《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》06 - the Rat Pack


Dialog in this story has the speaker's initial in front of it, unless it is bleeding obvious who is talking. NPCs will have some name or descriptor, leaving initials to be used by the player characters.

W: Werlkhan - main character, first person naration is from this perspective

Dustin and Eric are not online yet. They both know my handle, and will make a friend request as soon as they are in. I am expecting them any minute, but my readership at the least will want details about this class. Since this game allows class switches, I have no worries about keeping this one for awhile and I should at least see what that third class skill means. First, it's time to check my status.

Name: Werlkhan Class Animalist Level 5 (0%) exp to level 611 Vitality 9+0.7 Health 186.5 Strength 7 Mana 52.5 Dexterity 8 Stamina 102.8 Intelligence 4 H regen 1.7 (109s) Wisdom 5 M regen 1.56 (34s) Charisma 3 Armor 0 unspent 2 Carry limit 80 Money 54c

Classes usually come with certain skills that unlock at specific levels. I wonder what level I need before I can give my tamed beasts commands. Previous goal, get a class before my firends sign in: complete!

New goal, experiment with this class until they get here. Since I am between the farm fields and the town wall, I might as well collect a few more rats. Continuing on my path along the farm field it does not take long for another squeak to sound out from among the squash plants. The rat that has joined me was following along behind me like a puppy, happy to stay at my heels. I already know what to expect and hold my knife at the ready. Some leaves rustle, followed by a rat jumping out from cover into the open air. I swipe down with my knife and knock it to the ground.



The rat that was following me squeaks and attacks the one I just engaged.

-5 from rat

a Rat (lv 1) joins you +0.7 vitality

The rats untangle, and the one that was on bottom straightens up and gives me a bow.

New Skill Learned!

Pathfinder Identify the best path to take to the intended destination This skill learned from the monsters in your pack by reaching a majority of one kind.

That was easy. I turn and head into the middle of the field, two rats now hopping at my heels. I hear a squeak followed by leaves rustling and turn to face the next pack member. It jumps, I swing.


And my rats attack it right away.

-5 from rat

-5 from rat


How was that one different? Maybe the rat takes a moment at very low health to decide to join me. To test the theory I put the Kris in inventory and pull out the wooden weapons, and then continue across the field. Oh, the copper coins, don't want to forget money just lying around. There are no more rats in this field so moving to the next one. I am greeted by two squeaks and the rustle of leaves.

The rats appear at almost the same time, and I let them bite me.

(5 damage received)

(5 damage received)

It still hurts, but I knew it was coming so I can manage. The two rats following me squeak and attack. This squeaking is beginning to irritate me. I attack the rat on my right with the wooden weapons.

-5 from rat on rat1

-6 on rat2

-4 on rat2

-5 from rat on rat2

Close to where it was the first time, so I stab my sword into the ground between the rats as a delay and use the dagger.


-4 on rat2

a Rat (lv 1) joins you +0.7 vitality

That worked. I see the rat doing its little ceremony of a bow but there is still a fight so I don't watch. My attention is on the other rat fight just as my team delivers a third hit. I see the fading notices of this fight and stab in with the dagger.

-5 from rat on rat1

-5 from rat on rat1

-5 from rat on rat1

-4 on rat1

a Rat (lv 1) joins you +0.7 vitality

I now have 4 of my 10 creature limit, and this field looks empty. I return to the gate road between the farms and step into a field on the south side. I hear a squeak and feel a bite on my foot, followed by four squeaks behind me. I don't even raise a weapon.

(5 damage received)

-5 from rat

-5 from rat

-5 from rat

-5 from rat

a Rat (lv 1) joins you +0.7 vitality

Peer pressure is a real thing, and this class is easy. Two of my rats are in tatters, but they seem to be healing fast enough. Staying to the edge of this field I stroll forward. Soon I hear the usual squeak and I stop. The rat attacks.

(5 damage received)

My rats squeak and swarm around me. I bend over to grab the rat that is limping behind the others. 4 is just the right number for this fight.

-5 from rat

-5 from rat

-5 from rat

-5 from rat

a Rat (lv 1) joins you +0.7 vitality

This feels too easy to bulk up like this. Hidden classes really are a cut above the others.

W: "Skill list."

Werlkhan: Skills Taming passive Force a creature to accept defeat at your hands, and it will join you.

Limit 2/lvl Herd Enhancement passive Receive a buff of 10% of a creature's top stat from all tamed creatures Wild Intuition passive Learn the skills native to your pack. Tame similar animals to learn their ability Parry (dagger) cost: 10 stamina

cooldown: 0 Using a dagger or short weapon, receive and redirect attacks without taking damage.

This is a contest of dexterity with your enemy. Inspect cost: 0 mana

cooldown: 0 See uses and metrics of some objects Pathfinder cost: 0 mana

cooldown: 1 min Identify the best path to take to the intended destination Werlkhan: Status Name: Werlkhan Class Animalist Level 5 (8%) exp to level 611 Vitality 9+4.2 Health 239 Strength 7 Mana 72.5 Dexterity 8 Stamina 111.5 Intelligence 4 H regen 4.23 (56s) Wisdom 5 M regen 2.01 (36s) Charisma 3 Armor 0 unspent 2 Carry limit 80 Money 54c

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