《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》11 - Defender Trial


Dialog in this story has the speaker's initial in front of it, unless it is bleeding obvious who is talking. NPCs will have some name or descriptor, leaving initials to be used by the player characters.

A: Ashcroft - aspiring mage

J: Jorlund - as close to a dwarf as a human can get

M: introduced this chapter

W: Werlkhan - main character, first person naration is from this perspective

-~= Jorlund =~-

"So far, this game is about what I expected. Normal weapons. Rats and slimes and mud lizards. They were named newts, but that just means slimy lizard. I can't tell if werlkhan is enjoying himself yet, but soon Ashcroft will be throwing fire around and we will be back to the normal dungeon crawls. What challenges will this game give us? It has already denied me the dwarf race; that is a trial to overcome in itself."

Jorlund stomped through the town heading for the middle. He kept an eye out for anyone that looked like they had a good tank class. He didnt want to become a smith just yet, though a dwarf in spirit would certainly need smithing skills later. Other players continued to run up and down the streets, each having a general idea of where they want to be and an urgency to not waste time in town. He stopped at a street crossing, more or less in the center of town, and looked around. The tall spire of the chapel in the east was easy enough to spot. The training field that everyone seemed to start at was a little northward on the left. Further north he could see a tall structure that rivaled the chapel, though lacking most any form of architectural decoration. He headed towards it.

The high fronts of nearby buildings shielded it from view as he passed the starting field, showing why he hadnt seen it before. Passing another street he found a small palisade surrounding what could be a whole city block, with the tall structure in the middle. It was a keep, the precursor to castles, in the oldest fashion. The only openning in the first story were the archer slits. There was a door in the second story, allowing a ladder to be dragged inside and the doorway barred in the event of an attack. However, now that there was a town and town walls surrounding the keep and its palisade, the ladder had been replaced with a wooden ramp.

A pair of guards with spears stood at the entrance to the palisade, but they did nothing as he walked in. A few town guards were sparring in the open space in front of the keep. Unlike the training field nearby, there were no straw dummies or wooden weapons here. A small upright forge and anvil stood nearby the keep for repairs on guard equipment, and a powerfully built man stood by it looking at the few bouts going on. Then he saw Jorlund with his hammer and shield, and came over. He had a thick beard with a few holes burnt through, and an intimidating hammer hung from a long belt that went over one shoulder, a bandolier. The hammer was too heavy for a belt that was mearly around one's waist.

NPC: "Hello there Elect, you have an interesting taste in armaments."

J: "The hammer is all I ever use; sufficient for my needs and hefty like my pride."

The man broke into a wide grin. "I have found a kindred spirit, it seems. Come, show me your pride in a simple spar." He then unhooked his considerable hammer and held it foward, pointed at Jorlund. Jorlund prepared himself, and then touched the head of his wooden hammer against the hammer head before him. Immediately the NPC sprung back and took a defensive posture. Jorlund centered his shield in front of him, cocked back his hammer and charged. As he closed, he deliberately swung a little early, swinging sideways and extending the hammer infront of his own shield. His opponent stepped to the outside and readied his own swing, but this is what Jorlund expected. Using the momentum of his hammer swing to pivot he exposed his back for a moment before his shield came around, close to his body and wicked fast. It caught the incoming attack perfectly and the twisting motion was continued as the hammer arm came back around for a low swing at the legs. His opponent lept backwards again, and reformed his ready stance. Jorlund stopped his swing, centered hims stance once more, and charged again. Again he swung early. This time, his opponent pressed forward to trap the hammer against the front of his shield, but this was the second most obvious choice, and Jorlund was ready. With a thrust of his shield he stopped his own hammer and reversed it's direction of travel with explosive force. This sudden change was sufficient to stop the other's advance and he even managed to catch the haft of the other's hammer with the head of his own. Instantly his wooden hammer was slammed downward with the force behind the monstrous hammer used by the NPC. Had the weapons been equal, Jorlund might have snapped the head off of the other hammer and disarmed his opponent. But Jorlund had the simple wooden weapon of a newly arrived player, and this man had the hammer of a forge master.


The sudden momentum change dragged Jorlund down, and a little forward as his arm completely extended and his wooden hammer sunk into the ground. He brought his shield between his head and the hammer that loomed above him, but it was not needed. The NPC had stopped his own hammer in mid air, and took a small step back. Jorlund pulled his wooden hammer free of the ground, and chalked the lack of dents and damage to this being a spar in a game, and not a real fight.

NPC: "Impressive. Your pride is well founded. I can tell that you do indeed pocess deep understanding of the hammer as a weapon, with both its limitations and advantages."

New Aspect Learned! Blunt Mastery 1

This weapon is as your own limb, and your knowledge encompasses many of its uses.

1% damage increase when using blunt weapons


Level up!

You have 2 unassigned points

NPC: "I am the quartermaster here at the keep, and you can call me Roland. I see you have no class yet, though you have clearly chosen a means of resolving situations. If I were to offer you a soldier's path, you would be limited by your choices. The hammer can neither slash nor pierce. Your use of the shield is good, and your choice to immobilize me with a blow to the legs instead of always going for the kill shows you can prioritize well. I think I know a class for you that few are qualified for, though it will be limiting as well if you are on your own."

J: "One of my companions is receiving training as a mage as we speak, and another has already become a class that thrives in the wild. What class do you have?"

Roland: "I started as a smith, and my role of Quartermaster grew from that. I spent years at the forge gaining precision and timing with the hammer. For you, I have a better idea."

Class unlock!


You hold the line; you are the line. You are unwavering in the face of danger, while others cower behind you. A bastion of strength, a fortified tower, you stand in front and declare to your foes "You shall not pass".

Stat bonus per level: 2 Vitality 1 Strength 1 Dexterity

Choose this class? Yes / No

This was much of what he was searching for. Yes.

New Skill Learned!

Class Skill Memorable

Any enemy you strike becomes fixated on you, and cannot target your party members.

Passive [toggle off]

J: "This does look fitting. Thank you Quartermaster Roland."

Roland: "Protect your friends, and come back here any time. I want to see what you and your pride can accomplish with this class."

J: "Speaking of, would you have a better hammer I could buy? This wooden one will only take me so far through a fight."

Roland: "My equipment is for the town guards. If you would join them, then I could outfit you with weapon and armor. Unfortunately, it is not for sale. This town could make some revenue that way, but the metal supplies are low enough that we keep our guards' stock for the guards."

J: "That is understandable. I can see the wisdom in that decision. Well then, Quartermaster Roland, thank you and goodbye."

Roland: "Fare well, elect of the gods."

Jorlund turned around and went back towards the training grounds. There he asked some directions and then went west towards the market green. There was no imagination used when naming the market green, it was the mostly flat and grass covered town's green originally. Then, as it was the place for having gatherings, more and more shops took over the surrounding buildings and faced their displays towards the green. Today, there were a few wagons in the green that had merchants selling out of the back of them as well as the buildings around the edges. Jorlund did not know how long until his friends would message him for a meetup, but he did want a better hammer.


With that goal in mind he went from shop to wagon, stall to storefront, seeing what he could get with his 4 silvers. The crafter players had not gotten far yet, and only some were selling knives and simple swords. The general stores had hammers, but also higher prices. Finally, one of the wagons parked on the green had what he wanted. It was a merchant focused on weaponry, and he had a few blunt weapons to choose from. One was very stylized; steel shaped to be a dragon's claw holding a bolder that had been cut in half to make the flat impact surface. The wrist of the claw was thick, and was where the hammer connected to the haft. And out from the back of the hammer head the dragon's wrist flowed into a slightly curved horn, much like one would expect from the head of a dragon. Leather straps crisscrossed down the handle, forming both style and grip. It was too expensive. So, he selected a plain looking hammer, the head some geometric prism flat on both ends. It fit well in his hand, was a good weight, and was inside his budget so he bought it.

Rock Mallet

dmg 7


cost: 2 silver

Right behind Jorlund was a player in a white nightshirt looking garment who had just purchased a mace, and then stayed around waiting. As soon as Jorlund finished his transaction with the merchant and turned around, the player stepped forward.

M: "Hello, I'm looking to join a party. Do you need a healer?"

J: "I dont think we have a healer yet. Do you have a belt to hold that nightshirt together?"

M: ".... So that is a yes?"

J: "As long as you keep your sanctified bits covered, it's a yes."

M: "Excellent. I'm Maledictive."

J: "I'm Jorlund. I can see why you did not offer your name at the same time as your services. Benedictive healings from a Maledictive priest... I approve."

Maledictive accepted party invite.

M: "How many are in your party?"

J: "You make 4, and none of our classes overlap. I assume you have yours, priest Maledictive?"

M: "I do, only it's Devout until I reach level 30. At level 30 the next tier of classes unlock and I can become a Priest. What class are you?"

J: "I think it's a rare one. It's called Defender and I did not get it from an advertised source."

M: "Interesting. That clearly makes you a tank player. When does the party head out?"

J: "Our mage is getting his class right now, should be done and I expect a message from him soon. The other, I'm not sure what his role will be, some kind of beast tamer class, but he is collectiong skills at the moment. We should head out as soon as the mage is ready."

As he was saying that, Welkhan entered the market green and started heading right for him. When they were a few yards apart Jorlund spotted him, and started laughing.

J: "I've seen Warlock Werlkhan, Assassin Werlkhan, Paladin Werlkhan, Barbarian Werlkan ... but this is my first time seeing Hobo Werlkhan."

Name: Jorlund Class: Defender Level 5 (0%) exp to level 611 Vitality 10 Health 191 Strength 14 Mana 37.5 Dexterity 5 Stamina 113.5 Intelligence 3 H regen 1.56 (123s) Wisdom 3 M regen 0.75 (50s) Charisma 3 Armor 2 unspent 0 Carry limit 150 Money 2s 47c

-~= POV Werlkhan =~-

I now look like a pest-ridden mess, with snails and moths and rats clinging to me or following my every step. But I finally have something essential for a class like mine, a means to communicate with my pack. The Pathfinder skill works when I am familiar with my target, so it was able to find Jorlund for me even when he was in a part of town I have not visited yet.

W: "Ha ha ha. Such funny. Very laugh. Can we party up again now, and where is Ashcroft?"

J: "I left Ashcroft with the mage tutor. He was starting to grind potion ingredients for the last of his experience. I have my class now, in case you were wondering."

W: "Good. What did you get?"

J: "It's called Defender, and it's first skill is an absolute agro."

W: "Awesome! I was expecting you to just grab a warrior or soldier something, but what you have sounds much better. That sounds perfect for you, and agro control is nice to have so early. Should we head back and collect our mage?"

J: "Sounds good. Also, Maledictive here is joining us as healer."

You are invited to join Jorlund's party

Accept / Ignore


W: "A mal-dictive healer? My Latin is more than rusty, but that sounds painful."

M: "You shouldnt worry about the pain, the mobs should."

J: "Content was good, delivery could use some work, but I think you will fit in here."

W: "Are you sure Jorlund? Another wisecracker might steal your thunder."

Jorlund and Maledictive reply at the same moment

J: "He's not a rogue."

M: "Thieving's not one of my skill trees."

W: "Perfect. Off we go then."

Pathfinder Ashcroft. The tug on the top of my head starts again, and facing towards it I see the glow on my compass. My pack follows me, now joined by my party. During the walk back south and east I check my status.

Name: Werlkhan Class Animalist0.1 pack: 12 / 12 Level 6 (5%) exp to level 816 2 Rats +1.4 vit Vitality 11.4 Health 246 3 Dreameater Moths +3 cha Strength 9 Mana 90 6 Kizuna Snails +4.2 wis Dexterity 8 Stamina 126 Intelligence 5 H regen 2.63 (93s) Wisdom 9.9 M regen 5.88 (15s) Charisma 6 Armor 0 unspent 0 Carry limit 102 Money 2s 57c

I am eager to trade some of these monsters out for the wolves in the forest, and get more skills from the east side of town.

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