《Record of a Sovereign》Chapter 8: Entering the Space Gate


Writer Eternal: Here's another two chapters.

Chapter 8: Entering the Space Gate

"Got everything?" Director Ji asked as he entered the third floor of the pagoda.

"Yeah," Wei nodded as he had his sword strapped to his left side. He stared at his spatial ring and left all the food, clothes, and money in the ring.

He took the spirit crystals and stored them in his hidden body space. Intuition told him that he might not be able to see the spatial ring again as the MC had unpredictable events happen to him. Lu Mang was an anomaly, and Wei had to be prepared.

"I'm ready," Wei repeated as the director was unable to determine what he did. As he joined the other one hundred representatives of the Slumbering Beast Academy, he received a mountain backpack containing many pockets. He sighed with relief as he discovered that Lu Mang did not receive a Cosmos Ring.

Guards donning gold or red armor littered the walls of the underground cavern. Participants of the other academies and the sects with twenty representatives each were all waiting for the prime minster to arrive. They stared at a corroded, gargantuan metal ring at the heart of the cavern.

"Good morning everyone. I am the prime minister of our great empire," a muscular man with gray hair smiled as he wore a simple white robe with golden dragons at the hem of the robe. "The Space Gate behind me will now open. You have seven days to find the Space Gate as you will be teleported to random locations in its dimension. The treasures and magical beasts you find there are unlike any other. Do remember this: entering the wrong Space Gate will result in you not returning."

As the representatives cried out in alarm, the prime minister held out his hand and said, "Be at ease. Your Cosmos Ring will shine should you approach the wrong Space Gate. You, or your group, can find methods to determine which Space Gate to enter as there are always clues and methods provided. Should you return to a different world, the 2x2x2 meter space in your Cosmos Ring will become 15x15x15. Should you return to us, those stuck in the Spirit Condensation Realm will receive a Spirit Pearl. Those already at Foundation Establishment, or already found a Spirit Pearl, will be awarded one thousand spirit crystals and allowed one or two items from the imperial vault based on loot obtained."

"So generous. The prizes weren't this great last time."

"Fool. It was because too many people died last time. It is to motivate us to stay alive."

"As expected of the empire, of course they would hundreds of Spirit Pearls."

"Those at the Foundation Establishment are so lucky. Hopefully I find a Spirit Pearl there."

"Now, now. Everyone, it is possible to enter in groups. One member must possess a Cosmos Ring and only seven people per group. However, two of the seven people must represent another sect or academy. It is allowed for up to five members per group to possess a Cosmos Ring, but the risk of death for your fellow representatives rises even higher. Do not feel pressured by your sect or academy. This decision rests entirely on you. I, the prime minister, guarantee it," the prime minister smiled. "The Space Gate will remain open for one hour. Good luck and I pray for at least twenty percent of you to return alive. Alive and not on the verge of death."


All eyes turned to see several sect members just run into the Space Gate. None of the academy students did as they were more united. Everyone in the Slumbering Beast Academy wondered which member to take in their group and discussed with each other their options and what they registered. Seeing how long it was taking, Han Cong Wei decided to walk to the Space Gate.

"Cong Wei, you're heading to the Space Gate alone? You might not survive alone and might never encounter another group. Also, a group you happen to encounter might try to kill you," Shen Ling warned, all the academy students staring at Han Cong Wei.

"I'm not being arrogant about this. I am impatient. This is taking too long. The more group members, the less likely I'll obtain the resources I want. The resources I need to prevent someone from possibly killing me," Cong Wei answered.

"Someone wants to kill you?" Shen Ling asked.

"Everyone wants to kill me just like how everyone wants to kill you. The reason is greed. I barely met any of you. Trust? Not with my life. Sorry," Wei said with a wave before turning to the Space Gate.

"Wei, my boy, why don't you just group with them," Director Ji said as he appeared next to Wei in a flash.

Many people were startled. From academy faculty and sect elders to the palace guards and prime minister, no one had even sensed his presence or movement. Those who frequented the capital realized who the director was and sighed. The director was certainly one of the top celestials in the entire empire, and the reason the Slumbering Beast Academy was not pressured by the current dynasty.

Wei's eyes narrowed as Shen Ling came up to the Space Gate with her cousin and Lu Mang. In Lu Mang's eyes, Cong Wei seemed to look at him with disproval and Mang clenched his fists. Mang then heard Shen Qing say that Cong Wei's cultivation reached middle Foundation Establishment.

"It is dangerous to travel with them," Wei said.

"You mean that boy at the late ninth layer of Spirit Condensation? True. He'll only slow you all down in case your group needs to escape from danger," the director agreed. "However, the two girls of the Shen Clan are imperials with very high cultivation talents. If that boy can't keep up, they can hold his hand."

Everyone else in the cavern laughed as they heard the director's words. It was true. Already three people at the Foundation Establishment in a group of possibly seven, that Lu Mang would be a liability unless the other members were also stuck at the Spirit Condensation Realm.

"We'd like to join your group. We have three people already," a young man grinned as another boy and girl appeared behind him. "Name is Benkei of the Hamada Clan. Behind me is Sakura and Hiro. They're at the late ninth layer of Spirit Condensation and I'm at the peak, only in need of a Spirit Pearl to breakthrough to Foundation Establishment. I also possess a Cosmos Ring."

"Oh! These kids are from the Thousand Sword Grave Sect. Quite powerful and a righteous sect that sends its disciples to assist the army on the border of demon territory to the south. You seven are a good group. While inferior in terms of cultivation, that boy with you is the weakest because sect disciples generally have more experience in life and death battles," the director laughed.


"Lord Oscar Ji, you honor my sect to allow them to join those four," a sect elder smiled, pleased to hear the assessment of such a supreme expert.

"Traveling with the MC is dangerous. He'll drag us into all kinds of danger," Wei thought but nodded due to peer pressure. He had never interacted with so many people back on the island. It was unfamiliar territory for him.

"No matter how talented you are, you are all just good seeds. New recruits. Green horns. Fresh meat," the director said to the group and everyone else. "Whether you come back or not implicates no one. Not even the emperor. The prime minster was being kind in saying at least twenty percent will return. In truth, only ten percent will return. Some are killed by others, some choose to enter a different Space Gate, and some are eaten. You have until you enter the Space Gate to quit. Do not feel ashamed. You only have one life unless you are lucky. Don't squander it for 'what ifs' or 'what could have been' inside the Space Gate. Even those that return usually come back with something missing."

Shen Ling nodded and said, "We'll enter as a group."

The group of seven walked through the shimmering mirror surface within the Space Gate. They felt as if they were free falling from a building, the rush causing their hearts to beat rapidly. They cried out in alarm as they appeared fifty meters in the air above a giant lake about fifty yards from shore.

Han Cong Wei inhaled strongly as his head broke the water of the surface after plunging seven feet deep. Shortly, the other six members also breathed fresh air and they swam to shore. Han Cong Wei controlled his flame spirit energy to expel the water from his clothes while others did the same after seeing him.

"Where are we?" Lu Mang asked as he helped Shen Qing.

"I saw mountains in the distance as I fell. We're in some kind of valley," Shen Ling answered as the three sect members regrouped with them.

"Why did we fall from the sky?" Sakura asked.

"The Space Gate takes us to random locations. Some might appear in an underground cave. Others might appear above water or atop a mountain. Common knowledge is that there are no treasures in the area you drop or appear in. That means no treasure in the lake. There might be one on shore. The truly bizarre aspect of the Space Gate's dimensions are that some magical beasts or other species contain items either on their person or in their body. My older brother told me this," Princess Qing explained.

"First things first: we must familiarize ourselves with each other. That means elemental attributes and preference of combat," Benkei said. "My name is Benkei and my elemental affinities are thunder, wind, and metal. I prefer close range combat with my katana."

"Sakura. I prefer long range with my longbow. My elemental affinity is wind," the female sect member with long black hair smiled.

"Hiro. I prefer close range with my two short swords. My main elemental affinity is ice," the last sect member nodded.

"I'm Shen Ling. It is nice to meet you all. I prefer close combat with my spear and I use fire and metal," Shen Ling greeted.

"Lu Mang. My main attributes are water and wind. I use dual swords," Lu Mang answered. Hiro and Sakura were surprised to hear Lu Mang's dual attributes, but wondered about his combat experience.

"My name is Shen Qing. My main weapon is the zither and I attack using sound waves created by my spirit energy. They can also be manipulated to create beings or weapons made of my affinities. My main elements are wind, ice, water, fire, and I have light essence," Qing said, stunning everyone. Just how talented could one be to create corporeal images using elemental energy? She could even make them tangible? Lu Mang could only sigh at the difference between them.

"I suppose I'm last. I am Cong Wei of the Han Clan. I use my sword and my body. My elemental affinities are fire, earth, and thunder. I also have light and wood essence," Cong Wei concluded, causing everyone to turn their heads to him. Even the sect members had heard rumors of the former Duke Nevermore. The two cousins were from the prestigious imperial family, but he was from a minor clan that rose to glory after gaining a dukedom.

"You three are more than worthy to be at the Foundation Establishment so soon," Benkei laughed as he shook his head in defeat. He stared dumbly at Cong Wei as the latter felt something beneath his feet and picked up a black box about two inches in diameter with a symbol of a rock at the surface.

"No way! Don't tell me you already found something," Shen Ling cried in shock. They watched as Wei frowned and touched the rock symbol. The box shattered and revealed a brown ring while ball of light entered Wei's body.

"What did you get?" Benkei asked.

"I...learned a new spell: Earth Spike. The ring is also enchanted to use the spell twice every twenty four hours. Unlike me, it does not require energy and can be cast instantaneously," Wei answered as he put the ring on his left middle finger, next to the black and starry Cosmos Ring on his left index finger.

"Nice. Another spell means more manpower in future battles," Qing congratulated, Lu Mang gritting his teeth in envy.

"We should move. Who knows what dangers lay in the area," Hiro interrupted, the others nodding as Shen Ling took the lead.

"Luckily, I saw the glint as Lu Mang reached the shore before me and revealed it after stepping onto the wet sand. The MC sure has divine luck," Wei thought and sighed before looking in the direction where he fell. "I shouldn't worry about him for now. If he does decide to make a move on me, I'll take action then."

"You coming?" Benkei asked as they were the only ones still on the sands.

"Yeah. Just needed to let go of some thoughts," Wei nodded and followed Benkei into the trees. The group found several weird fruits but encountered no other signs of life. As they exited the valley, Wei's heart shook as he saw a city with buildings and skyscrapers covered with thick vines and moss.

"We left the safe area. Somewhere in that city is a small Space Gate about three meters in diameter. We have nearly seven days and six nights to find the Space Gate home or we're stranded and have to enter a different Space Gate," Qing began.

"This is where it begins. Shall we?" Ling smiled nervously and followed the path toward the city.

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