《The Mage Hero》Chapter Five
Euthalia rode her horse, named Ajax, along a beaten dirt path. Accompanying her were the Mayor of Teal and several other respected members of her village along with her father. Tuomas had been invited to go along as well, since he had been the one to show Euthalia’s gift, but their father had asked him to stay and look after the ranch with their mother.
About seven hours later they arrived at the entrance gates to Silica which were still open but with more guards posted than usual, Euthalia was told, most likely due to the expected war.
They passed through the gates unhampered. This was the first time Euthalia had been to the capital. The streets were awash with the colors of vendor’s carts and the wares they displayed. Even with the advent of war, the city was bustling with trade and people all over. Euthalia was a bit awed it all, but as sensible lass, she wasn’t completely overwhelmed. Passing through the somewhat crowded streets, their party eventually reached the castle. There, the mayor dismounted and spoke to the guards.
The mayor showed a small steel square that had the crest of the village of Teal impressed on it. This badge was only held by the man or woman who was the Mayor of Teal.
“I am the Mayor of Teal. I have an urgent matter to discuss with his Majesty.”
“His Majesty is not available for audiences. I can direct you to a magistrate in his place.”
“Very well. Please have someone take our horses to the stables.”
The Mayor put away his badge of office and the rest of the party dismounted.
They were then led by one of the guards to the office of a mid-level magistrate.
“Dear Mr. Mayor, my apologies that you cannot see the king right now. He is very busy, as you might expect, with dealing with Baiṅgana-Kērājya .”
“I think he will find the time to see us. We have come here today on an urgent matter. Today, we have discovered the Mage of the prophecy. I would like to demonstrate, but we should go someplace more appropriate.”
The magistrate took his time to respond. He was likely dumbfounded by the allegations.
“Very well. Where is more appropriate?”
“Is there a courtyard which we may use?”
“Follow me.”
Euthalia followed the party. She had kept quiet so far because she wasn’t sure how she should act or if there was anything she should say. She trusted that the Mayor knew all the proper protocols. He father, sensing that she was slightly nervous, smiled reassuringly to her.
Eventually they were in a small courtyard.
“Will this do Mr. Mayor?”
“Yes, this should be fine.”
The mayor turned to Euthalia.
“Go ahead Euthalia, show him.”
Euthalia walked to the middle of the courtyard. The magistrate stayed where he was. The mayor and the rest of the party stepped back to the entrance because they knew what was coming.
Euthalia knew that she just had to show this man that she could use two types of magic. That would be enough to see the king.
“Ground, the element of the planet, heed my request which I make unto you: Loegja Stalagmite!”
She tried to imagine a smaller stalagmite than she had cast before.
A smaller one did appear—smaller at least because it was about 15 feet this time. The magistrate jumped, clearly shocked by the raw power Euthalia possessed.
Euthalia then chanted the incantation of fire since she knew that one.
Fire, passionate soul, bringer of heat, burner of coal, hear my desire: Loegja Flare!”
After the last incident with fire, she wasn’t interested in trying to be creative.
Unfortunately, she still was having trouble controlling her power, as evidence by the large beam of fire that shot into the air and made the magister fall on his bottom with his hands over his eyes, cowering.
Euthalia found out later that the beam had been seen by almost everyone in the city.
Once the powerful flare had subsided, the magister got up shakily and, with his voice and hands still shaking, said, “Please come with me.”
The magister directed them to follow and led them up several flights of stairs. He stopped at a set of large, ornate doors and spoke to the guard there. He turned back to Euthalia’s party.
“Please wait here for a moment.”
He slipped through the doors.
After several minutes he re-appeared.
“Please come in.”
The guards opened the doors wide and Euthalia’s party passed through.
There was a red carpet with gold trim leading up to the dais and the throne on which sat the king. The magister walked forward until he stopped a few paces from the dais. Then he went down on his left knee. Euthalia and her party followed suite.
“Rise and welcome. Would the one who has the powers of the Mage please step forward,” the king said.
Euthalia stood up with the rest of the group and walked a few paces closer so that she was about a pace away from the dais.
“How did you discover that you are the Mage prophesied from old?”
“Your highness, two days ago, I could not cast any magic even though I was already 16. Last night, I had a strange dream, but I can’t remember exactly what it was about. I just have the impression that it was related to receiving magic. I woke up when I was flung out of bed by an earthquake. At the time, I couldn’t explain it, but my floor, which was made of wood, was scorched, my window was broken… and my bed was damp.” She spoke the last words in a hushed tone.
“This morning, when the village met to discuss you instructions conveyed to us by the royal courier, my younger brother prompted me to cast magic and I was able to cast both fire and earth magic. After that, we rushed here to inform you, your highness.
“Can you demonstrate?”
“Yes, your highness. I would caste earth but I don’t want to destroy your floor, likewise with fire. I don’t know the incantation for water or air though.”
The kind addressed the magistrate.
“Please get a water mage and an air mage.”
“Yes, your highness.”
The magister left the room.
When he was gone, the king spoke again.
“While we are waiting, would you please tell me about yourself?”
“Yes, you highness. My name is Euthalia Santhos. My family runs a ranch in the village of Teal. In addition to my father, who is here,” Her father took a step forward and then stepped back. “There is also my mother and my younger brother.”
“You said that you could not cast magic before now correct? What about the rest of your family, are they all late bloomers in regards to magic?”
“My father could answer better than I.”
The king motioned for Nestori to speak.
“My wife and I discovered our magic at about the average age of ten. Our son discovered his magic at the age of seven and is considered, at least among the village, to be somewhat of a prodigy in magic.”
The king stroked his short beard in thought. Whatever it was, he did not relate it as the magistrate came back into the room with two people.
They approached and genuflected.
“Your highness, I have brought with me a water mage from the infirmary and a wind mage from the royal communications.”
The king addressed them.
“Please teach the incantations for your magics to this girl.”
The water mage spoke first.
“For water, the incantation is Water, dripping drops, sustainer of life, mover of trade, send us your help at our request. Please try it.”
Euthalia repeated the words.
Water, dripping drops, sustainer of life, mover of trade, send us your help at our request: Loegja splash!
Suddenly, a large splash occurred with Euthalia as the epicenter. The water drenched the king as well as the rest of the party, despite their distance.
“I’m so sorry your majesty!”
Euthalia covered her mouth with her hands.
The king sighed.
“Please continue.”
The wind mage then taught her the incantation for wind.
Euthalia repeated it.
Gusting gales, dancing breezes, air of the aether blow forth: Loegja gust!
A blast of swift air burst forth from Euthalia. The wind instantly dried the clothes and bodies of those soaked, but also spiked their hair at odd angles. The king’s hair looked like a hedgehog.
“I believe you Ms. Santhos. You are indeed the Mage. When my magistrate told me, I could hardly believe it. It would seem the prophecies are coming true.” He sighed again. “This would also mean that a great calamity is coming and I suspect it might have to do with Baiṅgana-Kērājya . I must speak with my advisors regarding this. Magistrate, please see to it that Ms. Santhos is given a room in the castle and treat her party to dinner before they return to their village.”
“Yes your majesty.”
The magistrate led them out of the throne room and to a large dining hall. Once there he entertained them until their food was ready. It was quite the spread given the number of their party, but the magistrate told them that they were the king’s guests and not to worry. The king, he informed them, was eating dinner with his top advisors.
Eventually, dinner was over and there was a little more conversation over mugs of spiced wine. Soon enough though, it was time for the party to leave. They all went down to the stables.
Nestori was silent for a few moments, facing his daughter. Eventually, he said “I never thought I would see my little Eu grow up so fast. Don’t forget, you can always come home to visit.”
“Thanks dad. Goodbye.”
Nestori stepped up onto the saddle and the group from Teal slowly trotted away.
Euthalia felt a little sadness at seeing them go and with them the only world she had ever known.
“Now Ms. Santhos, please follow me up to the room that’s been prepared for you.”
Euthalia followed the magistrate up several sets of stairs to a room in one of the spires protruding from the main castle. The room he showed her was quite large and fancy. There were several tapestries hanging from the walls, a large bed with chiffon curtains, and a soft looking carpet under Euthalia’s feet.
“The bath and such are in the next room. If you need anything, ring this bell here, he pointed to a bell near the door with a cord hanging from it, and servants will come to help you. Is there anything you need now?”
“No, thank you very much magistrate.”
“Then I bid you goodnight, Ms. Santhos, the Mage.”
Then the man left and Euthalia was left alone… or so she thought. She stepped into the bath room and almost jumped when she saw a maid standing there.
“Good evening milady. Would milady like to take a bath now?”
“Um, how long have you been here?”
“Oh, not long milady.”
“Well, a bath does sound nice right now, thank you.”
“Yes, milady. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
Euthalia stepped back into the main room. She pulled back the chiffon curtains and found her bag with her extra sets of clothes she had packed. They hadn’t been sure if Euthalia would be gone for long, so she brought some extra clothes just in case. The bedding underneath her bag looked soft and fluffy. For Euthalia, who until now had spent all her life in a wooden ranch house, it was almost unbelievably decadent. A girl without her disposition might’ve been shaken, but Euthalia was fairly “down-to-earth” as the saying went. Soon, the palace servant, for that’s what she was, called Euthalia to let her know her bath was ready.
Euthalia grabbed her pajamas and went into the bath room. The servant was standing there near the tub which was steaming with clouded water. Euthalia waited for the servant to leave, but she did not. A minute passed.
“Is there something wrong, milady?”
“Well, I was wondering why the bathwater was cloudy.”
“A mixture of milk and perfumed oil milady.”
“Ah, and uh, why are you waiting here?”
She tried to word it kindly, but it was hard to ask someone why they were standing around near one’s waiting bath.
“So that I am her to help wash you if wanted and to dry you when you are done.”
Euthalia was slightly taken aback. They were both women, but Euthalia preferred her privacy during baths and such.
“Thank you, but I would prefer to be alone.”
The servant looked slightly confused.
“As you wish milady. If you need anything, just ring the bell.”
“I will.”
The servant left. After Euthalia made sure she was gone, she took off her clothes and settled into the tub.
The water was pleasantly warm and the milk was soothing. Euthalia relaxed and as she did so reflected on all the events that had taken place since she had woken up with the abilities of the Mage.
First was that odd dream that she could only remember as a sort of sensation rather than any actual images. Conceivably, that was when she had gotten or awakened the power of the Mage. Looking back, there were so many clues that night, but she had never been able to wield magic so the thought of being able to wield multiple elements never crossed her mind.
Even with the ability to use magic, she wasn’t good at it. She was very powerful, but she had so little control over it. If even the small spells were dangerous, what would happen if she tried to use more potent spells? What was the good of magic if she destroyed everything around her because she lacked control? Maybe the yinyang element would be easier to control—or at least, it wouldn’t damage anything if she messed up. She was the Mage, why was she having so much trouble? More importantly, how could she learn restraint?
Now she was in the palace, soaking in a luxurious bath next to a resplendent room. She was uncertain about what would happen next. Would the other prophesied Warriors show up soon? What would happen to them if war with Baiṅgana-Kērājya did break out?
Euthalia had so many questions, but not many answers. She would find out more in the morning. She finished washing herself, then stood up, toweled herself dry, and put on her pajamas. She left the bath room and lay on the bed. Shortly thereafter, she fell asleep.
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