《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》Side Story - Majsassin


This story is a natural byproduct of thinking up the fusion skill revealed in here.

Name: Majsassin Class Mage (Shadow/Soul) Level 25 exp to level 11680.5 Vitality 13 Health 1016 Strength 10 Mana 4538 Dexterity 25 Stamina 641 Intelligence 52 H regen 11.8 (86s) Wisdom 51 M regen 98.9 (46s) Charisma 5 Armor 0 unspent 0 Carry limit 150

The room is a large hall, with fireplaces burning at both ends to keep it warmed. The wealthy merchant baron is at a small table at the other end of the room, counting his mound of coins. Six men stand between the door and the merchant, thugs hired as body guards.

"Merchant Jibble. Your competitors think it is time you retire. I am here to convince you of the wisdom in that choice. The shadows lengthen and the shadows grasp." Shadow Grapple. Majsassin's shadow elongated, and then shot across the floor and under the table where it wrapped around Jibble's ankle. Then it started retracting. The flailing merchant upset the chair and table, scattering coins everywhere while he screamed "Help me! Stop him! Somebody kill him!"

The thugs were quicker than they appeared. Two jumped on the merchant and stopped the shadow from dragging him all the way to the door. The other four drew their assorted weapons, which were of nice quality. "Oh Jibble, it looks like you spent a fair amount on your guards here. It is a shame that wont help. Now I have to do this the messy way." Majsassin was interrupted when one of the thugs put a throwing knife into his shoulder.

50 damage received

The thug was bringing his arm back for another throw, but wouldn't get to finish. "From the shadows they come. Where there is one there are many." Shadow Perferation. The shadow that was stretched down the center of the room sprouted a branch which leapt off the ground and divided into 10 points that plunged into the man.


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-100 -100 -100

-100 -100 -100


That one must have been around level 13 or so. The two closest men had longswords and were charging, but this battle was already decided. "The light fades and all is darkness, and in this shadow I find my home." Shadow Domain. All the shadows in the room cast by the two fireplaces grew instantly, joining together and plunging the room into darkness. The fireplaces could not illuminate it. Majsassin took several quick and silent steps to the side, so the swordsmen could not guess where he was. This skill granted him the simultaneous benefits of the ones that come before it, letting him hide in these all encompassing shadows and move through them silently. Passing around the two swordsmen, Majsassin approached another likely ranged attacker who had stayed back when the encounter turned hostile.

"Quench my thirst." Soul Siphon. "I hunger." Leech. Majsassin grabbed his targets wrists, one hand draining mana and the other draining health. The man screamed in fear as he felt his essentials being drained, but still couldn't see anything. He trashed and tried to free his hands, but even if he could it would have done nothing for him.

New Skill Learned!

Reaper's Domain

"Death comes, silent, surrounding. He persists as you wither in his presence."

Fill the room with shadows for 30 seconds, hiding your presence. At the same time, the shadows siphon from all the targets in the room.

2000 mana

Hidden fusion skill using Shadow and Soul

This skill is gained by performing the separate skills in combination.

"How nice, I should try it." Majsassin let go of the thrashing man and moved through the shadows to the center of the room. "Death comes, silent, surrounding. He persists as you wither in his presence." Reaper's Domain. The shadows filling the room stirred, and then started rippling slightly with ghastly greys. The mana and health from the six surviving enemies in the room came pouring into Majsassin, and he could not hold back a laugh as their pain filled cries came from all around.




None of them were mages, so each victim only had around 250 mana to begin with. It wasnt enough to refill him, but his mana regeneration recovered more than the spell cost in the 30 seconds it lasted. There was enough mana to finish the fight with multiple Shadow Spikes as the skill ended and the room was revealed again.





Majsassin then cleared the room of evidence with Soul Harvest, converting each corpse into mana, and walked over to the overturned money table. There were a dozen gold coins and even a pair of gold marks on the floor, the silver and copper being too insignificant to bother with. Then he walked out the way he had come, back to his alley behind his favorite pub to collect his fee for a job complete.

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