《Sealed Memories》Chapter 24- General Maken


Chapter 24- General Maken

This last few days, we encountered many kinds of monsters, like Black savage, King slime, and wyvern.

Black savage is a black panther who has 2x of its original size, it has horns on its forehead, this monster was recognize as a Gold class monster.

On our way five of them attack us. I suggested the heroes to exterminate those black savages and gain experience.

I didn’t join the fight because it will end up in a one-sided slaughter, the four heroes were having a hard time fighting the five black savages because of their speed.

Brigitte didn’t use her spirit and decided to fight them head on.

Well, the true reason was, her spirit were destroyed and need more time to recover.

Philia was on the back healing and supporting them with her support magic, sometimes when the black savage attack her, she will cast a barrier to protect herself and attack with her dagger.

FUFU this girl is getting stronger.

Noa was having a hard time killing one of them, the coordination of the black savages was extremely high.

If one of the black savages got injured three or two black savages will assist him until he regenerates.

While Jin can’t properly hit them because of their agility, Jin weakness was his opponent speed, If his opponent was fast enough he can’t do anything.

So this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to counter his weakness.

Finally, they manage to kill all of the black savages because of their teamwork, when one of the black savages was injured some of them came back to protect their injured comrade, but Jin and Brigitte block their path. While Noa was beheading the black savage.

Hoy, you don’t have to laugh so hard because you all manage to kill them, right?

Noa was now excited and want some more, we immediately stop her because she will surely dive into the forest.

We can’t afford to get you killed, Damn it! Can’t you at least suppress your blood lust psycho!

We encountered a lot of black savages, but they are immediately killed by our four heroes, they already know their patterns. So that's why they can easily kill them.

I glance at Claudia, who was now smiling because of our four hero's achievements when our glances met, she immediately blushed and turn her gaze away, you still didn’t move on about that my queen?

What I want to say, but Claire was beside her, so I can’t really say it and furthermore Claire tsundere behavior completely changes into caring onee-san type.

My mind was full of questions about what kind of disease Claire infected got, well let's just forget about it and accept on what reality brought us, and caring onee-san type is not really that bad FUFU.


After a few hours, we encountered a king slime, the four heroes did not know how to fight it. So I advise them to hit the nucleus.

After giving my advice, they finally killed it, the heroes came back with a satisfied smile, but a wyvern suddenly appeared and took Philia.

You Damn pervert! You chose her because of her breast, right!? I will not forgive you, I took some stone and flick it on the wyvern head, the wyvern falls on the ground while I catch Philia.

“ Are you okay Philia?”

She just nodded and didn’t say anything, FUFU what a cute reaction she got.

After two days, we finally arrive at the kingdom, the citizen warmly welcome and congratulate us.

We finally arrive at the castle, as I was about to get down, a beautiful elf with green hair, pointed ears, red eyes, and a nice curve with big breast greeted us.

I started to drool just by looking at her, Philia who noticed my gaze flinch my cheek, Girl! I am just staring at her you don’t have to be so harsh to forbid me, right?

“ Ouch, that hurt Philia”

“ Gabriel, don’t act like a pervert!” Philia

“ What are you saying! I just stared at her”

“ Ooh, I know outside your face was calm, but you are thinking something perverted right?” Philia

This girl, since when did you learn mind reading!? What I want to say, I didn’t want to shout that out right? My perverted mind will completely reveal if I do that!

“ Hmm, not really”

“ Ooh, do you really think I will believe that?” Philia

I approach Philia and get close to her.

“ Philia”

“ What” Philia

Your face was red girl, you cannot beat me when it comes to this FUFU.

“ did you see me doing pervert things on my house or somewhere else?” I whispered to her

“ N..no I didn’t” Philia

“ Then do you really think I am a pervert?” I look at her with puppy eyes

“ It's not like... I think of you like that... It's just that” Philia

Philia started to play with her fingers.

“ It's just what?”

“ It... Just” Philia

Before she can say anything I kiss her cheek, her face became hot, if you look at her you could see a steam coming out on her head.

“ Cough”???

I cast my gaze to the elf who was just coughing, I see, they are looking at us FUFU.

Philia was like a boiling water in the pot, a lot of steam coming out of her head, while the elf looks at me coldly.

Eeeh, did I do something to get that kind of treatment? Elf- neesan you don’t have to be that cold, right?


The elf turned her gaze to Claudia and bowed, don’t tell me this elf, was the vampire elf that I really want to meet.

Damn it! If I have known that this is the vampire elf, I shouldn’t tease someone today! Now she completely saw me as a play boy! How could I approach and examine her if she didn’t want to get close to me?

Well, it already happens, I just have to think of alternative plans to examine her FUFU.

Claudia stared coldly at me before turning her gaze to the elf again.

Eh, this is the first time, I saw my queen like that.

Could it be she was jealous? FUFU don’t worry my queen I will visit you tonight.

“ Your majesty, I congratulate you” elf

“ Thank you for protecting the kingdom while I was away General Maken” Claudia

“ No need to thank me, your majesty, it is I your General duty to protect this kingdom from its harm” Maken

“ Oh, you didn’t meet the heroes yet, right?” Claudia

“ That is certainly the case, your majesty” Maken

“Moo, can you just call me my name like before?” Claudia

“ I can’t do that, your majesty” Maken

“ Sigh, well, I can’t really do anything about you” Claudia

“ Nice to meet you, heroes, I am General Maken” Maken

“ Nice to meet you General Maken, I am Philia Jonas” Philia

“ Noa” Noa

“Jin Aikawa, nice to meet General Maken” Jin

“ Brigitte Alma” Brigitte

“ I am not one of the heroes, but you can call me Gabriel”

“ Is that so, then I am in your care from on” Maken

General Maken just glance at me and turn her to Claudia, hey, that treatment was really hurt, you know! I think I am going to cry.

“ Then can I take some of your time to discuss something important Maken?” Claudia

“ Anything you wish, your majesty” Maken

“ Then should we go inside?” Claudia

We entered the castle and was gathered at the council room.

Claudia turns her gaze at me and nodded. I already told her about my plan to reclaim the land of humad continent.

“ Maken, I called you here, because we are planning to take our land to those demons and free our citizen” Claudia

“ If that is the case, what can I do to help you, your majesty?” Maken

“ You will go with the four heroes, Claire and Gabriel” Claudia

Maken look at me.

“You would take him too?” Maken

“ Don’t underestimate him Maken, he defeated General Eugene” Claudia

Maken has a face of disbelief, she examines me and furrowed her eyebrows, she couldn’t see any mana or any energy in me FUFU. You are only a mortal don’t expect that you could see anything from me.

“ But your majesty, he looks so weak, are you sure about that?” Maken

Hoy that’s rude! Even though I look like a fragile boy and doesn’t look like have any experience in the battle I am still older than you, Respect your elders!

Well, I can’t really shout that, I don’t want to be called a crazy guy, that said I a humad was older than the elf. Who would believe me!

“ Why don’t you test him, Maken” Claudia

“ If you would allow me, your majesty” Maken

“ Well, can’t I trouble your to show her your ability?” Claudia

“ Fine”

After I agreed, Maken and I were now staring at each other on the opposite side, she gave a stare that could kill a person.

What a bad girl this is, Claire signal us, Maken charge at me.

I didn’t move and just wait for her to approach me when she appeared in front of me, I use my finger to block her mana flow and dislocate two of her shoulders.

Well, I am an expert of the human body and souls, Maken look at me with a face of terror, you don’t have to be scared.

This world was very dangerous it's good that you encounter something like this and add it to your experience.

“ Well, did that gain my approval to you?”

Maken look at me terrified, she couldn’t move her arms and because her mana was blocked she can’t use her mana to heal her dislocated shoulder.

FUFU I really don’t want to play for this vampire elf, because if I played with her, she will become arrogant.

She nodded repeatedly, I use my acupuncture again and open her mana flow, the shoulder I dislocated earlier was now healed by Philia.

“ So the rumors was true” Maken

“ So you are just testing me?”

“Yes, I heard a lot of rumors about you being a monster who could slaughter a demon and devils without breaking a sweat” Maken

“ Well, that's certainly true, so why are you testing me?”

She stared at me with her face redden and gulp her saliva, is this girl was going to confess to me? Girl we just met.

“ Can you be...” Maken


This is it! An elf confession, not just an ordinary elf, but an elf vampire.

“Can you be my.......?” Maken

Damn girl just says it, I already prepared a line for this scene.

Sorry girl we just met so please give me some time to think, something like that! FUFU I really want to say that line!

“ What, say it”

“Can you be my teacher?” Maken

Eh? Is that it?

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