《The Fate of The Summoned (being ReWritten)》Glossary and Information


Seeing as how you need a specific amount of characters to publish a chapter i am putting this here as a filler of sorts so that i can publish this chapter with the info i have now.

Dieties of Aethion

The Gods and Goddesses of Aethion are numerous, some even suspect they are countless. There is, for the most part no central religion for the countries of the world. Many countries have a single central diety or patron they revere. Such countrys are often named after their patron diety or after what the patron governs.

Goddess of Light Tamara: patron deity of the Kingdom of Light, hates all things dark and impure.

Dib'Hur Var'tash God of Destruction: One of the most powerful and Complex Deities of Aethion. Though he Governs destruction, amny things are within his Sphere of Influence.


Chosen: Refers to those summoned, can be used interchangeably with Hero and Summoned. Chosen can also in rare cases refer to a particular blessing from a God or Goddess, it signifies that they are favored, quite heavily by that deity.

Summoning: Term used when referencing theritual used to bring the Chosen and HEroes to this world.

Classes: They are essentially the manifestion of the persons potentional and what they would be most skilled at, this is not the only criteria that is take into account whena Class is give, other factors include the persons personality and how they have lived their lif. Though on rare occassion a God or Goddess can grant a certain class relating to their domain.

Blessing: A particular Ability, Skill, or Title given from a particular God or Goddess that relates to their domain.

Skills: Skills are similar to abilities, btu are solely related to the person class, for the most part. Because of this most Skills are common, even more unique classes only have higher tier skills of the same type as many lower tier classes.


Abilities: Abilities are for the most part unique from person to person. In many cases abilities come from Blessings or Titles given by the Gods. Enhancement magic are mostly considered skills as most people can learn it, but some particular spells are only available through certain Class/Blessing/Title combinations.

Tier: a classification when it comes to Abilities, Skills and Classes, the higher the number the higher the Tier.


Birgir Reynisson: Fueled an idea i used concerning the MC's Class, as well as his race.

Bladestorm91: Made a suggestion that helped me get my sh*t together concerning the Chapter Format. (Not the first to mention it, but i didnt realize that until a short time ago.) Their screen name also inspired and Ability that one of the Heroes will develop and use in the future. They also pointed out a few Grammar mistakes on my part in a chapter.


Victor Armstrong: Our MC, was brought to the world years ago and was betrayed.

Princess Kara: One of the twin princesses of the Kingdom of Light. Was integral in the betrayal of the MC.

Princess Tara: The other of the Twin Princesses, she was a lauded warrior and is thought to have died, during the betrayal of the MC and its aftermath.

Knight Brutus: The current Head Knight of the Kingdom of Light, bears some resemblance to Victor, is Kara's lover, of sorts.

Prince Julius: Crown prince of the Kingdom, was the Beloved of the Goddess Tamara, He was injured some time after the betrayal, but before the current time.

Theresa Marietta Niccoletti: One of the most powerful of the current batch of Summoned, has a Hidden and extremely powerful Class.

Mina Hasegawa: A small and lithe woman of asian descents. Hold the class of Shadow Blade Dancer.


(Suggestions i use will be marked with an (X) next to them and will be moved above)

AvidReader9508: Suggested that Jonathan Adams and KAra have a moment which leads them to get together and will eventualy lead to them getting REKT. (I did think of making them like a team rocket type duo but i may not be able to pull off such comedy) They also suggested a concept surrounding members of Victor's Harem/Group in the future when it comes to their abilities.

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