《Master of combat in a Different World》Chapter 3:Just another Day A_Stroll_in_Xion
Part 1
Today, Rayna is gonna bring us to the Royal capitol of Xion in order for us to learn about the currency and common sense in this world. We were all of course very excited about this particular event since we have always been staying at the orphanage, and thus never seeing the outside world at all.
Rayna then brought us through the forest and entered a plain. She then led us to a certain car parked nearby. I did mentioned that this world is magically civilised, right? The car’s shape is kinda similar to a box. Its colour is jet-black. On Earth, it looks kinda stupid, since we usually make the front of the car sharp in order to lower the air friction, in order to make it move smoother. This car is powered by magic stones. These stones are crystallised from high magic density. They are stones in places with high concentration of magic. Like dungeons for example.
These stones are hard to obtain, but easy to re-power. There are stations which power up these stones. I really want one of my own one day. For research purposes.
“ Now, let’s start of, shall we?”
Everyone of us is excited, being on a car for the first time. The fans in the car kept blowing cold air towards us.( For some reason, I can’t find a scientific reason behind it)
Before going our, Rayna gave us some rules, such as
“First, you girls must always open ways for boys first!”
““YESS”” The girls answered.
Hmmm..? Shouldn’t it be the reverse way? I thought boys should be the one to be polite to girls.
“Umm.. Ms.Rayna? Shouldn’t boys move ways for girls?”
“Hm? What are you talking about Mark? Wait… Could it be that your friends never told you about this world’s common sense?”
I shook my head and Rayna signed heavily. is this world’s common sense so different?
“Listen, Mark, Girls have a lower rate than usual boys. So they considers that giving birth to a girl is a blessing. Additionally they usually got more properly raised than boys. There are rumours that girls are greatly more blessed than boys too.”
My sense of human right is completely destroyed. Girl’s are more gifted than boys? you’ve got to be [email protected]#$ing kidding me. The only reason they are better than boys is how they got raised! Thankfully Rayna treated us all equally.
We continue driving the car for about half an hour till we reached Xion. The first impression of the city is
I, who have seen many great cities in my previous world, signed in awe at the mere size and magnificence of the city. The huge walls surrounded the cities with carvings that rivals even the Angkor temple of Asia. The tall tower(I am later told that its a palace later.) in the centre of the city, was so large it seems to reach up to the heavens. There is a large room about 200 metres up the tower. It shown with a harmonious radiance that envelops the whole city itself. The lights strangely doesn’t hurt my eyes at all, instead, I find it strangely comfortable to watch from afar.
“The large room up there is the Kingdom’s conference room. It contained many Epic-class magics that can protect it even from a meteor attack. The light acts like a special barrier for the city, protecting it exclusively from monsters.” Rayna explained
We entered the city slowly, marvelling at the grandiose all the while. The next thing we knew, we were already in the city.
Part 2:Between the lines
What do you mean the army isn’t ready yet?
What!? They are complaining about their lack of foods! How stupid!
Tell them I’m going to lead them to plunder a village soon.
You’re scared? C’mon you can’t be, those that claimed themselves as ‘major races’ are just intelligent beast that is nothing compared to the true strength of the whole demon army.
So, how is the breeding o the werwolf going? Good? Train them good, Bonazia, I expect gallant results.
Part 3
The insides of the royal capital is filled with ancient buildings and structures. There are many high-class restaurants and some especially large buildings that seemed to put even a large football stadium to shame.
“Those are the magical academies of Xion, they train only the most talented and rare young magician warriors in the world.”
So they trained the strongest huh? I think I’ll enter this academy one day.
“But all of the students are high classed noble girls from important families. Boys rarely entered since usually boys aren’t raised as well as girls are.”Rayna continued “ But only once a century at least.”
That’s just how impacting raising one can be. But I’ll still challenge it one day after my personal training finishes.
“Well, now let’s go and visit this city’s tourist sites shall we?”
We continued down the streets to a large church that has the shrine of a bird god covered in fire.
“ This is one of the human’s god, the one who destroys all creation, Phoenix. There is 3 more shrines around the whole city on 4 sides. Each having its own god.”
“Can I enter this shrine?” Innocently asks Hanna, who was seeing the shrine of her god for the very first time.
“Sure, why don’t you enter Hanna, Mark, please escort her while I bring the others to visit the rest of the city. You can visit the other shrines too!” Rayna says casually while leaving with Rachagal, Karl, and Mira.
Hanna and I stood there dumfounded… Then we entered the temple.
The inside was marvellously decorated with many ornaments and accessories. We went to the centre of the shrine and I brought Hanna to the huge statue within. The room was decorated with a fiery red colour with many paintings around.
Then I asked Hanna “What do you feel about the fire god, Hanna?”
“I feel that he is really gallant and powerful, and can destroy just about anything.”
“Hanna, try burning this image into your mind, and imagine you drawing the power of the phoenix and change it to magic power.” I continued “I believe you can impersonate him and use his power.”
“Onii-chan, will it really work?”
“Try it first, Hanna”
Hanna starts concentrating and trying to imagine the power of the Phoenix, the one who destroys all creation, and created a little ball of fire in her palm.
“Wow…”Hanna signed in curiosity and started playing with it.”I feel stronger, Onii-chan”
“How about we go to the other churches too? Perhaps you can become stronger that way, right?”
We started heading towards the Earth elemental church.
Part 4:Between the lines
What are you worried about, Furio?
Heroes? Well if the worst comes to worst, they will certainly summon them. And they are also certainly powerful. But they are summoned from another universe, with things completely different from this world.
The boys that are summoned certainly will be discriminated and the heroes will be wiped out of memory for them to increase their imagination powers to the very limit. Still, they will retain the basic memories of themselves, so their personalities doesn’t change, but their knowledge and how they see the world will.
These heroes have a very high magic affinity, putting even the elves to shame. And physical strength that is only 1 tier lower than normal beastmens.
But, the humans have never faced forces like us before. Now at long last, they will finally fall to our grasp.
Hmm? Well, now that you mentioned it, I certainly did sense a strange kind of power never seen before that rivals even mine far away. But its just probably just an unusual fluctuation of magic leylines, and nothing more.
Oooh, have the training of our infantries been completed, well, lets head out and plunder some villages then. Prepare the army for our first battle.
The major races will certainly not be too mindful of the attack. We will start attacking the humans first, as they are the weakest and the most prideful of all the major races. They will try to find excuses for their failed defences and put the blame on the guards.
Humans’ strong pride is their greatest weakness, yes.
We will certainly crush them with ease.
Part 5
We are now currently seeing the statue of the earth elemental, Wardiaz. Earth is the element with the toughest defence. It can protect you from almost anything. Some of the wizards that have mastered the earth elemental can instantly construct a mighty wall that can’t be penetrated by almost anything.
“Hanna? Are you done yet?”
Hanna have already finished creating a wall of rock outside the temple, which is an important first step to mastering the earth elemental magic set.
“Well we’ve already visited the water elemental temple, and saw the statue of Aqua, and resulting in Hanna perfecting the image of the power of water in her brain.
“Then let’s go to the temple of the wind next Onii-chan”
We travel through a railcar with the rails powered by magic that constantly charges the magic power in the magic stones in the wheels of the car itself.
We reached the site of the Air Temple of Gremlin, the name of the elemental of air. Strangely this temple has no statue. There is only a priest praying in front of the temple.
“Let’s try asking him what is this about”
We went forward and asked him. The priestess who was a woman with a beautiful eye and an ample chest answered while wryly smiling.
“The wind temple’s god has no form. He is the wind, sometimes embracing us and before we know it, it’s gone in a whiff. The wind is the sign of freedom of mind. The feeling where you can go anywhere you want. Or love anyone you loved. That is the true form of the wind element.”
Hanna nods in understanding and imagines herself as the wind, free from all restrictions, and activated the wind magic itself.
I didn’t listen and accidentally moved my gaze lower into 2 lumps of fats on the priestess’s body. I instantly retracted my gaze when I felt strong murderous intent exuding from Hanna.
“Onii-chan…” She voiced out while making a cute, scary expression.
“So you succeeded, Hoh~” The priest smiled in admiration. And continued praying on. We left the temple and went to search for Rayna’s group whilst talking to each other about the elemental magic Hanna gained.
We found our group later and saw the pitiful state of Karl and Rachagal carrying large bags of goods. Seems like woman’s nature to buy things is common in both my previous and the world I am living in now.
“Well, let’s go now, shall we?”
Our group walked back to the car, while I was also plagued by the shopping bag’s burden.
We rode our jet-black car back to the orphanage, but we stopped our car when we saw a distant smoke from the horizon near the orphanage. The orphanage is very far from any nearby villages, thus preventing it from danger, but that doesn't apply to the village near it.
“Its an attack!” Rayna shouted while quickly decelerating to a stop. She then ordered Karl, Rachagal, Mira,and me to protect the village while she and Hanna report this matter to the Royal capital.
“Remember, especially you Mark, don’t use too much power, just enough to protect the village from the enemy. I am quite positive that this is a demon army, judging from the magical energy emitting from them.” Rayna explains “Demons are strong creatures that has a very high magic affinity. All they care about is killing, but I have never seen an attack on this scale before…”
“I’ll quickly report this, hold out while you can!” With that statement, she drove away, leaving us still dumbfounded by the event.
“Umm, so the usual?, I and Karl will be the vanguard,Mira’s the support, while Mark will enter when he needs to. Okay?”
I then thought up of a plan and asked, “Mira? Can you cast water barrage on all the enemies? Or just getting them soaked will do.”
“You want to use the freezing trick again?”
“Okay, I won’t use water barrage, I’ll instead use the rain spell.”
Mira began casting and clouds gather and rained down from above.
“Now… Let’s get going hmm?”
We entered another battle once more.
Part 6
3rd person view
The demon lord leading the raid is looking at the pitiful sight of the village in joy. He watch as the demons slowly slather them 1 by one. Seriously? That’s all a human could do? How disappointing…
If this is all average humans could do against demons, the road to victory is as clear as any day. The demon lord kept watching on and on. Things went well all according to plan. The demons are now plundering the village from resources, more that 80% is already plundered.
“How pitiful those humans are. And this is just 1 squad of the infantry.”
The demons attack in squads of 50. This squad is equipped with werwolves that is faster than almost any creature in this world. They have trained well, and even when the humans are losing, the soldiers of the demon army still didn’t show signs of arrogance.
But that was about to change, when a small group entered the demon lord’s field of vision.
The power this group hold is certainly strange, their power level varies so much it can be easily concluded that this group is made of almost all the major races.
And suddenly
Rain starts falling down from the sky, soaking all the demon’s army, including the demon lord. Using intuition, the demon lord knew that this is not normally caused by nature, but by another force.
Then he saw a strange scene unfold before his very eye. He saw the werwolves stopped instantly, as if bing held by something. This certainly strange, he found the answer a moment later when he saw himself frozen with ice.
How could he have not noticed, he quickly casted a fire spell, but to no avail due to the rain constantly falling down.
“Shit! Don’t you dare underestimate demons!!!!!!”
He broke the ice with pure force and roared into the sky, increasing the temperature around him and erasing the clouds above.
But the trouble isn’t over. A certain beastman that came from the peculiar group clashed and smashed the army that is still in the process of recovering and with another stout man who was Karl, they easily smashed away most of the demons with their sword and mace.
The demons tried to fight back, but due to the momentum of the surprise attack and some roots of unknown origin starting to coil around the werwolf’s feet, they easily got defeated in a quick manner.
“Damn it!!!, It’s my turn now!!!”
The demon lord roared with rage, but before entering the battle, a small foot with unimaginable power behind it struck him in the side of his face.
It was the boy known as Mark who does this feat easily,but that isn’t enough to kill a demon lord.
The demon lord retaliates by swiping his foot at Mark’s feet, but Mark easily dodged it, and starts casting an air ball spell.
‘Air’ has its very own friction, but obviously not enough to stop something. But the particles in the air can cause friction if met with high speed. Its like running through a desert storm with sand constantly pelting you. It may seem little, but if struck with enough force, it can kill a person. Plus, compressed air is actually really dangerous if released at point blank rage.
“Take this you son of a [email protected]##$%, Air burst!”
The compressed air starts that was released with sand inside burst out and blew the demon lord away easily.
“Uwohh!!” The lord of demons was pushed away forcefully by the strong wind pressure.
He already tried casting an anti magic armour around himself, but it doesn’t work because Mark add the term ‘Science’ to the mix. Thus preventing him from defending himself effectively.
The demon lord gained a foothold and starts constructing a strong hell spell, before he heard the gong of the royal capital’s army. The demon lord is very prideful, but not enough to forget his own duties. He ordered the retreat.
“We got what we came for, RETREAT!”
They start retreating away from the capital army swiftly with the resources of the village itself.
They only numbered 30 when they left. and 10 of them is wounded. Nevertheless their quest is complete.
The demon lord shouted at the human boy. “It will not end like this next time, my name is Furio, lord of fire, WE WILL MEET AGAIN!” and left.
One of the demons thought he heard “What did you say?~” But decided with great wisdom not to report it to Furio.
And thus they returned to their territory.
Part 7
What! you fought equally with a human boy? Tell me more
I praise you for your wise judgement not to face the human army and didn’t forget your duties.
Hmm? Now they’re complaining about the food’s taste? C’mon, are we a circus or something?
Well, Furio, what do you think about the humans with the exception of the one who fought you?
Weak, right? The guards are no match for our power.
The good news is that the report from our spies came and it seems that the human’s pride won again, thus announcing that our attack is just a mere ‘accident’ Pfft! how pitiful.
Well, things are going well with the orcs, right? They will be a useful force to soak the damage for the army.
I, Diablo, shall wipe off all the other major races from this world.
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