《The Worst》Chapter 22 - Smoke and mirrors


Darknym had too many things in his mind right now, he had tons of things to do In Allastar but the

first thing he could thing was pay a visit to the temple of light.

Since he was already bent on sneaking inside he didn't bother talking to the TV studio.

Another reason was he hadn't signed the contract yet and he definitely didn't want to work for free.

At the throne room he had two unexpected visitors It was Prometheus and Ivianne.

"I need a new home this place is not big enough to raise our children"

She said to Prometheus who looked at Darknym for a solution since Lightnym

hadn't yet bought a mountain for them.

The main Problem was the price of a mountain as the money Darknym had collected

was dwindling every day that passed, Darknym was fully aware of it, it was one of

the reasons why Darknym gave away cities and other property to the "nobles".

"I have a deal for you but it will only be effective after the city disappears,

I will give you all the surrounding land but in return you will give me the ring my clone gave you"

"How does that sound?"

Ivianne didn't seem to care about the ring but to Prometheus it was his only way of turning into a dragon.

Of course Lightnym could help him in that but giving away the ring Lightnym gave him

sounded like betraying Lightnym.

However under Ivianne's Pleading eyes he was powerless to resist, he threw the ring at Darknym who

let it fall to the ground.

"You just failed a test of loyalty"

Darknym said as he cast a spell and teleported them both to the glass prisons

at least until Lightnym returned from the Mage Academy.

"One less problem"

Said Darknym to himself.

He was about to teleport somewhere in Anchora but his Clairvoyance spotted

someone on the top of the nearby mountain.

He out of Interest zoomed in and saw two Asian women, one swinging a katana up

and down and another one sitting down in meditation.

They had no name tags on their heads so Darknym teleported next to them.

He was sitting in meditation pose behind the girl who was meditating and after

a few second asked.

"Is meditating at the peak of a mountain better than when I'm in a dark cave?"

"Well it depends on the Flow of the earth's Ki"

She said as she continued meditating.

The other girl just charged at him with Shouting

"Watch out he's behind you Yu"

She was fast almost too fast for a human but just when her sword was

about to cat his neck it hit the magic shield, doing miniscule damage not

even worth mentioning.

"So You are saying that...Oh I've gained the ki circulation"

"Next you must feel the Ki flow of your body and synchronize it with the world's"


Darknym Closed his eyes he had been doing ki exercises in real life, in the game it was even easier.

Falling into a Nirvana like state is something that he can do if he tried hard enough,

letting all his worried go, that's the main reason he can use berserk from the start

since it was a real life trait of his, blanking out and doing staff like fighting or thinking other

things while the body acts on its own, you could call him the survivor type.

Darknym felt a strange flow of Ki coming from the east.

"So this is why you are training here just following the wind"


Clincks from the katana wouldn't stop as it hit his passive shield. For him it was just music to his ears.

"So you are just traveling around leveling your Ki circulation?"

"We are traveling to challenge strong people around the world and teaching them if they can defeat us"

"Are there any rules of how to defeat you?"

"You already have defeated us although Su won't acknowledge it until she tires down"

"Then You are not adventurers right?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well said, can I ask you for a duel then?"


"Then I will take your friend from you"

He was sure that Su was An Npc since her name didn't appear after attacking him.

"So you want to enslave us both and just use us once in a while"

"I was thinking along those lines but now I can only take Su since I don't know if you are an Npc"

The meditating girl stood up and threw a punch, it felt strange as he felt something different from losing HP.

"I can only shatter your soul since you have such strong defense is that to your liking"

Darknym begun laughing like crazy, it was really unexpected to him that she was also an Npc.

"Girls since I have already won you, have to teach me right?"

asked Darknym, of course he didn't expect any other answer than Yes.

Su was about to charge at him once more but was stopped by Yu

"I will now teleport you as guests to stay at my palace, if your teachings are to my liking I will let you go,

otherwise you will become my slaves"

"We will be waiting at the palace then"

Said Yu before Darknym teleported them to the palace.

He had still a date with a hottie at the temple of light.

The temple was located inside a huge fortress-like structure and had three buildings inside the walls,

the one he was after was inside a huge white marble building, that lacked a roof in the center for the sunlight to

enter, he teleported behind a pillar and tried becoming Invisible but the spell failed, he tried some Illusion and

it still failed.

-Spell failure due to true sight spell-

He tried polymorph and still failed. He was really surprised he hadn't been turned into a dragon,

but then he noticed the tail,bony wings and horns on his head.

Well it's not so bad, he though as he waited for an Npc knight to pass and by quickly spellcasting paralysis

and sleep he took him out in a second.

His armor covered most of his face but it was hard to put on, good thing he had magic to help him.

His only problem now was his name tag, since the concealment spell he used was dispelled as well.

He teleported the sleeping knight somewhere away and while trying to find a way to conceal his name tag.

Suddenly he saw many Players coming towards the room the lone knight had been heading to,

he blended with them by being the last in the line.

Hiding in plane sight was the best way he could come up with, there were 200 players and 1300

Npc knight around.

He was shocked when they begun taking off their helmets but he then remembered that no one knew

his face anyway, although the horns would instantly give him away.

since he was last in line, he quickly sidestepped to a nearby pillar was about to take off his armor when he heard.

"Knights an Intruder has entered our temple you must find him and convey judgement upon him, in the name of light!"


The angel of light was right there in front of the knights who were now all shouting in unison.

"In the name of light!"

They put on their Helmets once more and charged out of the room disregarding the lone knight behind the pillar.

Darknym looked was shocked when he saw another knight hiding at a nearby pillar not so far away

from the Angel's location.

It seems she had more stalkers than just him to begin with, of course they were not as bold as him,

to challenge an Immortal boss Npc.

Darknym went closer to him silently and said silently.

"She's seems prettier from closer"


"Have you tried peeping into her room?"

"Nope the guards won't let me close"

"I'm new might I know where her room is?"

"Well just near the cor... wait, every newbe knows where the angel.."

Before he could say anything further he was sent to sleep.

Sleep was a non combat spell and It didn't work but on low level targets but with Darknym's Intelligence

all of the knights were like low level mobs.

Darknym went to the corridor and saw the two Npc guards.

"I have a message for the Angel of Light, I have found an Intruder behind the pillar next to the stand"

"I knew all those pillars were bad news, those damned Architects"

Shouted one of the guards.

"Well the Priestess is not to be disturbed so go report to the quarter master, he will give you a nice reward"

"No need, just doing my duty"

He said as he cast a spell that paralyzed them both.

"You are unlucky that I still care about my name going red"

He cast a second spell and both of them turned into stone.

It was a powerful curse that took tons of MP and had a small chance of success to begin with but it did an

Instant kill at any monster that hadn't any magic resistance and with Darknym's luck it was a one spell

kill spell.. The curse could be easily lifted if cast by anyone but him, whose intelligence was now comparable

to the best mages inside the game.

He opened the door and entered the room.

"How dare you enter my room!"

The angel shouted in dismay as she was in front of the mirror, as if searching for something inside.

"I have an urgent question"

She was puzzled by his reply and fearless tone

"a question?"

"Can you Identify these bracelets?"

He took out two expensive looking Inter-winded bracelets, which as if overflowed with Illusion spells.

"Is that all?"

She said in relief and put her hands over the bracelets casting a light over them.

The two Beautiful bracelets instantly turned into shackles and Darknym didn't miss the chance

to put one of them on her wrist.

"I'm really amazed, you are indeed more powerful than me, I thought that they were just rumors

about you being a powerful mage"

"What are you doing!"

Darknym bent her arms behind her back and locked them together, with a spell Instantly and quickly

took his armor off and replied.

"Nothing much, just having a taste of you"

He lifted her white cotton dress from behind but suddenly a dark hand caught him from and

sucked him into the now twisted surface of the mirror.

Darknym found himself in an empty white space where he could only see three other people.

One was the Angel of light although she looked somewhat different he couldn't pinpoint it.

Her blonde long hair, her white cotton dress was all there but her pose was somewhat more

Inviting, as her legs were wide open under that dress. while her hands still bound behind her back.

The other two were a man no taller than him what wore aristocratic clothes and a crown.

The strange dark aura around him made him look quite menacing.

The one next to him looked exactly like Darknym only a bit more, weak looking and was kneeling to

the one with the crown.

"You really shouldn't mess with people on higher places than you, your mirror Image Mynkrad knows

that well since he is the absolute opposite of you and since you are evil he is probably the good one"

"Wait are we inside the mirror?"

"Took you long enough to understand"

The man said.

"And the one on the floor is a reverse me?"

"You could say so, the three of us are all mirror Images also known as mirror men, If I killed yours you would die as well

and seeing how strong a mage and a warrior you are he probably only excels in speed and stealth"

"You said something about the good and the Evil ones, what was that about?"

"Well there's one rule that is the same for everyone, If you are good, then the Image in the mirror is the Evil one of

the two of course since your lives are connected he won't do you anything but know that he has just sworn his loyalty

to me so you have no way of getting out of here without his help, you will respawn here again and again"

"So basically my good mirror Image swore his loyalty to the greater good, on what if I may Inquire"

"To the gods of course an Oath holier than..."

He couldn't end the speech as suspicions begun rising on the oath's truthfulness.

"Why don't we try it out just to be sure then, If he is the good one and I am the

evil then he will put this ring on my finger and not yours"

Darknym said with a wicked smile as he threw a ring to Mynkrad.

"What's that ring?"

Asked the strange king but before he could hear the answer the slave on the floor in a super high speed

that surprised Darknym put the ring on the king's finger.

The ring's powers were activated on equipment and the strange king fell to the ground.

"I knew it, he was the Evil one!"

Darknym said in a loud voice.

"So Mynkrad shall we step outside, ah yes we also need to take the king and the trophy over there, You can..."

He was about to say something but he was shocked to see that his mirror Image was

taking the king's pants off and begun fucking him.

'Truly Evil'

Darknym thought.

The ring was a special ring Darknym created.


Death's grip

A white ring made of bone illustrating two grim

reapers and a gastly skull wiht two holes for eyes,

lacks any jewels.

Physical Enhancements

Ring is bound to the One ring

Magic enchantments

cursed - automatically uses the wearer's mp to

cast the spells on the bearer himself

casts sleep on equipment

casts blindness on equipment

casts deafness on equipment

casts anosmia on equipment

casts muteness on equipment

casts anesthesia on equipment

casts sweet dreams on equipment


It was the secret weapon he had created for his future battle with the Giant Ork but he was happy to

see that it worked on someone who must have been a boss judging by the crown.

'Well at least he will have sweet dreams'

Darknym thought seeing his mirror image lustfully doing him in.

"Well I should take his example"

Darknym said eying the mirror angel.

"What's your name?"

He asked the angel.

"Annej, will you do it already, I have been waiting for so long already"

"Well first I would like to know how to leave this place"

"Just step out of the mirror over there but first you must do me in as hard as you can, I like it wild"

He starting to get a bit down hearing the lustful Annej's words.

"Can I take others with me outside?"

"Just throw them into the mirror and everyone can exit"

"Then after you"

Darknym said leading her to the mirror.

The angel entered the mirror, Darknym used a spell to throw Mynkrad and the stranger through

the Mirror and entered the mirror himself.

He saw Jenna the angel on her knees trying to open the door with her mouth. With one spell he

lobbed her back to his hands and said.

"Did you miss me?"

The shackles, if you haven't already guessed had a sealing spell that prevented her from

using magic, but it also had a powerful slowing spell that didn't allow her to run away.

At times like these she curse for having a soundproof room, and seeing the seemingly

dead body of the king being raped by another identical masked man didn't help her a lot.

Her only ally was probably the other Jenna that came from the mirror, who although bound by the same

shackles could be strong enough to crash the metal since she was the Intellectual type her mirror self

should be a warrior of great potential.

"Annej if you can make her cum I will make you feel like you have never felt before"

Darknym said and a sound of chains breaking was heard from behind Annej as her Shackles broke.

The Evil Annej was now on her and was kissing her passionately, she took of a strange outdated

underwear, like those huge things from old times, from under her dress.

She put her pussy on Jenna's face, although Darlnym couldn't see that because of her

long dress but it was lifting his spirit just thinking about it.

He could hear loud knocks on the door, the spell that kept the door from opening,

the knights outside were probably trying to tear down the door.

Darknym could not teleport inside the temple for some reason, otherwise he would have just

found her room and teleported Inside.

Annej had just begun taking off Janna's underwear when the door had begun giving in.

'Why now?'

Though Darknym.

"Annej can you go Say to them to go away?"

Annej Opened the door and said.

"Wow more men!"

Darknym shot a sleeping gas spell outside the door taking them all by surprise.

They all fell asleep Instantly.

He approached Jenna and to her surprise took off her Shackles and took the stranger's crown and ring after

taking Mynkrad off of him and putting his pants back on.

He had his mirror clone floating in midair and after a little of thought he cast on him

the Stone spell petrifying him and in a strange pose and took Annej's hand said to

the two Immortal boss Npcs.

"I will be taking her in your place, don't expect a second visit, as for you, mirror king or

something I hope I don't see you again, I have some strange memories about you that will

forever haunt my mind, I'm sure you can create another crown for yourself"

The Two of them were a bit troubled, to hunt after him or to let him go.

They were certainly out of their water here, the mage was strong so even if they went after him they wouldn't be

able to kill him and his weak point his mirror image was in his hand.

Even if they did kill him, they would gain nothing.

"Can I ask you something?"

Said the mirror king.

"Ask away"

"How did you know that he would betray me"

"Because I might do some bad staff but I love this world, it gives me excitement and amuses me,

so the mirror image of mine must hate this world, who of the two is the evil one?"

"Both of you, it's just that one is worse than the other and judging by your liar

mirror image we can trust your words for now"

"Don't be so sure about it, I might lie once in a while although I hate it to tell you the truth"

He put a ring her finger, the others could only see her eyes looking at the ceiling in a strange manner

and her tongue stretch out of her mouth, and in a few seconds she had passed out.

"Did I make it too strong, well at least she's Immortal so I don't have to worry of her dying"

He said as he lifted her with a spell and took the two floating statue and woman with him as he left the

room, towards the room with a clearing and teleported away with them.


Succubus' pleasure

The ring multiplies the Pain felt by the body of the wearer.

It's design are two jewels that represent the eyes of of a

demonic succubus, that makes an erotic face.

Physical enhancements

Ring is bound to the One ring

Magical enchantments

Lock on finger spell

Unlock from finger spell

sensitivity enchantment options



He had only used the x2 option and it made her faint, he imagined what

would happen if he used x10 or x1000, of course the Item was made by himself.

In the last few days he had lost a lot of Mp enchanting the objects that

Bomid had made at his order although he still had a few object he hadn't enchanted yet.

Annej he sent to the glass prison since he wouldn't use her services while she was out cold,

of course he had taken the ring, he had made it so that only he and the one with the "dragon treasure"

ring could lock the ring.

But his most precious ring and the most draining to his max Mp was the "One ring".

A bad rip off but it's powers are a bit different,


The one ring

A ring to rule them all, it's a simple golden ring, with a

small inscription Inside that can only be seen if heated in flame.


(sorry for the rip off, but I like the sound of it)

One ring to rule them all,

one ring to find them,

One ring to bring them all

and in the darkness bind them.

Physical enhancement

Soul bound Item to Darknym can't be taken from his finger or

worn by anyone else unless his character

is deleted and even then only his descendant can wear it.

Magical enchantments

can cast Astral Sight that

shows what the wearer of

one of the other rings sees.

Can cast Invisibility on wearer.

Can cast Invincibility for 3secs.

Can cast track on the wearer of one of the other rings.

Can cast nightmare on the wearer of the other rings.

Can cast dream domination on the wearer of the other rings.

Can cast damage soul on the wearer of the other rings.

Can cast soul drain on the wearer of the other rings.


Darknym had spells that could repair and damage the soul of a being and even absorb it,

but the only thing he could get from it as a human was temporary Ki, but after he had become

a dragon his maximum ki capacity became larger but his ki was still at 1000.

It didn't take much for him to understand that he could drain souls to make his

soul stronger but the problem was that he had to break them first and he could

only drain a small part from the shattered soul. A creature with a shattered soul

won't even understand it being shattered unless he practices with Ki or some other art that uses the soul.

The enchantment was done with his new artificer profession if you would like

to know, although some were just Inscribed spells.

He now had only one target to go to, the capital of Anchora.

Back at the Temple of light Jenna removed the curse from the petrified knights and woke up the sleeping ones.

The mirror king had already left and she had already put on her underwear.

There were tons of punishments on the knights who had failed their duty to protect her but all the white knights

of light were now Darknym's mortal enemies and if not for the capital being his next target, they would

have already sent a siege army to Drogan, which they would sooner or later send anyway.


Chris satisfied was now lying in his bed having his second dream.

While a strange clocked man in Allastar approached the Giant Oek Zeiseg.

"Is it true that you fought to a deadlock with a dragon adventurer?"

He asked the Ork

"Well It wasn't exactly a deadlock but you could consider it a draw at the point the match was suspended"

The ork said.

"So the match was for some reason stopped before a victor was announced, is that right?"

The man asked


The ork said in a somewhat proud way.

The man whose characteristics were completely covered by his black robe and hooded cloak.

The sleeves of his robe covered his hands while a strange darkness oozed out of his hood.

"If you were to fight him again do you think you would end in a deadlock?"

Asked the hooded man.

"Nah I will probably lose, adventurers become stronger after such ordeals, while we remain

stagnant, there's no way I can win against him"

The hooded man was surprised even though the ork couldn't see his face it could feel his excitement and enthusiasm.

"You do know that he will take your daughter away from you one of these days"

"Only after he defeats me In a duel, that will be my most treasured day, I will be able to

boast about having dragon blood in my family"

The Ork boasted as he smiled and begun to laugh

'I did forget he was an Ork'

The Hooded man thought.

"Do you think the king will be able to handle him if they fought?"

"I don't know, the king has become a bit too secluded when he closed himself from the world in his castle,

some say he has been practicing magic in secret"

The ork said.

"If he were to fight the one you fought before would he win"

"The one from long ago would lose without a doubt, I don't look down on humans but the dragon is the only

Adventurer who could survive two of my blows even the Dragonknight adventurer only survived one blow

before collapsing from the pain"

"Well if you had fought him a year again after a year you would be surprise how much he had grown,

I can guarantee that he can take ten of your blows now if he revives that is"

"As if I care, the dragon promised me babies"

Said Zeiseg as he laughed and smiled like a goody two shoes grandpa.


In the castle of Anchora King Mervin was looking in his mirror waiting for something.

A hand emerged from the Mirror and slowly the rest of his mirror self emerged from the mirror.

"What happened to your crown?"

Asked the original after seeing the mirror one missing it.

"There were some minor complications"

Said the mirror man with fear all over his face.

"Don't tell me you lost to an Adventurer, We are supposed to be Immortal, how on earth did you lose?"

"I didn't lose he just stole the crown and left, Jenna is safe although a little shocked

from the assault and the knights are all flocking to the capital saying he will appear here in the capital"

The Mirror man said in his defense.

"So you were late and Jenna was assaulted, failed to kill his mirror Image and let him escape with your crown!"

Shouted Mervin in full voice at the mirror man who was trembling before the twin blades pointing at both his eyes.

"If you fail me again, I will pluck your eyes out, surely you won't die from that but the pain you will feel and

the feeling of losing your sight will more than be a right punishment...So the rogue wants to come to the capital,

then we must welcome him"

Said Mervin while laughing out loud, the mirror man didn't laugh and silently went back into

the mirror, the king's reflection in the mirror now missed a crown, cause the crown's reflection was stolen.


At the mage guild there was an Uproar as some mages were killed by the rogue.

"Tell me what exactly happened"

Asked Aria, an old woman who had given Thirsha and the others the request to bring Darknym to the council.

"He's too strong, his Intelligence stat is higher than ours so we can't even dispel his barrier or even

penetrate it with our spells"

Said one of the Adventurers who had died from Darknym's Hellfires.

"So he is strong enough to obliterate 27 low mages and 3 mid mages like it was nothing,

well it only means that we must begin getting a bit more serious"

The old Hag in the black robe decorated by precious jewels said.

"Master we know for sure that he will be going to the capital next, please give us something that can lower

his magical resistances"

Another from the group said.

"Well I only have three ways of accomplishing that, one is a poison but you will need to cut him for it to work"

The players looked depressed at the first option.

"The second is a magic circle but you have to make him stand on the circle, the problem is

that he can simply step our of the circle and the whole spell will go to waste"

The players once more looked disheartened.

"The last object is not something that will make him less resistant to magic but it

can seal his magic, making him a powerless weak mage, behold the Collar of sealing"

She took out an Iron collar the size of one's neck and showed it to the players.

"this you must put on his neck and all his magic will be sealed until someone removes it from his neck, it was pricy

to buy at the black market but it's the best way of disabling a mage, also take this and that"

She took out a vial of some poison of sorts and pointed at a scroll sitting at a nearby shelf.

"The poison reduces magic defense and offense, while the scroll can be used only once to teleport anyone in the

range of it's effect to our prison, the problem is that you must be out of it's effective range and the

target must stay inside it for at least a few minutes"

The players greedily took the scroll, vial and iron collar and went to find other players who would like to partake

in their now sure success. Since there was yet to be a mage who could survive without his magic powers.

Aria the old witch was laughing as well since she was sure that her group would be

the first to capture the upstart mage and gain her favor within the council.

Unknown to her other council members had already provided their groups with such a scroll and

some similar or even greater artifact to help them.

One in particular the player Loki had provided a group with tons of scrolls with his most devastating death spells,

his real purpose was to test Darknym's true capabilities before he enters his domain in the undead kingdom were

they expected him to go next, since farther to the north lacked in population and players were a bit of a rarity.

The elven woods were the safest and most boring place to be since the elves had a special way of coexistence

with the wild beasts and archery was but a way to protect themselves from Invaders who enter their forests.

The wood elves are protected by ancient spells that would drive away any and all Intruders.

That's one of the reasons Darknym cannot teleport there directly but also a reason it's an unpopular place for players.

But the most terrifying thing about the elven wood was that Eladon the thousand suns lived there.

A high elf mage that was said to be able to create a small sun with his magic.

The story goes that Tobo before disappearing had challenged him once more for a fight and still lost easily.

TOBO used to challenge each Boss Npc once every year and post Videos of how they defeated him,

His best record was a two hours fight with the four dragon knight commanders, since they obviously went

easy on him since it was a formal duel with each one of them separately and he was healed after each defeat.

If Darknym did that It would make TOBO's battles seem like a joke since his battles were either

a draw or a victory, but if they fought one another it would be TOBO's victory since he had much more

gaming experience and cards to play, not to tell that he was an anti-magical class that excelled at

fighting mages, of course he couldn't have known that all council mages were Immortals.

To the northern reaches of the world were the Dwarven mountains, surrounded by layers of Snow and Ice.

Well they didn't know if Darknym had a taste for dwarven women but only dwarves are

allowed there and the Dwarven city is a death sentence.

TOBO couldn't even reach The Boss Npc as Runes Begun glowing from all the walls around him

making it seem as if the whole mountain was his enemy, each step a trap and each trap more deadly than

the one he faced before.

The only place other than the capital of Anchora was probably the Amber city of the amber Elves

or the Eastern forest of the Green elves.

Each being well guarded by Npcs and a little unfriendly, especially the eastern forest, green elves kill

anyone who isn't their kin, even other elf subspecies.

So it leaves him with the Deathmille Wood of the Gray elves and Death elves who fight

for ownership of the sacred Tree, that keeps the wood alive. Both of which are considered

sexy and beautiful races, the last place he could raid in the Undead kingdom was the

Capital where there are human slaves and Undeads, of the undead vampires were the

most beautiful race.

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