《Master of combat in a Different World》Chapter 8: The Finale fight End_of_Arc_1
Part 1
First of Brezia 2XXX
A sound of a guard shouting rebrevated through the kingdom. His face was pale from fright. He quickly ran to the imperial palace to report the matter to the queen herself. What he reported however, left the ministers paler than they have ever been before.
The queen was utterly shocked by the event. How could such a large army assemble in such a short. The scouts have been reporting that the demons are disappearing. And the kingdom just thought that is was a coincidence. Apparently, the truth that lay down before their very eyes told the queen about the reason of this strange actions the demons took.
“What should we do!? Guards, prepare an escort to let us esca- Bufjh!”
The queen punched the foolish king in the face. Knowing that this man wouldn’t even risk his life for the Brezia kingdom. He fainted down quickly not even sure what happened to him.
“Assemble the army, and prepare the fort for a full defense. We shall not let those demons enter the walls. Did the army surround our city yet?”
“Not yet Ma’am, but they will do so soon.” The guard reported, frightened by the notion of them attacking.
“Then prepare for an evacuation immediately. Bring away all the innocents and those who aren’t able to fight. Set up a prize for those who will join the Fort’s defences. We will not let Brezia fall so easily.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Several messengers went out into the city to shout out his message. The people frantically started packing. But some are willing to stay.
Part 2
“40,000… So Artaneeus’s predictions came true, huh” Mark silently whispered out in horror. Mira, Karl, and Rachagal were there too.
“To think that the demons would attack now.” Karl uttered out. He knew what a single demon could do, but to come this many.
“I need to fight them immediately!” Alice shouted out in panic. She still cared about her kingdom, her home.
Karl has already left with Mira and Rachagal to prepare his mercenary squad for battle.
Alice was in panic at how her kingdom is going to fall soon. So she threw away her better judgement. Mark calmed her down and settle down for a strategetic planning.
"Now isn't too late for us to retreat away from the city with the evacuation. I want you 3 to be safe, while Mira, Karl, and Rachagal take care of the situation with me."
"Noooo, I won't leave Onii-chan to fight alone anymore. I have become stronger already. I even took out the sun and Moon bear! And your promise still holds!" Hanna voiced out in protest.
"Yeah, don't you put the burden on yourself alone, Mark." Rohana added.
"I'm coming too, and you won't stop me from that. This is a beastman's homeland, and we swear by the oath never to leave it without a fight!" Alice was never leaving her homeland.
"Grrrrr..." The little dragon roared softly. As if ready for a fight anytime.
"But...UGH!!! Fine! You girls will just come either way."
"Well, the demons will reach here soon. So we need to strategize a tactical plan first before a stragical one. We will battle like this. Rohana, you're the support, that means you will heal and protect us. Hanna, your defense is lower compared to Alice, so you will attack from behind like an assasin who works in the shadows." Mark explained the formation he once learned from a certain game called HEROES OF THE STORM. He found it surprisingly useful in real situation where magics are involved.
"And lastly, Alice, you will be the warrior. Badically meaning you will soak up the damage the others may take. You are strong, very strong, so you won't die to easily, okay?"
"Of course!!!" Alice shouted in confidence.
"What will you be? Mark." Rohana asked the boy who was possibly the strongest human alive inquisitively.
"Me? Of course, I will be the strangest role that could overturn every situation. Yes, I am...
A 'specialist'!!!"
Part 3
"Ready the cannons to destroy those lowly demons! Archers! Ready your bow and arrow. We will not let Brezia fall!!!" The queen commanded her army in a serious tone.
Her pride won't allow her to easily give the whole city to demon foul. Cannon balls flew over the plains and the orcs using magic propulsion. And smahed into the demon army.
Explosions were heard every where. The demons retreated back. They have lost up to 10,000 demon infrantries all in all. The Brezia army was sure they would push them back and triumph over the demons. But one of the guards up the top noticed something. Yes,
"Why are they moving so... systematically? They shouldn't be dumb enough to just stand there and get hit by our magic cannons?"
A tremor runs through the floor as the cannon balls continue flying. The guard at first thought it was just coincidence. But then he realized something. The demons are moving too slowly, and the tremor wasn't caused by the cannons.
The tremors grew stronger, and the guard knew what it is when an elf shouted.
"They're just illusions, those aren't even living things at all!!" Panic spread throughout the walls. And when they stopped the firing, they knew that the demons are just illusions on the large scale.
The guards heard the tremor continueing, and at last shouted his opinion in panic.
"Underground! They're digging through the city wall-"
A enormous worm looking creature burst out of the grounds, laying wastes to the building above, and shaking many beast and elf guards from the top of the wall. The worms then spew from its mouth, thousands of demons and orcs ready to kill all life before them. They carried clubs, swords and bows. And march up the city.
The first month of Berzia 2XXX
The demons have taken their first step of invasion into the city of Brezia.
Part 4
"What the bloody hell..."
Mark voiced out weakly as he saw a stupendous scene unfold before his very eyes. The worms are penetrating through the ground. Wreaking havoc and spewing out more and more demons. The city walls are worthless with these attacks. Mark knew that.
"How could this be possible?! The Gohma should be extinct a long time ago!" Alice shouted in despair, despite this, she continued calmly calculating and preparing for her next attack. And thinking through the situation. The only way for an extinct demon race to return is by a demon king. But that notion looks so unbelieveable she tossed it away.
"First thing we need to do is to destroy those worms before they spew out more demons. Let's go team!”
Mark rushed to the worms with full speed. And drew out the oxygen and hydrogen molecques from his surroundings, and condensed it into a bullet. Mark have developed a 'railgun' a gun that shoots using the electricity to propel a bullet. The bullet will be even faster than sound it self. That would have been plenty powerful and deadly. But Mark made something even more fearsome. The 'bullets is made of pressurized carbon atoms, basically diamonds. And in it, he has two spaces.
The spaces inside the tiny bullet is divided into 2 parts. One to insert super-condensed oxygen and the other is a super-condensed hydrogen. When the bullet reach impact, the wall between the two spaces will burst open. Thus causing the oxygen and hydrogen to mix and with a little friction, explode and make a little crater 1x1 metres wide.
Mark shot the railgun at the Gohma tearing it apart and killing it instantly. The penetrating power is ridiculously high, but not enough to cause too much damage to the large army. The Area of Effect isn't large enough.
Alice burst forth while summoning multiple earth fists. Smashing through the enemy lines with pure force. And Hanna summoned 4 golems of earth, fire, water, and wind. Taking great concentration to use them effectively, but with her hellish training with Mark and her talent. She used them to instanly destroy any opponents.
Rohana used the blessing of the forest to constantly supply magic energy and stamina to the fighters. While using little magics here and there to close up all the openings.
Mark then controlled the electro magnetism around him to gather all the iron sands around him. Creating a large sword which was almost weightless, but with the iron sands constantly moving, they act like chainsaws grinding against opponents constantly. He also used the iron sands to protect himself from the demons.
Suddenly, the ground trembled and from under it, a monster burst forth. It was a large insect-like being with large claws scraping through the ground. It bit through the city's walls slowly, and killing many soilders on its wake.
"AHHHH!" A soilder shouted and raised his arm to guard himself. But it was useless and clawed through by the monster.
Mark was about to take care of it himself, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. It was Rachagal.
"Mark, you're undoubtly the strongest one here. So you must go take care of the boss over there. I'll take care of this myself." He pointed over the lake and I saw Karl and his mercenaries fighting a familiar entity. Yes, it was Furio, lord of the demons.
Part 5
"ooOffff!!!" Karl spat out while being directly punched in the stomach.
"HAHAHAHA, you're good dwarf!! I praise your skill to have come this far. But's its over!!!”
Furio swiped his sword at Karl's neck. His elf girlfriend paled and instantly ran to block him from the sword with her body. She closed her eyes at the last second before…
A teenage boy appeared and blocked the sword with his strange black one. And kicked away Furio forcefully. Furio jabbed back but missed, before dodging the deadly blade of the human.
Furio recognise this human. Black hair, brown eyes…!
"Gahahaha! You're the human from before! I missed you! Give me a good fight, HUMAN!"
Furio casted a hell fire magic, but mark quickly dodged it and summoned posiedon's power, causing a huge wave of sea water to burst out from the ground below, and effectively dissipated the fire.
"Taste this you damned annoying demon.”
Mark shot away his railgun at the demon. But his scales is too hard even for a railgun, so it wasn't able to penetrate it. But…
Oxygen and hydrogen liquids fused and exploded from the intense combustion processed. Blowing the demon away with great force.
The demon crashed into the wall behind him. But quickly got back up to initiate a strong spell and used the spell ro blow away everything in the surrounding. Including some of the running mercenaries.
The demon lord got back up again, and came back with a kick. A fight of the Milliena was about to begin.
Part 6
Rachagal stared at the monster as more of its kind started popping out of the ground. One of them starts rushing towards him, before an earth golem blocked him and degrade the monster to just pieces of flesh.
"Are you okay?" Hanna asked but Rachagal has already drawn his sword and fought on. He sliced more orcs and demons, while dodging the magical atillerly from the demon snipers.
"They'll need more than a hundred demons if they want to kill me!!" Rachagal bellowed and smashed another one of the strange insect monsters to pieces. He used his sword and cleaved the head of the demon snipers and also kicking away the large orcs in the face.
"Don't forget about me!" Alice dove down and used her earth fist to blow away all the demons and orcs. Her cute little body was like a grim reaper, killing everything in the freaking way.
But then a light from above crashed down on Rachagal. He barely dodged it. From the crater, emerged one of the demon who also was currently leading the attack. Yes, the demon of the earth spirit. Bellizia.
Bellizia laughed at the pitiful sight of the once great city of Brezia. Before dodging at the swipe of Rachagal’s sword. He casually kicked away Rachagal and blew away Alice with a block of earth.
“You of the major races are so weak, just as Furio told me about. You can’t even match me in the slightest. You should all just die!!!! You are imm- Bufu!!”
“Annoying people should just shut up their mouths once in a while!” Hanna used her earth fists to punch the demon’s face. Blowing him away with a force so strong it made the area around the demon in question.
Bellizia got back up and watched this opponent. This girl is strong, and must be seriously dealt with at any cost. He readied his power and summoned forth 2 earthly arm from behind. And rushed at the girl. Hanna released all the golem spells she had. And use earth magic to enhance her strength. And When their fist meets, it creates a crater all the way.
Alice and Rohana was shocked by the event. They can’t believe that such a thing is possible. When had Hanna became so strong? They continued watching and realised how weak they were. They made their resolve, and continued destroying the monsters around.
Hanna created a wall of earth’s rock technique. Mark taught her that rocks will get stronger the more you pressurise it. She found it unreasonable, but it worked for some reasons unknown to her. Now, she countered back with an ice magic. The ice froze Bellizia for a while. Before Hanna punched with the speed of the wind at full force. Bellizia was blown back quickly.
“You, damed BRAT!!!” Bellizia punched with his almighty fist. Hanna was blown backwards by the fist. Now, she was on the defence. Bellizia constantly punched back, leaving no room for Hanna to counter in anyway.
“Tch!” Hanna gritted her teeth and suddenly gather fire into her palm, then shooting it out with great force. Bellizia quickly retreated, and the building behind him collapsed immediately.
(Who could have known that a single human could be this strong?) Bellizia thought as she recalled Furio’s mentioning about a certain boy with the power matching his.
“Human, you are a worthy opponent. I don’t believe there is a human such as you before.”
“Hmph! You aren’t as strong as Onii-chan. So just die you weakling!!!”
Part 7
The queen was very panicked. After the Gohma popped out of the ground. Her heart felled into disarray. Luckily the mercenaries are there to help to intercept the surprise. But a new worry was troubling her.
She doesn’t want to believe it, but she knew deep in her heart that…
The kingdom of Brezia has fallen. Her fist pounded the ground in anger. Why hasn’t she noticed it? The scouts have reported 50,000 more demons in its territory! Now, even if we fight back and consider all options, it all ends with the kingdom of Brezia falling. But…
(I can at least protect everyone and let them evacuate before its too late!)
The queen at that moment, ordered a retreat. The mercenaries and the warriors then slowly retreated. But they won’t make it in time!
(Please… Please grant us 1 more miracle…)
The queen prayed for one last time before releasing the taboo weapon, the mechanised golems. Their power is unmatchable. But they are time limited. Yes, soon these golems will fall to the demons. But that at least can delay the demons for an hour. But that just wasn’t enough.
That moment, she thought of the Brezia tournament. Yes, she heard that her daughter was defeated by a certain human. And then the human brought her away with the dragon. They say that the human easily destroyed all opponents using strange but powerful technique. She suspected that he must be one of the strongest human alive. Judging on how her daughter lost to him.
(If you truly are the strongest, please protect our city!!)
Even after all the madness happening, the queen continued to pray.
Part 8
Mark saw the golem statues come to life and wreaking havoc. He though wasn’t relieved, and think that this must have been the kingdom’s last weapon. Because they haven’t released it until now.
“Hey, don’t get sidetracked human!!” Furio once again released another beam spell. The ‘corruption spell’ that has a strong firepower. But Mark dodged it and used Muay thai to punch Furio back.
Mark then fired his fully charged railgun once again. Blowing Furio backward fiercely. But that still didn’t cause enough damage. Mark quickly closed in and activated his power. Mark unlocked Ares’s power and punched Furio in the face. Fur dodged his face down but he saw Mark’s knee closing in before flying away.
“You bloody human!!!” Fur burst back and used his hands to cast one last explosion to destroy the human in front of him. But Mark blocked it with a wall of metamorphic rock. Then Furio brought out a club and smashed Mark with it. Mark blocked it with an iron-sand wall made from electricity. And then the wall of Iron-sand suddenly shot out spikes at the demon lord. The demon lord was pierce on all his joints. Or in other words the places with the least defence.
Furio retreated back and cast a high-tier healing spell on himself. Then he gathered his power for an almighty punch. But before that, Mark casted a spell that hasn’t been used yet, one of Mark’s trump cards.
“Lord of Wrath, !” 6 godly golden mechanical arms once again sprouted from Mark’s back. And each loaded with the power enough to crush a hill. It landed a punch on Furio. 6 times on top of him.
“Kuahhhhh!!!!” Furio blocked it with his two hands. The ground below him sank down rapidly. The Demon tried to push back, but to no effect. And at last got crushed by the immeasurable power.
Furio wasn't defeated yet. He stood back up and kicked away the weakened Mark. Mark was blew away and crashed into the wall. But Mark wasn’t defeated yet. He used his ‘almost’ final trump card.
He pulled out the power of Thor. And gathered the last remnants of his power, and summoned the last of his powers to crush all the foes.
All the demons and orcs got fried instantly. And the defeated Furio was shocked by the sudden turn of events and knew that they have sustained too much loss already. But he had done his job. And he shouted out. The Brezia was weakened. If they attacked tomorrow, Brezia will surely fall. This is what Furio was sure of.
“Retreat, all forces, we shall attack with our full power tomorrow. And you human, you have won against me today, but we shall meet again. If I fight you now I would have lost! Muahahaha!! Bye~”
Furio ran away quickly. But still got a railgun bullet on his back as a present before continue going into one of the Gohma’s mouth. And disappeared with all the other demons and orcs. All that’s left was the insect monsters around. The insect-monsters wreaked havoc on until they
The demons have sustained the damage of 12,500 demons, 3000 orcs, 500 snipers and archers. But more than half of the army are left. And they are already readying themselves for the next attack.
(But he was serious when he told me he will return, so he surely will.)
Mark knew that they will surely return. He slowly looked into his pocket and see the green orb the old elf gave to him. He doesn’t want to leave all of them alone. But if he needs to to make them safe, this is the only chance. Mark gazed up at the sky. The stars were shimmering brightly.
How much time has passed? Even Mark doesn’t know the answer to that.
Part 9
"Seems like it is time I retreat, human.”
He blocked Alice's earth fist and dodged Rohana's magic. Then he blasted them away with pure magic force. Only to be blasted away by a large boulder. He flew and stopped himself slowly.
Bellizia was covered by his own blood. And Hanna was breathing hard. She was exhausted by the fight. Alice and Rohana were covering Hanna and healing. They are all tired from just fighting one demon lord. But Bellizia had also taken a lot of damage. And that he shouldn't risk to battle on.
"You have beaten me up good you group of 3 major races. Especially you, human. My name is Bellizia, one of the 7 demon lords of the demon king, Diablo. We shall meet again.”
With that, Bellizia summoned the last of his power to run away. Vanishing into thin air.
" Don't...you...run..."Hanna collapsed into the floor. Alice and Rohana supported her back to the rally point once again. They met up with the exhausted Mark whom was just finished punching a monster that was left behind. And walked on to the city's central.
Part 10
The queen watch the once proud city of Bellizia in ruins. It seems unbelievable that the once great city was now nothing but a wreckage of of its former glory. The insect like things has tore down the walls of Brezia and the queen knew that the 'corruption' is spreading throughout the city.
The corruption will bring in monsters and other dangerous species. The once proud city will become a monster nest. The queen now realized…
It was time to abandon this city.
She needed to spread this news to other kingdoms. And they, the citizens of Brezia, should take refuge with the noble elves on the far east. But…
(Would that be enough? We need much more time to stop an attack on this scale. Summoning a group of heroes take up to 5 years and a half of preparation. And who knows how many more tricks the demon king have up his sleeves? And can we outrun the demons?)
She was preparing an escape when a voice echoed out behind her. She was shocked when she turned back so see a surprise behind. It was the strongest human who can defeat even the demon lord, yes, The 'Black Hooded Human’
"Queen, please listen to me…"
"What do you want? Young human.”
"I need you to bring all your forces and army on full retreat. I will stall the demons myself.”
The queen of the beastmans was honestly shocked at the sudden proposal. How could a single mere human stop a demon king himself? The answers laid out before her eyes. She knew what it was, the green orb of the elves. The legendary time orb.
"What!, how did you-“
"I CAN stop them.”
"But the orb takes up to 10 minutes to charge up. You need to protect it while charging it up, all of the demons will get attracted to you while you are busy protecting it. How will you do that?”
"I'll manage.”
"You will sacrifice all of your precious time, not aging nor feeling during six years, are you sure you want this?”
The man nodded his head. The night wind blew his hood. His cape fluttered in the middle of the night.
"If you truly wish to sacrifice your precious time, and maybe your life. I have something for you." The queen's soft hands grab Mark's and suddenly Mark felt all his fatigue lost. And his physical power increase by tenfold.
"This is-"
"It's the power bestowed by the queen, and she can share it away only twice. Once I gave it to Alice and the other is... To you.”
Alice! So this is Alice's Mother, huh. Well, she should meet Alice soon anyway.
"Queen, about Alice-“
"No worry, I know she's with you, I planned to let her enter the Royal Academy of Xion because of her abnormal magic affinity when she's 16.”
"Thank you.”
"You have done much more to Brezia and the world than any living creatures alive. I wish to aid you as much as possible. Now go and say farewell to the young ones.”
"I'll teleport them to Gaxul before they can force me to let them join.”
"So be it, do as you like.”
Part 11
Hanna was chatting with Rohana and Alice about the events that have just transpired. Hanna knew that if she continued fighting with Bellizia, she would have likely lost to the demon lord.
Hanna knew that she wasn't strong enough, and needs to improve greatly if she was to aid Mark on his journey.
At that moment, Mark walked over and met the girls. All of their face brightened. They knew that Mark always have a way. They were glad that he is okay and looks healthy.
Then suddenly…
A sound of the ground breaking came through. The trio girls instantly got into position. And stared at Mark's every movement. They know he's serious.
"So guys, I wanna talk with you girls a bit.”
"What is it Onii-Chan?”
"Well, I will enter the demon territory in about an hour. Alone. So I want you to leave.”
"What, are you crazy Onii-Chan!”
"That's suicide, are you really an idiot?”
"You can't be!!"
"Listen!!!!" Mark shouted to the top of his lungs. Shutting the frantic girls up. "I want you to promise me something, train hellishly at any cost. Conquer the Folsom, Moria, and all the other dungeons. Take all their treasures. Don't die, and become the strongest of all the races. Surpass even those heroes of the legends. And enter the Academy of Xion when you're 16. Deal?”
"But I can help Onii-Chan. I am stronger than before. So please bring me with you!”
""Unn!"" Rohana and Alice agreed. Mark was touched by the generosity of these brave girls. But he knew that he can't at any cost, bring them with him.
"No... Hanna, please.”
"Don't selfishly carry all of the burden on your own, Onii-chan. I don't want you to leave- to die!!!"
Mark smiled, this girl is going to grow up wonderfully, he knew that. And he slowly opened his mouth.
"Then win a battle against me first." Mark told the girls while chanting the Thor magic. Hanna was surprised by the words. But got ready for battle. Rohana stood at the back, preparing to support at any moment. And Alice summoned her earth fists.
Silence followed, before a huge amount of iron sands were lifted using electromagnetism. It shot at Hanna and she used earth magic to block it. Then released a fire magic at Mark.
Alice came from the rear to punch Mark in the leg. But Mark used Asura to grow fists from his back. Intercepting the girls' attack. Then smashing them back. Luckily for the two girls, Rohana's barrier protected them from the impact.
"Weak... Very weak.”
Mark summoned Poseidon's power using a chant. Then send waves of salt water at the girls. They got quickly swept away. Rohana's barrier wasn't ready for water, so she can't do anything about it.
"Hmm?" Mark looked under his feet to see the ground sucking him in. Hanna was chanting with Alice protecting her. But…
Mark condensed air and blow away the earth underneath. Effectively nullifying the quagmire. The shocked Hanna was paralyzed for a second. Before Alice rushed into Mark with her red hair fluttering about. And landed a punch on Mark. Mark has already blocks or with his hands, and punch her back I the gut.
The royal girl was blasted away with tremendous force, landing in front of Rohana, who proceeded to heal her immediately.
(Too strong...) Hanna thought as she saw Mark's true power. She looked at her brother whose face wasn't covered with a hood. And his cape flowing in the wind. She gathered her resolve and finally uttered out.
"Onii-Chan please don't leave us. I don't want to lose you... I don't want to forget about you..."
"Hanna... Can you remember this?" Mark relaxed himself and brought out a music box and played the song. It was the sweet melody of the song he opened to Hanna long ago.
Hanna ran and hugged Mark. She felt something wet and hot trailed down her cheeks. She loved her brother. And she cried for a whole minute in Mark's embrace. Rohana and Alice who was just finished healing slowly came over and hugged Mark too. Mark was happy, he knew that everything will be worth the risk. The music played on and on in the starry night.
He slowly released all of them. And secretly put a string around all their fingers. Hanna asked while crying.
"Will you ever come back, Onii-Chan?”
"... Yes I may. And if I do, I will open the music box so that you will remember me. You two too." Mark took out two more and gave it to them.
"When you think of me, open this, when you fail, open it. And know that, you can do anything, as long as you believe." Mark slowly said these words. "6 years, that is the time the demons will stop if I did not fail. Don't disappoint me and become an existence that surpass those so called heroes, okay?”
"Un... Yes Onii-Chan. We will meet again one day.”
"How dare you make Hanna cry, idiot..." Rohana complained with tears flowing down her own cute white cheeks.
"You promised me to join your group, and now you are leaving? Give me a break." Alice voiced out, but her tone told Mark of her emotion.
Mark felt tears running down his own cheeks, he knew that he would likely die even if he succeeded. But he was satisfied with the answer, and slowly activated the strings. All the three girls felt dizzy, and fainted.
Part 12
Mark saw those girls disappeared in front if him. He then walked of and went into the demon territory. His expression grew serious. He will protect Alice, shelter Rohana, and protect Hanna to the end.
He walked into the red barren desert that covered the whole ground. He saw the demon army, he walks towards it. Using cloak, he vanished and walked through the wall of demons. He saw many fearsome monsters and dragons that put the insect-monsters from before to shame. Until he came to the center, and saw Furio, Bellizia, 5 more unknown demon lords. And lastly…
"Who's there? Don't continue hiding any longer, show yourself!”
(As expected of a demon king…)
Mark uncloaked himself, in the middle of the surprised gazes of the other demon lords.
"What have you come here for, Human? Why walk here?.”
" I came here on my own violation.”
"You speak in a funny way human you should know that we are unstoppable. But you are entertaining, so continue." Diablo told him confidently. He was sure that nothing could stop him. He has already planned every step and was positive of his victory
Mark took out a stick of herbs and put it into his mouth. It is a kind of cigarette in this world. But healthy for your body. Mark took a deep breath and blew out spirals of smoke from his mouth.
"Well, I came here to stop you guys from attacking. That's all.”
"Muhahahaha!!! You think you can stop us? Tell me human, why do you risk your life? Woman? Riches? Honor? Tell me!" The demon king laughed out and asked Mark in a mocking tone.
"Well... Sometimes,”
Mark threw the green orb into the floor, it illuminated the floor around it brightly. Releasing green auras all over the place.
Diablo knew the orb. And he knew what it could do to him and his army.
"You bastard!!! Minions, destroy that time orb immediately!!! Now!!!"
Mark looked at the flabbergasted Diablo and smiled while blowing out another ball of smoke. Then said the word that was the signal that started the war.
"...Something's are just worth fight for.”
Diablo jumped up with all the 7 great demon lords and ran to the orb. But...
Mark blew them back with oxygen and hydrogen liquid.
Diablo released all his restriction but before that. Mark released his final trump card.
"Isacc Newton's law, Law of friction..." The human started chanting and the area ten kilometers around him changed. The orb wasn't affected for some reason. And Diablo felt chills running his spines.
"Thermodynamics' first and second law. Dark matter, the laws of matter, nuclear force, Pressure=force divided by area, fluid mechanics. Vectors…"
The demon lords closed in quickly.
"Laws of combustion. E=mc squared, Earth's crust energy, Electromagnetisms, tectonic plates... Done. I hereby activate..."
The demons came in and almost reached Mark when…
They were stopped by a wall of something strange. It was a wall of metamorphic rock. Made instantly by Mark’s magic. And they got blown away by a wing of tornadoes from Mark's back. He used the vectors from the wind to deflect them away.
In this work humans struggle to live. And discovered science. They study the 'real' laws of the universe. They used it to create anything they wish for. Yes this is…
"Welcome demons, to my world. Welcome to my realm. I shall pull all of you down from heaven unto earth. Where you shall obey the laws of the universe...
Welcome to ”
Part 13
Diablo was shocked, all of his magic was still there, but he can't create fire anymore, he can't even crate light. What is this!?
All he has left was is monstrous strength that could crush a whole mountain. So he used that and rushed towards Mark. Mark punched back at the demon, and a huge crater was crated. They both retreated back. Mark shot his gun at the other demons, and explosions filled the scenery.
(I can keep this up for only 8 minutes but that is more than enough for me…)
Mark continued using the tornadoes he created and blow away the demons from the orb. And then he took out a sword. He covered it with plasma, and sliced one of the demon lord's arm.
"Hey have you heard of nuclear fusion?" Mark used Hydrogen atoms around him and smashed them together, creating a huge explosion, severely damaging one of the demon lords. The helium leftovers flowed away…
All of this physical strength was available due to the mysterious power the queen gave to him that 'transformed' his body. And Mark's mental capacity came from his study on Earth. His mind was faster than most. In a different way than this world.
Mark then barely dodged Bellizia's fist, but got punched in the stomach. He flew 5 meters away and smashed into a boulder. Blood was streaming down his face. But he quickly healed it by regenerating the cells faster.
(I'll get too exhausted at this rate!!!) he rushed back and kicked Furio in the face, while controlling the iron sands around him to make some drills.
"Did you know that Men loves drills? Its a kind of romance in a way." Mark said passionately as drills shot forward and crashes into Diablo. And drilled him on. Diablo crushed it with his hands and run towards the human.
"Damn youuuuuu!" The demon king got punched in the gut, and flew backwards. Mark controlled the vectors of the earth's crust to create a wall that the demon king smashed into.
Mark can only use science-based magic. And the demons can't use anything except strengthening their body.
Mark then rushed foward and shot his rail gun at the demon lords who were panicked. And using his plasma blade to cut another demon lord's legs.
He then covered the area below him with condensed air and shot himself up.
The was breaking. And mark knew the orb was almost finished charging up.
Mark created wings of tornadoes, pulling him up with the orb. He spread his wings and condensed the water and froze it. Then shot Down hails at the demons. It does incredible damage when its moving with high speed.
"Damn you HUMANNNNN!!!" A demon lord came closer to the orb, but was blown away by Mark's gun.
A dragon flew over and shot a fire ball at him. But the world of science stopped it before it reaches Mark.
Mark used air burst to blow it away. Killing the dragon with his plasma blade a moment later. The intense use of Magic was making Mark spewed blood.
He struggled up and shot another nuclear fusion, blowing up the landscape, but the demon lords protected themselves with their magics. Their powers are returning!
The broke up and the demons returned to full power. Mark then quickly chanted another trump card.
Diablo closed in and shot a hell flare at Mark. But Mark already finished his spell.
"The god who destroys all beings, burning them all with fire, !!”
A dark flame burned Diablo's fire itself. And shot on towards Diablo. Diablo used a spell and extinguished it. But Mark wasn't done just yet.
"The son of Kronos, who controls the sea and command the waves, "
Waves of seawater crashed into Furio. He was blasted away and fainted. Bellizia and another unknown demon lord came in close on two sides. Mark dodged it, but Diablo came in and shot earth's fist into Mark's gut. Mark flew away and crashed into a boulder. Diablo raised his hands.
And swung it down at the orb. But before that-
"Give me the power that punished the city of Sodom. The power to finish all evil!! ”
Huge crosses crashed down from the sky and forced Diablo Down to the floor. All other demon lords included. Mark stood up and healed himself. Bellizia broke the cross and rushed in. But...
(10 more seconds..
On a certain day, a boy was born into this world. He was named Mark. He traveled to many places and was adored by a little girl. He likes to eat meat and despises veggies. Now, Mark breathed out calmly.Blood pouring out from a wound on his chest. And waited for the effect of the orb…
"FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!" Echoes of the demon king's cry spread through the dessert. As the world around them stopped. And all left was silence.
Part 14
Artaneeus felt tremors through the floor. He rushed down and saw three young little girls and a young dragon there. And guessed what had likely transpired. He send out scouts to find out about the current situation of Brezia.
Hanna woke up and asked quietly,
"So you have woken up.”
"Where is he, is he alive?" Hanna clung on the faint hope and needed a reassuring word from the elf.
Artaneeus knew from experience that it is best to tell the truth in these situations. So…
"He bravely sacrificed himself to stop the demon army. And he wished for you three to become the strongest in this world. That is all.”
Hanna broke down crying, and the other 2 that just woke up comforted her, and cried too.
-3 days later-
The whole world was shocked that Brezia has fallen. And their citizens are now taking refuge in Gaxul. And now amassing an army with the head as the queen to prepare to take back Brezia.
Brezia is now 'corrupted' and got strong monsters spawning every day.
The demon territory is now 'frozen' and can't be entered. The one who used the time orb is a top secret. But reveled as the hero of every kingdom. The information that every nation has only 6 years to prepare calmed down the citizens, and the world continued on.
The kingdoms have made a meeting, and they all agreed that the preparations to summon 'Heroes' shall begin. The heroes will get the memory of knowledge(only science, not the memory of themselves) from their previous worlds erased. Their age shall be 16, because if they are too old, their imaginations are restricted, and if too young, training them would take too long.
-In the frozen time-
(What the... Where am I?)
The world was black, and I front of him, he saw a handsome man.
"So you have woken up, son of Gaia. Your body is currently frozen in time, so don't worry, this is the space I have created myself.”
(Who are you?)
"I am Kataluzia the real god of this world.”
"And Gaia's boyfriend.”
(What the @#$%)
Mark was shocked by the things Kataluzia was telling him, but Kataluzia shut him up and told him something more.
"Well, my enemy, Bazulu, is now once again raising a demon army against my people, and my citizens are thinking about summoning a hero from 'your' world. But there is a single problem…"
(Wait-who are you and- Ugh! Whatever! What's the problem?)
"Gaia told me that a group of humans disappeared from her world not too long ago, so I investigated a bit. Seems that Xion is once again summoning heroes.”
(Well, what's wrong with that?)
"Gaia's heroes are hot headed and some has zero respect. They usually got drunk by their own power, turning into tyrants. Especially the boys with almost uncontrollable lust. They may even be tempted by the demon king. So I needed an insurance. Someone who is powerful and knows respect. So Gaia brought you to me, and I reincarnated you into a human in order for you to learn our world's culture.”
(Why didn't you take care of it yourself?)
The god showed a sad expression. And slowly uttered out the words.
"I can't meddle too much into a world's problem. I gave them magic, life and many more. I can't save all of them. Gaia gave you humans intelligence. Making you humans discover more and more about the true form of the universe.”
(Then why can't you-)
"Do you know what is the biggest blessing I and Gaia gave to them?”
"The freedom of choice, to do good or bad, justice or evil. And that is enough. If I helped them and wiped out all the demons, they will keep on praying to me. Telling me to this and that. And at last, there will come a time when they will curse me when I don't give them what they want. They will become selfish, and I can't watch over them happily anymore.”
"Now back on the problem, I need you to watch over the heroes. Don't let them fall. Is they do, killing them would be the best way. Bazulu will definitely corrupt some if them. So, I will teleport you out after the time stasis is over. And that is all I will ever do. Oh and-“
(Umm.. Who is Bazulu?)
The God's face darkened,
"He is my... Brother. I created monsters to control the major races. But he creates demons and dragons to destroy the major races. He is a fallen god whom I failed to save…"
(Oh... Sorry…)
"Anyway, he at least can't use his power In this world. Except creating demons and other lethal monsters. And lastly, my girlfriend has a present for you, she found the way you use science and magic... Interesting. So she gave you this.”
The god put his hand around Mark's head. And a large amount of knowledge about science and technologies rushed into Mark's head. Mark almost collapsed and staggered away.
"That is all the knowledge and technologies your world's humans have developed throughout currently. Now you can manifest all weapons you can think of. Your mental capacity has increase loads too. But don't underestimate Diablo, even in stasis, he still continues to grow stronger, and some of the former heroes will fall to his side.”
The god smiled and he waved a goodbye.
Mark fainted and continues to sleep.
Part 15
-6 years later-
The heroes are now summoned. They are young humans and they... Are Siris's classmates.
When they knew about the situation, they trained and achieved great power. They plan to enter the Xion academy for further study soon.
Hanna, Alice, and Rohana are now at the front of the royal academy's wall. They have trained hard and are now the strongest. Said to even surpass the heroes. They are planning to enter the academy soon.
At that time, a certain hooded youth is walking towards the academy after 6 years in stasis.
The academy exam shall start in 7 days.
The demon army is once again free and prepared for another attack. The gears of destiny,
Has already moved.
- In Serial100 Chapters
RESPAWNED: New Game Plus
The world ended... but not really.The current world we know is just a game made by elves.Driskoll became a bugged NPC out of sheer coincidence and is ""respawned"" into a new world with his memories intact.Inspired by a bunch of mangas, mostly Overlord, RE: Monsters and The GamerEdit: The original timeline has been split as a separate story. Please click the link below.http://royalroadl.com/fiction/8103
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A marvel rise
Alexandre Grey was reborn in the marvel universe, only he didn't get any cheats. No almighty system, no super badass power, nor any transmigration into a powerfull marvel character. To add salt to injury he is far back in time to any good origine story line, and hes not friends or a close relative to any futur super power individual. He just a normal human, the only edge he has is a vast knowledge of the comic books world of marvel. So he come up with a plan, the setting is basically on nightmare mode to achieve. But if he succeed he has a chance, a small slime chance to reach the ranks of most powerful being in the marvel universe.
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Silver Dragon Syndicate
A new type of Virtual Reality technology is released. This one takes reality to new levels. A fantasy game by the name of Celestial Realms takes the world by storm. Many people walk the path of warriors and mages. But seven adventurers will turn the world upside down with their journey. Join the Silver Dragon Syndicate and prepare for a...relaxing journey. Maybe.
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The Pentagon
2240. 240 years had past since the mass change in the world. Panorama was so no longer the peaceful world in which they coexisted with monsters. Now, it was a kill or be killed world. Because of this, young children starting from 10 had to go to Military School. When they were 13, they were given the choice to specialise in military or do other work. Everyone who were born after the Monsters turned on the Human Race, were born with Modifications to their body, and these Modifications were a singular power which conspire into something unordinary when nurtured. Neo was someone who was ordinary. He had some successes in his time at Military School during his three years there, and honestly, he wasn't any good in much else. He was hand picked by people he had never seen before, and was one of the 750,000 in the whole of Panorama.
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The Ingress of Dreams
It starts with a hypothesis on the Internet that a dream hundreds of thousands of people around the world report having is actually a shared dream. Details noticed in one person's dream are found to be independently verifiable in another. Once you enter The Dream, you stop having normal dreams. Night after night you fall asleep and reenter the same dreamworld you left, a corresponding amount of time having passed in it as well. With each day and night that passes, the number of people roped into this phenomenon increases until very quickly most of the world's population are sharing this second life in their sleep. This dreamscape quickly develops its own rules, nations, dangers and wars, and fundamentally changes everything about humanity's waking and dream lives.
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Irresponsible Former God of War Renox
20 years ago monsters from myths appeared all around the world and brought great destruction. Gods who saw that, gave people powers to fight back the monsters.Today people with powers are called "Blessed". People who are blessed get an invitation on a man made Island A.M.I where they will learn how to use their powers and fight back monsters in a school.__________Renox the MC of this story is a son of God of War Ares and Goddess of Love, Wisdom, War, Fertility and Lust Inanna. He was one of the strongest gods at the age of ten and he could easily beat other War Gods, but never acted like one himself. He was a battle maniac and had an uncontrollable lust. He did stupid things and wasn't a stable god so he was thrown out of Olympus on to the Earth by Zeus. Follow his life on earth as he continues his lifestyle: killing, getting laid and getting wasted.Warning! This fiction contains: gore, strong language, sex, dark humor and stuff that can offend some people, because everything offends people nowadays.
8 147