《A Technomaniac in Another World (Prototype)》Chapter 16 – Money is the Core of an Adventurer


The nest was pretty big. Well, if you take into account the size of the wasps, I guess it’s fair. The Wasp Nest was the size of about… a 4 floor hotel? I mean, the outer side was that big. But wouldn’t this be too little?

According to the Witch, these wasps build their nest mostly on the ground, which means that there’s some tunnels right below where I’m stepping right now. By the way, we were hiding right behind some bushes.

“I could simply burn it down, no?”

“That way, I won’t get more money. So no, thank you.”

The Witch was still insisting on burning it down. Also, she said that this nest is smaller than the other. She used some spell to see the tunnels right below us, and had very few.

“Hmmm… I think I’m gonna give these gauntlets another function later. For now…”

I jumped from the Bushes, and rushed towards one wasp coming out of the nest.

“Burn Everything to Cinders. |Fiery Blade!|”

With the blades activated, I aimed at the intersection between the torso and thorax and its abdomen. The wasp flailed a bit, until it was completely limp. I stored the dead wasp, and proceeded towards the nest.

“You could have warned me.”

“I wouldn’t want help?”


“Are you an idiot?”

“That was on purpose. I wanted to test one thing.”

I took a small cylinder out of my Digi-Storage. The cylinder was about 7 centimeters in height, and 3 in width, and to finish, it had a small button on the top. What exactly was it? A grenade. A smoke grenade.

“As soon as I toss this, we go outside. Got it?”


“Just do as I say.”

After I pressed the button, I tossed towards the entrance of a tunnel to go below. Both me and the Witch walked outside and waited a bit.

“Sniff… Wait. This is sleeping incense?”

“Yeah, I took just a little bit though. Like, a drop of it.”

This was a potent sleeping incense that it was at the Witch’s workshop. How do I know it was a sleeping incense? You know, there’s an idiot everywhere. Amara is one of them. She was messing with some powders in the workshop, and when she sniffed one, which had a sweet smell to it, she fell face first on the table.

“How did you find out about it?”

“Amara sniffed.”

“Oh. That’s why she was still sleeping when we were to go out?” I nodded. “I said to not mess with anything.”

“You said to NOT touch anything. Sniffing wasn’t on those words.”

We laughed a bit, and we waited a few more seconds. After the smoke of the incense was over, we entered the nest. Finding some wasps moving a bit, others simply on the ground, and some even dead.

“It actually killed them?”

“This is surprising.”

We were both surprised with the situation, since it was sleeping incense, not a poisonous gas. I guess everything in excess is dangerous, huh. I Digi-Scanned the ones dead, and killed the ones sleeping or almost sleeping.

Gotta say, the Digi-Scan is really OP. There were 21 Knight Wasps, 40 Worker Wasps, 6 Killer Wasps and 4 Sling Wasps.

Knight Wasps were Wasps that had a big Stinger, and even had the [Sword Arts] Skill, and the [Swordsman] class. Worker Wasps were, as their names imply, Wasps that manage the honey and larva on the nest. Killer Wasps, were the evolved form of the Knight Wasps, with the same skills as the Knight ones, but with also a very strong venom on them.


“What are Sling Wasps?” I asked the Witch.

“Wasps that don’t have wings. They stay on the walls of the nest, spitting acid on any invader. Simple as that.”

“Ah. Okay.”

We walked through the tunnels reaching a wide room. It took some time, since we were collecting the wasps throughout the tunnels. I could see a bigger wasp in the end of the tunnel, with some larva on the walls. Right below the queen, laying on the floor, were two big wasps, albeit they had half the size of the queen.

The queen had the same pattern of color as the other wasps, White and Rose on them. Like the Wasp Queens back on Earth, except for its giant size, she had a triangle-shaped head, her waist was different from the other wasps I saw from before, and she had a more pointy sting on her.

“She doesn’t look happy.”

“Oh, really? We just put every single wasp to sleep, and then killed them. Would you be happy if you lost your workers?”

“I guess not.”

Taking Satz off the holster, I pointed at the Queen’s head, and shot.



The bullet pierced the head of the queen, and she fell on her back. I rushed, and used the Mythril wire, since I didn’t use much after making them. I think this was kinda useless. The wires coiled right at the intersection between the waist and abdomen.

Pouring a lot of mana on the wires, and with a swish sound, the waist and abdomen were separated. By the way, I aimed exactly in the intersection, simply because the Heart of the Wasp is exactly at the abdomen of it. So, cutting the intersection, is the same as cutting the head of a human off.

“That was…”

“Anti-climatic? Yeah. Maybe it was a young queen?”

“No, it’s just that you don’t let them act.”

Shrugging what she said, I walked to the queen with a small dagger in hand. Digi-Storage is so good! I cut open the abdomen of the queen, and started to search for it.

“What are you doing? That’s gross.”

“Royal Jelly.”


“You know about the Royal Cake?”


“That cake has a topping made with honey. The name of said honey is Royal Jelly.”

“Isn’t it somewhere here on the nest?”

“Nope. That is something that very few people know.” I cut another place on the abdomen, and took a sack with a golden liquid. “You can only find them inside a Wasp Queen.”

Taking two pots of half a liter off the Digi-Storage, I squeezed the sack of honey on the two pots, filling them completely.

“You can sell these things for 5 Platinum coins.”

“Yeah, I know. But if you put these on auction…”

“You can make much more. You’re the worst.”

I learned that on auctions, a pot of 200 milliliters can sell for more than 10 Platinum coins. On the guild, it is only 5 Platinum, but on auction, their prices go really up. But what is even better(depends on the POV), is that Royal Jelly has a season for acquiring it.

In Spring, female wasps travel to warm places, and make their nests there. The thing is, at that time, Royal Jelly was very cheap, going for only 10 Gold coins, since it’s a season where it’s fairly easy to find.

“Which season are we in?”

“Summer. Next month is Autumn.”

“Then the price of this thing will be good enough.”


Royal Jelly has a higher price in Summer, since the cake is a cold cake. And with the jelly, the price can go even higher. I bet I have the (¥) on my eyes right now.

“Should I sell the two? Or separate from one pot to two?”

“Separate them. Or else you're gonna have a bunch of people on your tail.”

I took two smaller pots, around 250 milliliters, and separated the half-liter honey between the two. I think this will go for at least 15 Platinum, each. C’mon people on auction. Don’t fail me in spending a lot of money on this! Most of the people who buy these are noble women.

“Alright, let’s go back.”

I Digi-Scanned the queen entirely, and walked outside of the forest.

“This is!”

At the guild, the man that was responsible for dismantling was agape. I took all of the wasps to him to dismantle. Also, I asked him to be careful on the honey, since the honey directly from the sack was really high quality.

“You oughta be kidding me, boy. There’s a Queen, Knights and even Killer wasps! These will fetch a high price.”

“How much exactly?”

“Their wings, stings, and even their mandibles are in good shape. Their venom sacks too. Let me ask the lady for help. Wait a bit.”

Since I didn’t have much to do, I waited for them to access the price of everything.

“21 Pairs of Knight Wasps wings. 40 Pairs of Worker Wasps wings. 6 Pairs of Killer Wasps wings. 4 Pairs of Sling Wasps wings, and finally. 2 Pairs of Giant Queen Wasp wings.” She breathed a bit. “For the 21 Pairs, would be 21 Gold Coins. The 40…”

And she kept going. In short, it was basically like this.

Worker Wasps Wings = 50 Silver per Pair Killer Wasps Wings = 5 Gold per Pair Sling Wasps Wings = 20 Silver per Pair Giant Queen Wasp Wings = 25 Gold per Wing

The Queen had 4 wings, and usually, adventurers end up destroying the wings, and only one out of the four are in a good condition, or simply wasn’t destroyed completely.

As for the stings, they were cheaper. Especially of the workers.

Worker Wasps Stings = 5 Silver Each Killer Wasps Stings = 1 Gold Each Sling Wasps Wings = 20 Silver Each Giant Queen Wasp Sting = 50 Gold Each

The venom sacks had basically the same venom, so it was per liter the cost of them. They would access this and give me the next day. The honey as well. The mandibles of the wasps, except for the queen, had the same price. They are used to make a certain kind of powder as a fertilizer. The mandible of the queen on the other hand, can be used both as a fertilizer, or to make a special medicine.

“The Mandibles of the Wasps, except the queen, will go all for 20 Silver each. As for the queen, it will be going for 1 Gold coin. Is this acceptable for now?”

She gave me a list with the rewards for everything.

Worker Wings = 2000 Silver – Stings = 200 Silver Killer Wings = 105 Gold – Stings = 21 Gold Sling Wings = 80 Silver – Stings = 80 Silver Queen Wings = 100 Gold – Stings = 50 Gold Mandibles = 1420 Silver – Queen Mandible = 1 Gold

Total: 3780 Silver Coins & 277 Gold Coins

“Holy shit. This… It's a lot of money.”

“Would you like to receive Gold and Platinum Coins, Mr. Kenji?”

“If you will.”

“Can you come with me for a moment?”

The lady took the paper with her, and brought me to another room. She entered with me for a second, and then left me in the room, and after a few minutes, a man, with a burly physique entered. He had a few scars on his arms, and had quite a strong air about him. The GM.

He sat on the couch opposite to mine, and we stared at each other, and the girl appeared with a tray, and three pouches. Also, at the tray, was the thing that ranked my adventurer card before.

“The Guild Master will assume from here.”

The girl put the tray on the table between the couches and walked out of the room. The GM inhaled, and exhaled. Then he spoke.

“Quite the money, eh? Traveler.”

Of course he would know.

“Well, yeah.”

“Just that?”

“You hoped for me to say anything more?”

“Ha! Of course not. Gimme yer card. I mean, your card.”

I held my laugh, and gave him the card.

“I, Varius Bradly, Guild Master of the Adventurers Guild of the headquarters of the Empire, hereby allows the Adventurer Kenji, in reaching B-Rank. Congratulations.”

He tossed me the card, which was now green. Next rank is… 800 to B-rank, then it’s 1600 points?

“To reach A-rank next, you're gonna need a big achievement, and 2000 points.”

“Isn’t it 1600 points?”

“Well, it would be, but with the achievement part, you kinda reach there already. The points are just there as an ornament.”


“Anyway. Here are the rewards from the wasps.” He breathed in. “We put it like this. 80 Silver Coins. 114 Gold coins. And 2 Platinum coins. Check please.”

“1, 2, 3, 4… 20, 40, 60, and 80 Silver coins.” I checked the others as well. “Yep. It’s right.”

“Nice. As for the Honey and Venom, we will check it, and tell you tomorrow.”

“Right. Oh, I almost forgot about these.”

I took two pots of 250 milliliters of Royal Jelly. The GM had his eyes widened, while I was grinning widely, and making my brows jump. Did he break?

“It wasn’t there was it?”

“Of course I would take it off. I want to put these for auction.”

“I see. More money huh? Makes sense. The Guild can put them to auction. And you want that, I presume?” I nodded. “Hmmm… It can be done. The starter price?”

“How much do you think?”

“Ha! Of course you would do that.” With a hand on his chin, he started to hum a bit. “Since we are quite away from the right season, people would buy this for at least 20 pieces of platinum. Yeah. I would start with 20.”

“Then I'll leave that at your hands, Guild Master.”

“Good grief. The guild will ask a small fee from that. It’ll be 1 Platinum coin for it.”

“Deal. Also, I’ll be away from the city for some time. Need to go south to get some materials for the Witch, so hang them for a while.”

“Alright, if you insist.”

I Digi-Scanned the coins, and left the pouches. After that, I walked to the Alchemist’s Lair, and prepared myself to go south.

“What are you doing robbing my shop?”

“I’m not robbing. I’m preparing myself. Also, I’ll buy them of course.”

I put on just a few clothes, and they were enchanted with Fire resistance too. They were black and simple. I also remade my gauntlets, this time with Titanium. She had a bit of it, and I paid her of course.

In total, I gave her 75 Gold Coins. She gave me a Discount, since I would take a personal quest, and because I was an apprentice. Didn’t feel that that was a discount though.

“I’m ready.”

The next day, I found a carriage to take me to the city of Caerleon, where the Witch asked me to go. It was hard to find a carriage to go there, since it's the Blood Moon period. It’s been a week since it started? No, a week and a half, to be exactly.

“How much to take me to Caerleon?”

“1 Gold. And if we reach there alive, I will give ya 10 silver back.”

“It’s usually how much out of this period?”

“It’s only 20 Silver. Ya won’t complain?”

“Why would I? It’s a condition, isn't it?”

“Glad ya understand. Wait a bit for more people.”

I nodded and leaned on the carriage while waiting. Kasumi and Amara were in my shadow, waiting for anything.

While waiting, I took my MPD, and checked for my status.


Name: Kenji Species: Human Age: 15 Years Adventurer Rank: B-Rank LVL: 11 / 15 SP: 26’254 (↑2’100) HP: 700 / 700

{+500} MP: 3’300 / 3’300

{+600 ↑300} STR: 350

{+500 ↑300} INT: 750

{+700 ↑400} CON: 400

{+200 ↑100} AGI: 850

{+400 ↑100} DEX: 800

{+800 ↑500} LUK: 15

“With this amount of skills, it’s quite messy. Can it separate magic skills, resistances and other skills into different categories? Oh, it can!”


• Scholar (Lvl 3 NEW.2UP) • Fighter (Lvl 5) • Swordsman (Lvl 6) • Marksman (Lvl 7 1UP) • Synergist (Lvl 9 3UP) • Alchemist (Lvl 9 2UP) • Enchanter (Lvl 6) • Warlock (Lvl 5) • Traveler (M) • Tamer (Lvl 8) • Summoner (Lvl 5 1UP) • Thread User (Lvl 3 1UP) •


Passive Skills

• Language Comprehension (U) • Other World Archive {Locked} • Sword Arts (Lvl 7) • Blade Arts (Lvl 5 1UP) • Martial Arts (Lvl 5) • Enhanced Vitality (Lvl 5) • Enhanced Pool (Lvl 6 3UP) • Enhanced Strength (Lvl 5 3UP) • Enhanced Body (Lvl 2 1UP) • Enhanced Instincts (Lvl 8 5UP) • Enhanced Knowledge (Lvl 7 4UP) • Enhanced Mobility (Lvl 4 1UP) • Leather Working (Lvl 5 1UP) • Dismantle (Lvl 1)

Magic Skills

• Technomagic (U) • Mana Manipulation (Lvl 8 3UP) • Summoning (Lvl 7 1UP) • Terrain Manipulation (Lvl 3) • Thread Manipulation (Lvl 3 1UP) • Transmutation (Lvl 9 1UP) • Artificial Element Manipulation (Lvl 5 2UP) • Artificial Element Creation (Lvl 5 2UP) • Augmentation (Lvl 4 1UP) • Stealth (Lvl 2 1UP) •

Resistance Skills

• Rot Resistance (Lvl 4) • Fear Resistance (Lvl 5) • Paralysis Resistance (Lvl 1) • Pain Resistance (Lvl 4) • Charm Resistance (Lvl 5) • Tiredness Resistance (Lvl 9 2UP) •


• Technomaniac • Half-Machine {Locked} • Unique Bug Killer • Creator of Relifacts (NEW) • Creator of the Unknown (NEW) • Focused Freak • Friend of the Primordial Spirit • Fox- Spirit Friend • Mocker of Gods • Darkness Acolyte • Vampire Killer (NEW) • Apprentice of the Little Fairy (NEW) •


Hyper Slow Growth

“So, the passive skills Leveled up a bit. A bit is an understatement. Transmutation and Alchemy are almost max out. Nice. What it’ll come after it? I’m quite curious.”

After looking at my status, and waiting for about an hour, some people appeared. If a monster or bandits appear on the road, I’m gonna be the only one to work, by the looks of it. Wait. I have a lot of SP. Can I see the skills with the MPD?

With the amount of people who were on the carriage, which was 7 people, me and the coachman included, we departed from the capital. In the carriage, were a mother and her daughter, an elderly couple, and a… young couple of normies. Could you not simply act all lovey dovey inside the carriage? It’s disgusting.

Ignoring the young couple, I took my MPD, and looked through the skills list. I wanted a few of the skills, those that were a must for me right now.

First of all, on this trip to another city, I will find Vampires, Monsters and Bandits. This was a problem. Not to me, mind you. But for these guys. I’m no hero, but I wouldn’t want to see them dying right in front of me. So, I searched for anything that I could make to stop attacks, while I would fight.

[Barrier Magic] is an option, or [Magical Barrier Creation] is better? What’s the difference? Those questions were on my mind. [Magical Barrier Creation] was simply a barrier that would stop things, while [Barrier Magic] was more versatile.

To the moment, [Magical Barrier Creation] was more useful, since it’s description said that it was more useful in Artifacts creation. The nice thing about Barrier Creation, is that when it reached Tier M, it would receive [Barrier Magic], and could even evolve to [Barrier Complete Control]. Of course, it would need to have a certain Title. So most things have conditions, huh? Nice! Also, it was the cheapest one~ Only 600 SP!

I took a small Mythril ingot, which I got from the Witch, and sliced right in the middle. I stored one half, and took the other half, shaping into a badge in a kite shape. After finishing the badge, I took that super resistant glass from before, and shaped it into a semi-circular mound(Like a D).

Taking the glass mound, I inscribed on its bottom with Spirit Language, with a shield barrier enchantment on it. Yes, Shield Barrier, since that is how my mind worked it up. It wasn’t me, it was the Technomagic skill. It changed from barrier to shield. How does this thing work anyway?

“Finished. Let’s see now.”

► Shielding Badge ◄

An enchanted Badge, with a Shield Barrier that cannot be pierced by anything below intermediary attacks.

The more mana or electricity is fueled with, the wide and stronger the shield will be.

This is not a Relic nor an Artifact. But a Relifact. Bounded to it’s creator.

Creator – Kenji

“It worked.”

With that out of the way, I breathe a sigh of relief and look below the canopy.

The warm air of the Imperial capital is gone, replaced by a more colde. The greenery of the forest took place, and the air was much cleaner. The time that it would take to travel from the capital to the city of Caerleon, was about 4 days straight, and 6 with some stops.


I put my MPD on my pocket, and the badge on my belt, ready for any kind of problem. Fortunately, it didn’t happen much in the first two days of traveling. Only on the third day though.

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