the demon king.
The path the spear took was spilt open with the sound of lighting and sonic boom. Even a toddler could guess how the spear travelled. Diablo had a superior body and great magic. But even his greatly deployed magic barrier could only slow the spear and lessen a bit of its power.
Mark gaze at the bloody body of the demon king. His body was dyed red and in his hands... Was the spear if gungier. Diablo was greatly damaged as he used up almost all his energy on fighting the foe. Mark was also battered and his field of vision was slowly turning white. He used a massive amount of brainpower to create an image of Odin's power and let it out to reality.
"Gu-!" Mark choked blood again as his blood vessels were damaged from the magic usage. His body was almost reaching its limit. Mark had just found out sometime ago that using too much magic will cause a great deal of stress on the blood vessels, breaking them. The demons have an advantage on this since they can quickly heal their blood vessels. (Though that also has a limit of its own)
"Thanks for the weapon, human." Diablo picked up the long spear and prepare to throw it right back with his magic power infused within. Mark smiled as he raised his hands.
"Did you know that in most mythologies, a God's weapon will always return to the wielder's hand? Some of the most famous weapons had backfired in Norse mythologies. That is why most other godly weapons will return to the owner's hand in due time." Gungier dissipated in Diablo's hand and returned to Mark's. Mark sneered but twitched in pain as he cancelled the magic spear. Using magic from mythologies often will use more mental energy to create the image than magic based on science in which you don't need to deny reality that much.
Diablo had a How-dare-you-mock-me expression since he put some of his precious energy into the spear. He firmly placed his legs on the ground and fired himself forward.
Mark gathered his concentrations on the surrounding. Imagining the oxygen compound around him condensing in front of him. Diablo almost reached him when Mark shot out the massive supply of oxygen.
Normally, this attack would be no different from just increasing air pressure. Except Mark added something more interesting to the mix. He used his magic to create friction in the lance of oxygen.
"Thermal lance." Mark softly whispered as the whole area in front of Diablo suddenly got hotter from that little spark and the rapid combustion blew away the demon king.
Diablo was about to enter the fight again after the slight explosion. Only when tremors started to shake the ground below him. Mark had a confused face as he knew he wasn't the cause of this. And Diablo savagely smiled.
"It looks like it's your loss this time human." Diablo dragged his wrecked body away as the tremors rattled throughout the battle field. Mark looked confusingly as he also strides to the city with confused eyes.
Soon, Fenrir swooped down towards him, her form changing into a Human. She had a linen white cloth covering her. And some parts of her body was covered by scales and her head has a pair of horns.
"Master?! Who did this to you?" Fenrir stared worriedly at Mark's completely battered body. Mark started to fall down before Fenrir supported him. Her soft arms held him as Mark struggled to stand up again. All the drugs he just took were backlashing on him.
No pay no gain.
Fenrir casted her basic dragonic healing spell on Mark. Which closed up his wounds, but the blood loss is still permanent. Mark's body was lacking the energy he needed. He will soon go to sleep.
"Master, on my way here, I saw a huge, and when I say that I mean so huge I said huge worm like thing. It's heading to Gaxul at a terrific rate.”
"Dang, so that's what that damn demon king is talking about." Mark lost the energy to even shout as his eyes drooped. His breathing started to grow soft. He would due if he doesn't receive a treatment soon.
Fenrir gently put Mark on her soft back, she could feel his weak heart beat pumping for dear life.
(I need to bring master over to Rohana and Montra. Maybe they'll figure something out.) Fenrir grew wings only and flew. She had trained to change parts of her body into dragon at ease.
She flapped her menacing, brown wings and cautiously sped through the sky.
Part 3
Finnick and Cena had already joined up with Robert and Jessie. They were retreating after they heard the news of a huge worm monster closing in. Robert and Jessie have suffered losses. Hundreds of Calvary, dead. Thousands of elf infantries, dead.
Robert was a hero, but this was his first time in war where he leads an army. Losing a person in his army ached more than he thought. He sent a silent prayer to whatever god that exists to allow the brave souls to heaven at least. He laid his large sword on his shoulders as he and Jessie quickly led his warriors back to Gaxul.
They both studied hard in the royal Xion academy about strategies and tactics. It was their forte, and they were proud of it.
('Death in war is unavoidable even with the power of a hero.' Huh...) Jessie signed as she thought about the lesson she had in the royal palace of Xion. She was on the verge of crying. But she wouldn't allow herself to show it. The magic transportation car was already closing in to aid the warriors and discuss further plans.
Cena and Finnick were arguing over something as they were on the car. It looks like Finnick wouldn't fight with her if she keeps on trying to be the tank.
"I told you I'm slower than you! I'm better at blocking so you should just kill them while I do!" Finnick complained.
"No! That won't do. I will be the vanguard. Besides, your position is already safe. So why even bother?!”
"Ughhhh!!!! Damn girls!!!" Finnick threw a tantrum as he stopped talking. They both don't want the other to be in the more dangerous position when fighting so they always argue when fighting together. Though their feelings aren't realized yet.
The other elf soilders were worriedly talking about how likely their city will fall. Seeing so many people evacuating made it obvious that there were plans of running away. The dark elves however kept on boasting about their secret country of Aservere.
"Our queen has fortified our city far more greater than you normal elves’"
"Yeah! We have cities under the light of the tree. You'll have a great time there. Further more, its far easier to defend or even stop the demons from evading our country." Douch, a certain dark elf kept on bragging about his city. His cheerful personality encouraged the elf soldiers and gave them hope. He had a typical dark elf purple skin and dark blue hair.
Robert smiled, even his character can't keep out the cheerfulness this man was emitting. He felt some weights falling off his shoulders and smirked a little.
They have lost alot today. But the light of hope is always there to encourage them.
Part 4
(Yes… Westie, move a bit more to the left please.) Leafa said with an erotic voice as she pretended to make weird sounds. Weston was seriously gonna lose control if she continues, so he ran as fast as he could. The rest of the defending army are following after him, but Weston was concerned about Leafa’s wellbeing, so he decided to bring her away from the battlefield first.
(Stop MAKING WEIRD COMMENTS!!!!!!!?!??!)
(Y’know, I will feel kinda weir-)
Leafs was having a piggyback riding done to her due to her running out of magical and physical energy. So she needs to rely on Weston to carry her back to Gaxul. But she uses it to her advantage by moaning words and voices that stimulates Weston’s brain to the point that he ran with a magic buff on him.
They had been fighting with the defence line and pushed back the demon army. Weston and Leafa had probably destroyed more than half the demon army using their destructive magic. Weston had casted spells that messed up the demons and imp’s mind. Causing them to lose formation. And Leafa quickly finished them off with her magic that obliterates the whole section of the werewolf army. They were casting defence magic and upgrades on the army behind them who were repelling the demons with all their might.
Strangely, the imp+werewolf army suddenly pulled back as well as the rest of the demon army. It looks like they have finished their job or something before pulling back. Reports from all over the place had also said that the demon army pulled back. This is a very strange occurance. However, it looks like a command has come to tell that Gaul is going to fall soon, and that everyone should hurry and prepare for evacuation.
(It’s very bizarre, why must we run when the demon armies are pulling back?)
(It looks like the order came from the high council. Some of the elf representatives have gone to talk with the council, and came out with pale faces. They said that they can’t tell everybody yet what is coming, but that they must run immediately.)
(It sure must be a big problem considering that they are that serious.) Leafs acted innocent and curious as she said those words, but her body was pushing harder and harder on Weston. Weston had a bright red face as 2 holy and soft valleys was pressing on his back. He felt good and his body was burning up from the lovely temptation.
They ran on until a certain shadow of a person came into view. It was Sakura, in her arms held Jayborino, his body tattered and his eyes barely opening. Sakura was also running back towards Gaxul. What was most eye-catching however was Sakura’s half exposed body due to a demon lord tearing open her shirt. Weston was taken over by a man’s normal teenage instinct and took a glance at her chest. However, he was assaulted by a bite on his ears.
(Ho, ho, ho… Looks like Westie is getting naughty… Might I ask why?)
(Nothing at all) Weston quickly tore his gaze away from the girl’s body. He instead focused his eyesight on Jayborino.
“What happened to him?” Leafa started the questioning first. She seemed worried about Jayborino getting hurt. It made Weston a little envious, but he discarded the notion.
“He suddenly turned strange, after that he collapse. I can barely sense the magic in him. He’s dying if he doesn’t receive treatment soon.”
“Here, let me help.” Weston casted a basic magic that cured Jayborino from his death. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing at all. Jayborino’s eyes opened up more. His body had changed internally without him knowing. Magic had responded to the will of its master, and completely changed all the magic Jayborino had to aid his body’s function. Magic makes miracles. All it needs is the strong will of its master to tell what it should do. The stronger the willpower, mentality and belief, the better the magic.
Jayborino himself may not know of this, but just now, all the magic in his body changed. Its like cooking a raw egg but unable to make it raw again after you’re done with it. Jayborino’s magic wasn’t able to revert back to its old form because he had lost all of his available power. This is an effect when a person fully mastered their magic. Most people thought that magic came from gods, when it is just a mere willpower of a person changing something. All of Jayborino’s magic had one goal, to make hum physically stronger.
Sakura quietly tend to him as she carried him back to base. The order for the evacuation had already been announced and people had already start moving out. The heroes walked together as they talked about what had transpired. They made their own little worlds and spew jokes about the memories of their old worlds.
“It sure had been a long time though…” Jayborino reminisce as he walked with his friends. They all laughed and walked with him.
“Remember when you got the highest score in the room and beat even Mark? I was about to beat you up. lol” Sakura joked as she told that. Everybody laughed and walked on with tears of joy. In a way, this was their own little world that they can only understand.
Part 5
"So, this is what is coming at us." Mark was laying on Fenrir's back. But her body was still human, although she had wings. Apparently, Fenrir had prefered Mark staying that way rather than she on her dragon form. Initially, she plans on taking Mark back to base first, but Mark insisted on bringing himself to the problem Fenrir was talking about first.
"What exactly is that, Master?" Fenrir's golden eyes looked carefully at the abomination below her. One thing was certain, it was humongous. Mark would've said no, but he had met this creature before.
"I think, that's the Eater of the worlds. Remember when I first told you about when I went to the ancient corrupted area? Apparently Alice and I encountered something similar to this. Well, smaller. Much smaller. Here I thought we faced the real eater of the worlds, not that it's important anymore. Fenrir, can you lower me down a little? I want to investigate." Mark's scientist blood was awakening and he was curious about this creature and wanted to know more about it.
However, Fenrir directed a sharp glance towards Mark. It made his face pale from the threatening look that came from the girl.
"Master, YOU'RE INJURED!" Mark quickly retreated when he got silenced with that sentence. He just can't refute that by just seeing his body. All the energies he needed to quickly repair his cells were gone, the pills he took had begun their process of backlashing. He was in almost no condition to fight, if Diablo saw him in this state. He would've died, but Mark kept his composure and barely tricked him.
Fenrir suddenly puts her hand on Mark's weakened body, flipped him over to the front and embraced him. She was thankfully still wearing a magic shirt that will automatically be put on her after she transforms into a human.
(Her! Her...chest !) Mark frantically struggled as he fought the desire to further indulge himself in the softness of a woman's body by constantly reminding himself that she was a dragon. Oblivious to the boy in his puberty, Fenrir thought she did a good job on not letting her master run away somewhere.
Part 5
Artaneeus calmly looks at the device in front of him. He knows that he will sacrifice his life force, or magic force, soon enough. He silently sat there, reminiscing about his past. Now that he thought of it, it had been a long time since he officially entered the council. He had worked hard. Wanting to see his fellow species' happy face. It was pretty foolish, but it was a sickle satisfying life. He looked at the device one more time. Now that he thought of it, it truly was a strange one. It doesn't work with magic, but with the will. When summoning heroes was the same, it doesn't require magic but not of willpower to do it.
(Who could have made this device? Or is it... Does this device use the willpower of a living being to create it? Nah, it's just nonsense)
At that very moment, he was closer than anyone about figuring out the truth.
"Sir..." Artaneeus jerked, he hadn't expected anyone to be there with him.
"Why aren't you leaving this city yet?" It was the messenger that constantly gave Artaneeus reports about the demon army. Actually, this man was punished for his crimes and removed from his family for experimenting on forbidden magic tools. His wife had cried when she found out about this, and his daughter never talked to him since.
"Sir, I've heard that you're sacrificing yourself to destroy this city. By using your life force, correct?”
"Yes! But that isn't important now! Leave, there isn't much time left!"
"Why don't you use your subordinates on this?”
"Because they don't know how to operate this!”
"...You're planning to destroy the whole city with the monsters and the Eater of the worlds with it, aren't you?”
"! How did you-!”
"I've got my sources.”
"...yes. Now that you know this, leave this city and continue the evacuation befor-" CRACK! Artaneeus wasn't given the chance to finish his sentence as tremors ran through the room. Dust particles trickled down and dust filled the room. The crystals around the room is shattering. Artaneeus knew immediately that the eater of the world has almost arrived and digging through the city's defenses.
Outside, the evacuating elves and some who refused to leave the city saw that abomination be for them. Some of the older elves had known about the eater of the world, and volunteered to protect the city while Artaneeus does his work till their last breath.
It was a long, humongous worm with eyes all over its body. The eyes glance at each one of the defending soldiers who were still frozen in fear. This effect is something science had proven by doing an experiment between a mouse and a rattle snake. The mouse was easily frozen when stared by the snake. And the snake quickly gobbled it up without any resistance. Many advanced martial arts people have used this as a basis for their 'Intimidate ' techniques.
But in this world, this is known as Stun.
(C...can't move!) This was the thought of the proud elf soldiers who was still frozen with fear. The gruesome eyes that glared at their bodies seems to engulf them with the most horrible things they could think of. Then, a certain elf screamed, for good reason. As the others also saw what the soldier saw. It was the eyes, it was opening up, revealing a mouth in it. The mouth was filled with the smell of iron that doesn't belong to monsters, but rather humans and the major species. Proving how many the eater of the worlds had swallowed.
The sheer size of the eyes told the elves how big the eater of the worlds was. Its diameter was about 4 elves tall. The soldiers knew that they would surely die that day. That there was just no way of them surviving.
(We... Can't win! We can't slow it down before Artaneeus finishes with that device!) The moment an elf soldier thought that, a loud yell filled the area.
"ATTENTION!!!!!" It was one of the oldest elves in the army. He was a skilled and experience expert. Many soldiers called him the old geezer of the battlefield. He continued shouting.
"I don't care how fucking big this thing is. But tell me, who are we?!!!!”
"T-the proud army of the elves?”
"And what is our motto?!”
"To fight to the last breath without hesitation. To always know that someone always rely on us?”
"And what are soldiers for?”
"We are the soldiers of peace?”
"No!! We are the last line. We protect whatever’s behind our back. We will say to whatever bastard that try to harm our family. Tell that bloody worm…."
The elf had a new light in their eyes. Some had already started chanting their proudest magic. They now know what they must do.
"""OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!""" The elves, both dark and normal, shouted in unity. Immediately, hundreds, no, thousands of magic circles appeared all over the worm's body. The worm's eyes panicked and the next barrages of explosion came. The worm squealed as it got slowly ready to dive. It dug down into the earth and disappeared. Leaving large clouds of dusts behind.
Then, the eater suddenly emerged out of the ground and gobbled up 3 elves with it's large mouth that wasn't from they, rather its front jaws. Screams and cries of terror filled the battle, but the old geezer shut them up with his shout. And they continued to fight.
Part 7
"Go! Now!" Artaneeus quickly went to his
The walls around him started shaking again. The eater of the worlds was now struggling against the elves who were fighting against it. The humongous worm would've won anyway in the end, but the elves still delayed it as much as they can.
Artaneeus went to the device and a holder came out. The charging was almost finished, he was about to put his hands on it to offer his life when…
Artaneeus slumped down to the ground. He gazed up to look at who had done it, it was the messenger and some people around him. They were all the people who studied the forbidden magic that the elves had forbid them to.
"Sir, you've stolen enough spotlight from us already." The messenger, the leader of the group. Said calmly as he walked towards the device, behind him, the group of magicians who broke the laws were chanting something.
"Wh...what are you trying to do?…"
"Artaneeus. You are the leader of the council. The best one we've ever had. We need you to live on and fight. We scumbags of an elf isn't worth your life.”
The magicians who were chanting suddenly choked blood. They also had a morbid look. Forbidden magic is forbidden for a reason. First, the magic output of the magic is far too dangerous for allies. Second, they require lives. These magicians were locked up in separate rooms to prevent them from discussing any magic. But the messenger had freed them already.
(They could've used this chance to reconcile with their families. Why are they doing this?!) Artaneeus was about to faint, but the thought inside his head was still active. Suddenly, bright unknown runes started to encircle him. The elves who were chanting smiled and laughed, but their eyes looked weary and clinging on to dear life.
"Oh... By the way, Artaneeus.”
The messenger's body was covered with magic. But it got quickly got sucked in by the device. Having that much magic can only mean that he has about as much affinity and reserve as all Artaneeus. His life force was slowly leaving his body.
"Tell my daughter, Selendis... His father died as the good guy." The messenger slumped down. And the device suddenly shook. Artaneeus'a body then disappeared from the scene, he was teleported.
Outside, the brave soldiers who were fighting also had runes covering them.
"What the hell is this?!”
"How the hell should I know?!”
"You're the old geezer, you should play the role of the wise elf!”
"Don't knock responsibility on my old bones, boy! But I've still got a trick up my sleeves!" They were both bloody with a dark liquid on their body. They had fought and delayed the eater of the worlds for an hour already. And many brothers died for the cause.
The old geezer elf casted a large rune spell and thousands of rotating magic arrows filled the sky. It rushed forward to the worm that was still rampaging around, trying to get a hit at the running elves. Its eyes were spewing flames that burns through boulders. This flame had already killed more than a couple of elf soldiers.
The blue arrows smashed into the numerous eyes/mouth of the worm. The worm squealed in pain, its eyes were focused on the old elf and the young elf besides him. Its front mouth rushed towards the old and young elf. They both had fearless eyes that was ready for death.
Then, the elves started to disintegrate. But no pain came to them.
"What the heck?!" The old geezer shouted but it got muffled by the large worm that smashed down its jaws on the elf. But found out its prey was already gone.
Part 8
Rohana and Hanna walked out of the battle. Chiron and the other girls were also there. Right after the demon army retreated, they got a command to go to Montra's birthplace. They had been walking for a while now since they had the order. Before they saw a gigantic monster that attacked the city. Rohana was about to go to the city immediately but she was stopped by Montra, now back to her normal personality, and forced to take a different path.
They watched in horror as the monster attacked the city, explosion that probably caused by the defending elves. The creature squealed in pain but it wasn't that damaged. Rohana had made attempts to go back. But Montra stopped her every single time.
"I told you to follow orders by your higher-ups!”
"I-I need to help them. My city..!”
"This is not an option. We must accept that Gaxul will fall.”
"Correct, if we go in there, how would Artaneeus feel?”
"I've fought that thing before, although much smaller, it's skin can't be pierced by anything except Mark's weapon." Alice threw in the statement without thinking and shouts of question assaulted her. Alice decided to give minimum amounts of answer as to not make them too curious.
Then, a winged creature suddenly came falling down gently. It was Fenrir, who was holding a boy in her bosom tightly. She had a smile as she released Mark, who had a bit of a regretful look at the lack of softness that he was buried in a second ago.
Hanna and Alice who were especially sensitive in these kind of things immediately saw Mark's reaction. They look down at their chest, no large cleavage yet. They exchanged a silent conversation in an instant, the next thing Mark knew, he was flying away with a light punch in the stomach and a slap in the face.
"Master!!!!!?" Fenrir quickly came over and looked at the pitiful, slightly perverted, boy. Rohana quickly came over and healed him while scolding Hanna and Alice for their bold actions.
"What the heck are you doing, he's injured!”
"Perverts deserved that.”
Hanna and Alice had some guild in their face as Rohana tended to Mark's wound. They muderously glared at the two valleys dangling in front of Mark, seeming to mock their little valleys they had on their chest. Mark had already fainted after getting the hit and needs to be recovered by Rohana’s magic. Suddenly, they sensed a huge lustful aura coming from behind them, it was Montra. Montra was clutching herself, stopping her boy from following its natural instinct of sucking a powerful prey’s blood.
She was from the blood sucking tribe, and sucking a stronger creature’s blood is normal. But was also the daughter of the queen, so she needs to act dignified.
(But in front of this blood, I can’t control myself!) Montra then casted a magic of using down her lust on hold. She needs to control herself before anything bad happens to her. Mark slowly regained consciousness.
Then, a strong trembling ran through the lands.
Part 8
Artaneeus slowly opened his eyes after the light receded. Finding himself among the soldiers who were fighting just a moment ago. No messenger in sight. He saw the city of Gaxul far away, with the large worm thrashing around it. It destroyed the walls, and entered the city ground with humongous clouds of dust bursting from the wrecked buildings. Some of the soldiers were crying, then, seeing the fall of their own city. Now the city was going to be infected and played around by the monsters.
But some of them smiled sadly, they knew what was going to transpire next. Artaneeus also showed a sad smile. Then, light illuminated the city. The power the device held was bursting.
The monster wrecked around more, trying to distinguish the light that seems to illuminate every single part of the city. The soldiers watched in awe and horror as the monster lets out its last squeal. Before the explosion reached its peak. And then, the city exploded. THE WHOLE CITY.
“GAHHHHHH!” The abomination lets out its last squeal before the city burst apart. Artaneeus stared sorrowfully at the city. No wreckage was left, only a large, burning crater of earth.
“So ends the history of Gaxul…” Artaneeus thought as he walked to the evacuation point. The demon army had retreated, probably finishing their job. The demon king had the last laugh this time as he watched the greatest city in the century fall to his hands.
Part 9
Bazulu smiled. The device has shown great power to its last time. He had infiltrated the wreckage of Gaxul and found the device still left. But in a wreck. It angered him a little at how much the device was damaged, but all was good.
Bazulu looked again, this device was made by him thousands of years ago. He tried to copy the man who had overturned and refuse even gods. Yes, the mysterious man, along with Bazulu’s brother and his girlfriend, had banished Bazulu down to the depth together. But now, it will be different. He had know now how the device will work, and enough resources to replicate it.
(It won’t be long now… Kataluzia. I will get back to THAT world and bring them punishment for what the world had done to me.)
That was the last whisper before all went dark.
- In Serial192 Chapters
Chaos' Heir
A reoccurring nightmare afflicted Khan's nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak's spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago.
8 20991 - In Serial28 Chapters
The Complete Alchemyst book 2
Continuation of the Alchemyst book 1 Sometimes to be the good guy, you gotta be the bad guy. This is a story about Louis, a guy that was just trying to get along before he got kidnapped and forced to play cook by a Cartel. He's no Heisenberg, however. Now that he's out of Prison and put a beat down on some of the folks that put him away, he's facing the real pressures of Life as a single-person superpower: Everyone wants to use him for their own purposes. Along the way he's met a few girls, some good, some bad. He's looking to save the world, establish an evil empire, secure a future for the people he considers his, and maybe finally kill that damned superhero that started it all. This is not 'the boys'. Not all superheroes or supervillains are evil, The 'super' world is expanding to include aliens, magic, and the children of ancient deities and legends. This is NOT a superhero genre deconstruction. Many heroes truly are heroes, and they don't all need to be destroyed to make a good story, but it does look into the dark side of superpowers and the unreasonable and often contradictory demands placed on exceptional people. Please note that this book has extremely graphic and sometimes gross fight scenes, heroes as villains, villains as heroes, opinionated and often politically incorrect characters, some graphic sex scenes, dad jokes, dirty jokes, realistic depictions of romance and flirting, bondage and dominance themes, and more than a few cuss words when they are really appropriate.
8 165 - In Serial168 Chapters
A Dark God In An Otherwise Godless Multiverse
Eons ago a devastating and apocalyptic battle took place that rocked every dark and loathsome corner of the multiverse. In the aftermath of the battle, deities, demon-lords, old ones, arch-devils, angel kings and archon queens, not to mention other cosmically powerful entities were totally obliterated. Despite this history-changing occurrence, life found a way and life went on in a godless multiverse for an unimaginable length of time. And in time, even the mightiest and most popular gods were nearly forgotten. But one day, in a universe unlike our own, an altogether fantastic and magical universe, a deity is born. A new deity. An evil deity. Join the aforementioned dark deity as he embarks on a quest to gain power, worshippers, and dark glory. This story features a deity as its protagonist, but it's a deity who starts off alone in a dark and harsh multiverse. He needs worshippers to grow in power and has to earn his victories intelligently. He seeks to gain worshippers, discover the truth behind his genesis, and become the deity he is meant to be. He is a villainous protagonist who will hurt others, and he's unafraid to kill and destroy what he can't control. This is his story. Please note: this story will contain evil beings doing evil things. Violence, gore, profanity, and sexual content will all be featured throughout this story.
8 134 - In Serial21 Chapters
Luck And Chronomancy
Time Magic is the best magic as everyone knows, although there are lots of unique Talents in the world. Most people only remember Haste because it is hard to get to higher Phases of Chronomancy. That is still enough to make the Talent iconic. A lucky enough Aleatory Talent can position you for greatness or leave you languishing in obscurity. The only true equality in the world is when that glowing message pops up at 8 years old. Even if it doesn't activate until you are an adult at 16 you still know. Sure you can find a new dungeon spawn and get another chance at a rare Talent, even this one, but you have to already be ready to delve into the *Far Wilds*, which is far easier with wealth or family power. This is the story of where my good fortune took me and the difference it made, even among a party of 7 others including an Arcanist. It is a journey of magic and monsters but also math, which some think is actually worse. Luckily I was born with Intelligence and Focus as my personal traits, and my parents were scholars. Of course Chronomancy can also be a frontline combat talent. Versitility well beyond other Elder Talents like Gravity, Abstraction, or Arcana. Might could have worked for me, too. I also met a runaway princess. All the best adventures have a princess. She hated being a noble and we didn't get married but it still counts. Besides she really filled out our front line. All that Leadership training came in handy. I still don't know where she's from. Who cares? How well Haste goes with giant hammers is what's important. I never learned much about anyone in the party, except the one I grew up with. I'm not a people person. I just wanted to optimize dungeon clearing time. *******Story Details******* No romance, politics, or traumatizing content, slice of life, or even dialogue. 1st person narration, like a guide/adventure log. 2000-7000 words a day, maybe 40-60% rpgish combat log with some reasoning on combat decisions, with the rest character Talent discussion and progression stuff. 8 person party with a decent variety in roles. Party members usually have 2 primary functions. Told from the support/control Chronomancer's perspective. Each party member will have 6 Basic/Background Traits, then 3 actual Talents with abilities. Capstone from their Educational Institution, Arbritrary as a gift from the temples, and Aleatory which is decided at birth, revealed at 8, and activated after adulthood at 16. Aleatory Traits ignore requirements and are random why is why they are so important. They'll gain new Talents from finding Dungeons to consume in the *Wilds*. Mature dungeons in cities can provide *Challenges* to raise the Phase of a Talent, up to 3 times from 1 to 4. Each character will get to roughly 8 non-Trait Talents. Attributes come exclusive from Talents, are required by Talents, and provide various effects as well. I designed about 220 Talents with abilities, 4 in each of 4 phases. "Traits" are just Attribute stuff. I'm not sure how many will be detailed in the story, more than 100 for sure. I used Talents because I want to be free of the legacy of tabletop. Half those rules are just because of the limitations inherent in a pre-computer ttrpg. This story mostly uses combat Talents, although like 1/3 of the 220 are for crafting and other society and economy stuff. If you really wanted to be a Thief you might take Intuition, Awarness, and Might for Basic Traits and Deftness, Manipulation, and Trickery for Family/Education. Then you'd pick Acrobatics, and Climbing for Educational Capstone and Arbitrary traits. You Aleatory Trait might be Shadow(Light/Dark) Magic, Umbramancy. A Bard might swap Dexterity for Charisma, Music for Acrobatics, and have gotten Illusion(Shadow/Sound(Air/Force)) for their Aleatory Trait.
8 177 - In Serial21 Chapters
COTE:-Reaction to their future
Hello guys!!! Excalty I am recreating the story I had left...I wanted to continue that one but because of some problems I am unable to do so 😢WELL ANYWAY this reaction fic is also based End of V3 Y1 after inhabited Insland....okay thank you Disclaimer:- Non of the characters from Cote/Classroom of the elite becomes to me other than one character who is "Zato"
8 117 - In Serial5 Chapters
marauders x reader oneshots
Since my writing has gotten better I decided to unpublished my old stories and just continue on from there.But this book is mostly oneshots (and maybe scenarios?👀👉👈) about the marauders.Except Peter...
8 84