《Creator of Worlds》Re-Emergence.
Status Report:
Jugganautilus: the Water Moon. The heating of the water due to the core has heated the planet in an unimaginable rate.
The Sahuagins despair as the heating of the water has decimated their forces of secretly trained monsters. They are now stuck between two forces, the heating of the water which threatened their very being and the technologically advanced humans and their allies of the newly evolved Naga race.
The Naga has enslaved multiple species and they are in the process of creating domes that are capable of withstanding space. They plan to colonize the other moons. Species currently enslaved are Mantas, Sirens, Mermen, Mermaids, Sahuagins.
Performance tests on these species are also being conducted secretly in hopes of finding a weakness to ensure complete obedience. There is also hopes of gene modding the current humans to get the best parts of each species.
The heating of the water has dramatically endangered the water ring that surrounds the planet. The solid ice that keeps the ring from floating into space has started to degrade due to the intense heat generated from the waters below. Parts of the ring has fluctuated and bits and pieces of water float off into space. Many ice species fall extinct as the ice biome that they live in changes. Some do adapt however.
The Hedge maze continues expanding due to the sheer surplus of heat. it now encases the entire bottom sector of the planet and continues to grow, creating multiple layers.
Animals of Jugganautilus: Water Nymphs, Humans (Lesser), Four-armed Sahuagin, 2 headed hydra. Water Slime, Algae Slime, Sticky Eel, Water Snake, Ice Touch Eel, Octopus (Lesser), Abyssal Krakens, Iceberg Titanoboa, Short-nose Frost Dolphin, Whale, Dolphin, Fish, Fish(variant), Flat Fish, Snowcloud Manta, Manta, mermaid, Siren, Merman. Acid Nymph, Obsidian Whale, Psi-ce Dolphin, Naga, Frost-Cloaked Cod. Breeze Eel, Lesser Frost Snake, Greater Snow Serpent, Swift Summer Manta, Long Nose Lancefish.
Plants of Jugganautilus: Aquatic Tree, Sticky Weed, Earth Eating Moss, Fern Bush, Grasper Weed, Flesh Eating Moss. Acid Pod, Ocean Sequoia, Fern Hedge,
Nekindoar: The Fire Moon, The moon has ended their war and now a holy conflagration is going around purging those who have committed sins.
The Grand Republic of Humans and the Alliance has united banners to become the Holy Church of the Flame Messiah. They consist of the surviving species that are: Humans, Fire Slimes, Slime Dopplegangers, Solar Sailors, Lava Constructs, Lava Crocmen, Construct Minion, Fire Nymphs,
There is large reforms where the wasted ruins of old become grand and spectacular cities of new. The world how has 24 major cities and various villages. A council member comes from each citiy and represents a single species.
The recent downpour of water from Jugganautilus has plagued the world creating voracious spats of mineral geysers. Of all the species that fell from Jugganautilus to Nekindoar only the Obsidian Whale survived and they became a variant called Monolith Burgeons due to their huge size and their tendency to drive away invaders. They also have a smaller version of them called Statuite Purgers.
The boiling geysers and waters became a new biome called the Broiling Pits. A crossbreed of the Firestorm Crane and the Flare Override Piranhas have created a new species which is bizzare. It has four bird legs bent awkwardly with a hard shell protecting main body. It splits open to consume objects with their razor sharp teeth and they love to live in the Broiling pits and heavily contest space with the Statuite Purgers. This species is called Erei Kogani.
The water also brought a new plant to the planet called the Acid pod which is heavily crystalized due to pressure and heat. The crystals produce an acid so potent it burns lava when it splits open. Humans have started to experiment with this product. These crystal pods are called Acidian Carburns.
Creatures of Nekindoar: Fire Nymphs, Solar Sailors, Humans, Lava Constructs, Lava Slimes, Fire Slimes, Drakemen, Lava Crocmen, Dragonian, Construct Minion, Firestorm Crane, Flare Override Piranha, Magma Fish, Rainbow Fish, Ash Snake, Salamandra, Slime Doppleganger, Humans. Statuite Purgers, Monolith Burgeons, Erei Kogani
Plants of Nekindoar: Ash Weed, Luminous Tree, Earth Eating Moss, Fire Herbs, Skeleton Trees, Lava Drinking Gourd, Fire Piranha Plant, Lava Spitting Flytrap. Burning Messiah Tree, Acidian Carburns.
Aeriola- The Wind Moon, The planet surface is completely dominated by those who can control the winds, Wind Elves now have sky cities alongside Wind Nymphs, Aerolite Garudas, and Cloud Shifters and they control the territories of the floating islands.
With the collapse of the planet surface there are only sky islands. There is a council of elders from each of the species with the sky species as a high council and the displaced species as a lower council.
The sky islands float around but the main base for the Wind Elves is still in their wind funnel. Due to the intense heat of the core the winds are now scorching. It is now common for there to be heat strokes when walking outside.
Due to there being no ground the wind funnel starts to take in the magma of the core. occasionally the magma will surge into the funnel and create a tornado of heat. Aerolite Garudas situated in the wind funnel has been driven out or adapted into a new species of Cinder Garudians.
The intense heat kills many of the insect species with the most damage in the Armored Ants and Armored Scorpions. On the contrary the Mantsoid and the spideroids suffered the most damage in the collapse of the world.
Many plant species have caught on fire and are rapidly burning. However water from Jugganautilus has fallen and cooled down some of the islands, some of the water has gotten into the core and lowered the temperature by a degree or two. Though one island crumbled into dust due to the impact of the water. The water revitilized some of the island and now sprawling forests are present on some of them. Water spirits and Snowcloud Mantas was also introduced to the system. The Snowcloud mantas bring breaths of cold air into islands they travel to. Due to this phenomenon they are hunted by many and kept as pets.
The Mantas also derived into a separate species called the Devil Glutton Manta which ride the winds and engulfs anything that gets in their way. They actively hunt the Sky members.
There is now unity in the land as the species work together to make do with what they have. Dune Rhinos and Dune Hippos eventually learned to get onto two feet and use tools though some are still primitive. They are called Rhinerians and Hippodromes.
The councils of the Sky species are accepted and the armored animals gained better armor to reduce the effects of the heat waves.
They lead a tribal lifestyle with chiefs and warriors. They contest with each other to see which portions of the island become theirs for a year.
Animals of Aeriola: Armored Mantis (Queen), Armored Spider (Queen), Durable Sand Nomads, Iron-Claw Moles, Wind Nymphs, Sand Spirits, Airola Lemurs, Wind Disciple, Aerolite Garudas, Cloud Shifters, Dune Rhino, Armordrillo, Antoid, Scorpionoid, Wind Elves, Dune Hippos, Snowcloud Mantas, Water Spirits, Devil Glutton Manta. Rhinerians, Hippodromes
Plants of Aeriola: Ironwood Willow, Armored Weeds, Iron Root Mangrove, Shard Sequoia, Armored Cactus, Wandering Drought Fern, Strangle Vine. Cactus Creepers, Sandrose, Oasis Palm, Earth-Eating Moss, Acid Pod.
Terra-Collant: The Earth Moon. Ankleadoro is oneof several haven for the species of Terra-Collant, Yet one by one these havens fall. The Void Stone creatures invade through the use of the void to teleport into these havens.
Ash Dryads, Sunken Vampires, Soul Bunuman Hunters and Void Stone Creatures reign over wasted land and the Demons and Fallen Angels have banded together to form a sky castle to protect themselves from the void creatures. The Sky Castle is named Castle Von Fraunt.
The Guardian Obelisks of Terra-Collant gave their lives to create a barrier sanctuary sealed away from the rest of the world. This place is called Haven and it houses the Humans, Moss Bunumans, Waxmen, Candle Wisps, and the reminants of the Guardian Obelisks.
Sand Mantas, Hydras and Elephants were left to fend for themselves. In the barren wasteland where to survive you must kill these species evolved to meet their ways of survival.
Sand Mantas became masters of disguises and ambush their prey and swallow them whole. They also use their tail to whip their prey and tear chunks off of them to weaken them or slow them down.
Hydras rely on their many heads to hunt for prey. They are not afraid of losing their heads due to their natural regeneration but to protect themselves from losing to many heads they grew plated armor around their heads and neck while their body became slimmer and more muscled.
The Elephants grew out their tusks and developed spines to protect their broad back and sides. Since the land is barren they rely on eating bones from dead carcasses. They also eat venemous mushrooms and acid sacs. Due to this diet they developed toxic venom in their spines and became a species called Spiked Warphant.
The connection to the void eventually ceased to exist and the land plagued by the void eventually remained as part of the ecosystem. The planet eventually cleansed itself of the void through multiple battles with the Hydras, Spiked Warphants and the Sand Mantas. Eventually the Void Stone is the new currency of the world thus the craze for them had people hunt the creatures to near extinction.
Species of Terra-collant: Fallen Angels, Demons, Ash Dryads, Humanoid Slimes, Ember Sprites, Guardian Obelisks, Candle Wisps, Nightmare Shadow, Moss Bunuman, Waxmen, Elephants, Hydras, Desert Sahuagins, Humans, Sand Manta, Thorny Vine Queen, Sunken Vampires, Soul Bunuman Hunters, Void Stone Creatures. Spiked Warphant, Armored Hydran,
Plants of Terra-Collant: Wax Weed, Judgement Scale Bonsai, Tormenting Bonsai, Venomous Mushrooms, Star Shade Tulip, Owl Eye, Acid Sac, Frost Basil, Heart Lily Pad, Fermenting Ash Rose, Void Moss, Spacial Vine, Sky Rafflesia.
Aethereon: The Main Planet which is surrounded by 5 moons. It hosts a variety of ecosystems and is made up of 3 continents 1 subcontinent and 4 Oceans.
The Monks of the Ancient Tree of Knowledge aid the humans in overthrowing the four-armed Monkeys. They are now forced to work for both sides. Water from the planet Jugganautilus has poured itself on portions of the world. Introduction of the Psi-ce Dolphins have made many species intelligent enough to use psychic abilities. Some of these species are the Bats, some fishes, the Mantachnids, and the Hive Queens.
A new kingdom founded by the Hardwood Treants soughts to protect the Ancient Tree of Knowledge and sets it as their king. To any species that are not plant the tree seems insignificant but the plant species follow the tree zealously and war against those who wish to harm it.
The Flames of Nekindoar burn brightly and a vessal seems to have landed on the planet. A flaming tree with many Slime Doppelgangers and Salamandra isolate themselves in the deep mountains on the subcontinent. They start to spread a new religion about the Flaming Messiah Tree.
Due to this new religion the main religion of the Ancient Tree of Life felt threatened and sent out species to exterminate them.
A holy war between the two started up and scorched the land. It eventually got to the point that 2 continents and the sub continent were at war.
The main forces of the Ancient Tree of Life were the plant species such as the intelligent plants. Hardwood Treants, Thorny Strangler Fig, Carnivorous Acid Weed, Softwood Treant, and Intelligent Plant species.
The main forces of the Flaming Messiah Tree are the Slime Doppelgangers, Salamandras, Berserk Mantis, Adamantium Fortress Spiders, Devilish Void Frog, Vesperate Vipers, and 0Demented Void Frogadiers.
Eventually the war destroyed both trees and peace descended onto the land. The war had torn one continent into several island nations that had drifted across the world. Another continent became a barren wasteland in which the remains of both trees were buried in hopes of either of them regrowing in the future.
There is tension between the remaining continent and sub-continent but no war has broken out as of yet.
Creatures of Aethereon: Hardwood Treants, Devilish Void Frog, Armored Ant (Queen), Berserk Mantis, Arclight Wasp, Adamantium Fortress Spider, Armored Centipede, Armored Scorpion, Nymphs (Water,Wind) Water Slime, Mantachnids, Toxic Mantachnid, Crocmen, Ancient Croc, Four-armed Monkeys, humans, Vesperate Vipers, Cows, pigs, Horses, Wolves, Rats, Bats, Various Birds, Fishes, Snakes, Demented Void Frogadier, Hive Queen. Hive Queen Intelligent. Intelligent Mantachnid. Intelligent Bat, Intelligent Angler fish, Intelligent Pufferfish, Intelligent Shark, Slime Doppelganger, Salamandra.
Plants of Aethereon: Sticky Weed, Carnivorous Acid Weed, hardwood Tree, Softwood Tree, Iron Bramble Bush, Ancient Bamboo, Grasper Fern, Ancient Tree of Life, Crystal Rose Devil, Thorny Strangler Fig, Adhesive Acid Fern. Iron Thorn Bramble, Dusty Wicker Tree, Devil's Noose, Crystal Pillar Pine, Flaming Messiah Tree.
Sof: The Trial Planet-
Sof has came across peaceful times. The three big kingdoms of before have settled and expanded and have came to a treaty to stimulate warriors and watch for the next and final Beast of Calamity.
Quaramos Kingdom: Mountainous kingdom with a harsh, colder windy climate. Rock slides are common and it is dangerous to travel. Wax-o-Lanterns are the main lighting of the area and one of the most highly sought after species to have accompany you on a journey. Cave exploration is very popular in the kingdom and there are many homes which are converted into caves. The Undead also find this kingdom pleasant due to the many darkness areas it provides with the caverns they showcase. Some Undead have sanity remaining and try to appeal to save their species. It houses Sand Nomads, Wind Disciples, Solar Sailors, Armored Scorpions, Armored Mantis, Armored Spider, Elephants, Polar Wind Eel, Wind Nymphs, Wind Elves, Snowcloud Mantas, Nightmare Shadows, Sand Mantas, Waxmen, Wax-o-Lanterns, Sprites, and Various undead.
Senchiaguiz Kingdom: a kingdom situated in a plain, for miles you can see in all directions with semi-fertile land. Despite this, resources are brought in entirely through trade. The bread-basket of Sof. Many plant species love to settle here as they can raise their kids and raise plants to grow and sell. Many sects and monasteries love to make encampment here as field trips to learn the ways of nature through the plant species. It is actively dangerous at night due to the wide area for undead hoards to run about so many warriors are brought here to train and protect the kingdom. It houses Horses, Wolves, Rats, Humans, Beastmen, Humanoid Slimes, Toxic Mantachnid, Snakes, Moss Bunumans, Mushroom Men, Dune Rhinoes.
Iechene Kingdom: a kingdom along the coast, nearby there is an active volcano making the area very stormy. it houses. The storm and volcano pleases many Wind, Water and Fire attribute creatures and they hold annual games in each of three categories. The most popular of the three categories is the Wind Attirubte: Gravity Null Collesium where the wind allows for anyone to move about freely and fight others. There is ghost pirates who plague the waters however and a navy is needed to take them out. Water nymphs, Naga, Angels, Fallen Angels, Ember Sprites, Hydras, Sahuagins, Water Slimes, Water Snakes, Frozen Aqua Snake, Ice Touch Eel, Octopus, Abyssal Krakens, Iceberg Titanoboa, Snowcloud Manta, Manta, Mermaid, Siren, Fire nymphs, Lava Constructs, Lizardmen, Lava Crocmen, Dragonians, Firestorm Crane, Magma fish, Ash Snake, lazing Constructs, Iron Claw Moles, Bats, Demented Void Frogadiers, all the -oids.
Overall the exploration of Sof is still underway. So far the ruins of old civilizations are still being unearthed and the location of the last Beast of Calamity has still yet to be found.
Julie woke up after a very long nap. Julie's head was exploding from the pounding headache that she was witnessing. "What happened?" Julie asked herself and a man in a bright robe appeared. "Hello, its me. God." the man said and Julie punched him.
"Ow what was that for?" God complained and Julie just glared at him.
"Seriously what is it?" God asked.
"Why'd you plague my world with these curses" Julie exclaimed pointing a finger at the remnants of Aeriola and Jugganautilus.
God shrugs and then spoke. "Its not my fault that you screwed yourself over. Also don't feel bad bout the lost gods their just in our primordial chaos of wandering minds. It's where everyone whose god-like disappears to if no one remembers them"
"Then why am I here? No one should know my name" Julie cried out.
"Oh creators are different, they just enter a coma till the world fixes itself" God explained and he got hit again.
"Again, stop" God cried out and then brushed his robes as if to remove dirt off of him.
"Are you saying that massive information dump into my head was the world finally fixing itself." Julie asked and God winked. "Bingo and righto, you're not as dumb as you turn out to be"
Julie gave him another death glare and God walked over to the globe.
"You got about 100,000 points to spend make sure you don't make a mistake like last time and screw over your worlds over like last time. I can only be merciful a few times before I'd have to purge you"
Julie gulped and looked over at the worlds below.
There Julie saw a huge planet and five moons each swirling in peace. The lives of countless mortals unaware of any future disasters that may fall upon them.
Julie looked over at God who winked at her once more before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Julie turned back to the planets and accessed command after command before finally stopping.
Before her was parts of each of the worlds.
The Void Swamps, the ashen wastelands of Terra-Collant. The Floating Islands of Aeriola. The Obsidian Spires, the Mineral waters of Nekindoar. The Water Ring, the Hedge Maze of Jugganautilus. Each was copied terrain-wise exactly as they would appear on their respective moons and Julie merged them all on another planet which she set further away.
"Eventually you shall play a part in this all, but for now just fade away" Julie whispered to herself and then dove into her bed to sleep another few hundred years.
Sorry for the long long long LONG, hiatus. Of course you see me updating other stories except this one but I can say that those gave me a breather, a very very very very VERY long breather to be exact. But now I am here with some more Creator of Worlds. Time to see what crazy antics Julie will create this time around.
- Being a senior in school sucks, so many papers to signs and fill out and so much work to do. BLEH. - Author Sederance.
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