《Five Elements Academy: A Tale Of Magic》Chapter 7: End of The Day


(PDV 3° person)

Vanilla walked together with Umbra’s group. She has been following them the whole day, as Luminus had requested. Although she did enjoy talking and interacting with them, she accomplished her primary objective: observe Umbra.

During the day she walked with them, and managed to make a lot of questions. He’s a bit different from what she had pictured. He’s smart, like his brother, really intelligent, almost genius-like.

However, he’s clearly more conflict inclined than Luminus. If she had to put it, Luminus was a gentle guy, who helped whomever he could, would avoid conflict, always search for a political conclusion rather than a combat and is protective to the people that are around him, always keeping those under him safe.

Umbra isn’t much different, he also likes to help people, defend people who are at his side. However, he jumps at combat at the first opportunity that he sees when it won’t interfere negatively with the outcome. He’s also much colder with his enemies. Umbra said that he would respect someone that he could see as an equal, but other than that the enemies are nothing but dust to be brushed off.

He also respects other people’s beliefs, and tries to understand them, even if he doesn’t agree. But if they try to force their beliefs and hatred on the people around him for any reason, like Albert trying to get into a fight because of Ari’s sexuality, he will without doubt go for the kill.

(Vanilla): “Now I know why Luminus is so worried. He has many enemies, and trying to get to him, they will pick on Umbra. However, the problem isn’t that they will hurt him, but the problem is that he will hurt them too much. The attack at the training area earlier was unnecessarily brutal. He defeated them in the first hit, but he went ahead to break the bones and limbs.”

She thought to herself. As they go out from school, in the direction of the gate, they notice a commotion on the gate. Vanilla smiles to Umbra and says:

(Vanilla): “It seems that your brother is waiting for you again.”

(Umbra): “Yeah, it seems that’s the case.”

As they walk to the gate, Ari teases Umbra:

(Ari): “Are you sure that you won’t run away from him this time?”

(Vanilla): “He’s been really worried since you have been running away from him.”


Vanilla follows up in the teasing, making both Serena and Maria laugh. Umbra just sighs and says:

(Umbra): “I have been running around, busy since I got in this island. I’ve so busy that i was so tired that I ended up sleeping in the classroom before the classes.”

(Serena): “Oh, so that’s why you sleep so much!”

They all laugh at Serena’s remark, and finally get to the gate. Seeing them, Luminus, who again asked the people around them to open way to the students going home, says in a loud voice:

(Luminus): “Umbra!”

While walking in their direction with Daniel walking behind him. He walked quickly, getting to them and slightly bowing to Serena.

(Luminus): “Serena-sama.”

(Serena): “Luminus-san.”

(Luminus): “Goddammit Umbra! Why have you been avoiding me since we got here?! You didn’t even went home, little brother!”

Umbra just sighed.

(Umbra): “Calm down, Luminus! You’re always too nervous! I didn’t meet you because I was busy, and I’m not living at the place that dad prepared to you!”

Luminus got stunned by that answer. Not that his brother was busy, when they were little, Umbra was always running around, busy with something that their father entrusted him to do or going around the world with their teacher.

Of course, he know that Umbra already has his own business, although he doesn’t know the details about what he does, but he already has his own income. And, although that seems to be some kind of “family problem”, that the younger brother has a business apart from the family’s, that’s not the case.

Umbra, even though he never wanted to inherit the family, he told their father that he wanted to be independent earlier, and their father, Lucas, helped him in every way he could. And now Umbra has his own business that he manages, and doesn’t have any kind of financial debt to his father.

Luminus got stunned that his brother wouldn’t live with him. He was actually looking forward to living with his brother, he missed Umbra in this last year. also, he could also spar with him in their free time.

(Luminus): “That’s a shame then. Let’s go home then, it’s getting late.”

(Umbra): “Sure.”

They said, walking back home. Eventually, the split and went to their respective homes. Vanilla followed Daniel and Luminus, since they were neighbors. As they walk, Luminus and Vanilla talk to each other.


(Luminus): “So, how did it end?”

(Vanilla): “I think that I got why you were so worried. The guy is really someone to be feared.”

(Luminus): “Well, it’s good to see someone that understands me. So, what happened?”

(Vanilla): “You know the cousin of the Red King? That Albert guy?”

(Luminus): “Did he try to get into problems with Umbra?”

(Vanilla): “Yeah. He tried, Umbra knocked him down, and transformed his face in a bloody mess. If it wasn’t for Don-sensei’s magic, he wouldn’t have any teeth anymore.”

She said. Luminus just smiled wryly. It was indeed something that his brother would do.

Umbra finally got home after parting ways with his friends and his brother. It’s q quite isolated place, quite far from the most populated area. By consequence, it means that he’s close to the gates to the White Area.

Also, there isn’t nobody around living in the area, just the streets painted in white and gold, with the architecture in a gothic style, with a lot of angel statues everywhere. Umbra’s place is literally a mansion, of course, made in the theme of the place, with five floors.

It also has a green house, a library, training area, everything that a mage could ask for. Of course, the place was a fortune, but Umbra bough it with his own money. When he gets to the gate, which has two pillars on each side with angel statues on the top, looking down, he stops and says:

(Umbra): “Open the gate.”

Both angel statues open their closed, weeping eyes and look at him, their movements followed by the sound of stone grinding on each other. Seeing Umbra, their eyes shine in golden light for a quarter second before both say at the same time, with mechanical but musical voices:

(Angels): “Welcome home, Master Umbra.”

And then, the gates open. These statues are golems. It may seem something extremely expensive, but almost every house in the island which has a gate has a golem guarding it. All the security of the city is made by the golems, every single statue in the streets are golems.

Of course, there is a police force in the island, that has a division for each one of the Districts, and they receive support from the golems, that are fairly powerful and always catch the criminals. Also, all the houses, no matter the price, are magically guarded in some way.

Umbra’s mansion is one of the many that are in this island, and is far from the bigger ones. As he enters the gates, Umbra’s sighs.

(Umbra): “I did want a smaller place, but I have way too many stuff… at least I could a place to hold all of it.”

He said to himself. As he walks to the mansion, tow big figures run in his direction barking and growling. These figures quickly approach in their four legs, and Umbra just smiles lightly opening his arms.

The first figure jumps at him, tackling him to the ground, licking his face with its tail wagging. Umbra laughs, scratching the black fur. You could say that those creatures are wolves, but they are different from any other wolf.

First, he has something like a mane, a slightly wider snout with big fangs, with thicker legs than a normal wolf. He’s clearly a new species of wolf, because, even while in its four legs, he’s tall enough to get to Umbra’s chin. It’s no wonder that he was able to take Umbra down with a jump, the thing must weight a hundred kilos.

The wolf on top of Umbra has pitch black fur, shiny and clean with big and blood-red eyes. The other wolf also wags its tail, but holds back and just shoves its snout on Umbra’s face. The other wolf is very similar to the black one, but has pure, white fur that reflects the light of the evening, with crystal blue eyes being the same size as the black one.

Umbra, after a few minutes struggling with the wolves, finally can push them away from him and get up. Petting the black wolf, he says:

(Umbra): “You have to stop taking me down, Padomay.”

And then, with his other hand, he scratches the white wolf.

(Umbra): “And Anu, you did a good job holding back today.”

Both wolves make happy sounds, that are too cute for their ferocious looks. Umbra walks to the mansion, followed by both wolves while thinking:

(Umbra): “Padomay really needs some extra training…”

He says, trying to get rid of the wolf’s saliva from his face.

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