《New to Magic》Chapter Nine Sky Joins a Mission


Chapter nine

Sky Joins a Mission

As soon as Sky heard the order, everything in her mindscape disappeared in a flash leaving only the practice room, and Fred again momentarily disorientated. He was going to have nerves of diamonds after being around Sky much more. “I guess Fred Sir I’ll see you when you’re done with the briefing. Maybe you could show me some other useful spells I can help people with. Maybe there’s a spell that could make me a little softer, but not squishy like you or Mr. Joe”.

”Ensign Sky, I am not squishy to anyone else but you and your parents. So please don’t refer to me as squishy to anyone else”. Fred placed his huge hands on her tiny shoulders, and he is no longer solid as before his squeeze on her shoulder is not does anything. “As for the mission briefing, you’re coming too. I made you part of my crew, and I mean to keep you as such till your safely at a school of magic. Straighten your back, chest out and walk like you’re a proud part of my crew”. He looked over to Conny and smiles. “You too. Follow me you’ve got your first mission briefing to attend”.

Just as he was about to leave he thought to try this pushing Sky liked to do. Using just the raw form of fire and water elements he blasted one of the heavy punching bags. The rush of raw power was exhilarating, to say the least and the effect on the heavy bag, devastating. The heavy bag sprayed across the floor like a popped water balloon spilling its contents out in a splatter pattern. Right after the blast of power he felt the magic burn going up through his legs. He was not used to using so much raw magical energy at once and he felt the affects. Fred thought about Sky’s battle with the giant arachnids that lasted over an hour and a half of nearly a constant rush of raw power through every part of her body. He couldn’t even imagine the pain she was in from magic burn sheb musr have felt. “Sky see if you can use your healing spell to fix the heavy bag, as your first test.“ Fred tried not to grimace at the pain he felt waiting for Sky to cast her spell.

Sky hardly turned her head, and a rush of spent magic wafted through the room Fred instantaneously felt the relief and the heavy bag was now whole again as if brand new. He couldn’t quite make it out without going back, but he thought he saw repaired by Sky Knight on a tag. “There you go Fred Sir your heavy bag is all fixed like new.” She gave him a grin. “And I hope your magic burn is better too?”

Fred didn’t want to know how she knew, but was glad she did because of the amount of spent magic that went through him was not small. “thanks, let’s get going and meet up with the rest of the crew.’

Joe, William, and Rocssanna were waiting outside of the ready room. William was surprised to see two Sky’s one with silvery blonde hair that was not his daughter. Fred opened the door and waved Joe, Conny, and Sky inside; but stopped Rocssanna and William. “Sorry crew only unless you to want to be the new cooks?” Fred said with a smile. The two smiled at this and entered the room. Fred called to them, “You do realize Sky will outrank you right!”


Sky’s head slowly turned with a mischievous grin. Rocssanna had picked on the teasing smile. Rocssanna gave her a mischievous grin back before she spoke. “Only while we are on duty after that she’s still just my young little daughter”!

Fred looked to his two-new support crew “We have no time to get you uniforms, Ensign Sky any ideas?” Fred asked his third in command knowing she would come up with something.

Sky looked to Conny, and something past between them and a shimmer of light surrounded Rocssanna and William. In a blink of an eye, they were wearing the ensign’s uniform, Rocssanna’s hair was in a bun and Williams’s hair was a crewcut yet they didn’t notice the changes till they looked at one at other.

Fred looked to Sky as if to ask a question. Sky picked the hint up right away. “Fred Sir, it’s just a visual overlay Conny, and I put over mommy and daddy. I wouldn’t want to practice any magic on them”.

“Great idea, very efficient and creative. Conny, you may make one duty uniform and one formal uniform for both. Have them ready before the briefing is done so they can change in their guest room A.S.A.P.”.

Fred keyed something into his wrist tablet, and vid link was requested to the fleet commander himself, Mark Douglaston

The wait was almost uncomfortable till Mark Douglaston answered to vid call. A vid window appeared. Everyone got up and saluted as if practiced. Fred forgot that Rocssanna and William were the Titans of legends and they served in the Titan Wars. He never even thought to ask what their rank was; he would have to ask later. Mark Douglaston shimmered into view, and everyone was startled by the 3D image Mark looked about the room as a full 3D projection. “Nice we just got the 3D upgrades on a secure link five hours ago, through an anonymous programmer. We aren’t sure who he is when they found he had full clearance it went straight to trial. I like it so far, how did you get the updates already, we haven’t sent any copy’s out officially yet?” Fred took a glance at Sky and Conny and shook his head with a slight grin. Mark left his question unanswered after seeing two young girls in the briefing room. “I see you picked up a few recruits did the two young girls earn their ranks or is it for play.” He walked around and approached the two girls sitting beside each other. After taking in a cursory appraisal, he gives them a hard to catch a condescending look. The briefing is a serious matter girls and it’s for crew only not for playing. You’ll have to ask them to leave before I proceed with the briefing. Sorry young ladies this is a military matter for grownups and crew members”. The way he spoke made him look like a puffed-up meat bird.

Sky looked to Fred shocked with sad eyes. Fred gave her the slightest motion to wait. “Commander Mark Sir let me introduce you to my new crew members Ensign Sky Knight, cook Rocssanna Knight, and cook William Knight whose rank is to be determined after I learn more of their previous military service.” Fred looked to the Knights

“Just cooks would be sufficient; we served our time in battle, being cooks is as close as we want to get to the military, Captain Fred, Commander Mark,” William spoke with the power of authority; no one would think about questioning. Even Fleet commander Mark was not going to press for any answers, or even ask any questions.


The Fleet Commander Mark walked around to Sky and Conny. “What about you twins how old are you two and what do you do on the Little ship Tooth?” He made the mistake of talking down to Sky. Fred guessed his mistake was because he couldn’t feel her aura from where he was.

Sky looked to Fred as if asking if she could talk for herself? He gave her a reluctant nod yes. “Permission to speak freely Fleet Commander Mark Sir?” Sky asked in a tone she never used with Fred or Joe. Knowing what she was very likely capable of sent shivers down their spines. Mark was surprised how much power she could put into her small voice.

Commander Mark heard her determination and gave her just a little more respect. He thought to himself what harm could it do to hear her out. “Please speak freely; I’ll hear what you have to say.” The grin on Sky’s face chilled Fred to the bone. If anything, he’s learned about Sky was she don’t know if anything was impossible when it came to magic.

Fred stepped up and coughed “Excuse me, Sir; Sky is a very special Ensign, she,” Fred was cut off by Commander Mark.

“Let the girl speak; I’ll hear what this little girl has to say.” Mark said smiling back at Sky; he never picked up on that the smile on her face was sarcastic.

“Thank you, Fleet Commander Mark Sir. As you guessed, I am young. I’m nine-years-old. I hold all five elemental affinities, my magic well measured over one second, each. The girl here is Conny; she is the ship's computer AI in a visual interface mode. It was the first upgrade I made to her, I enhanced her intelligence and gave her more of a human personality. It is my program you are currently using to communicate so effectively. I had a hand in taking out the pirate ship The Bright Whites. If you want proof of my magical gifts, I can see where you are by following your transmission signal which you’re trying to hide through various means. I’m capable of doing things that would startle you. So, in all I am young; but I am more than capable of being an Ensign on this fine ship Little Tooth”. Sky said standing tall, straight like a true soldier. She hoped to make Fred proud of her. While Fred was happy, she didn’t give the fleet commander a taste of her magic.

Mark was awestruck by this little girl’s claims. He didn’t know what was more preposterous, her saying she has all five gifts, or her magic well measured over one second. No one could ever hold that kind of magic. “Well, young lady you make quite the tall claims for someone so young. But I need to talk to the captain and crew. So, you and your twin can leave so we can get to the briefing. Run along now we have no more time for foolish games’.

Sky was no longer smiling; she was smirking. “Captain Fred Sir, permission to demonstrate my magic abilities to the Fleet commander Mark Douglaston. I would like to give him the missing fake antique gun that someone on the Bright Whites ship had? I found it in the debris field of their ship. It must have been your magic that repaired it. I could have it to him in around ten to twelve seconds. Right now, it’s in my pocket space sack of rocks”.

Mark was looking behind him at something they could not see. “How did you know it was missing its twin, I even had the case remade to fit just the one.” Mark just realized they could see only him and not the display case.

Fred looked to Sky “Is that all you’re going to give him nothing else, if that’s, it could you also remake his display case too? I’ll get Conny to give you the spells to replicate parts of objects. Make it so Ensign Sky.

Sky turned to Fred and saluted him “Ai I Captain Fred Sir, operation return stolen goods commencing.“ There was a feeling of dizziness as her pocket space opened Conny brought up a vid screen to show what was happening outside the ship. The focus zoomed on to a handgun that looked old

“That’s my gun just bring it on the ship, and I’ll get it after your mission.” Mark barked out with excitement.

“Fleet Commander Mark Sir you doubted me and my word as a capable part of this crew, you will have it in eight more seconds your case has already been redesigned to accommodate its twin gun. Seven seconds

Mark turned to see what she was talking about everyone could see the complete shock on his face. Sky was still counting down in the background when Mark found his voice. “How did you do it? There is next to no magic there, and you can’t send magic over this distance to cast a spell”.

“Three seconds” Sky called out, she never answered his questions. “Fleet Commander Mark Sir, you can open the window to your right or I can do it, part of my awareness is still there.” You could hear a tapping sound coming from Mark’s right side. After turning his head, it looked like he sat down on something. “Okay I’ll get the window and the display case, and that’s eleven seconds. Fleet Commander Mark Sir, operation return stolen goods have been completed. Do you still doubt my abilities as a magic user? I can probably do something more to show you like leave a blazing trail from us right to you. Yes, I have that much magic to burn”. The way she spoke now wasn’t that of a nine-year-old girl. She seemed to try and goad him into something.

Mark was getting his stunned brain to start working again. “We need to get you tested; this is the first time anyone has had more than three.” He didn’t even seem miffed about her taunting. He was thinking of nothing but the tests that would allow others to gain more than three elemental gifts. She was going to be the pinnacle of human evolution.

William stood up to the Fleet Commander. Mark Sir. There will be no test on my little girl ever. You will not tell anyone about my daughter’s magic. She only showed you because you doubted her abilities. My lovely wife and I know you and have worked with you directly and indirectly on more than one mission. You were a man of let says questionable honour at best. I say to you now, if you don’t give me your word as a better man than as before that you will not pursue any insidious actions. I swear to you or anyone else will live a long time to regret causing my daughter any physical or emotional pain. Do you understand me? And don’t worry about any recording of our conversation they will have all been wiped out before any copies can be made. Thanks to some impressive magic. Now, will you give me your new honourable word that Ensign Sky Knight will remain simply a member of this crew, Sir?

Mark Douglaston looked baffled not knowing what to say. No one knew he had stabbed a few backs and a few unexplained deaths to get to where he was. You had to it was just politics everyone had to go through. Like now, I am keeping Sky Knights magical affinities a secret is purely political. “Yes, your right I was not thinking for your child’s wellbeing. You have my word that she is not to be treated as some test subject. She will remain as she is just a member of Captain Fred’s crew aboard Little Tooth”. He walked up to Sky after getting up and nodded to Sky, she answered with ‘Yes Sir’”. “I would like to thank you for returning my antique pistol in such mint condition.”

He gave her a smile that made her cringe on the inside. She did not like this man. She thought To herself, “I will not judge him so quickly”.

“Now shall we get to the mission briefing. Three days ago, we received information about a passenger ship that was captured by magic extremists. At first, we thought it was pirates, but everyone was taken. We found out the extremists were doing unnatural experiments on abducted magic users. We found some of them comatose in buildings hooked up to life support systems”. He passed around photos of the people inside of the chambers. He watched each person’s reaction as each inspected the photos. “We have an idea what they were doing, but we have no idea how? We want the extremists caught alive for questioning to find out what happened to the magic users.” Mark was looking at each crew member to see their reaction. The reactions he saw was what he expected from the adults; but he was surprised at Sky’s reactions; she had tears running down her face. “Do you have mage friends who were abducted Sky? You seem quite upset; you can help them since you could go on this mission”. He gave her a consolatory smile that did nothing to alleviate her anxiety.

“No, I don’t have any other friends than Captain Fred, Mr. Joe, Conny, and my parents. I have access to your computers mainframe, and I read all the files for the briefing. I’m fairly sure I know how and why they’re doing it. They’ve got to be stopped because they’re not going to stop on their own”. Sky said and gave Fred a quick look in recognition of what was happening to them.

Fred asked Fleet Commander Mark “Why are we being sent on this mission? It’s not our usual type of covert reconnaissance assignment. Why are we being reassigned to this aggressive offensive deployment?”

“When you describe how you rescued the Knights and wiped out the Bright Whites. My advisors and I thought that we’ve been wasting your talents. Plus, the rogue ship is just outside the star system your in. There were five more abductions last night. We figured you could save the captives and apprehend the extremists. We have four special support members on the root to a location just outside of the rogue mages scanner range. They should be safe if they stay at their meeting point. From what they could understand all the mage’s magic wells were all in the elite levels. Your Ensign Sky knows what we assume is the case. She looks to be aboard, so it’s up to you and Joe as senior officers whether you take the mission”?

Fred looked to Joe he nodded yes. “We accept the mission of search, rescue, and detain.” He said looking for any objection from Joe. “You can send us the coordinates for the pickup. But let them know beforehand they are not to treat Ensign Sky as a little girl while on duty. I doubt they will when they feel her presence and to not talk about her to anyone outside this mission”. He walked to her and ruffled her hair. “We all here would like her to have a life she chooses for herself as much as fate will allow.” Fred said doting on his youngest crew member finds any reason to touch her heavenly soft hair.

“This is the mission outline and the shareable service history of the four members that are to assist you in this mission and finish their tour. The crew of the Little Tooth make us proud”. Mark bent over slightly to put down the virtual briefing folder. He turned to face them as he stood up straight, as they all did even Conny and gave a salute before he disappeared.

Joe looked at Sky. “You know something of what’s happened to the mages and why they’re still alive at the extremist’s expense?”

Fred put his hand on Joe’s shoulder “Before she answers you, tell me what you were burning to tell me. I’m all fired up to know”. Fred was smiling

Joe looked to Sky than to Fred; they both had a subdued smile because the mission outline is coming up. “Well, I think Sky gave me another elemental affinity. I don’t know how but maybe it was the same basic idea of what happened with the abducted magic users?” Joe smile grew a little. “I outrank you on the magical affinity level now; I could become your superior after the next magic testing.” He was looking for a different reaction than he got.

Fred still holding Joe’s shoulder with his big powerful hand “Joe, Joe, Joe what to do with you? I too have something to say to you after training with Sky. I too am burning to tell you; for now, I won’t have to drown you in details”. Fred released Joe’s shoulder as it just clicked into what he meant in his not so cryptic words. “Sky could you share what they could have done to the captured magic users?”

Sky wiped up the tears remaining on her cheeks, thankful to Fred for the reassuring hair ruffles. It had become her favourite comforting gesture her parents did, and they did it all the time. “Well, Captain Fred you know how I can share my magical affinities with who I want.” She turned to Joe and gave him a weak smile. “It started with you, Joe Sir I connected you to my fire elemental affinity and it's well of energy.” She turned her head to Fred and back. “When Captain Fred was helping with my magic control. He helped me reorganize my magic for more efficient use. After I learned fine control of my magic flow, he showed me a spell; it was a healing spell. After learning a bit about each other, we made a compromise. I link him to my fire and water elemental affinities and their corresponding wells of energy, and he teaches me some magic”. She turned to address everyone. “I think the Mage extremists have found a way to take control of the Mages elemental affinities by force. They took away their thoughts and put them in a dreamless sleep. I believe all the Mages in this sleep are like magic batteries. I believe with this spell Fred showed me with a little tweaking I can bring them around fully awake, with no side effects”.

Joe was surprised, to say the least, Sky had given him and Fred some of her power freely all mages coveted. Magic users never shared their magic; they kept all magic they can hold. Here, she gave them unlimited access to some of her elemental affinities. “Sky, how could you share so freely the power in your magic wells? Aren’t you afraid we could use up your all your magic?” Joe asked not being able to conceive being able or even willing to do.

Fred answered Joe this time with a truly big smile. “I have seen the amount of magic her wells contained and the density of her magic. One drop of hers equals at least two times the power of ours if not more. As for the amount, each of her wells contains enough magic to fill a large lake easily, and I mean full. But don’t try to use too much at once, it could cause magic burn quickly due to its potency”.

Sky was blushing at Fred’s description of her magic wells and their size. She still had no idea how much magic Mr. Joe and Mr. Fred had in their magic wells before. “I think we should get on with the mission if you don’t give your magic freely I think you would suffer from magic burn instead of the caster. They may not feel it mentally, but their bodies might be in tremendous pain. I hate to see someone suffering or even knowing of someone’s pain that only I might be able to help”. Sky looked to everyone then to Fred again. With your permission to leave I would like access to some spell that might make me a little softer; but not squish, as soft as you guys maybe in between Mr. Fred and mommy. That way I can learn more control over my magic too”.

Fred ruffled Sky’s hair again earning him a funny look from everyone. “You can go; but try putting an inverted shield up so you can’t pop the ship, please. Don’t look up any offensive spells some of those were made to go through shields with enough magic behind them, and we all know you have more than adequate magic”. Fred saluted her “Ensign Sky you’re dismissed till further orders.”

After Sky left the room and down the corridor with Conny, the rest turned to Fred. It was Rocssanna who spoke first. “You like touching her hair don’t you, admit it Joe has, and we all do. Sometimes when I’m upset or filled with melancholy, I sit her on my lap and brush her hair with my fingers running through it. I’m warning you now if your fingers ever get caught in her luxurious tresses of exquisitely soft hair. Her hair is impossible to break. Just one fine hair wrapped around your finger and she pulls her head away, let’s say you better hurry up with a spell to fix everything before she sees your hurt. She won’t let anyone touch her hair for months, and none of us want that”.

Fred looked shocked they all liked to touch Sky’s hair for the same reason. “Okay thanks for the heads up, I’ll keep that in mind. Before we go about our tasks, I would like to find out what you would like to do about Sky? When and how are, you going to tell Sky about who and what she is? The biggest thing is why you kept magic a secret. I also have some thoughts about those semi-sentient plants. They are part of her, her magical affinities and probably the ones helping her produce so much magical energy. She told me they like it when the power gets used, so they try to get her to use the magic from the wells. I think that is where the pressure comes from. I tried pushing a little like Sky said she did against the giant spiders on a heavy punching bag. I focus a little and pushed out the raw magic with no form or spell. I can tell you it was a rush like no other; the heavy punching bag was like a water balloon popped on the ground. Right after I pushed the bag, I felt the magic burn right up to my thighs. Sky had cast a wide spectrum healing spell and healed me before I could pass out from the pain. She fixed the bag too. I think she’s ready for the truth and I would tell her soon. She thinks there’s something wrong with her and how she is. She likes the way she is but not to the extremes she must live. I guess she wants everyone to be like her. She thinks everyone is squishy. She doesn’t know her natural form is over forty metres tall”.

Rocssanna and William nodded in agreement. William took Rocssanna’s hand. “We were going to tell her sooner, but I think maybe after this mission, we’ll tell her of her heritage and why she is the way she is. We’ll also tell her why we didn’t want to teach her magic. She needs to know that we love her and would do anything for her, but we would not releasee a possible magical nightmare in the Galaxy. We stopped a tyrannical race from ruling over all others too possibly create a monster of our own. We love all life and brought up Sky to do the same. I think Sky is passed the point of utter corruption and it is time for her to be the best she can be”. William said with an unbreakable conviction in his voice.

Joe walked to their side. I and I believe Fred too, will help in any way we can. Sky is an amazing girl for her age, and I’m sure with knowing who she is, she can grow up to be like you, her parents. The kind, selfless beings you two are.

Fred walks to exit the door to go to the bridge. “I’m sure you’ll do the right thing for everyone involved. Just remain true to yourselves and your compassionate ways of living. Now I’ve got some crew members to pick up and rescue to start. Joe, to your station on the bridge, let’s get this mission on its way. Cooks go to the personnel supplies and weapons room and pick up your new uniforms they will probably have the same modifications Sky’s has. Hopefully, William, you’ll have pants instead of the skirt and tights. Afterwards, you can go about your business as you see fit. The ships pantry is just about fully stocked for a crew of twenty-eight strong and six guests respectfully for four months. Feel free to browse the inventory. We’ll take lunch in three hours; I’m looking forward to our lunch cooks. The mission starts in five!

Fred continued to walk out the door to set out to pick up their new crew members. With any luck, they’re going to be a nice addition to the already recently added crew. He would check out their profiles once they were sailing.

Joe sat in his chair in the front of the bridge, Conny had already set the coordinates and noted possible hazards along the way. “Captain Fred ready to engage flight on your word.” Joes said with a finger over the button to engage the flight system.

Fred looked to the forward vid screen; he called out. “All hands we’re moving out.” He pressed a button on his console starting a mission record. Hopefully, the last one till they dropped Sky at her new school to learn of the magical arts. Till then he was going to be her teacher, and learn a new way of casting magic. He was thinking to himself. ‘Am I the teacher if I learn more than I teach and am better for the insight she provides?’ Fred wondered as he opened the first new member to be service record. “Jane Condore

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