《Roki》Chapter 2: Jade Dragon Restaurant
“…..” = monolog within
‘……’ = dialog
A woman clad in shining white armor protects the two newbies from the thug group. Her clear blue eyes shows a menacing glare directed to the bullies. She was a beautiful human lady, her hair was blonde, her eyes are blue her complexion was white as snow. Wielding a sword she points it to the head of these thug group the Boss.
For Roki this sudden development was surprising unexpected, and at the sight of such beauty his heart skip a beat, he do not know why but the sight of her elegance and overall atmosphere even makes the bored heart of Roki to fasten pumping up blood that later makes evidence by his blush red cheeks.
He shrugged this sudden feeling of anxious and concentrate on whats happening in front of him right now.
The thug group flinch a bit as the sudden interruption caught them off guard. But the Boss retains his composure and strike back at the words of the female who point her sword directly at him.
‘my, my another beauty drop out from the heaven, isn’t this my lucky day, so tell me now woman are you also interested in joining my group, I will be glad to take you in hehe’
CrackleBone at his side was starting to shiver, his eyes was shaking as he saw something at the woman shoulder. Cold sweats were starting to form on his forehead dripping madly like he was doing a vigorous training regime, but he was not. Standing there staring at the woman in white armor, he tug the Boss armor catching his attention.
‘hey you whats wrong with you why are you shivering like you are scared, don’t tell me you are afraid of one mere woman’
‘but Boss look at her right shoulder’
‘what are babbling about, what’s on….’
His sentence was cut short after he saw the emblem on her left shoulder. An insignia of a sword in a sun, his body was petrified not because of being inflicted by a status effect but due to fear. The fear of encountering a member of the guild that hold this insignia. All of the five of them started to retreat back unconsciously like they instantly know that the weak should not meddle with the strong.
Not a word came out from their mouth only their eyes warily watch the movement of this woman. Then they heard a voice that trembles their heart.
‘why thou are silent, have you prepared thee self to clash with my sword?’
Roki and Rinoa watch from behind the scene that was unraveling by the second. It was baffling to see how the thug group are starting to cower in fear against this lone woman. Just a while ago, they were all behaving arrogantly brandishing their high level to others.
After a few second of silence, once again the woman spoke;
‘I apologize it seems im a bit rude to start to a duel without introducing myself, please excuse myself as the act of bullying doesn’t agree to my justice, I am JoantheArc, vice-commander of Sword of Ilios. Apprentice Knight of the Round Table, Level 105, please introduce yourself for this duel to begin’
Everyone in the guild house exclaim in astonishment, a level 105 user was right in front of their eyes to see such high ranking user in this part of the city was rare even more so the guild that she was from is the famous guild Sword of Ilios and her class was the sought after Knight of the Round table a hidden class that was hard to obtain. Even if her class states she was just an apprentice, her current self was far more powerful than the other sword wielding class. A privilege obtains by only a few.
The top three guild to be created ever since the game had been launch. Currently they were only 6 that exist in this game as to create a guild required massive amount of wealth and a particular item that was needed in creating the guild. The particular item was said only to be dropped by boss monster that was level 130 and above. With the current highest level of user was at the level 110, this feat proof to be difficult to conquer. Thus showing how these 6 guilds are a might that should not be challenge carelessly.
Rinoa after hearing the woman’s name shows an expression of admiration, her eye was glue to JoantheArc as she was the one who she has heard countless of time from the forum and chat room about the powerful lady knight. Gripping Roki hand tightly, Roki glance toward Rinoa as he saw her stare at JoantheArc with amazement.
“it seems even Rinoa is starstruck but no doubt her aura that she exude is truly powerful didn’t know the game could make it this real”
Afraid of accepting of the duel against the vice-commander of Sword of Ilios, the Boss turn his body and ran as fast as he could exiting the guild house. Dumbfounded by their Boss’s action the other four henchmen follow along their boss scurry leave the scene.
Silence conquered the guild house, no one was brave enough to spoke during these tense situation. With the sword hanging in the air, it seems the injustice has left the proximity. With no one else to go against her sword she slowly sheath her sword back into its sheath. Turning around she face the duo that was in trouble.
A confident and just expression was facing Roki and Rinoa. She then breaks the silence.
‘thou are not in danger anymore, for I am justice has threw them astray’
Roki who was not very familiar in the way she was talking has trouble trying to said something but Rinoa on the other hand quickly thank her with a bright smile on her face
‘thank you miss JoantheArc, I have heard a lot about you im lucky to meet you on my first day of playing’
‘it is my pleasure young one, you show courage against the unjust and it’s a character that is rare these days, since you are out of harms way I take my leave, farewell to the both of you’
She slightly bow and make way to the exit before Rinoa rush to her while saying
‘Miss JoantheArc can I and my friend here join your guild?’
She turns and confidently said
‘if both of you turn strong enough we would gladly accept you, so until then train hard young justice’
She then leave the premise, with herself stared by multiple peoples. It was a sight to behold to see a lady knight to save people from distress, a sight far distant to see in the real world.
After she has gone from sight, Rinoa rush to Roki front stating something him with a determined look;
‘I have decided Roki-kun, lets train hard and enter the Sword of Ilios!’
‘ah sure’
‘and to do that lets see what quest do we have here’
‘lets take this one first, a delivery quest we should get some experience’
‘hey Rinoa why couldn’t we take the monster extermination kind of quest, wouldn’t it be more fun than just deliver stuff’
‘ishhh you don’t really know a thing about this game don’t you’
‘nevermind, just listen to my explanation if new users start to play the game we could not travel outside the city…’
‘shussh just listen first questions later’
‘we are not allowed to go out from the city perimeter for us to adapt to our virtual first within this virtual reality and the duration period is two weeks’
‘shussh!! Two weeks is not a long time as the time within the game are much more faster than real life, the time conversion from the real world to the virtual world is 4 hours to one hour. So by the end of the three days or so, our confinement period would end and you kill monster to your heart desire hehe’
‘I see then we can log out right now and return back after three days then’
‘nooooo, the forum said if we do some quest here within this time period we would gain double the amount of experience, so we should do some quest right now if not we will lose this golden opportunity’
‘you know for one thing I really wonder how can popular girl like you can be so addicted to games’
‘hey im not the only one okay, some of the girls at school also play this game’
‘yeah yeah, can we go now I don’t know why but im quite hungry right now’
‘then eat the honey oat bred provided, it will return your satiety bar back to normal’
‘Satiety bar?’
‘ugh, just eat it!! Come and let’s finish this mission’
‘ouh yeah how to open the…’
With an angered looked she throws at him a loaf of bread. Giving him only an eye signal hinting that she was mad at him for being too clueless. Following his childhood’s friend rear end, they went through the bustling streets of Eraborn trying to find the location of their quest. While eating his bread, Roki watch the scene where different races communicate with each other well most of different races were users and the majority of the city are human even so it was a scene that he could only imagine in fantasy.
loafing around walking through the street he bump to Rinoa who was 7 cm taller than him, he was inches away from bumping to her large mounds but he care less about it as for him she was only a friend.
‘quit loafing around Roki, we are here’
In front of them was building that resemble an ancient Chinese restaurant setting, red lanterns were hanging at the front door, while a blackboard stand was at the front introducing the menu of the day for the restaurant. Without delay, Rinoa enter the restaurant and Roki walk slowly tagging along from behind.
In the inside people were chatting and enjoying their chinese cuisine meal. Waitresses with Asian look were serving the guest while wearing a red cheongsam a traditional Chinese garment. A major make over on the cheongsam was done leaving a side cut that extends up to the upper thigh of the waitress revealing their alluring pale white legs.
“this store owner really knows how to attract customer huh”
For one thing Roki was quite impress by the owner way of attracting the customer but as he guess mens are all the same, show a little bit of skin and all the hungry wolves will come. Simple but yet adhere to men primal instinct sex and food.
“Damn the food smells good, ooo look at those man tao and those dumplings shit im already drooling”
While Roki was staring at the delicious food serve in the restaurant, Rinoa was already asking around at the waiter and waitress about the giver of the quest. All of them point her to the above floor hinting that their boss resides in the room above.
‘Roki come!’
Climbing up the stairs, they then arrived at the second floor. The second floor was less busy than the floor below. Private area are made for guest to eat privately and comfortably without other disturbance. The atmosphere here was ambient and little tint of romantic. Going pass through those closed room, they then went into a private room with an emblem at its door in chinese character.
As Rinoa opens it, heavy smell of perfumes spreads to the air going through their nostrils as they breathe in the virtual air. In front of them lay a woman in a loose Daxiushan, another traditional chinese dress which can be described as large sleeve gown. With a pipe on her hand, the loose clothing bare some part of her skin especially the mountainous region.
Different from the cheery waitress, her face exude a cold expression but with a sense of pride within her eyes, with deep mascara lining her eye, it accentuate her beautiful Asian feautres. Staring at the both of them she then asks after exhaling smoke from her mouth.
‘so what business do you have with Jade Dragon restaurant’
Rather than a question it seems she was more of akin to ordering them to answer.
Roki at the side didn’t really care about her order but his more attentive to the alluring female beauty in front of him. For once in his meager life, he has met two beauties that made his heart skip a beat. Staring the pure white legs, his mind was swept away by indecent thought ignoring the current situation.
Mustering up her courage, Rinoa told her the reason she was there going against the leering eyes of the cold confident lady.
‘hello madam, I am Rinoa and this is my friend Roki. we are here for the request sent by you to the guild house.’
‘ah ha I see, then are you ready to fail like the others from before’
Her eyes were sneering to them giving hint of how previous new users always fail on completing the quest.
The quest they have undertook were the most hardest for new user, with long duration and strenuous work it was the most unwanted quest for newbies. the quest giver itself was the thing that terrified the user the most, her demeanor and aura was intimidating even if they know she’s just a NPC but her action and words were like a real person.
But Rinoa was determined to finish this quest as rumors from the forum told the end reward was exceptional and would be an advantage for those whose was newly released to the outer world. Rinoa was really enthusiastic about playing this game, she has waited months after it released to buy the EroHelm, begging her parent to buy one for her and also another one for Roki.
Her parent at first question her why should they buy for Roki also but she wittily answer them since they will be gone for the next year or so she suggest to them that she want to stay with their long time neighbor rather than living alone. So maybe as gratitude both of her parent buy another helm for Roki to used. Well they already thought of him as their own son and they believed he would take care of her really good.
‘it doesn’t matter I will proof to you that I will succeed your task madam’
‘hoho I see you have good determination but those before you also said the same thing’
‘I wont let you down madam I promise’
‘little lamb let action proof your determination rather than petty words, since im kind of bored I think it would be interesting if you can do my task or not’
‘yes madam’
‘let see if you can clear the first one or not, your first task is washing dishes is that ok with you?’
‘yes madam’
‘don’t be too uptight just call me Miss Zhang, now go do your task’
‘yes madam, lets go Roki’
‘oh about that boy, his task is different from you’
‘eh, I thought I would be doing it together with him’
‘yours and him are different so now go on with your task leave him to me’
‘are you going against my order’
Rinoa flinch, her words penetrate deep into her heart hinting to her she would fail her if she goes against her word. Gritting her teeth, she slowly walks away from both of them;
‘I take my leave then, Roki-kun be safe’
Roki just nod while see his friend solemnly walk out of the door. Rinoa guided by one of the waitress was taken at the back of the kitchen. Her eyes show horror as the plates and dishes that was needed to be wash was like mountain in height. Once again she didn’t falter grabbing a sponge on both hands she then proceed to complete her task.
While upstairs, Roki was alone with the Miss Zhang, it was a staring contest between both of them. But from before what he was staring was not her eyes but her pure white legs. She then calmly said;
‘You have got guts boy for staring straight at my expose leg’
‘it was served in front of me it would be rude not to benefit from it don’t you think’
‘hohoho I like you boy! I don’t know if its stupidity or confidence but I like it, tell me now why do you follow that girl’
‘hmm… im just helping my friend here playing the game’
‘game you say?’
He accidently said he was playing the game, to the non-player this was their real life and the notion of it being a game was not program into their data. He quickly response back to her;
‘I mean Im helping her to complete the task you provided’
‘I see’
‘so you do not desire of what I have for those who succeed?’
‘hmm no I guess, either way as long as is not boring I wouldn’t mind’
‘hoho boring you say, well then since you brazenly answer it here give me your hand’
‘hmm you are not trying to anything weird right’
‘haha do not worry boy, its just a good gesture from the boring old me’
‘you old? I wouldn’t believe that even if it was real, your beauty does not age Miss Zhang’
‘sweet talking wont help you boy’
‘it’s the truth!’
He puff up his chest stating to her that it was the truth rather sweet talking.
‘you amuse me boy, come give me your hand’
Roki bring his hand above the palm of Miss Zhang, letting it rest above it she then close her eyes and chant a foreign language in front of him. He was alert and suspicious of these actions but he let it be hoping to see what would happen. Bright light envelops his hand and suddenly a new window open up in front of him.
You have learned a new skill!
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Sword StrikeBeginner10%A common skill for beginner warriors and swordsman alike, applying the essence of mana into the sword increased its destructive power.
20 Mana is needed to activate the skill
Increased total attack power by 110%
‘wow a skill but umm’
‘what boy’
‘its not really useful for someone who doesn’t has a sword’
‘do not worry you will soon know’
‘what do you mean?’
‘you don’t think it comes free boy’
‘ah I see yeah sure so what will I be doing’
‘for someone who is about to do something you are quite careless aren’t you’
‘called me more of an easy type of guy’
‘haha I see, come follow me’
Suddenly a hidden pathway open ups behind the painting of a dragon and a crane, Miss Zheng slowly descend to the dark hidden pathway while Roki follow her silently. After they have gone from the light, the hidden pathway slowly close up leaving the room empty.
After eight hours or so, Rinoa finally finish the mountain pile of dirty dishes, she was exhausted mentally and fatiguely. During rush hour, heaps of dishes came straight into her sink increasing her workload. She was devastated but hold strong as she was determined to complete this quest. Never in her life she has wash this many dishes in one day.
Finishing her last one, a blue window opens up in front of her;
You have completed one of the task, please proceed to the next task provided
It wasn’t finish, yes it’s a chain quest and Rinoa already knows about it. Most of the new users who attempt this quest quit at the middle as they were too tired of doing task that see no end and afraid of wasting two weeks of virtual playing they concede and went to accomplish other quest.
From the forums told how many users have different task even from the beginning, it will be random for each person so they do not know what to expect. Rinoa knows what she has got herself into and she knows that she can succeed it. The achievements that she gains from her school were all attain by her hardwork and not just her talent or beauty.
Looking at the real time in the menu window, she has currently played the game around 2 hours. She already told Okaa-san that they will be playing the game but Okaa-san already told them to not play more than 2 hours continuously if not she will disconnect the line for the game. Within Rina’s heart she knows it must be from her parent’s instruction.
Troublesome parent, but at least she knew that her parent are worried about her so she comply with their wishes. Finishing the task at the exact 8 hours mark, she disconnect from the game returning back to real life.
Opening her eyes, she then removed the EroHelm. Getting up from her bed, she stretch a bit her body. she then heard Okaa-san voice;
‘Layla-chan! Kichi-kun! Come downstairs and have some lunch’
Luckily she was out from the game if not she would miss Okaa-san delicious food. Compare to her mother well Layla took a liking to Kichi-kun’s mother cooking as it was far better. she sighed in her mind on why her mother do not know how to cook.
‘okay, we will be in a minute’
‘faster or the food will get cold’
Going into Kichi-kun’s room, she saw him still laying on the bed playing the virtual game. looking at the defenseless body of her childhood friend pique her interest but then she suddenly blush, before she could think of anything else, she shakes her head trying to snap back. pouting her face without reason she then push a button at the EroHelm side.
‘hey Kichi-kun, okaa-san said to stop first and have lunch first’
‘oh ok, wait how can I hear you and where are you’
‘baka Kichi, the EroHelm has a function to speak directly to the user while they are playing, if you late I will finish the food first bye!!’
‘ugh what a glutton that girl’
After disconnecting from the game, Roki went downstairs and saw Layla already stuffing her mouth with food.
‘what do you mean’
‘nothing just eat Layla’
‘hmph fine’
Eating his food calmly, he fills up his belly with a homely meal made from his mother, her dishes were exceptionally delicious, for lunch she made an exceptional curry rice. The spices, the tonkatsu, the gravy and the rice all fit together harmoniously. He then end lunch with a cup of green tea.
‘hahh, that’s good’
Finishing his meal, his childhood friend was still eating, plate over plate he wonder where those foods that she ate goes to. One thing for sure even if she eats a lot she was still slim and not fat or maybe all those fat went to those big breast of hers. That was thought that came to his mind while watching her. even so he left the dining table and watch some television show to kill some time.
While eating she saw Kichi went to the living room, she then asks him with her mouth still half full with rice;
‘kichi-kun, why aren’t you continue playing? Is it boring?’
‘nah it was fun, im just taking time until you finish eating’
Her cheeks flush a bit after hearing his concern to her and at the same time the sudden care from him made her choke a bit, grabbing a glass of water hurriedly she gulp down the whole glass relieving of her from the choke. Roki glance at the back hearing the commotion, he asks;
‘what wrong?’
Still feeling post-choking, she just gave him an okay sign.
Leisurely sitting on the sofa Kichiro watch the tv, feeling obligated of free loading in her neighbor’s house, Layla do the dishes. After finishing she then slouch together with Kichiro on the sofa, she brazenly laid her head on Kichiro’s lap. Kichiro care less about her action and focus on watching;
After watching for a while, she ask him;
‘hey kichi-kun, you don’t mind me doing this’
‘hmm just so’
‘that’s not an answer’
‘then I have no answer, hey wake me up after 20 minutes im gonna power nap for awhile’
‘Kichi-kun! Don’t ignore me and don’t pretend to be asleep, Kichi? Kichi? Ugh fine I will wake you up after this sheesh huh~ I forgot to ask him what was his task maybe next time then’
After a while both of them return to the world of Gaia. Rinoa was searching for Roki while finding Miss Zhang to gain her next task. Moving around the restaurant premise, she ask around the waitress if they have seen him or not. None of them saw Roki, giving up on finding Roki she then went to the second floor entering the den of the dragon or more accurately a dragoness
Opening the door, she then met eye to eye with Miss Zhang.
‘hello madam, I have finish my task’
‘girl, didn’t I say call me Miss Zhang’
‘sorry Miss Zhang’
‘no worries, since you have finish the endurance test let see if you can tackle this one next’
‘endurance test?’
‘come follow me’
Miss Zhang then brought her to another room fill with books and scripture lining at multiple book shelves, in the middle was a table along with an abacus and writing material. While she was order to sit by the table,
‘wait here’
She went through a bookshelf and brought along large quantity of scriptures and accounting books.
‘do you know how to used this girl’
‘ah yes’
‘that’s good, no need for me to teach you then, all this book and scripture are the past months and years of our restaurant budget, I want you to calculate it all and organize more thoroughly, understood?’
She was blanked for a moment not knowing that the task on hand would be managing their account.
‘ah yes’
‘good then if you have finish see me after this’
Leaving the poor Rinoa alone by herself going through all those numbers, Miss Zhang return back to her room.
‘don’t worry Rinoa you can do this, you can do this its all for the sake of leveling fast and enter the guild Sword of Ilios, fighting Rinoa!!’
She gave herself a motivational pep talk, increasing her determination of completing this task.
On the other hand, after Miss Zhang was seated back on her chair, the hidden door suddenly open revealing a ragged Roki exiting out from the pathway.
‘ohh you finish already?’
‘it was fun, so whats next’
He said that with a grin on his face, a grin that was hard to express by this boy since ages ago. It was a long time ago since he has sincerely grin like this.
‘enthusiastic aren’t you, come give me your hand’
Once again his hand envelop by a bright light along with a sudden notification.
You have learned a new skill!
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