《A Technomaniac in Another World (Prototype)》Chapter 2 – Knowing Things Around


After buying the skewers, I took a stroll around. Keeping in mind to avoid strange places, such as alleys, and shady shops.

“To think that the country I was in would be a Supremacist.”

The Country, Valor’s Empire, was a Human Supremacist. There were Beastmen and Elves all around, wearing black collars of course. There was even a slave market, with a sign right at the front: Slaves at Sale.

The variety of Beastmen wasn’t as big as I was thinking. Lion, Bear, Wolf, Cat, and even Winged people. By the color of the wings, I think they are Raven people. The Raven people were the most different, having claws in place of feet. But just a few of them.

“But to think that the castle was actually a bastion. I’m impressed by their work though.”

Built at the foot of a mountain, on an elevation to supervise the city, with 3 towers the size of skyscrapers, and a tower in its center, smaller, but wider, is where the Imperial Bastion is located.

Although it’s a bastion and an empire, the capital isn’t gloomy. It’s quite lively actually. Before being thrown out of that place, I asked the Knight about the city. The Imperial Capital Goldguard. Divided into 5 different districts, categorized by a hero summoned a long time ago. The town was built with the intention of a never ending expansion.

The first district, or Ox District, is where the army is trained and organized. Being the largest district in the whole capital, occupying about 45% of the entire town. The second district, or Dragon District. This is where the nobles live, occupying only 5% of the entire territory. It is the smallest district in the entire capital. Although it looks more like a citadel than anything else.

With Goldguard's accession to the throne, he extinguished any opposition to him. All the noble houses that tried to fight him were either killed or lucky enough to live as a soldier. Forcing submission through strength. Fearful, but effective.

Currently, only 7 noble houses remain. All of them serve the emperor without a doubt, although from time to time, there is someone who wants to challenge the Emperor, and they end up in a pretty bad situation because of it. It’s either obey or die.

Of the 7 noble houses, 5 take care of any matter related to the capital, the Emperor only nods his head to accept changes or not. The other 2 noble houses deal with the army, as they have done even before Goldguard assumed the throne.

The Third district, or Rat District. This is where the market and merchants are located, occupying about 30% of the town’s territory. It is the most lively place in the capital, where tens of hundreds of people appear regularly. It’s also the place where merchants live, in their homes/stores.

The Fourth District, or The Rooster District. This is where the Church of Mekelia, the Goddess of War, The Guild of Adventurers and Mercenaries, and the commoners live. This is another of the smallest districts in the Capital, occupying only 10% of the territory. Although commoners live here, the place is one of the most organized. Although, I can see that it is not as alive as other Districts.

People who come to live and work in the Imperial capital, usually live in the Rat District, where the market is located. Although living there, it’s not very cheap. I think it would be like living in downtown Tokyo. Apartments there are not cheap.

And finally, the fifth District, or Horse District. Where people go to work in the field, which occupies the last 10%. It is the safest place to work, but the pay is a third of someone that works in the fields outside the capital. It’s fair though. In the capital there are two places to work in the fields. Inside the giant protected walls, or outside, where the danger is high.


The payment for working outside is not small. According to the Knight, people receive about 5 silver coins to work in the fields inside the capital, while outside they receive 15 silver. Another thing that the Knight mentioned to me, is that there is a forest right beside the fields outside, where magical beasts and monsters live.

The further you go into the forest, the greater the difficulty, with more and more monsters coming towards you. Another thing he said is that there are 3 monsters to watch out for. A Taracs, a type of giant spider, with a poison in the form of mist. The nest of Giant Wasps and it’s Queen, where many adventurers die trying to get a great source of money. Honey is… Wait. Do wasps produce honey?

“And the last one he said, was a giant Tiger-tooth. A tiger with the big teeth of a saber tooth. Hm? Creepy, creepy, creepy.” I tried to imagine, and just got shivers for some reason.

One thing I found interesting in the imperial capital is the layout of the streets. Rather than having difficulty reaching the Bastion in the event of an invasion, they were made with speed in mind. Which is very different from some cities in the past in my original world. Hell, I’m already considering this my home.

Right now, I was moving from the Rat District to the Rooster District. The difference was overwhelming. From the lively streets, to a quieter place. With the exception of some merry go round taverns here and there, but still more silent.

As I glanced around, I could see two buildings. With one right beside the other. One really well taken care of, and the other, with a strange atmosphere to it. I walked towards the Adventurer's Guild, looking around like I was in an amusement park. I’m looking like a country bumpkin. Just then…

“Hou~ What do we have here? A traveler?”

There was no one else looking from side to side like a child curious about things around. No one but me. Looking towards the source of the voice, I see a woman, probably a very old one. She was wearing a cloak with a hood, but it only resembled rags.

“Would you look at that?” I speak as I approach her. “A clairvoyant, right?”

Her withered arms and hands were around a crystal ball, and her back was curved over. The way her voice is, however, didn't make her old. It's a false voice, maybe?

“Oh, so you know what I do. That is something interesting. No one knows about that, nor do they care about it. Usually, they say that I’m a crazy woman that lost her head. How about it boy. Do you want to see it?”

“Well, since I’m already here, why not?”

I sit on the stool in front of the table, and the old woman gives me another small smile. Creepy!

“Hmmm… What do you really want to see?”

“The future, what else.”

“I see. Then, let’s see when you die.”

“Hey. Don’t raise any flags!”

She laughs, and starts to speak in a strange language. That's new. I do have a skill that translates the language, but I can't understand anything of what she's talking about. I wonder what that would be? Hm?

► Attention! ◄

Ancient Language Comprehension skill detected. It is possible to acquire such skill via SP/Skill Points. The Value is 100 SP.

Do you wish to acquire the Skill Ancient Language Comprehension?


While she was using that strange language, a small window appeared in my field of vision. Just like in the throne room. So she was speaking a completely different language. Seeing that window, I started to think over it. I don’t see this thing as useful right now. So, no. Answering that in my mind, the window disappears, and the woman finishes her words.


When she finishes, the Crystal ball shines in a dark blue color, and the woman cocks her head to the side.

“Now, that’s something interesting. It’s been a long time since I saw this hot, yet dangerous color.”

“That’s supposed to mean, what?”

“It means you’re a handful.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Although I’m a bit offended.

“Hoho! You needn’t worry about that. You will pass by a lot of problems, but dying isn’t one of them. But-”

She stops talking, while looking at the crystal ball once again.

“But, what?”

“What is happening? It’s changing.”

Her voice showed even more surprise. With this change, she returns to speaking in that language from before, and then she answers me.

“I don’t understand. It keeps changing over and over again.”


“You’re unpredictable. Some events remain, but several others are changing. And that several times. Hm?!”

She suddenly stops talking, and is surprised once again. What the heck is happening?

“Can I ask you something?” I nod. “What do you think of the actual situation of the countries?”

That was her question. Where did that come from? How the hell should I know?! Well, anyway, let’s answer with a-

“You’re from another world, aren’t you?”

She just tossed a bomb in my way. How does she know that? As if my face was asking that, she answers in a low voice.

“Fufufu… Why do you think I called you a Traveler?”

She says that, while lifting her head a bit, and I take a glimpse of her eyes. Green lime eyes, with a dark slit on them. There was something alluring, but also dangerous to them.

“Well, anyway…” She lowers her head again. “Better be careful from now on, boy.”

She offers me a hand… no. She extends her hand, demanding money. Of course she would. I take a silver coin out of that pouch, and drop it on her hand. I got up, and walked away, in the direction of the guild. I glance towards her, before looking towards the guild.

“Who was that woman, anyway? Hm?”

Just as I was about to open the door for the guild, I could hear some noises coming from inside. From the noises I can hear from it, it's definitely a fight. And it’s approaching the door fast. Without a thought, I tumble away from the door, and then…


The door bursts, and a fat man is tossed out, rolling on the ground, while smoke comes from his body. I looked over at him, surprised. Is he dead? Then, when I look at the entrance of the guild, I see a beautiful woman, with red hair, and green eyes, coming out to look at the fat guy.


She looks at me, scoffing and turning back to the guild. What the hell was that? Getting up, I walk inside the building. There was some kind of bar on my right, with some tables in front of it. At my left, were some people looking at the boards on the wall. And right at the back of the guild, besides the upstairs, was three counters, with one receptionist, and two men.

The girl is smiling, but her smile is a forced one. Oh, the door. The girl had the smile of a true receptionist, not wavering even a bit. The people around me glanced in my direction quickly, and just went back to doing whatever they were doing. When I got to the counter, the lady talked to me, without me even saying a word.

“Hello. How may I help you?”

“I would like to take a look at the library.”

“Only members of the guild can have access to the library, unfortunately.” Why’s that?

“Then, I would like to register.”

“Very well then. Just a moment please.”

As if knowing that I would say that, she turns around, taking a small wooden plank and a stone, shaped in a triangle from two cabinets on the wall.

“Please fill this plank with your information please.”

I nod, and take a look at what is on the plank. It has some information for me to add. Name, Main Class, and Age. Since I don’t know if having a second name makes you a noble, could my left eye show me what happened in the throne room? Finishing my words, a window just like in the Throne room appeared, showing me the girl's status.


Name: Aria Species: Human Age: 17 Y.O. Main Occupation: Street Walker LVL: 15 / 50 S.P.: 75 HP: 110 / 110 MP: 70 / 70 STR: 90 INT: 180 CON: 180 AGI: 70 DEX: 200 LUK: 250


• Guild’s Receptionist (Lvl 5) • Street Walker (Lvl M) • Librarian (Lvl 2) • Student (Lvl 5) •

I’ll just pretend that I didn’t see anything. I barely hold my questions to what the skills she holds. Who am I to judge a girl who has the night services skills at max anyway.

Seeing her status, I took a look at mine. Since she doesn’t have a second name, I guess I’ll put just my first name. As for my Main Class…


Name: Kenji Ueda {Kenji} Species: Human Age: 15 Y.O. Adventurer Rank: No Rank LVL: 1 / 5 S.P.: 100 HP: 200 / 200 MP: 300 / 300

STR: 150


INT: 250


CON: 200


AGI: 350


DEX: 300


LUK: 5


• Student (Lvl 8) • Fighter (Lvl 3) • Swordsman (Lvl 3) • Researcher (Lvl 1) • Traveler from Another World (Lvl M) {Hidden}•


• Language Comprehension (Unique) • Technomagic (Unique - Basic) • Sword Arts (Lvl 3) • Martial Arts (Lvl 3) • Strengthening (Lvl 1) • Hard Skin (Lvl 1) • Instinct (Lvl 2) • Knowledge (Lvl 1) • Mobility (Lvl 2) • Concealment (Lvl 1) •


• Technomaniac • Half-Machine •


Hyper Slow Growth

I don’t think that the Student class will be useful, so I’ll put my name, Swordsman as my main class and my age. Finishing that, I gave the plank back to her.

“Now, would you please put your hand on this tablet please? This will record your mana signature, and your status.”

I nod and put my hand on the Stone tablet. I feel a sting on my hand, and then, my hand floats a bit above the tablet. With my hand floating, a small sphere, dark blue in color forms around my hand. With that, the receptionist is surprised, and I can feel the stares of some people behind me. First that elf. Then, that woman. And now, all of these people. What does the dark blue color have, anyway?

“Excuse me?”

“Ah!” With my words, the receptionist exited her thoughts and proceeded with the guild's card issue. “W-Well, you don’t have any criminal record, that’s good. A-And your status is really good. Most of the newbie adventurers don’t have a very good status. And you even have a Unique Skill, although… I don’t know what it does.”

“No problem.” I answered her without much thought.

“Then, here is your guild card.” She gives me a small, white card. “This is your Guild Card. Please, don’t lose it. Although, if you lose it, you can issue a new one, but you're gonna need to pay 50 silver coins when that happens. Now, let me explain about the Adventurer’s Ranks.”

She then started. The Adventurer’s Ranks were divided into 9 Ranks, and I was at the lowest. They were basically like this:

F-Rank → E-Rank → D-Rank → C-Rank → B-Rank → A-Rank → S-Rank → SS-Rank → SSS-Rank

And each one has the cards in different colors, making them easy to discern, especially for big operations. They're as follows:

White → Gray → Purple → Black → Green → Blue → Red → Silver → Gold

She also said that, as a matter of fact, if someone wants to advance through the ranks, they need to complete quests. She then motioned to the boards on the wall I saw when I entered the building. All of them had colored plates on the top, showing the ranks the quests were assigned to.

Another thing is that adventurers ranging from F-rank to B-rank, can take quests one rank superior to then, although the guild doesn’t recommend. Don’t bite more than what you can chew, to be more exact.

To finish the explanation, to climb the ranks, one needs to complete as many quests it can. On the top right corner of the quests, it has the points the quest has. To reach E-rank, one needs 100 points. And as it goes up, the amount of points doubles. So to reach D-rank, it is 200, 400 for C-rank, and so on.

“Well, I wish you luck on your quests!”

“Thanks. Now, can I see the library?”

“Oh! Of course!”

She was taken aback from my question, probably because no adventurer did this before? Is it strange?

The library wasn’t huge. It actually was very small, if compared to libraries of my former world. There were four tables around, with a man in the entrance of the library. He glanced quickly at me, and got his eyes back at the book he was reading.

After the receptionist got back at the guild’s front, I started searching for the books. First, money. I started to search for any book mentioning money, and found only one. It was very thin, more so than my pinky finger.

There was a history of the currencies, and what I was searching, the actual currency.

The currency was called Rasz, and was divided into 5 different materials, with a sixth material that was rarely used. Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. It wasn’t in the tenths, as I imagined. But rather, in the hundreds.

100 Copper = 1 Bronze

100 Bronze = 1 Silver

100 Silver = 1 Gold

100 Gold = 1 Platinum

“This last coin is rarely used, which is made out of Orichalcum. It’s used in countries' exchanges after wars, instead of anything else. Hunh.”

After finding the knowledge of the currency, I searched for another important point: Geography.

It took some time to find the book, but I succeeded. The book had info on the world, and the countries around the empire. Even having a world map. The place I was, of course, was the Empire of Valor, or Valor’s Empire . There were 9 other countries. It had two main islands. One was the island I was on, where 5 of the 9 countries were located.

The other island was for the United Tribes of Enos. Which was clearly where the Beastmen lived. There were other 4 islands, albeit only 3 were inhabited. The first one was Thanatos.

“Wow. There is a country called Thanatos, actually. According to this book, it’s a country of demons who praise the sovereign Gilgamesh. Wow.”

This country, which is an Island, keeps fighting the Empire over and over again. They do have a small citadel right at the border of the north of the empire, where Vampires reign and keep the fight going forward.

“I still can’t believe that the Emperor called the capital of the empire from his own name.”

The empire’s capital had the same name of the Emperor, Goldguard. The empire also keeps fighting the country Southwest of it, called Kingdom of Rezia. They’re separated by a crevasse, with a giant bridge built by Rezia. The bridge has more use to adventurers and merchants though.

The other 2 countries were the League of Magic, which is separated from the Empire by a mountain range. This country's citizens are focused on the research of, you guessed, magic. Together with the Free-State of Vortex, they don’t give a damn about the war between the Empire and Rezia, staying Neutral all the time.

“Free-State of Vortex? That’s a strange name. Oh, I see.”

The Country was called like that because of its creator, Vortex. What creativity. It was a rather strange country. They could do whatever they wanted. And also, it was one of the countries where criminals escape to.

“Reminds me of the Pirates. The book also says that some wars broke because of some criminals escaping there, but all wars were won by the Free-State by a big difference.”

Although their Country is rather big, half of it is useless. Essentially where the Hell’s Forest is. It’s called a forest, but it’s more like a desert, with a forest in the middle. Constant storms happen there, so only monsters and beasts have the capability of living there.

There was an island called the Sea of Rust, located northwest of The Theocracy of The Chosen. There isn’t much information on it, only that it was conquered from the hands of demons a long time ago by one of the summoned people. He transformed the place from an eerie island to an advanced civilization.

What is strange though, is that, upon his death, a strange storm made out of rust from the place kicked in, killing everyone in there, and on actual days, no one is able to even enter there.

The Theocracy of The Chosen. It’s the country of religion. They praised Naglan, the God of Life & Death.

“Speaking of which, there aren't many religions like my former world.”

Some of the People of the Empire, pray for the Goddess of War, Mekelia. The Rezia Kingdom prays for the God of Freedom, Dhorasil. The League of Magic, prays, in a way, for the Magic Overseer, Aysus. The Free-State of Vortex doesn't pray for anyone.

“Hmm… The demons on Thanatos await the emergence of Gilgamesh, The Netherrealm Overseer. It is known that the elves and Beastmen pray to Ykara, The Mistress of The Forest. And that’s it. There’s no information on the other 3 countries.”

There was almost no info about the other three countries, being The United Tribes of Enos, Thefalin and Daímonas.

The United Tribes were the union of all Beastmen. That was it. Thefalin was the place where Elves and Dark Elves lived, and lastly, Daímonas, another Island that is inhabited by demons.

“The most powerful country of humans, don’t have any info on three of the countries they pursue.”

It actually doesn’t make any sense. Oh, wait. Maybe only the library that may exist inside the Bastion has that info. After all, the emperor wants to dominate them.

With that out of the way, I take a look at other small things. Specifically, about skills.

There's a lot of skills. The book said more about compatibility and the price of the skills when the author of the book tried it.

“So, most of the things in this book are only to have a basis.”

All the skills I checked were somewhat related to my skill. Technomagic is rather hard to understand.

“The capability of mixing magic and technology.” I looked at the explanation on my status. “How so? Oh, c’mon Kenji.” I forgot about the main thing of science. “Arthur C. Clark third law, dammit. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Mixing the two would be like putting two pieces of a puzzle together.” How the hell did I know what this C. Clark guy said?

“Hey, lad. Go away. It’s time already.”

As I was talking to myself, the old man at the entrance called me. Oh yeah. I was summoned in the late afternoon, so it's nighttime already. I put the books back at its respective shelves, surprising the old man, and walked out of the guild.

I got into a cheap inn, only to sleep of course. There was dinner, but it wasn’t that good. Actually, what the hell was that?! It was too rubbery! Brushing that aside, I look at my status again. Specifically, Technomagic.

“Technomagic, huh? What is it exactly?”

Using the Scan Status once again, I look for info on my skill. Everything I can have.

► Skill: Technomagic (0/100) ◄

Users can combine magic and technology in various ways and to various extents. Beginners can create and mimic technology via magic. Advanced users can infuse technology with magic, granting it considerable edge and versatility. True masters can fuse magic and technology entirely, retaining all of their strengths and none of their weaknesses.

There were more things on it than I already knew.

“I wish someone else had the same skill as me, or at least something alike.”

I wasn't giving up on the skill, just trying to find a way to put it into good use.

“My only option would be investigating that island. The Sea of Rust. Seriously? Will I really need to go there?”

According to the book, the island was in the hands of demons, and then was taken from them by someone summoned a long time ago, transforming the island into some kind of advanced civilization.

“So someone with tech-related skills was already summoned then. But what happened to him? Why there's that storm there? Urgh~ The more I want to know, the more questions pop up.”

Letting that aside, for now, I just got myself a good night of sleep. There isn't much I can do for now.

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