《Sealed Memories》Chapter-47 The Moon City


"Attack!" A man with a horn on head shouted.

Suddenly, a bunch of people surrounded us, the plump Dragonewt walk in the front and nervously said.

"Who are you people?"

"We are the Immortal Archipelago."

The moment the mercenary and adventurer heard it their faces became pale.

"We are dead!" A male Adventurer said.

"I didn't think that a group of famous bandit will come here too."

I who was standing at side got curious, so I turn my head to Arv and ask.

"What kind of group is this?"

Arv shook is head and said.

"I don't know this group."

"This group was one of the top power in evil faction, the influence they hold was even greater than this country." A human male said.

Tik suddenly appeared behind, the calm face he wore before was now quite pale, he looks at us.

"I think that we will only be able to hold them almost of their members are level 6, even a level 9 warrior will find it hard to fend them off." Tik

"Oh, a level 9 warrior eh." Arv

I can't see any fear on Arv contrary I can see excitement visible on his smile, Tik who saw this shivers and stared at me, looking at me his face became frightened.

Usually, An ordinary person facing this situation will be scared out of their wits.

But if it's me and Arv that was a different story, Arv was a battle maniac who loved to fight to increase his strength. In my case, I like battles because it was fun.

So when I heard an enemy stronger than us, my usually calm aura was replaced by an Evil Aura.

Well, I suppose, this is due to my mother's inherent ability.

My Mother released her aura by going rampage.

Well, I can't control the Evil Aura because I don't know anything related to Evil Arts!

The reason why I didn't study Evil Arts because of my intuition told me so.


"You two can even laugh in this kind situation." Tik

"Tik-san doesn't need to worry my Father can take all of them." Thene

"Fumu." Arv

"What level did you reach Arv-san?" Tik

"Hmm, I am already at the peak." Arv

"Peak? As in." Tik gulp.

"How old are you?" Tik

"Me? 47 years old." Arv

Tik who was quite pale before was now speechless.

"For an Elf to reach that kind of strength at that age what kind of monster is your master?" Tik

Arv eyes became cold and said.

"Don't call her a monster or else I will kill you." Arv

Arv released the aura of a Peak Level 10 warrior, Tik who was close to Arv trembled and knelt on the ground.

"Father stop! He will die if you continue."

"Hump! Calling my wife a monster is making me angry." Arv

Tik who freed himself stared at Arv in horror.

"Sorry about that Tik-san, Mother doesn't like being told a monster." Thene

"And besides Even I who has patience will kill you If you did that again." Thene

I felt warm from the affection of Arv and thene.

The time I am with them, I hated to be called monsters the most, as a woman my heart was weak in such a thing.

Being called a monster will make me made a painful expression when Thene and Arv noticed it, they made a promise to beat the people who called me a monster.

Sigh, I want to meet them as Tombi, but using a large amount of Divine power was the last thing I can't do because the amount of my divine power was small, I need more time to build my divine power to make it rise to the peak again.

The three of us walk in the front and look at the groups of bandits.

Tik walks beside us and said.

"All of you are gonna be fine, right?" Tik

Arv hearing his concern smiled and said.


"Don't worry this small amount of bug can't even harm me." Arv

"Sigh." Tik

"Oh, you're gonna fight with us?"

"Well yeah, my pride as an adventurer is at a stake."

I saw the mercenaries and adventurers took their stance.

"You three are brave to fight groups of bandits, so how could our pride accept it?" Tik

"Fumu, then do what you want." Arv

"Aree, an elf, halfling and a human acting arrogantly in front of us?"

I am surprised that this groups of bandits don't have a warrior below Level 6 and the strongest was at the Level 8.

I am curious on what is on that carriage to attract this kind of groups.

Well, let's end this for now.

Because the bandits were surrounding us, I separated myself to Arv and Thene and assault the bandits on the back.

Thene cast a worried gaze at me.

If you are asking me why did I assault the back?

Well, I sense a strong presence besides the Level 8 leader in the front.

This presence was stronger than the leader, so I choose this person to be my opponent to test my strength.

"Human kid, are you looking to die!?" A man with a horn on his forehead said.

Noticing my movement the bandit's charge at me, I accelerated my speed and made a hole on his chest.

"Fumu this strength of mine didn't disappoint me."

The bandits became dumbfounded and stood at their place.

Seeing this, I charge at them in the same speed as before.

I made my hand like a knife and cut their body with ease, in a single breath, half of the Bandits died at my hands.

The Level 9 warrior seeing this stop on his tracks.

"Fumu." The Level 9 warrior.

Suddenly a man in ordinary size got bigger.

Wow, I didn't think I would see a Giant.

I attack the Giant with a punch on his stomach because the Giant belittled me he didn't dodge and allowed my fist to land on him.

As my punch landed on his stomach, the Giant trembled and holds his head with his hands.

The Giant howled in pain, the surrounding bandits, mercenaries, and adventurer blocks their ears because of the loud howl.

Well, I didn't expect that a simple punch from me can make a giant into this state.

The reason that the Giant was in pain was because of my Solid Ki Form mark, I didn't expect that my newly gain ability was this strong.

When I thought that this ability grows with me I became excited.

Fumu, I made my hand into a knife and slash the Giant neck.

The head Giant flew in the sky and landed on the ground.

The surroundings became quiet, so I look at the battle and saw the people staring at me with their mouth agape.

Arv and Thene also look at me with surprise gaze, but when they notice that it was me they smiled and continued to attack the remaining bandits.

After a few minutes, the bandits started to flee.

But the mercenaries and adventurer didn't allow them.

The fight ended in a span of 30mins the mercenaries and adventurer raise their weapon and shouted a victory cry.

Because the fight ended without us taking casualties the Caravan look at us with respect.

And after that event, the noble inside the carriage cast a spell to monitor us frequently.

Fumu seems like she was interested in us.

We traveled for 6 days with slight problems, because the bandits in the area disappeared without a trace.

The only problem who obstructed our way is mainly monsters.

We arrive at the Moon city early in the morning.

"Wow, so this is the moon city."

I am amazed that the moon city was like holy land.

Every side of the road has tree and flowers planted in a straight line, and in the middle of the city, a big arena was built.

The arena was like in the Rome on earth, it gave off the presence battle of Spartans.



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