《Record of a Sovereign》Chapter 15: Secret Body


Chapter 15: Secret Body

Steel struck steel as Mang and Wei fought. Wei took advantage of his superior strength to block and deflect with one dagger while trying to stab with the other. Wei constantly moved his body like a river, one dagger slashing after the other as he turned his body.

Mang's sword became wreathed in fire as he lunged at Wei. Wei crossed his daggers to block the slash, not feeling any damage from burst of flames as it scorched the air toward his chest. Mang's eyes bulged with surprise before crying out as Wei performed a side kick to his ribs. As Mang's body contorted to the pain, Wei slashed upwards in the opposite direction to slice a centimeter into Mang's chest.

Mang cried out in pain as Wei did a back kick with his other leg to send Mang flying onto his back a few feet away. Wei flicked his wrist, throwing one of his flying daggers to pierce Fu's chest while simultaneously breaking a few ribs. The magical beast's roots-like tail end grabbed Fu and slammed the young man into the ground. The magical beast slammed its paw onto Fu's chest, causing the latter to cough blood and lose consciousness.

"Make sure he stays out of the way. If he doesn't bite something off and knock him out," Wei ordered darkly before facing Mang.

"You seem to hate me too," Mang commented as Wei glared at him.

"Do you know what it's like to be slashed by a drake on your back? Your recklessness almost screwed us over. Knocking you out that day was just my price for giving you the Spirit Pearl. You chose to come here, to fight me," Wei roared and ran toward him.

Lightning crackled around his daggers as Wei's speed increased. Mang tried to block Wei, but his speed was too quick. Wei's dagger slashed his arm before a high kick connected with his chin. Mang felt his knees wobble before Wei spun around and slashed his legs with both daggers.

Mang fell onto the ground hard and coughed violently as Wei stomped his chest. Mang's vision started to blur and he saw Shen Qing look impressed as she stared above him. Mang's rage boiled as he knew she was staring at Wei. It was never him Qing looked at. Never him!

"I won't lose," Mang grunted as he kicked out wildly, forcing Wei to jump back to make some space. Wei frowned as Mang made a horse stance upon rising to his feet, preparing to surge his spirit energy.

"That manual! He's increased his body's hardness, but to think he actually learned the temporary enhancing skill. I underestimated him," Wei growled lowly as fire and water spirit energy surged from Mang's body.


Mang had fire and water among his elements upon reaching Foundation Establishment. Everyone watched with interest as Mang's spirit energy soared and wasn't harmed despite the opposite elements colliding.

"What kind of technique is that?" Xin wondered aloud as Mang's wounds began to heal. Mang grew two inches and his muscles enlarged as he grabbed his sword.

"That boy..." the empress muttered. She held no interest in Mang as he was infatuated with her daughter as so many other boys of her clan's servant clans did. Now, she had to admit that Mang was worthy of a glance.

"See, he got even stronger," Ling smiled.

"Not enough to beat Cong Wei. Look. He's not as worried as one would expect. It is as if he knew Mang could do a technique like that," Qing whispered as she pointed at Wei. Wei looked more angry than surprised. His eyes darted up and down as he saw Mang's wounds finish healing.

"You're not surprised?" Mang frowned as Wei stared at him coldly.

"You are not the only one with such a skill," Wei said silently and came up with a lie. "I've seen it before. Still, you can't maintain that state forever. You probably have to rest in bed for days after this."

"As if you know anything!" Mang roared as he rushed forward, as his sword arm raised, everyone watched a giant sword of water and fire rise above and slash down toward Wei. Wei only smiled as he gazed at the brown ring on his left middle finger and touched it with his thumb as he tapped the ground.

Generals stood up as a rock formation appeared like a wave, destroying the giant sword of fire and water as it crashed toward Lu Mang. Lu Mang cried out in pain as the Earth Spike spell of the ring slammed into him. The points of the rock spikes were dull and bruised him in several places across his body. Lu Mang spun in the air like a rag doll before crashing onto the ground.

"Rule Number 1 on a battlefield: There are no rules. Only the victor and the defeated. Rule Number 2: Never rush a mage head on. Rule Number 3: Too much of a strategy focused on offense leaves holes in your defense. One example is an opening made in the opponent's defense as they charge while raising their arm. This is why you lost, Lu Mang. Power isn't everything," Cong Wei said as the rock spikes vanished with a wave.

"I admit, my superior cultivation allowed me to contend with you in close combat. However, do not assume to be my equal. You've marked me as your enemy. I will play the villain today and make you look bad in front of the Imperial Court. Like a hero, you might garner pity and support from others. I'll be waiting for your.....retaliation. Not that you're worthy to be my opponent. You are not even in the advanced class. You are stuck in the basic class from day one no matter the advancement. Maybe next year, you can get close to her," Wei said coldly as his magical beast shrunk to the size of a kitten and purred as it sat behind his table.


"The victor: Duke Han Cong Wei," the empress declared, everyone in the throne room clapping and congratulating Cong Wei.

"For the once Crippled Duke to become this strong, you are like a phoenix rising from the ashes," Consort Yu smiled.

"You insult the boy, Consort Yu. You've had your fun and lost this round. Your man was beaten first. As the ruler of the harem, my eyes picked better talents than one that is just muscular. Heh. You've been quite entertaining. I thank both Blade Dancer groups. Duke Han, what did you think of the Blade Dancers?" the empress asked, the concubine balling her fists in anger.

"They are strong, My Lady. One of them, I admit I underestimated. I am even the cause of his growth," Wei admitted.

"Yes. You have made a great contribution to the empire to bring so many Spirit Pearls. Now that the men have finished their dance of sword, the women will begin their dance and song," the empress said and clapped her hands. The men bowed their heads and carried the bleeding Fu and Mang away while women in beautiful gowns began to dance to zithers and lutes.

"Qing..." Mang said weakly as he saw her from the corner of his eyes. She wasn't even looking at him. Again, he failed to impress her because of a noble. He clenched his fists with rage and pain, his nails biting into his flesh.

"Another day, Mang. Even that duke is a tool in political warfare. Just train that technique and surpass him," his group leader soothed as Mang was carried away.

"You look upset despite the beautiful women dancing," Xin commented as Wei emptied his wine cup and refilled it.

"Who made the initial mistake and had me dragged into it? I didn't want to stand out more than I already had. If I let one side win, I would look as if I supported the winner. I had to beat both fighters to maintain neutrality, but I also made both factions lose face," Wei snapped, causing his uncle to lean back and focus a bit too much on the veiled women dancing.

As the dinner concluded, Wei and Xin were invited to stay the night in the guest wing by the emperor. Wei could not refuse and followed a maid to their chambers for the night. Wei and Xin sat around a small table with a candlewick lit in the center of the table. Xin gulped nervously and stared at the scroll.

"So, who is it? Who did the emperor ask us to support?" Xin asked, his palms growing sweaty as he stared at the black scroll.

"It didn't say," Wei said, stunning Xin.

"What? But, but you looked at the scroll that time. I saw it," Xin said.

"And they saw you. Once again, we maintain a neutral position," Wei smiled. "A man I beheaded was wronged by a concubine. He said that women of the palace are the greatest of dangers. I agree wholeheartedly. That is why I acted shocked because you had no prior experience in imperial politics. You wouldn't be able to hide it as it was always grandfather who came to the capital."

"Why I feel like you are the uncle speaking?" Xin frowned.

"Just because he---I was crippled, it didn't mean I didn't know politics. I did my duty as duke, touring the dukedom and ensuring the paperwork and taxes were correct and adequate. You were in charge of the clan, always in the position of power. You only ever answered to grandfather. Naturally, you didn't know the importance of masking your emotions and thoughts. No doubt the two women are wary of me," Wei sighed.

"Why should they be?" Xin asked.

"They wanted to see my power and they succeeded in forcing my hand. I revealed my magical beast and the power of my ring," Wei said silently. "They are suspicious of my recovery and revealed it by using my ill-begotten nickname."

"Argh. I hate this kind of thing. I'd rather fight with my fist than my words," Xin roared as he tousled his hair in frustration.

"Tonight, we must be on guard. We'll have to see what kind of visitor we'll receive, and how many," Wei warned.

"It better be an assassin. I really felt shitty in that palace. All those damn ministers looking down at us. Being toyed with...." Xin growled as his knuckles cracked. "Let them come. Hurry up. I want to kill something. Anything."

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