《Re:Demon》2018 Easter / April Fools


Walking across the dirt road from the town back to their carriage, Gabrielle blushes, her eyes trying to ignore the bundle of clothes in her arms. She's wearing a cute, blue dress. It's more simple than what she usually wears, mostly just straight blue with limited light-blue embroidery. The only notable feature is that the end of the skirt is decently decorated. Her blonde hair is in a ponytail, different from her usually keeping her hair down.

Calm down. It's just clothing. The lady said any man would l-like it... Her face turns red as she stops, violently shaking her head. She continues walking, her eyes noticing an small, oddly colorful shape on the side of the rather plain road. Her movement stops as she bends down, and pokes the colorful egg. As she does so, an ugly, green magical circle forms at the top, sending out an explosion of gas smelling like rotten eggs.

As the circle disappears, and Gabrielle is left gagging, a familiar voice speaks, "Haha! April Fools!" Behind her, in the forest on the other side of the road, a monstrous chuckle could be heard.

Gabrielle stomps her foot and begins walking towards the laughter, "ZAK!" As she pushes aside the branch of a tree blocking her sight, she faintly sees a shadow to her right distort as Zak disappears from view. In front of her, lying on the ground, is another egg. She ignores it and decides to walk over it.

As she does so, she faceplants into an invisible wall created by the egg. More monstrous laughter can be heard in the distance. Gabrielle looks down and almost smiles, getting halfway there multiple times before forcing an angry look on her face as she moves forward, almost tripping on the invisible wall as she goes around it.


As Zak is moving through the forest, he lays various traps by using [ Imbue Magical Object ] on colorful fake eggs. He barely manages to stifle his laughter as to not give away his position. After placing the last trap, he decides to finish the surprise in the opening of the forest...

Gabrielle clumsily blunders through trap after trap, setting each of them off. One was a smokescreen that caused her to trip right in front of a fake snake, freaking her out, another was a small jolt of electricity that made her yelp, and another being a clothe-eating slime that ate away her blue dress. She bashfully changes into the clothes she'd been carrying, a female bunny suit for Easter. Her underdeveloped body made her feel self-conscious changing into it, even though the outfit was built for it.

The last trap, unexpectedly, was beneficial. Ahead she saw a clearing, and as she steps forward, accidentally crushing an egg, another explosion of gas shot out from it. She recoils in memory of the first egg, but it was actually perfume. She steps through it curiously into the opening, and saw a picnic table where Zak sat. On top of the table sat two huge cuts of ham.

Zak hides a gift behind his back as he approaches Gabrielle, "Interesting clothing you have there."

Gabrielle looks away, embarrassed, "Sh-Shut up, idiot. Your stupid slime destroyed my dress..."

Zak chuckles and hands her a small present, "Come on, let's eat. The ham is great; I picked it myself."

She smiles up at him as she receives the present, "Picked it up from what? Some farmer's ranch? You mean stole?"

Zak turns away and walks to the table, ignoring the questions.

As Gabrielle sits down, she opens the present. Inside is a large baby-chick version of Zak holding a small baby-chick version of herself. She smiles and looks up at Zak, "Thank you."

They both ate ham, shared jokes, and had a great day.

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