《Life, Death and Other Troubles》Chapter 10 - Queen


Sitting upon her throne of bones, the Queen of goblins sighed heavily, bored beyond measure.

The stupid throne her minions had built was incredibly uncomfortable and impracticable, what were they even thinking?

Queen arose from her throne, startling the goblin messengers kneeling before her.

They had been reading the reports from the distant goblin tribes deep into the dark woods, their populations, number of able bodied fighters and trained fighters, etc.

“W-What is it your highness?” stuttered one of the messengers in broken goblin tongue.

Queen, fed up with their bullshit, didn’t respond, instead opting to stare menacingly into his eyes before kicking the throne behind her with her heels, rupturing the complex throne of bones, exploding small fragments throughout the room.

Both goblin messengers slumped to the ground, blood gently oozed from the dozens of holes punched into their bodies.

“Get these fucking bodies out of here and bring me a goddamn chair I can actually sit on,” spoke Queen softly with a voice of an angel.

The stone hall erupted with noise, dozens of goblins scurried about, darting in and out of several rooms whilst two abnormally large ogres slowly trudged into the room and dragged the bodies across the floor and out of the room.

Queen, fed up with her responsibilities marched out of the room, paying no attention to the goblins dashing about the room.

Harsh wind assaulted Queen the moment she left the safety of her castle and entered the withered courtyard.

The castle itself was massive structure, constructed of dark stone, covered with numerous towers, spires, archways, walkways and not a single window.

It reached up into the clouds and burrowed deep down into the ground below, located atop an enormous cliff on the human-goblin territory border.

So while it was beautifully designed, it was designed to be impenetrable, not a single weakness and only one entrance.

Queen looked back at her creation as she walked away and sighed before walking further out into the depths of the surrounding woods.


Time passed, the trees got taller, the bark got tougher and the brush got thicker.

Queen walked on further with precise steps, managing not to dirty her impractical four inch stilettos.

This deep into the woods, nature was undisturbed and wild, not a single ugly green goblin or any giant smelly ogres either.

Hours later Queen arrived at a small clearing, at the centre, a small pond with crystal clear water.

Giant lily pads dotted the surface and strange blue, florescent flowers grew on the bottom of the pond.

Brightly coloured fish swam, proud birds sung and tiny water dragons hummed, circling the pond surface.

The scene was enchanting and was the only peaceful place in the forest as the rest was filled with vicious predators and man-eating plants.

Queen made her way over to the edge of the pond, removed her stilettos and sat on the soft green grass surrounding it, dipping her feet in the cool water.

Tears welled up in her golden eyes and she wept silently by the cursed pond in the deepest, darkest depths of the dark goblins’ forest.


Hours passed by quickly at the pond, the sun had begun to set and heavy silence fell upon the woods.

Queen dried herself with a burst of hot air after praying to the golden spirits and then got back into her stilettos.

The journey back to the goblin infested castle was short and quiet, yet far less peaceful than the one to the pond.

Countless foolish beasts had attempted kill Queen along the way, but of course, they were easily dealt with.

Night soon came and the light of the great planet Lucidem guided her path, right back to her boredom.

Every individual ogre and goblin bowed at her presence as she walked through her castle, back to the throne hall where a brand new throne was sitting.

This time it was a much prettier mythril throne with actual cushions to sit on, a vast improvement from before.


As Queen reached her new throne a goblin messenger nervously approached her before bowing extremely deeply and clearing its throat awkwardly.

“Y-Your highness,” it began, “We’ve suffered heavy damages on the frontlines, the third and fifth battalion were c-completely d-d-decimated… a-and the humans are pushing us back. It seemed they had paid off several elite Elvin mages to fight for them. A-Also… t-the goblin messenger we had s-sent out to the dwarves for the alliance… w-well it seems th-they’ve sent back his head…”

Throughout the entire report a heavy miasma was building up around Queen and killing intent had surged throughout the entire castle while the messenger who took the brunt of it had soiled himself.

“…Retreat,” whispered Queen.

“B-Beg your pardon Y-Your Highness?” squeaked the nuisance.

“I said… retreat. We shall retreat for now, we cannot afford to lose any more number, it’s the only thing we have,” explained Queen.

“Y-Yes Your Highness, r-right away!” stammered the annoyance.

“Also…” continued Queen,” inform the entire territory that I’ve come to a decision. Everyone is to lay low… until I say so. We need more numbers and warriors… so build up our armies, keep a minimum of soldiers on the border to ensure the humans don’t do anything rash… When I decide the time is right… I will personally oversee each tribe and pick out the best warriors for the first battalion. That is all… GO!”

Queen gave her biggest sigh so far and walked over to the dead body of the frightened messenger.

He’d died from being in her presence for too long which happened far too often than she liked.

“Well, you all heard it, go!” Queen shouted to the rest in the throne hall before muttering to herself, “I need a break.”


“Wow! That is sooo much better,” Queen thought to herself as she lay in a corpse angel.

Corpse angels were a creation of her own that she’d just invented.

When there were enough corpses around you can lie down in their remains, limbs stretching outwards and then flap your arms up and down in the gore to look like the imprint of an angel.

Queen thought they were very beautiful, but they were more of a sometimes thing because you get very dirty, but seeing as she was already layered with blood and guts, it seemed appropriate.

Her guests on the other hand, didn’t seem agree with her.

Surrounding her was a massive battlefield filled with goblin, ogre and human corpses with a stray elf here and there in the mix.

Earlier Queen had rushed out into the battleground while the goblins were retreating and blew off some steam.

Getting in the midst of it, slicing, dicing and crushing really helped improve her mood.

The goblins had rushed back to their territory in relief, thanking their saviour and Queen, whilst the humans watched in on fear and disgust as their fellow soldiers were brutally torn apart.

Fun had to end however, and the humans brought out their trump card; their elf mages.

The pointy eared bastards’ magic was raining on Queen’s parade, ending all of her fun.

They had some sort of magic shield that she couldn’t penetrate so no wonder the pitiful goblins didn’t have a chance.

Grumpy, Queen set back to the castle to have a good bath and return to her lonely rule.

The entire way back, longing for someone else to help her, empathise with her, or perhaps someone just to be friends with that wasn’t green or smelly.

Nevertheless, it probably would never happen… and scars etched in her mind still ached, threatening to push her over the edge, into the endless abyss, provided she wasn’t there already.

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