《Sealed Memories》Chapter 21- The two soul. Volume 2


Chapter 21- The two souls


After giving my ki and technique to Pola, my memories of Braum started to fade, I was drifting in the sea soul to reincarnate.

All of the memories of my past completely disappeared.

I woke up, a new memory resurfaces, Looking at myself, I was a young girl with blonde, blue eyes and an oval face. I look like a doll.

When I got down, I saw my father and mother sitting at the plain table eating their breakfast.

“ Good morning, mom”???

“ Good morning, did you sleep well, Brigitte?” Mom

“ Good morning dad, yeah, I really sleep well” Brigitte

“ Brigitte we will visit the training gym today” Dad

“ Okay dad” Brigitte

I can see, but I cannot move the body itself, I was just like a spectator in this girl's body.

I wonder if I am the real one, the memories was so real.

We are now going to the Muay Thai gym that my father owns, I tried to convince myself that I was the real Brigitte and did not care if I am just a spectator inside of this body or not.

Because this body and I share the same memories, I was now wearing a gym wear to spar, in my memory I was pretty good at Muay Thai and can keep up with the adult training.

My father keeps praising me because of that.

My opponent was a Japanese, he always comes here to train, we clasp our hand together and made a slight bow. He attacks me with a low kick in my feet.

I step back slightly and dodge his attack, I attack him with a middle kick to his stomach, he countered my attack and grab my feet.

I jump at him and attack with my elbow aiming it on his head.

Realizing that, he released my elbow to make me lose balance, I retracted my elbow and made my balance back.

I was still in the midair, with my balance return I slightly lean my body in the back and launch a counter attack.

He was hit in his stomach and step a little way back.

This happens in just a second, the onlookers was amazed and started to clap, my opponent and I stared at each other. He uses his long leg to attack me with a middle kick.

I grab his feet and kick his knee it made a sound, so the referee stop the fight and declared my victory.

I supported the Japanese person and apologize to him, he accepted it and thank me for not holding back.

His knee will be healed after two weeks because it got dislocated. I return to my father side and saw his smile that reached his ears.

“ Brigitte, you are really amazing, your father was very proud of you”

“Thank you, dad”

We are now back at home, I saw mother talking on the telephone, my father approached her.

After some time, the two of them approach me, Father and Mother look troubled so I ask.

“ What is it, dad and mom?”

“We need to go in japan, your grandpa was in the hospital” mom

“ So Brigitte we have to stay in Japan for many years, so we have to transfer you” Dad

“ It's okay dad, I don't really have a friend in the school, so why not we go there and take care of grandpa”

I am a pretty shy person, I cannot talk to anyone if they did not talk to me.

In school, I cannot hold the conversation for so long, because of that my classmate started avoiding me.


“ Okay, if you are fine with it” Dad

After a few weeks, we arrive in Japan, we hurriedly go to the hospital and visit my grandpa

When we came to the room where my grandpa currently staying at I approach him.

He patted my head with the same smile I saw the last time we met, we chat until dinner before we separated.

In grandpa’s house.

The house is big as always, there is a pond in the backyard with Koi in it and four rooms with two guest rooms.

It was 2 story house with antique furniture in it.

A few days later, the school days begun, the school building was a three-story and my class was on the first floor because I am a freshman.

I entered the room, a few seconds of silence they started to swarm at me and ask many questions.

I was really shy and did not talk that much. My female classmates hug me and, said I was like a doll.

Eating my lunch, I saw a man reading a book in his hand on the other side of the rooftop, that guy has a golden eye.

Then a girl entered and grab the man hands, so they are a couple I thought, then suddenly a circle of light appeared beneath my feet.

When the light was gone, I open my eyes and saw darkness, I heard someone's voice. I turn my head and saw a beautiful dark haired woman.

Her name was Noa, she asks me regarding what happen before we ended here.

Noa said that the circle of light was a summoning magic to another world. I did not believe her at first and I even thought what a joke.

But a beautiful woman appeared she said that we are heroes.

After that, we learn the ability that the summoning circle gave us. I can now summon a spirit.

I already have four spirits, a white knight, a fire monkey, wind bird and an earth mole.

The queen looked at Gabriel, the man with the woman I saw before, I thought they are a couple, but I was wrong Philia was the only one who loves him.

I sigh at relief, eh? Why did I think that? My mind was going hazy with that question in mind when Gabriel touched the crystal it crumbled, why?

Roy explained what happen, I finally understood.

Gabriel was dragged here by Philia, what an unlucky man you are to get dragged here by your own childhood friend.

Whenever I look at Gabriel, something inside of me keeps pulling me toward him, I don't know what was happening. But I sense some familiarity about him, I did not even meet him, so why?

Noa laughs at Roy because he was a very dense man, I started to laugh as well, while I was laughing outside. I realize I can now control this body.

Noa noticed my changes and ask me, if I want a single room or not. Of course, I want one.

My expression became firm and cold, I do not know why, but now that my body was in my control I was really happy.

When I talk to others, I am not shy, but rather my tone was really deep and cold. So the queen and the others thought that I am a cold person.

I don't really care, what the people think of me, as long as this body was in my control I will do what I want to do.

After two days, Gabriel woke up and greet me, I realize that his eyes were silver and gold what a beautiful eye I thought.


Whenever he look at me my heart will beat faster.

A week later. The queen gathered us in her room to explain the history of the demons and humads.

After the queen said that Gabriel will come, Jin and Philia rejected the idea, but I defended him because the knowledge he posses will be needed for our journey. My second reason was to know him.

We are now gathered on the training ground to learn sword technique, I did not learn much because this was not my forte.

I am good at close combat using my arm and feet, so I hone my skill to attack the vital parts of the human body.

I realize that Gabriel learns pretty fast, he learns all of the techniques and stances of the royal family in just a single day, a prodigy I thought.

After a few weeks, a strange girl came, she hugs the queen with her big breast.

After introducing ourselves she looks at Gabriel and challenges him to a duel.

Surprisingly, he accepted it.

I saw Gabriel's surprise expression when she saw Pola stance, well, I am a bit uncomfortable when I saw that stance, I wonder why?

After exchanging a few blows, Pola became three, what a mysterious skill I thought.

In the end, she was defeated because of Gabriel's new skill that he develops using the technique of the royal family.

After that match, I approach Gabriel to ask him for advice regarding my spirit. I learn that spirit can feed my own mana to evolve and grow stronger.

They exhaust my mana before they got their fill what a greedy spirit.

Before my sleep, I sense someone's aura, I turn my head and saw a woman that has four-wings on her back.

“What do you want?”

“ You are the one who summons me, so you are the one who need me”???

“So you are a spirit, huh”

“ Yes, I was a spirit, not just an ordinary spirit. But the strongest one”???

“ So you will form a contract with me in exchange for mana?”

“ Fortunately, yes” Angel

“Your name?”

“Saber” Saber

“ Okay saber let’s form a contract”

“ Do not summon me, if you are not in danger master” Saber

“Yeah, I know my mana was very small, because of it I can’t maintain you for so long?”

“ That’s right, then master I bid you farewell” Saber

After saber disappeared, I slept in my bed, when the morning came.

I ask Gabriel how the hell he knows so much about these damn world, he told me that he read it in novels and manga, I somehow believe him because I keep seeing him reading manga.

Wait. How the hell did he get that manga to begin with? I ask him again and got an answer” ah, this manga was just dragged here with me because it's in my pocket” so I did not question any further and return to my room and rest.

After a day, we are gathered again by the queen,

The topic was the demon army was currently marching at us to conquer the last kingdom of the humad, the queen suggested us to join the extermination of bandits.

I just coldly gaze at them, while the others nodded.

On our first extermination, I did not summon my spirit instead hone my skill and let myself experience my first kill at my own hand.

After the killing was done I did not notice any change. I think I am already used to it.

I saw Gabriel calmly watching us, he did not throw up after seeing the crazy Noa, who was beheaded her enemy, it seems like he was already used to killing and does not care how many will die.

I cannot really say anything because even when I killed so many bandits, my feelings did not change.

We exterminated four group of bandits in total and decided to return, the soldiers who came with us was terrified of us I wonder why?

When we return the queen welcome us with somewhat troubled expressions, Gabriel approaches her and became red as a tomato, what the hell did this man do?

After telling us that the demons army will attack us in a few months and decided to depart tomorrow morning.

When the morning came we depart and ride our horse with twenty five thousand soldiers following us.

The road was packs of people when we arrive at the forest the wolves keep attacking us while we are asleep, the night became restless because of them.

We exterminated the wolves quickly to get some sleep, after a few days, we decided to have a sparring match to hone our skill. I approve the spar because I want to release my boredom.

When Gabriel sparred with Noa and Hawkins we all gasped in cold breath because his battle power exceeds common sense he improves a lot after just a few days.

When I sparred with Pola, I was defeated because of her mysterious skill, I don't know why, but every time she uses those skill I felt familiar with them.

After a few days, we arrive at the border, the duke who introduces himself as Junevil was looking at us with his disgusting expression. I look at him with killing intent.

After a few minutes the queen approach Gabriel, when Gabriel whispered something to her, she ran at full speed with her face red as a tomato.

When Gabriel whispered something at Claire, she also run together with the queen, I noticed Philia smile was somewhat scary so I ignored it.

But when Gabriel did the same thing with Philia, she blushed and run with the queen and Claire.

What is this guy doing, Noa approaches him with her usual matured aura, Gabriel became serious and said something really troubling. I did not understand the meaning of his word so I decided to ignore it.

When I came to wake Gabriel, I saw him sleeping with a cute expression, I decided to wake him up. But he requests a kiss.

My heart beat became faster, so I just nodded and kiss him in his lips, the sensation was good so I keep doing it every morning.

When the demon army came, Gabriel takes command and the morale of the soldiers greatly increased.

To increase the morale of the soldiers you need a high charisma and respect to your soldiers, since when did this guy earn their respect anyway? When we open the gate we charge at the demon army.

I killed many demons and devils in close combat with my spirit, at the second war I encountered a terrifying demon who has a spike horn on his forehead, my four spirits were destroyed in this material world.

So I need to feed them for a few months before I could summon them again.

I was forced to summon Saber who drain too much mana. So that is why she advised me to only summon her when my life was in danger.

After a few seconds, my mana was completely dried up, i look at the demons and devils then saw my completely exhausted body. When the devil who was in front of me ready to stab me, I laugh.

I felt that my control of my body disappeared again, I want to open my eyes, but cannot, why! Dammit, why am I like a spectator again.

When this body opens her eyes, I saw Gabriel with his silver and golden eyes, they are really beautiful. He reached his hand to me.

When he brings me to his embrace, my soul was like being shattered to pieces, some memories I did not know keep coming, but it stops when we came back at the border.

We are now with the queen and the others, I was asked if I was okay, I shyly reply at the queen. We watch Gabriel's battle with the horde of demons and devils.

I realize that he slaughtered half of the armies, this Gabriel was really a monster.

After their fight with Eugene, he came back and beat the fifteen commander, he also massacre all of the demons and devils.

After killing all of them, he turns his gaze at us and said.

“ We’ve won” Gabriel

“Braum” I muttered to myself

What was that.. Gabriel stared at me and narrowed his eyes.

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