《Roki》Chapter 5: Jade Dragon
*living room*
Sound of silence, at the background a faint sound of chopping can be heard.
Sound of ingredients being chopped can be loudly heard. Okaa-san was diligently cutting up the vegetables with her fine cutting skill. Like one of those master chef that was usually shown on screen exhibiting their prowess in cutting skill.
Stove and pots were separately on fire. By okaa-san was handling it with ease. Her movement was seamless with no excess movement she would put expert chef to shame with her skills. Finishing the final touch on her various dishes, she then stand in front of the stair case with her hands on her hip. Taking a deep breath she then shout;
‘Guys wake up!!! Time for breakfast!!!’
As it was coincidence, Kichiro was already woken up from his bed. With messy bed hair and tired looking face, he went downstairs after hearing her mother yelling for breakfast. He just finishes from being online in the game. The game has a function that allows the user to sleep in-game and correspond functional to the body sleeping pattern.
Even in game with their body unmoved allow them their body to rest for about 50%. Since they are using their brain to play the game, 50% was the maximum for their body to gain an efficient rest.
Sitting on the chair with his eyes barely opening, he slowly eats his mother’s dish. On the table were simple foods in a Japanese home with a tint of western style. Tamagoyaki, fluffy white rice, miso soup, natto, nori, broiled fish and small sized sausage. Simple but the taste was like those made in a 5 star restaurant. Kichiro ate it comfortably if Layla took a bite she would have been screaming with happiness.
Okaa-san seeing her son eating alone was a bit confused, the new addition to her family was not there and Layla was the one who was more enthusiastic on eating her cooking. She then question him;
‘Kichiro, where is Layla-chan’
‘ah, shes not here hmm must be still sleeping or something’
‘hmm Kichirooo, go wake her up first it would be rude to left her out like this’
‘okaa-san how about…’
‘no excuse go first or I wont make your favorite tamago again’
‘…… yes okaa-san’
He stubbornly went up the stairs, while still chewing the fluffy tamagoyaki. In front of her room door, he suddenly hesitates with his hand on the door knob. A sudden feeling of traumazation came into his mind, the incident that leave a few bumps on his head, it was heavenly sight but with the price of blood on the line.
Sweat starts to come out from his forehead, with a pale face he took a deep breath and knock at the door. He had learn a lesson and wont make the same mistakes again.
*knock knock knock*
After three knock to the door, no one was answering leaving him clueless on what to do. If he doesn’t wake her up, his precious tamago wouldn’t be made again and that will leave him one more treasure that could not obtain in this world.
He took the risk and opens the forbidden door. Opening the door, a white light was shining from the window with a woman in front of it. Wearing only a see through white shirt, the alluring body of the woman known as his childhood friend was exceptional like those scenes from romantic movies. One thing for sure she wasn’t really wearing anything underneath that one layer clothing.
It was like an angel that was sent from heaven. This was the first time he was mesmerizes by her childhood friend beauty and once again they were in an awkward moment. Their eyes met and a silent moment between them ensure. Layla’s face start to become red and in the background like a sound of bells chimes in the air while dove fluttering away. In the end a loud smack resound through the neigbourhood.
-Last day of confinement period-
A diligent young girl cooking over the flame of the stove. It’s been a week since she was allow to cook for the customer. At first many blunder was made resulting in horrendous quality dishes but in time her determination and also the aid by Chef Liu Bei earn her the skill cooking. No need skill book or NPC privilege are needed, only her willingness to learn made her achieve the skill of cooking. One can merely pay to learn the skill by 1 gold but for a newbie that amount was too expensive for them.
Even though it was an indirect way of learning from Chef Liu Bei and other supporting chef, she was able to learn it straight to level 3. Only 2 more level until she pass the last task and then farewell cruel restaurant run by a cruel boss.
Currently it was the last and she was at the end of beginner level 4 for cooking. Dishes pile up as she increased her workload hoping to increase the experience bar much faster. Over the last week she has bond with the kitchen staff and were treated by them as one of their own. Her bright and cheery attitude lit up the kitchen even more fiercer.
Each and every one of the kitchen staff had thought their know-how to the newbie in cooking letting her understanding much further while also increasing her learning rate. Customers were coming in fast, more orders were being taken, and compare to usual today was a frightening day for a chef. Lines of customer were piling up outside of the store.
It seems without she noticing it, Miss Zhang has put a 50% discount for all dishes letting the increased in total number of customers. A devilish smirk was carved on her face as she was planning this even from before, overseeing the influx of customer into her restaurant only one thought came to her mind;
“hoho endure little girl”
Times flew by and the time was 11.50 p.m. a sole young elf maiden was busting her ass to finish the last task. 10 minutes left and she finish her last dish. Completing the plating of the final dish a blue window open up in front of her causing her to let out a smile, happy of being able to complete her task.
Your Cooking skill has level up to Beginner level 5
With a shout of joyment, she has reached her goal. Along with the skill level up notification another blue window opens up;
Congratulation! Your confinement period has end, you can now enjoy travelling in the world of Gaia
The end of her prisons day, the time for her to embark an adventure throughout the whole continent was within her reach and the time for her to reach the pinnacle her idol JoantheArc. Without waiting for a mere second she ran to get to the NPC that was responsible for her 2 weeks arduous quest, Miss Zhang.
She then barge into the room of Miss Zhang. While brimming with confidence telling her;
‘I have finished the task’
The cold expression of Miss Zhang was engulfing the whole room. She stares fixatedly at the young elf in front of her. One part of her heart was telling that she was quite impressed of the accomplishment of this young maiden. It’s been a while since someone has completed this task. She then said to Rinoa;
‘congratulation, little girl’
After congratulating Rinoa a sudden burst of light rise above her head. The light continuous start to glow for around 12 times and along with the light once again she was bombarded with blue notification window.
You have level up!
‘WOW… im level 12’
In the blink of an eye, she has raised herself to level 12 just by completing the task. Miss Zhang then hand her a box.
‘this is your reward, come take it’
After opening up the box, she caught a glimpse of her reward a set of light armor and a dagger. She carefully read the description of all the things that she has gotten.
ZhangZiyi Custom made Lupus Leather Cuirass Defense:45Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea light armor made by the leather of a wolf that commonly inhabited the forest near the city of Eraborn. Woven and craft by the a mysterious renown seamstress that created a unique leather armor that was made for beginner level player that transcend the limit of its material. Armor is imbued with certain effects:
-grant 15 agility
-grant 10 strength
-grant 50 stamina
-grant 200 health
-grant 100 mana
-decreasing incoming attack by 5%Requirement:Level = 10
ZhangZiyi Custom made Lupus Leather Gauntlet Defense:35Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea light armor made by the leather of a wolf that commonly inhabited the forest near the city of Eraborn. Woven and craft by the a mysterious renown seamstress that created a unique leather armor that was made for beginner level player that transcend the limit of its material. Armor is imbued with certain effects:
-grant 10 agility
-grant 5 strength
-increased attack speed by 5%Requirement:Level = 10
ZhangZiyi Custom made Lupus Leather Boots Defense:40Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea light armor made by the leather of a wolf that commonly inhabited the forest near the city of Eraborn. Woven and craft by the a mysterious renown seamstress that created a unique leather armor that was made for beginner level player that transcend the limit of its material. Armor is imbued with certain effects:
-grant 15 agility
-grant 5 strength
-increased evasion by 5%Requirement:Level = 10
ZhangZiyi Custom made Lupus Leather Pants Defense:32Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea light armor made by the leather of a wolf that commonly inhabited the forest near the city of Eraborn. Woven and craft by the a mysterious renown seamstress that created a unique leather armor that was made for beginner level player that transcend the limit of its material. Armor is imbued with certain effects:
-grant 10 agility
-increased stamina by 5%Requirement:Level = 10
ZhangZiyi Custom made Lupus Leather Skirt Defense:35Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea light armor made by the leather of a wolf that commonly inhabited the forest near the city of Eraborn. Woven and craft by the a mysterious renown seamstress that created a unique leather armor that was made for beginner level player that transcend the limit of its material. Armor is imbued with certain effects:
-grant 10 agility
-increased speed by 5%Requirement:Level = 10
ZhangZiyi Custom made Lupus Leather Short pants Defense:35Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea light armor made by the leather of a wolf that commonly inhabited the forest near the city of Eraborn. Woven and craft by the a mysterious renown seamstress that created a unique leather armor that was made for beginner level player that transcend the limit of its material. Armor is imbued with certain effects:
-grant 10 agility
-increased speed by 2%
-increased stamina by 2%Requirement:Level = 10
LongEr’s Custom Silver Dagger Attack:35-45Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uniquea weapon made by the unknown blacksmith who have made many noteworthy weapons. Made as the same as a normal silver dagger but made with the technique of a master. Imbued with certain effects:
-grant 10 agility
-grant 10 strength
-increased attack speed by 8%
-imbued with fire attribute damage = 10-15Requirement:Level = 10
“wow these equipment are great and all of them are unique grade, that’s super rare to find moreover in the early level! And lower body equipment she gave me 3 kinds of different sets, with different kind of enhancement I can change my looks whenever I want, this is so great all those tiring tasks were all worth it”
‘Seems you like the gift and one more thing little elf’
‘Since its been awhile someone completed this quest, come and take this one more present’
Opening up another box, once again she saw two marvelous shining books. It a skill book, a book that can be used to easily learn skills, most of it are pretty expensive and early beginner always learned their skills by an instructor.
Reading the title of the skill book one says ‘Identify’ and another was ‘Slice of LiuBei’
“LiuBei? Isn’t that the head chef of the restaurant and how come his name is on the skill book?”
‘what are you staring little girl don’t you want to learn it, it’s a bonus reward you know’
‘ah yes’
Again light envelops around her body, hinting that she learn both of the two skills. He then open up the skill description.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:IdentifyBeginner10%a skill made to identify unidentified items. Useful for those who works in the line of scouting, can unhide traps. At a higher level can identify higher level item.
Mana used 2 MP
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Slice of LiuBeiBeginner10%An offensive skill made by ancient clan of Asian descendant. Hidden by everyday work like sweeping, hanging cloth and even cooking.
A branch of an art hidden in the essence of cooking. Liu Bei one of its foremost talented senior disciples has created his own line of skills and Slice of LiuBei is somewhat a basic of this new line. Primarily using dagger as it’s the most similar to kitchen knife, the skill utilizes the cutting skill of the user. A combo attack with an increased in attack speed. Final attack has a higher chance of inflicting bleeding wound.
Increased total attack power by 120%
Combo attack: 3
Increased attack speed by 10%
Mana used 20 MP
Once again she was amazed by the skill she has gotten, she was grateful for identify but the skill slice of LiuBei was definitely the gem in her eyes. An offensive skill that was much powerful than the elementary sword strike. This would definitely boost her capabilities on hunting higher level monster thus helping her leveling up fast.
She then looks at the cold looking Miss Zhang and said;
‘Thank you very much Miss Zhang I wont forget this, its been a pleasure working with you’
‘ooh I thought you didn’t like me I guess I was wrong or is you are too grateful about the things I have given you’
“ugh cheh this cold woman, I was giving my gratitude and she though bad about me but it was true that I didn’t like her but since with all this reward I don’t think I should felt like that, ugh am I just being materialistic”
Seeing how Rinoa was making a frowning face in front of Miss Zhang, she quickly know that what she has said was spot on and currently Rinoa was in a dilemma;
‘you don’t need to overthink you can go now, theres much for you to see out there’
‘ahh yes, once again thank you so much Miss Zhang!!’
She gave a deep bow to Miss Zhang and left to say goodbye to the other people who has supported her, saying goodbye to the waitress and the kitchen staff. They were tears and sorrow but at the same time they were joyful because of their young bright elf chef was going on an adventure. Hug by Chef LiuBei, she then heard the whisper from him;
‘About the skill keep it secret will you, and about other skill that you can get try visiting other branch of our restaurant at other citites’
‘My lips are seal and thank you for your guidance’
Bidding her last farewell, she then came out of the restaurant with her new set of unique equipment. Brand new cuirass, boots, gauntlets, dagger and a short pants that she has chosen rather than the skirt or long pant, she then embark to find new adventures and quest.
As she was walking down the road heading to the adventurers guild house. She was deep in thought, like she missing something important and that heavy her heart. Upon reaching the door step of the adventurer guild, she then remembers the thing that she has forgotten.
‘ah, where is Roki’
-At the same time Rinoa received her notification window for Cooking Beginner Skill Level 5-
A portal in a basement room lighten up and a body of a man start to emerge from the enlighten magic circle. As it was reveal the man body was full of scars, with his overall aura exuding an intimidating aura. His eyes were like a berserker full of madness, but as he heard a voice that was familiar to him his eyes return to normal
‘boya, how does it go do you defeat the thousand arm Buddha statue?’
Roki only reply with an ok sign.
‘remarkable as expected, tell me boy do you earn the title?’
‘title? Oh that you mean, Master of Skill?’
‘it seems you truly obtain it, the non-existing title, Master of Skills!!’
‘…..ok then, baa-san so that’s that so I think I can get out of the city now it’s been a week already’
‘ah yes……’
‘then I guess that all then see you again baa-san, my friend gonna scold if I don’t show up’
A blank and perplexed face was shown on her face, she cannot believe this youth attitude. For someone to achieve this title and behaving like it was nothing was preposterous. It seems he doesn’t really care of obtaining that title.
He turn around toward obaa-san
‘what baa-san?’
‘don’t you think it was amazing that you have gain this title?’
‘hmm…..i guess not, baa-san can I go now?’
She has given up, it was hopeless to convinced a man that do not care about titles or achievement. Watching the back of this young man, she was amazed by the potential and strength that he hold. Then something came up on her mind. a mission that he can probably succeed.
‘boya wait’
Roki stop on his track, as obaa-san straddling toward Roki. He patiently waits for the old lady. He was patient with this obaa-san because it let him reminiscences of his own grandmother. Looking at Roki she then pass him an envelope.
Receiving it, she then said to him;
‘please be the one and help this people’
Her eyes was like begging toward Roki to help the one that she was associated with. Roki could not deny an old woman plea moreover for someone who has given a lot of excitement in his life, it would be ungrateful if he do not help her.
‘yes I will don’t worry obaa-san im here right hehe’
He spot a mischievous smile on his face, a smile that can be misunderstand by anyone but from the eyes of obaa-san the smile was the most sincerest out of anyone she has ever met. As she saw his back leaving her store she could only say within herself;
“Master of Skills, a title only bestowed to those who has master 5 skills in a 14 days period and for those who obtain it will be strong, undeniably strong. For once, thank mother Gaia that the title was gain by this innocent young man, I wish he could be our savior, the savior of our kind”
Walking along the street of Eraborn a man with a raggedy newbie shirt close to being disintegrated into fine data particles. Underneath those ragged shirt was a man chiseled body. For one thing his virtual reality body was becoming more developed and denser.
The hidden details of the game, growth! Their virtual body made growth possible. A change in their appearance are made by the things that they have done, like a body builder sculpting its body to perfection are possible to be done in this game. moreover, the changes in appearance are not affected by status point allocation so even though someone who has a high strength status doesn’t mean he will have bulging muscle but the things the user do or the hardwork that they have made by their selves will show itself through the change in appearance.
Marveled by the sculpted body of this young man passer byers are looking with deep astonishment looks. Some are saying ‘he must be handsome and tough in real life’ and some would say ‘he must have spend a lot of time on the character creation window for all those details’. Some are at awe and some are in disbelief.
But after a while people start to ignore it with the conclusion of him spending too much time during character creation. Nonetheless they don’t have any idea that body was made through sheer difficulties. Known only to Roki the difficulty of going against a boss level monster was indeed something that was worth making his body to what it is.
Ignoring the staring eyes, he then walk to the Jade Dragon restaurant hoping to find Rinoa. Entering the premise suddenly the atmosphere turn cold and gloomy. The bright interior decoration turn dim and cold in mere seconds. A sudden notification window came up with danger level highlighted in red.
Staring at the window blankly, he was frozen. He doesn’t mind being in a dungeon but the things that make him unmoveable was the level limit. Only those users above level 200 can enter this dungeon and out of those all users right now there was none who reach even the 150. A hint of fear start to spread in his heart, well he was still a normal human teenage boy and even with his no care attitude he was still not stupid. For a mere level 1 to enter a level 200+ dungeon was walking on death door itself. He was trembling in fear
Well I wish he was that normal haha
‘hahaha..200? thank god I was just getting bored’
A miscalculation he wasn’t trembling in fear and his heart was not contaminated by fear, he was trembling of excitement. His blood was boiling after reading the text, he was hungry for more action and for more adrenaline rush.
Unsheathing his worn out iron sword, he prepared to face the incoming enemies. With his stance ready to anticipate any ambush, then he heard a female voice laughing like noble lady manner.
‘hohoho, its been a while Roki and by the looks of it you have become strong’
Miss Zhang his quest giver was standing in front of the ledge of the 2nd floor with her eyes looking curiously toward Roki, she lick her lip while watching him. She looks the same as usual except for the golden slit eye and two protruding horns on each side of her head.
Roki spine shivers as he felt an uncanny ill intent toward him, though he was not afraid but something seem off.
‘Miss Zhang?’
‘yes Roki, are you afraid?’
‘…….hmm what exactly’
‘hahaha your courage and bravely knows no bound, no wonder the night I have with you was the best I had in decades, and are you not bewildered by my changes in appearance?’
‘lets just say I don’t really mind a beautiful woman with horns’
‘hoho cheeky, that was a first coming from you’
‘well it was a night to remember, so whats in store for me Miss Zhang’
‘like always hungry for battle, don’t be surprised Roki and try not to die, you know you are not supplied with unlimited mana like before’
‘I think you should worry more’
Licking her lips
‘don’t come crying Roki and let’s say this is the final test for you to pass this quest’
With the tension becoming more intense, both at them stared at each other with killing intent clashing against one another, Miss Zhang was undeniably much stronger and Roki was barely holding on, but like always he faced her with a grin on his face.
As the view change above the battlefield, mist suddenly envelops Miss Zhang and as it dissipates, a trail of sweat start to form on Roki’s forehead while tightening his grip on his sword;
‘haha, didn’t expect that’
Miss Zhang emerged from the mist standing tall like he was hovering on the air as the mist clear there it was, her lower body turns into a body of a reptile commonly associated with snakes but its scale and splendor was superior to the snake, it was a body of a chinese dragon!
‘Try not to die Roki~’
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