《Master of combat in a Different World》Chapter 5:Serious Dungeon challenge
Author’s note: Its kinda strange why almost all the fantasy world setting always end up having the main character [email protected]#$ someone. I kinda dislike it, maybe because its everywhere and the writers thought that having [email protected]# is necessary for a book to be good? Well, please don’t expect too much of those romantic=must have [email protected]# from me. And I am just bored of those, ‘I will do my best in this world’ or ‘Political bra blah blah’ or ‘I suddenly got an amazing power up but did nothing for no reason at all’. Just not my style at all.
Also thank you for all the praise you have given me, I’ll be sure to write better and better stories please point out where should I improve the story.
Part 0
The bombing in Paris… Many of you now will view the Isis as the embodiment of evil, because they have injured many. You may stare at them and shout, ‘Evil’ in their face and categorise them in a way that puts them in the highest disaster level.
What I think is the most disastrous thing of all is the word ‘peace’. ‘Peace’ may seem good at first glance, but that depends on how you view it. Decades ago, because of ‘peace’ the Japanese have faced 2 nuclear bombs, just to quickly finish a certain war. Because of ‘peace’ Thailand have almost suffered unrelentless bombing from the European. Now, here comes the big question, Is there truly paradise?
My answer is obviously no way. Because without suffering, there can’t be paradise. If you got 100 scores 10 times in a row and got it again this time. You won’t feel too happy. But if you failed multiple times and suddenly got perfect because of studying hard. You will be as happy as anything. Yes, the world’s technology reached this level only because of ‘suffering’. Because if I now give you everything you want. You would get so bored and kill yourself because of it.
Part 1
Entering the dungeon this time is a very risky buisness. The dungeon of Corrizion has more than 30 floors, but all of them contained strong monsters with unknown environments. The dungeons here is quite specially equipped with monster traps more than lethal traps. This time we go underground with not too much air ventilation.
The monsters in this dungeon have different attributes on each floor. And every 10 floors there is a boss floor which contain monster with abnormally high stats.
There is a reason why people still enter these difficult dungeons. Because on the upper floors, there are ancient ‘loots’ to get and can be sold at high price. At first it seemed kinda stupid, cause usually ancient things fall behind modern things, but apparently the dungeons will spawn loots that, the longer left alone, the longer it will gather power and increase its efficiency.
Some even have a soul of an adventurer who once died in the dungeon bound to it.
So today, I and Hanna will test our powers here, according to the elders, the dungeon’s highest point that got overthrown is the 28th floor, which no one was able to surpass yet. So if I and Hanna pass that floor, then it should be said that I will be one of the stronger people of this world.
So we enter the dungeons, and when we all step in, the gates behind us closed, so that’s how it works huh?
“Onii-chan, I can use fire magic and light up the-“
One of the main reasons so many miners die on my previous world is because the lack of oxygen. Fire burns oxygen very fast, and they release CO and CO2 too. The elders report to me that many people sometimes lose their consciousness when entering the dungeon ground.
“The fire will destroy everything, including the air we breathe, so in a dungeon like this, we should not use fire magic unless completely necessary.”
“Well, we can use this though,”
I took out the bulb made of glass with wires inside. Yes, its a light bulb’s replica, after a thousand failures and realising how patience Edison is. I finally found a way of lighting it without breaking the glass bulb. By decreasing the air inside the bulb first.
Heat will obviously make the air particles move faster, and increase the pressure inside the lightbulb. So that is the reason I must put less air inside for the lightbulb to work.
“Woww, what is that onii-chan?”
“I got this from the Folsom dungeon, but never telling anyone about it.” I lied to Hanna, not wishing to taint this girl’s imagination with science.”
We reached the end of the hall and found the stair case upwards. We slowly walk up the stairs and reached the second floor. There, we saw hoards of goblins riding werwolf with utmost ease.
“Well, this is new?” I muttered out while casting my new magic.
I disappeared from everybody’s sight, well, all I did was just erasing the light that came from me and letting the light behind me get reflected not on my back, but diverting it and converging it in front of me.
This ability requires strong concentration to use, however, so once I attack, it will wear off. No one’s here so let’s get this flashy.
“Air burst!” I cast an air pressure magic in the centre of the goblin hoard.The pressure and the particles of sand and dust will pelt and push the hoard away from me.
“Earth break!” Hanna cast a high-tiered magic that puts a thorny earth cage around the hoard, thus piercing it and killing it instantly when pushed towards it.
My cloaks’ broken but I already prepared my second spell.
By slowing down the particles of air around the goblins, I increased the friction greatly. Slowing them down and leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
I leave them no time to gather and pierce them with my spiky gloves.(I bought it cause its on discount, and no one in my country can overlook this!!!)
“Whew!! that was harder then I thought…” I signed out wearily because these monster react quickly and retaliate with great teamwork.
“Onii-chan, were you all right? I thought you died when you disappeared in front of me!”
Hanna hugged me tightly, seriously, this girl is still just so young and cute. Too bad I’m not a fan of someone younger than me.
“Let’s go Hanna, its time to challenge the 3rd floor”
Hanna nods and we walked to the staircases and go on the third floor, this time what we saw was…
“Shit… this is really bad Hanna…”
There is a sexy portraits of cute girl in the room, and I can’t help taking my eyes of them. The monsters are attacking but I can’t focus at all! It must have been dropped by an adventurer.
Whoever designed this picture is a [email protected]#$ing genius, the people in the portrait shows hint of shyness everywhere! More than that, there is-
“Everything that taints and make Onii-chan a pervert must be destroyed.”
“Wait Hanna, don’t!!!!!!”
It got burned down and flushed away with water magic. Nooooooo. Those masterpiece, all wasted. I then felt a pricking killing intent on my back.
“Onii-chan, maybe a rock to the back would teach you an IMPORTANT lesson of life.”
“Yes… I am sorry Ma’am”
When seeing Hanna’s eyes of certain destruction, I gave up and bowed down to her.
We cleared the monster of this floor which isn’t to say much because they are weaker than the earlier floors.
We passed through the 9th floor with me using the blessing of Ares, the war goddess.
On the 10th floor-
There is a freaking fire golem in front of us. In the surroundings, there is a lot of little goblins and werewolves prepared to protect it. There is a huge giant towering besides the golem too.
“Hanna, this is dangerous so I will cast a spell on both of us first. Then you will support me from the back, okay?”
“God who drove the sun from morning to dark, give me the power to resist the heat of your mighty carriage, Apollo’s might!”
I casted the spell and rush forward towards the first giant, than using the water and ice to lower the friction, I came so fast when my foot came in contact with the giant it got blown away easily. The problem is..
I forgot that my leg isn’t made of steel, but with bones and muscles. Miraculously my bones didn’t break, and healing it isn’t too hard. I pulled out the oxygen and hydrogen atoms around me in order to make liquid oxygen and hydrogen, then ignite it using the golem’s fire.
Even I got pushed away, thankfully Hanna is always protecting me with a magic armour of water that lessen impacts, but the explosion that could fire even a rocket from earth is truly terrifying. This reaction speeds up the combustion by a hundred folds after all. Thus the Fire Golem and the surrounding monsters got blown away, leaving nothing behind.
“It seems I shouldn’t use that magic anymore… too dangerous” I whispered to myself. The magic itself is too risky. If I and Hanna haven’t got Apollo’s blessing we would really have died.
We continued walking on to the eleventh floor, with fast and agile undead warriors. They are completely different from the first 9 floors. The level of difficulty increased greatly, I guess after every boss floor, things get a little harder, hmm?
The imps closed on me, but the area around me have been increased in friction by 20 folds, thus breaking the imps’ impact. Hanna can take care of herself and picks out a sword to slice them away.
Hanna learned some sword tricks from Rachagal and Karl, making here used to using it. She has truly become stronger than me.
I then pick used something I prized on, the electricity magic. Yes, electricity can do many things, including making iron-sand swords with unimaginable sharpness.
Part 2
We massacred the whole of the large orc hoard.
“Well Hanna, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be Onii-chan’s bride!”
“Aww… how cute, but that is impossible, you’re 6 years younger than me, so no.”
Hanna grind her teeth in displeasure. I need to her how to live alone incase I suddenly died one day.
We continued fighting the monsters, when-
“Hanna, you need to learn to live by yourself. If I ever die- I mean disappear, you should go to the academy and train. The demon army may be coming and I am not so sure I can be there with you to stop its advance.”
“Why won’t Onii-chan be there?”
“Because, you must be prepared to be the strongest always, okay?” I used my ice magic to slice the monsters and used Muay thai to forcefully kick it away and breaking it to pieces.
“But, if you return and I can no longer remember you?”
Hmm… that is a hard question, I kept silent and think while we reached to 20th floor.
This time, its a water golem, so fire won’t be of much use here. Water golem is said to have the highest vitality but the lowest attack power.
I use electricity, and fried the atoms between my hands, turning it to plasma, and firing it towards the golem, it evaporated instantly. Then Hanna protected the weak me who is still recovering from the other monsters that intend to kill whom killed their master. Then an idea hit me and I decided to tell Hanna about it.
“Hanna, how about this, I will give you this song when we meet again, that way you will remember me, how about that?” I gave her something similar to a music box. It’s a magic item that I found in the dungeon I tested Hanna with. You need to project the song in your head and put the imagination inside the box. And it will ‘save’ it. This world is seriously civilised magically.
“Here, Hanna, remember this song, and when we meet again I will open it,okay?”
Hanna immediately opened the box and musical melody starts coming out.(Author’s note: Can you guys give me a touching song? I think I will choose ‘Do you remember my lullaby’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ70imipuN4 but if you want it to continue being unknown, then that’s fine with me.)
“Wahh… so nice.”
“Its a song a mother sang when she can’t find her child.” I said “ I also have another box, that way, when I opened it, you will remember me okay?”
“Yes, Onii-chan.”
The 21th floor is so hard, I used multiple magic of science and the gods of my world for several times.
We at last reached the 30th floor, with an air golem, which is practically a win, swirling around a core.
Hanna activated her golem of wind and water and they force fiercely, I interjected when needed but usually fight more with the monsters around me.
I used Muay Thai to kick away the monster and punched its teeth out of its jaws. Then I cast poseidon's power of the ocean, and summoned the almighty wave of water. I haven’t mastered this yet,but it sure is useful! The only problem is that all I can imagine about the Poseidon is his power to control the see, thus the water is salty and hard to freeze.
“ At least that slowed them down…” I muttered quietly as I kicked the monsters that got pushed back by the heavy waves. The wave of salt water is far more dense than normal water, thus improving the effectivity of my waves of water barrage.
At last Hanna-
“HAHH!!” She sliced the core apart while keeping the air golem immobilised fighting with her golem. She collapsed and I quickly got ahold of her and sat next to a wall. It plopped open and I saw a beautiful ring inside.
I saw it and instantly know that this is a rare loot, so I kept it with myself. Then I slowly but surely put it on. then I felt refreshed right away. I was about to take it of when.
“Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” An elf shout out from the shadows, she was about 10 years old. A little bit older than Hanna.
“Who are you!” I shouted out in surprise.
Part 3
A young elf once traveled in a strong group of adventurers before. They challenged a dungeon with their might, but then they accidentally stepped on the trap that push them up all the way to the 30th floor. They panicked and got mercilessly slauthered. The elf girl doesn’t want to die.
So she casted a spell that imprisoned her body in a crystal, but due to panic her soul left the body and, desperate to find a vessel, it entered a ring in the hidden room.
Decades passed and she still sleeps dormant in the ring.
Waiting for someone to return her to life.
Part 4
“So your body is in this large crystal,hmm. I thought it was just a decoration but when you look at it carefully, it really seems to have a silhouette of a body”I made my own conclusion.
“Now, can you tell us how to open it up? Ms. elf?” Hanna asked the ring, and it answered back.
“Well human child, you need to use a spell that combines many attributes of earth and water, try imagining the things on the surface, and slowly unravel it.” The ring answered.
Hanna did so, and the crystal started cracking apart, then she peered inside and saw a beautiful young body of an elf. I put the ring on the elf’s finger and the elf started opening her eyes.
“At last, thank you Mr.stranger. I appreciate your help. She hugged me and Hanna”
Then Hanna stareeeeeeed~ at the upper part of the elf’s body and then look at her own chest. as if measuring something. She looked again and suddenly groaned in despair, all the while muttering something like, ‘what the hell did the elf eat?’.
“Ermm, so what year is this?” The elf asked and screamed when we say it is the summer of the year 2XXX.
“WHATTTT!” She screamed in surprise, then barraged us with hoards of question like, is that here and stuff.
At last she calmed down and decided to follow us for now.
“ I still can’t believe such a long time has passed since then…” She signed unhappily. Poor her, being disconnected from the world for so long… I am starting to miss Earth too…
Hanna and the elf is still talking merrily. with each other.
“Now that you mentioned it Ms.elf, what is your name?”
“My name is Rohana, a normal elf. I specialised in using nature magic, and also barrier magics too. I wish to keep you company for now!”
“Well, today we want to reach the 40th floor of the dungeon, can you help us too?”
“Sure!” And then she goes on with us, this time it is amazingly hard, we wouldn’t be able to go on without Rohana’s barrier and healing.
We thrashed through the walls of those corrupters, being that bring nausea to your stomach. It spreads corruption that is so bad it hurts even the great me.
We were extremely tired once we reached the 40th floor and confronted the earth golem.This is enough for one day, I used a magic that is one of my many trump cards. While before that ordering my comrades to protect me while I prepare my mentality and concentrate on my magic alone. This is our only chance to win, if we fail, I have prepared a way to escape. I can’t risk me and my comrade’s life after all…
Hanna casted a water/earth golem out from the ground. She amplified the magical energy she used and summoned a one as large as the earth golem before us. Water has the highest vitality, while earth has the toughest defense. Together, they can block you against just about anything. Plus, Rohana already casted a defensive magic around us.
But things didn’t go quite nicely as expected.
“Umuuu!!” Hanna cried out in surprise as her golem was pushed back fiercely. She leapt out of the golem’s line of trajectory and barely dodged it. Rohan quickly healed back Hanna and continue maintaining the barrier.
Hanna turned serious and started casting water magic to weaken the earth’s defences. The earth golem started attacking me, but Hanna’s one took the impact instead.
My power is almost ready! Please make it in time!
8 seconds…
“ I ask thee the power which will wipe out all with one lance, the lance that have damaged even Fenrir, the majestic hound and blow away all who opposes, Lance Of Odin!!! Gungnir!!!”
I blew everything away with one swipe, but using up all I have left and collapsed. I heard screams from my surroundings and finally lose my consciousness .
(Author’s note: Siris can’t use the ultimate magic multiple times, or that would fall into the category of op MC right?)
Part 5
I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Rohana and Hanna look over me.
“Onii-chan, I was so worried you would dieeee!” Hanna is now sitting next to me. She is crying and hugging me who was on the bed.
“That was really close, I don’t want us all to die, you know?” Rohana scolded me and started her healing magic again.
“Umm… so what happened?”
“We beat the boss then I and Hanna carried you here. We quickly brought you to the infirmary. And they healed you up good.”
“So that’s it…”
Then I noticed something, Rohana’s face is really near mine. And her cleavage is showing clearly. My faced turned really red. This is really dangerous, Hanna will kill me.
But as a man, I must burn this into every cell of my memory!!
“Wait, Hanna! Its an accident”
“You need 2 more days in bed, Onii-chan!”
She cast a serious wind magic that toppled me over. Leaving me 2 more days in the bed. She went away with a “Hmph!”
Well, I’m still glad everyone’s fine, after this I am going to travel to the beastsman's kingdom. I was planning on something, when…
“Mr. Mark, we the elf council wishes to question you on certain matters, may you come with us, you can bring your companions too.”
Mr. A elf barged in the room and requested my appearance. Apparently they want to question me further on the demon’s business.
Rohana and Hanna was surprised and stared at me, especially Rohana.
“Did you do something to the elf’s council, Mark?” Rohana asked curiously.
“No, Rohana you disappeared for many decades, so you may not know the circumstances here, but I think its time you know what the world currently is under threat of.”
We walked towards the building in the centre of the city.
Author’s note: I want to say that I feel sorry for the Paris’s incedent. I don’t understand how people could kill a fellow species so easily. I wish all who lives in Paris safety.
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Path of Blood.
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