《One piece My story》chapter 17



The first Stop on Grand line, a giant Bird and a little girl ?


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


" Yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" This if fucking amazing! We just rode the stream that get's East,West,South And North blue separated off Grand Line, it was like a giant rollercoaster, except you could die any second if you got off… Just like a roller coaster.

I was enjoying it, but Cynthia didn't enjoy it apparently. She was attached to the mast ( that's the word google trad told me, you know the giant pole in the middle.) and screaming.

" Dexter I hate youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" I heard some disturbing words coming from Cynthia, I guess she doesn't like highspeed.

We finally saw the end of the stream and stopped on the sea.

" Grand Line… It's finally time to start our adventure, Cynthia can you stop vomiting your lunch and navigate ?" Cynthia did a glare so powerful it could destroy worlds then went navigate the boat.

We set off towards our first Island.


I'm sure I've seen this boy somewhere before… Probably a coincidence, I'm getting too old.

--Back to Dexter--

We kept going forward till we saw and Island, Giants tree could be seen everywhere.

" It's our first stop ?" I hope the wildlife isn't the same size, or even humans, giants tends to be battlemaniac and Cynthia would make us stay here until she beat them all.

" Dexter stop thinking about something rude and help us anchor the boat !" How did she know ?!

I got up from my seat and helped Clyde.

I could feel a chill running down my back, I got a bad feeling about this….


–??? again--

" hichichichi, another one ?" I hope this one have funny people in it, the last one all ran away after they saw me, I'm not that scary… It hurts my feelings.

--Dexter is Back--

We anchored the boat where we could and made sure no dangerous things we're around, thank god only the trees looks giant, the rest was normal.

" Ok, let's be careful, we don't know what is hiding on this island." Cynthia already had her hands on her weapons and clyde was lighting up a cigarette.

" I wanna know if something can be cooked around here." Clyde said has he breath out smoke.

While we were walking I asked something I wanted to know for a long time.

" Clyde how the hell do your knives works ? They can explode, burn and I'm sure they do more stuff." I asked clyde with interest, if I can also do it I want too.

" Oh those knife ? A present from my father, they work with a thing called Dial, it comes from an island in the sky, they have different uses deending on wich on it is, fire, explosion, rebound etc.

My father got it from a pirate a long time ago and he teachd me how to fight with them."

" Oh so that's how they work, I though you ate a Devil fruit with all the shits you do with them."

" Nah, No devil fruit."

" And you only throw them ? No other uses ? It's powerful but if all you do is throwing knives you'll get countered eventually." Now I wanna know what he can also do.

" Hmmm, yea I have something else, look at my shoes please." I did as he asked, he lifted it and I could see something like a button on the back.

" A button ? What does it do ?"

" It does this !" He hit the button on the floor and his shoe took fire. Then he hit it again and wind was blowing around. Another time and it made him jump high.

" Amazing ! I also want one of those !" It's freaking cool !


" Only got one pair of shoes like this and I won't give them to you." He backed away from me.

I wanted to retort something but I didn't have time, a noise came from behind me and I felt warm water fall on me.

" Please Clyde, tell me, if I turn around is there a scary beast or not ?" Clyde slowly nodded, I also slowly turned around to see a giant bird-like creature with saliva falling looking at me.

" uuuuuh, I don't taste good ?" The beast didn't care about my warning and lashed out at me.

" Dammit ! Blood Hammer!" A new invention of mine, blood hammer, I turn my arm into a hammer and hit has hard as I can the beast on the head, Saliva goes everywhere as he crash on the ground, that's Disgusting I have to take a shower after that.

" I already hate this place, how much time do we have to stay here to reboot the logpose ?"

" It can go from just an hour to 6." Dammit.

" Let's try to find somewhere to hide for now."


He beat Pochi in one hit, he is not too bad, I wonder if I can play catch with them.


This Island really gives me the creeps, wherever I look all I see is giant trees and blindspot where a monster can be waiting. We've been walking for 20 minutes when we finally heard a voice, a voice we didn't want to hear.

" Hichichichi." We all froze on spot.

" Please tell me I didn't hear a creepy laugh coming from behind us."

" Hichichichi, Big brother can we play a game." And now I'm hearing a little girl voice, Fuck this Island.

" Do we have the right to refuse ?" I said still not looking behind me.

" Well you can, but you wouldn't want something happening to your boat would you ? Hichichichi."

You creepy ass little girl, I turned my feet into blood and used it to shoot Blood needles towards the little girl, when I turned around The little girl wasn't here anymore. Then suddendly I felt something touching my Back.

" Big brother, it's not good to try to attack a little girl that can't defend herself."

" A little girl that can dodge my strikes surely can defend herself." I said sarcasm in my voice.

" Hichichichi, True, true. So can we play catch, let's do it like this, if you can catch me you get a present." I am not sure I want a present from a creepy little girl but maybe it's something worth money.

" Ok, not like we have a choice." This time I turned towards the voice, I saw a little girl about 13 with Snow white hair and icy blue eyes looking at me

" Cynthia, Clyde, ready to play catch ?" I looked towards them, they just nodded.

" Hichichichi, Then Let's…." As she was talking something I didn't expect happened, from her back sprouted Two beautiful white scaly wings, scale also started appearing on her arms and legs and her Icy eyes gained lizard pupils, at this time the only thing I could mutter was

" Mythical Zoan Devil fruit..."

"…. START!" And she flew off towards the center of the island.


Chapter 17 done.

Also for the people who aren't familiar with Devil fruit

Zoan is a devil fruit that gives his user the power of transforming into an animal, partially or completely, and also boost his physical ability.

There exist Three 'types' of zoan fruits

The 'normal' ones, something like the wolf one of Jabura from the CP9

The 'ancient' ones, the only one known for now in the one piece series is X drake, he ate a zoan that allows him to transform into a T-Rex, they are Devil fruit that gives the user powers of Ancient or Extinct beast.

And last but not least the 'Mythical' ones also called Kryptid-zoan, they give the power of mythical beings and creatures from legend, two in the one pieces series exist, Marco with his phoenix one and Sengoku with his buddha form ( it's a kryptid zoan apparentely but I can be wrong. )

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