《Founding of Humanity - Animalist》03 - Snakes in the Grass


Maybe 4 hours until my friends are online, and three more levels to climb before I can get a class. Soon as I clear the slight disorientation of the transition to the game I check my surroundings. I am right where I was when I signed off. I head north across some grassy fields towards the woods. Stamina is important in battle so I don't run this time, and halfway between the farm and the woods I see how hard a higher level monster is.

Ambush!54 damage received

It feels like my leg has been shredded and I am standing on the tattered end! I fall to the ground with a shout of pain. A green and brown snake coils up from biting me and raises its head above the grass.

Plains Snake - 3

A level 3 snake nearly killed me in one hit! I swing once with my sword, going wide and missing. The snake bobs its head to follow the movement, and then looks at me again. I hold my dagger out, between me and the snake, while I try to get back up into a defensible position. The snake focuses on my dagger, matching every wiggle and dip, and hisses. It strikes and I parry, but I do not have as much dexterity as the snake and receive some damage

incomplete parry, 50% damage5 damage received

I have 23% health left, and my heart is pounding so hard I can feel it everywhere. I'm sitting upright so my arms are free to fight. Either I take this thing now or after I resurrect at the chapel. I extend the dagger out and the snake follows enough for me to smash it across the face with my wooden sword.

-6 to snake

What? I have increased strength and level since those rats, I should be doing more damage! As it is lifting its head I hit it again, this time pressing the head into the ground at the end of the swing.


-6 to snake

And I start stabbing with the knife

-3 to snake

-3 to snake





The snake is writhing and trying to get free. I curse it for having such health while I keep stabbing.



Then it gets its body under my sword, and starts pushing my sword up. This snake has more strength than I do! I've recovered the 5 health from the bad parry, but I am still dangerously low on health for this fight. However, that barrage of stabbings has brought the snake's health as low as mine. About 30% left. That snake glares at me, and then strikes out to bite the arm holding my dagger.

(9 damage received)

I start beating on it with the sword while it is attached to me



It draws back for another strike and I bring my wounded arm with the dagger up and ready. I activate the parry skill again to try and decrease the damage.

incomplete parry, 50% damage5 damage received

Smack it while it's extended!


The snake crumples to the ground and vanishes in a twinkle of dust moats, and I collapse back to the ground gasping.

85exp Level up!

You have 2 unassigned points

The experience from the snake pushed me to the next level, fully healing me as a side effect. The pain of my injuries is an instant memory. Feels so good.

The snake also dropped its skin and one eye. I cannot see a description on them other than the plain labels, but I worked hard for these so I pick them up. If I am going to fight another snake, I want to be able to parry it properly. I put two points in dexterity, and am surprised to see my stamina rise from that. My last point goes into vitality, as I was too close for comfort to dieing out here. I am not too curious to see how bad the death penalty is. That one point brings up my health, stamina, and healing rate. My new status numbers bring me a little comfort.


Werlkhan: Status Name: Werlkhan Class n/a Level 3(0%) exp to level 283 Vitality 7 Health 104 Strength 7 Mana 31.5 Dexterity 8 Stamina 74 Intelligence 4 H regen 1.11 (93s) Wisdom 5 M regen 0.94 (34s) Charisma 3 Armor 0 unspent 0 Carry limit 76 Money 31c Skills: Skills: Parry (dagger) 10 stamina, 0 cooldown Using a dagger or short weapon, receive and redirect attacks without taking damage. This is a contest of dexterity with your enemy.

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