《One piece My story》chapter 26


Chapter 26

I have to ask for help guys, it's been 26 chapter of this fiction, I had up and down and I also got better at writing, but Two huge problems are coming up, first is that in a week I won't be able to write except on week-ends since my day will be wake up, go to school, go back,Shower eat and sleep so no time for writing.

Second is imagination, I have a few ideas of chapter and people like 'grandma' to meet but I can't fill in the blank parts, I have no idea what to do or what island to go on and what thing should happen and it started to show up when I was writing chapter 28, I have no idea what should happen now but I just don't want to stop writing this fiction.

Anyway you're not here to read my problems so enjoy the chapter.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


We quickly found Cynthia and the other, We explained the situation to them while we packed our stuff and rushed towards alubarna.

On the way soldiers from B.W got in the way.

" You will not get past u-" Luffy punched him in the face and I Cleared all of them with blood spikes.

" Don't have time for you." We rushed past them and kept going forward.

" Vivi how much time do we have ?" It took us too much time to get out of RainBase, I hpe we won't be too late.

" We won't be able to prevent the war from happening at this rate, but we can still save millions of lives if we keep this speed." Can't stop the war from starting ? Dammit I should've fought With crocodile when I have the chance.


" Let's go faster then !" We went faster, I hope our mounts will keep going that fast.


" I SEE ALUBARNA !" We finally made it, from the looks of it the war already started.


" Luffy, Dexter, you take care of crocodile, we wil take care of the people getting in the way." Cynthia said and everyone nodded, We really have great crewmates.

" OK, be safe, I don't want to see anyone dead by the time we finished okay ?" Our mounts finally gave up and fell uncounscious, I can't blame them we ran at fast speed for so long. We we're finally in fronts of Alubarna entrance.

Suddendly a ball went past us. It exploded and made us flew everywhere.

From where the ball came from we could see A Fat ma with blond hair and an women that looked like she had christmas tree on her head, theere was also a weird dog

" It's Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas, Two of the most powerful agents of B.W !" Vivi Stated as she got up, Great 2 troublesome fellow.

" We don't have time for them !"

" Too bad We won't let you get away this easely." The christmas tree girl talked.

" Clyde can you take care of them ?" Clyde took out a cigarette and started smoking.

" Of course I can."

" Chopper, usopp we're counting on you !" Nami pushed forwards usopp and chopper and satrted going up the stairs.

" Good luck guys." We also rushed, Usopp protested but he doesn't have a choice, Clyde's with him he shoud be okay.

– Clyde – ( time for Clyde's P.O.V )

The other got up the stairs leaving me,usopp and Chopper behind.

" Where are you going ?!" Miss Merry Christmas screamed and the weird dog shot out a ball, Mr.4 shot it towards the other, I sent a knife towards the ball, it exploded on contact, That looks dangerous.


" Sorry but I am not letting you interrupt them, they have a war to stop and an asshole to beat."

Usopp took out a slingshot.

" I'll shoot from Chopper's back." Chopper transformed and usopp got on his back, they ran further back. Time to do my job, I activated my dials and rushed towards the Miss Merry Christmas.

She transformed into a mole and dug into the ground, Mr. 4 also got in, not even 20 seconds later tons of hole appeared everywhere and a ball shot straight towards usopp and chopper.

" Be careful !" The ball exploded next to them, they stopped against a wall.

Mr. 4 came out again and shot another ball towards them, I gotta stop it. I rushed towards the ball and cut it in two, it exploded behind me, while I did that Mr. 4 went into hiding again.

" Chopper, usopp you guys are okay ?!" They got back up, bruises and blood we're on their faces, We can't let them do another hit like that.

" Usopp, chopper get ready, I'll make them get out of their hole and you shoot them when they appear okay ?"

" Okay." Usopp responded while coughing, guess that hit was more powerful than I thought

I took out explosive knives and threw them into the holes, explosion resounded everywhere but it worked, They got out from the holes, usopp shot towards them, they both took fire on the hit.

I didn't wait for them to recover and rushed, I activated the wind dials in my shoes

" Air Kitchen, Croix du sud !" They got hit by the blow full forces, once they hit the floor they were unconscious.

" We did it ! We took them out !" Usopp and Chopper we're cheering.

" Be careful you guys aren't in the state where you can jump around." I took out another cigarette and light it up.

" Now it's your turn Dexter, Luffy. Take care of that asshole."

– Dexter –

We were running in the streets, only me and luffy we're left.

Cynthia,nami and zoro stopped to fight against Two other members of B.W.

Vivi and Snow went to stop the war and sanji also started fighting with a B.W member.

While we were running a bulding crashed in front of us.

" You aren't going anywhere I am afraid." a women came out from the crashed buidling, She has white and red eyes.

" Another one ? Luffy go ahead I'll take care of her." Luffy nodded and took another way, leaving only me and my new enemy alone. She tried to stop him but I blocked her way.

" It's between me and you girl." she clicked her tongue

" Get out of the way or it'll end badly for you." She threatened me, too bad it doesn't work on me, the only person that scares me when doing it is Dragon and Garp.

" No way, I don't know who you are but we have a war to stop and no one is getting in our way!" I launched Blood sword towards her.

" A devil fruit user, Logia type, an annoying opponent." She stated while dodging

" You understand that nothing will be able to harm me then ? I would appreciate if I didn't have to fight you, I have nothing against you."

" Sorry but Mr. 0 asked me to stop you and I will do it." So she really is a B.W member.

" Fine then, but don't blame me for being impolite !"

Chapter 26 done

A little cliffhanger.

Also I finally found a picture of what dexter looks like for me ( just imagine the eyes are pitch black


Hope you enjoyed.

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