《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》10 - Mage unlocked


Dialog in this story has the speaker's initial in front of it, unless it is bleeding obvious who is talking. NPCs will have some name or descriptor, leaving initials to be used by the player characters.

A: Ashcroft - aspiring mage

J: Jorlund - as close to a dwarf as a human can get

W: Werlkhan - main character, first person naration is from this perspective

These varied monster skills are not like a normal class skill tree, where one stat clearly becomes dominant and most of your class skills are enhanced by it. I suppose I could focus on magical beasts, like the Dreameater Moth and Marsh Slime, and become FoH's equivalent of a blue mage. But that is not my play style. Ashcroft is our mage. Whatever. Having a collection of small skills makes me more versitile, and I can switch to some kind of hulking damage dealer at level 10. With a goal of a front line build, I start to reconsider those snails and their damage reflection. I will pick that skill up on my way back to town. We make it out of the marsh and back to the short grass and small bushes closer to the city. Other players are running around in basic gear looking for easy monsters too. Several seem to be heading back to town for a heal after finding snails.

W: "How much of that slime powder do you have left?"

A: "The bag feels endless and there is no use count on the description, just 'Slime Crystal Catalyst'."

J: "I'm a third of the way to level 5, and if those slimes are the same experience reward then they will get me another third of the way there. Same with you?"

A: "Yes, same here. I guess we will need just a few more targets after these easy ones. Alright Werlkhan, release the slimes."

W: "Starting with the one closest to you."

Marsh Slime (lv 2)

pack member

Animalist bonus: +0.6 wisdom

Release? Yes / No


The gelatinous mound quivered, and then started pouring itself towards Ashcroft at full attack speed. It was amusingly slow. Ashcroft opened the little bag of powder and brought out a pinch of something that looked like dried clay pieces. Just as the slime was in reach of his boot he dropped the substance on the blob, and took a step back. The slime stiffened, pulled back the part that was trying to latch on to the mage, and started turning itself inside out to repel the chunky powder. It didnt work, and green crystal shards started growing on the flecks as the slime seemed to reduce in volume. Very soon, the slime was gone and where it had been stood a little pile of green crystals.

J: "Much faster than putting salt on a slug, and it leaves something useful behind too."

W: "Okay then. I am not sure how to feel about your real life experience having found correlation in this game."

J: "If you had known me when I was 4, you would have been right next to me seeing what other condiments did to the things."

A: "And posting the results for your readership."

W: "Fair point. I do get analytical when it is for the readers. That is part of why I still have this hidden Animalist class instead of reseting it at a chapel."

J: "Wait, you have to go to a chapel to reset your class?"

W: "Not like you were going to try a few out anyway. Yes, the wiki says you can go to a chapel and offer up your levels to the gods and they pay you for the experience. If you reset back to the level where you gained a class, the class is removed."


A: "That is good to know. Now, can you release the next slime?"

W: "Actually, have you tested the powder yet? We know it works on contact with a slime, but does it have to be applied directly?"

J: "And the experiments begin. I am going to find another few newts to bash while you guys play with your jellies."

Jorlund hefted his axe and walked back to the marsh.

W: "Sprinkle a line on the ground, and I will release two slimes to see if it still gets them."

A: "Sure, just dont release them all at once."

The two slimes did the same quiver when released, and then started their attack wobble at Ashcroft. I suspect they picked him instead of me because he was still closer. These mobs had very simple battle directives, and if it weren't for the high physical defense would be much easier than the rats. When they got to the line of sprinkled powder on the ground they paused. They must have been able to sense it. Then each one stretched out its top part to make a bridge over the powder and flowed across without stepping on the trap.

W: "That answers that question. It would be an okay defense if the powder was sprinkled wide enough they couldn't cross it."

Ashcroft didnt answer, as he was busy sprinkling the two threats with the powder from above.

W: "When you are done crystlizing my slimes, I want to go catch some of those snails we found earlier."

A: "I'm not going to go with you for that. I am still in Jorlund's party and we will reach level 5 and then head back to town."

W: "That's fine. I am just thinking... if I can get that damage reflection skill, it might prove handy when I am in a melee. Especially since it can have multiple targets at the same time."

Ashcroft collects the crystals from the two slimes that just finished converting.

A: "Two at a time works. I am ready for the next pair."

I release two more slimes, but one of them heads for me instead of for him. My rats recognize the hostile intent and squeak their battle cry. One of my moths swoops down and stuns it, starting its 3 minute cooldown again. I sigh as Ashcroft steps over and sprinkles the slime before it gets low in health enough to rejoin my party. The clumpy powder has no effect on my rats, and they scamper back to my heels as the slime dies. Then the final two slimes go, and my pack is back down to a pair of rats and three moths.

W: "Okay, thats it. I am off to get another skill. You might consider heading back now, and getting the last experience for your fifth level in the mage's basement. Unexpected things can happen on that transition."

A: "Those moths gave more experience anyway. Hey Jorlund! Let's head back to the mage and finish leveling in his basement."

From a few strides away Jorlund replies.

J: "I hate those cowardly flutterbugs!"

A: "But they give twice the experience. Also, as Werlkhan has demonstrated, you might not get to pick a class if you arrive at 5 out here."

Jorlund came plodding over, shoulders slumped, yielding to the logic of the argument.

J: "I have three more newt toes, let's go see what the mage pays for these things."

W: "I'll catch up soon. Message me when you have the class."


-~= POV Ashcroft =~-

We head back to town, ignoring the scattered snails which continue to make those connections reminding us how happy they are to be left alone. And I am just as happy to leave them alone too, remembering the feel of Jorlund's hammer transmitted through that soul binding or whatever these snails do. We quickly make it back to town and down the side street to the mage's house, and in the front door.

A: "Mage, we're back."

The mage was just sending some other player down the ladder to his cellar farm, and did not reply right away.

Mage: "Welcome back. Did you find some ingredients for me?"

A: "We found several things, I hope you will buy them all."

Jorlund and I pile our monster drops together on a small table. Together we have one Kizuna snail shell, 11 newt toes, 15 crystalized slimes, 6 dreameater moth eyespots, and 3 snake eyes. The mage looks over the pile, humming to himself. Werlkhan had said the other things that we did not get from the marshes were also potion ingredients, so the mage should also be interested in buying them.

Mage: "I see you did get some slime crystals like I asked. For this pile of ingredients I will give you 4 silver and 85 copper."

J: "Agreed."

Quest Complete

You have gathered ingredients for the local mage Arknatbo. He has bought what you brought back.

2 silver 43 copper

J: "Always nice to be appreciated."

Mage: "Was there something more you were after?"

A: "I want to become a mage, but I still need a little more power. Can I kill some more moths in your basement?"

Mage: "You already helped me with my silk farm, and the problem has not returned yet. Perhaps you could help me process these ingredients for use in my experiments. I often feel invigorated by the grinding of powders and preparations of pastes."

J: "And that's my que to leave. I am going to go find who grants the warrior class and get some final experience from them."

Jorlund disbands the party.

He heads out as another player comes in. I look at the new window in front of me.

New Quest!

Arknatbo has offered to let you grind his ingredients.

Accept / Ignore

A: "Alright. Show me where to go grind."


Mage: "Just take these into the room with the red door. My mortar is already setup there, just get to grinding."

Mage Arknatbo hands me twenty crystalized slimes and turns to the player that just walked in the door. "Ah good. Perfect timing, I need some help."

Looking around the small house I see that the door to the moth cellar / silk farm has no paint on it, simply wood. At the other end of the back wall is a dark door, possibly painted black but faded. There is a door in one side wall with green paint, vertical striations giving the impression of plants, and on the opposite wall a faded red door. Walking in, I see the expected alchemy lab with a large cauldron in the corner, but right next to the door is a small table with only a mortar and pestle. Clearly, that is what he wants me to use and the rest is not to be touched. I go over to the table and put one crystalized slime in the large stone mortar. I grind it with the pestle until it disappears and a small, familiar leather pouch appears on the table next to me.


Peaking inside I see that same powder used to start the process on the slimes out in the marshes. I wonder what other uses it has... but it doesnt matter much to me. 10 more slimes go into the mortar and make 10 more bags and I finally get the level up notice.

Level up!

You have 2 unassigned points

I grab up the powders and return to the mage back in the main room.

A: "Mage. I am now strong enough to step on the path of arcane knowledge. Will you teach me?"

The mage looks me up and down, and then agrees. "Yes, you look ready to learn. Listen carefully. A mage may at times be frail of body, but never frail of mind. Ours is the knowledge of what binds the world together, and the power to strengthen or loosen those bindings. Choose wisely the steps you take as you walk on this path."

Class unlock!

Mage (unspecified)

You know the secrets that underpin the world. Your voice, fingers, and mind can bring forth power beyond the understanding of your adversaries. Many are the choices before you, and vast is your potential. You must choose which field(s) of knowledge to persue.

Stat bonus per level: 1 Intelligence 1 Wisdom 2 unassigned

Class Skill Choice!

A mage is one who persues the ends of knowledge. Choose what your focus will be.

For a blood price (2 vitality) you may choose a second focus.

Elemental (will set one of your stat bonus points into intelligence)

Fire Earth Water Air Shadow Light

Arcane (will set one of your stat bonus points into wisdom)

Summons Enchantments Souls

Tangible (will set one of you stat bonus points into dexterity)

Alchemy Mechanician Botany

This is not what I expected. I am so used to playing fire, it is my trademark. But I get a second choice? Alchemy could let me throw moltovs, and there are sure to be fire enchantments and fire summons. Or I could go Fire and Air, to get a complementary set of skills. What to choose....

-~= POV Werlkhan =~-

I head off at an angle from the path that Ashcroft and Jorlund take, aiming for an area with denser bushes. Since all the snails so far have been on bushes, that seems like a good hunting ground. As I approach I am proved right. I feel the connection happen, and I am innundated with the feeling of contentment at sitting on a bush. Getting closer, I feel two more connections. Each one is content, working like an echo on my consciousness and almost making me sit down right there to enjoy the day. This makes me mad, and they feel that. Slowly, each of the three snails loses its contentment and becomes determined to scare me off. Being connected in this way, I know exactly where each one is so I head over to the closest one.

Kizuna Snail - 2

I am going to take this skill. Jorlund killed that first snail with 33 damage, so doing that much would get me experience instead of a skill. First I hit this snail with my kris knife.


(16 damage received)

Too much, I am not here to kill it. I draw my wooden sword, and bash the fur snail again.


(7 damage received)

The bush is bobing and waving, and I start to sense some disorientation from the snail hanging on the end of the branch. I suppose gastropods don't get motion sickness, but can still get dizzy. I grab hold of the branch to steady it, again thinking on how I am here to collect the skill. The damage reflection is limited by the snail's life, which I can straight ignore. My thoughts are interrupted by a system message.

a Kizuna Snail (lv 2) joins you +0.7 wisdom

Oh? Did the snail understand something? I grab hold of its shell and stick it to my roughspun shirt. Snails are notoriously slow and I dont want to wait for it to catch up as I hunt more. I turn to the next snail that has connected with me, and start thinking about how easy they are to kill. I also throw in some thoughts about how it is better to have a pack member than a kill. Then attack with my kris knife.


(16 damage received)

a Kizuna Snail (lv 2) joins you +0.7 wisdom

Looks like this connection is a two directional thing, and it is getting easier. I turn to the last snail in this group of bushes, and repeat the mental process in preparation for the attack. It works this time too. I happily approach the town gate, meandering to nearby bushes on my way as I collect snails. At four I unlock the skill.

New Skill Learned! Spirit Connection

Establish understand without needing words. Sharing pain is part of the deepest of understandings.

You and your target are connected for 1 minute.

5 mana

I now look like a pest-ridden mess, with snails and moths and rats clinging to me or following my every step. But I finally have something essential for a class like mine, a means to communicate with my pack.

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