《Sealed Memories》Chapter 9- First kill


Chapter 9- First kill

“........” Gabriel

“ Master?” Pola

“ I can’t really explain it, with time you will understand it” Gabriel

“ Okay” cast her eyes down

“ Cheer up, love is something that makes you blush or make your heart warm, the desire to be with someone or something like that, if all those happen to you then that means that you are in love” Gabriel

“ Then I am in love with you then master?” Pola

“ Who knows, but if your feeling is genuine I will treasure it” Gabriel

“ Okay” Pola smiled happily

Gabriel pats her head, then she giggled.



When I was on earth, I want to become a delinquent because they are cool, if you are strong they are going to respect you and call you a brother.

On my way to school, I decided to buy a hair dye and cut to class, but got dragged into another world with that strange light, it's cool to be summoned into another world to become a hero.

I decided to become strong on these worlds. I realize that someone was here beside me, a beautiful woman with dark hair and a short cute girl she looks like a bisque doll, the dark hair woman approach us.

Asking us about what happen before we got here, it seems like the same has happened to them and got dragged by that light, I notice that the dark haired woman walk further and saw her grab a beautiful girl and on her lap a boy with a handsome face, he was his woman I suppose?

We introduce each other, the man was Gabriel, while the girl was Philia, the blonde was Brigitte, and the dark haired woman was Noa.

The door suddenly open and a strange woman appeared calling us heroes, a beautiful woman was beside her, she has a crown so I thought she was a princess, but I was wrong she was a queen.

After the long talk about the way to go back to our world, we came to the hall with so many people and a crystal was in the front of the queen, she said to touch the crystal to know our ability.

I was the first one who put my hand and saw it glowed brightly so I covered my eyes, I remove my hand and saw a huge blue dragon floating in the castle, and entered inside of me.

I got afraid and touch my chest, but after the queen explain everything I calm down, so this is my ability I thought, I smiled, this was the first step in becoming strong, every one of us has a strong ability, but when Gabriel turns, upon a touch in the crystal it crumbled I don’t know what it means.

After they examine Gabriel everything became clear, he was just dragged here so he doesn’t have the ability, many of the people inside the hall started to mock him silently I was angry, but decided not to make a trouble to my companion so I let them be.

The woman called Claire guide us to our room, I realize that Brigitte suddenly change and she became somewhat scary, we divide our room to three, Brigitte got her own and me, and the third room was for the three of them Gabriel, Noa, and Philia.

These past few weeks I learn how to produce lightning I was excited and blow up my bed, so I slept on the ground it’s cold but my excitement didn’t disappear.

After a week, the queen gathered us in her own room to discuss our affair, she explains to us the reason why the demon and human slaughter each other, we are currently at war with the demons, our mission is to kill the demon king and made his people submit.


When she said we have to kill my face change, I have not killed anyone yet so I don’t know the feeling of killing someone, but I decided to become stronger so I nodded to the queen, while we are at it the queen also said Gabriel will also come, I was shocked he didn’t have an ability and he will join us on our journey.

But Philia rejects her, this girl loved Gabriel very much that she will enter a dangerous situation to save Gabriel, somehow I was captivated by her, but let my thought go away because I can see that I don’t have the chance to get her.

Suddenly Gabriel said something outrageous that he knows the knowledge of this world, we just got here a week ago, so it’s impossible to learn the letters of this world, I shout at him and said what he can do even you have a knowledge.

But Brigitte depend him said that the knowledge he contain will help us a lot regarding to our journey, certainly the more knowledge we posses the chance to gain victory will also increase, I am amazed at him that he learns the letter of this world for just four days this guy is a genius.

After our meeting we are now on the training ground, the queen taught us a sword technique, I had a hard time learning with the sword and didn’t improve that much, but Gabriel and Noa improve so much that they can even fight the queen on par.

Gabriel was a prodigy in fighting, after a few days he learns all the technique that the queen taught us, I learn to Philia that Gabiel trains his body in our world every day, my view of Gabriel change a lot he was actually a cool guy who did everything seriously.

I sparred at the queen and got defeated by her, I was frustrated at how weak, I am, after my defeat, I suddenly realize that Noa ability is to enhance her body, so I thought maybe I can use the lightning at my feet and increase my movement and it was a success.

After a few days, the queen and I sparred again, the result was not the same I lost to exhaustion, not by getting beaten I was happy at my achievement.

I watch the queen fight Brigitte I am surprised at her that she know how to fight in close combat, the queen had a hard time defeating her so she used the same technique that Noa using.

After a few days we improve a lot, my mana capacity increase and got more fighting experience, but suddenly a strange girl hugged the queen, she was so fast that I wasn't not able to react.

The strange girl looks at us, she looks exactly the same as the queen, but her hair was silver.

The queen, introduce us one by one, I saw her gaze at Gabriel somewhat she was in a daze, I understand that Gabriel was handsome, but how could he make a girl daydream every time they first meet him.

As I was absorbed in my thought, the girl approach Gabriel and suddenly asks him to a duel, I was surprised at her word.

I look at to Gabriel to know what response he will do, but not that I expect him to accept it, all of us shouted in unison.

They are now alone in the training ground and we are in the side watching, they are staring at each other and readied their stance, Gabriel has a look of surprise, but didn’t get distracted by it, I thought Gabriel was so strong I want to be like him and surpass him.


The girl name Pola charge at Gabriel forming her hand into a trust to attack Gabriel chest, but Gabriel easily deflected it.

Their fight was so intense I can’t take my eyes away from their fight, I can only see a blur but I know this fight is amazing.

The girl was now using a technique that tripled her body what an amazing skill, Gabriel change his stance to what the queen taught us, after the girl and the clone got close, Gabriel was engulfed by black shadow and shoot it off to the girl and after a few second she got blown away, she was crushed to the ground and made a crater.

She spits some blood and wants to stand, but she cannot move her body, I am really excited as I saw something really amazing today a super genius was really existed, I started running at Gabriel and ignored the other.

I called Gabriel bro because he deserves to be respected, Brigitte and I ask some advice regarding our ability and said he will think about it, I am now very excited I will learn more about my ability if my bro helps out.

After that fight between Palau and Gabriel the noble attitude toward Gabriel turn 180 degrees, FUFUFU my bro was really amazing, I decided to visit him so I can get some advice regarding my ability.

My bro advice was to first control my mana and change it into lightning, I spread my mana out of my body and change it into lightning, my body right now was covered with lightning just like an armor.

Due to mana control, I can now gather my mana in my finger and shoot it to my enemy while turning it into lightning, I defeated the queen because of it, FUFUFU my bro was really amazing.

We are now all gathered again to the queen room, I saw a Pola, staring at my bro when my bro smiled at her she blush, as expected of bro.

The queen told us, that the demon was marching on us so we are preparing for the war right now to protect the kingdom, and advise us to join the extermination for the bandits, I just needed to join, but I feel somewhat uncomfortable I look at my bro and saw him just nodded, so I nodded as well.


Gabriel POV

We are now outside the castle with some soldiers of the kingdom, Our destination is the mountain where the bandit camp, I turn my head to look at my companion.

I saw Philia somewhat unwilling to kill, Jin, who has resolute eyes, Noa was already excited and ready to jump anytime, and Brigitte who has a calm expression and cold gaze.

I was surprised that Jin actually matured that much for just a day FUFUFU, I wonder who gave him the resolution to do that, Pola is with us to ensure the safety of the heroes.

After she learns, that I was dragged here with summoning magic, she questions me a lot on how did I come here, I only told her that I reconstruct the summoning magic and ride with Philia in it.

She gave me the look as if he was looking at a monster, hey, I am your master you know! Don’t be rude! And damn, all of your magic was mediocre, in my era reconstructing magic was easy as pie, I wonder what happen to this world magic to become degraded like this.

We arrive at our destination and saw all of the bandits, upon seeing us they unsheathe their sword and charge at us, Noa, who can’t resist it anymore, jump on her horse and beheaded the one in the front, blood started to spread on the ground while Noa was laughing.

This girl is really a psycho she didn’t even stop and started to massacre the bandits by beheading them, the soldiers and Philia who saw the scene started to throw up, well this scene was practically like a horror movie she was like Jason of Friday the 13th killing all of the people she will see.

I started to charge at them too, I need an information so I can’t let Noa who’s gone frenzy after suppressing her killing intent for so long, I need to get their leader and steal his soul.

Looking everywhere I saw the man I was looking for in the back terrified, I punch the guy sending a vibration wave inside of his body and destroyed all of his internal organ FUMU, my ability didn’t get rusty yet, I absorb his soul in my hand and started to analyze it but got nothing.

I watch the massacre and saw Jin join the fight you can see his hesitation when he was about to kill someone, but still manage to kill the bandits, what an interesting kid to actually change that much, I really want to keep you to become my servant FUFUFU.

Pola just stayed on her horse watching looking bored and didn’t even flinch of the scene in front of her, well she was my servant after all, why would I let her become one if she has a weak will.

Philia eyes become resolute too, and began to heal all the soldiers who are injured battling the escaping bandits, some of the bandits attack her, but receive an uppercut and heard a bone cracking, hey are you an amazon woman? What with that Herculean strength! I feel sorry for those bandits.

The bandits saw that they have no chance of winning, they started to run for their lives, some people even attack Pola to take her as a hostage, but got a hole in their chest and broken neck, how brutal what up with these girls.

Well, they are not at my level yet, so we can’t judge them FUFUFU, all of the bandits I attack was now like a jelly their organs and bone became juice because of the attack I execute, my punch has vibration contained within it.

You could see the body of my victims, I mean enemy, I almost let out my evil laugh, their body has no any injury outside, but inside all of their organs was now completely like juice, imagine using a blender in a solid fruit FUFUFU, don’t throw up I can do more something amazing.

I decided to let them kill the remaining bandits and just got back on my horse, Pola approach me and I smiled at her and started to pat her, I really enjoyed patting her I suddenly remember my dog, I miss him so much when I go back on earth I will bring him with me in this world.

“ Master, stop that we are currently outside, it’s embarrassing” Pola

“ Didn’t I say not to call me master, when we are together with everyone, just call me Gabriel”

“ okay G...Ga....Gabriel” Pola

What with that cuteness!! Don’t look at me like that or else I will give in! I turn my gaze on the scene where Noa was laughing so hard while bathing in the blood, her dark blue eyes became red, truly a beast.

Brigitte, on the other hand, didn’t summon her spirit, but fight hand to hand combat, she attacks her enemy on the vital part with Muay Thai, they died in a horrible way whoever develop Muay Thai I respect him to actually develop a technique to destroy an internal organ using the hardest part of the human body as a weapon.

I tried to ask her why didn’t she use her spirit after our extermination was done and said.

“I want to kill with my own hand so that i can experience it” Brigitte

This kid is really amazing, these kids amuse me in so many way FUFUFU.

All in all we exterminated three groups of bandits today, they start to get slightly accustomed in killing.

We finish our extermination to the bandits and decided to return to the castle, the soldiers' eyes were full of fears about us and take some distance of us, the only person who can talk to them was Philia, they got a trauma on our first massacre I mean extermination, what a weak-willed soldier.

If this is my kingdom I already build a whole army of warriors without fear, but unfortunately I do not have the authority to do that now, enjoying my life was more important than honor and authority.

My companion was now completely different their aura slightly mature especially Jin, who didn’t even throw up after his first kill.

Brigitte was really matured at her age, I wonder if it's something to do with that soul who was currently in control, should I take it out? Nah, the possibility of the soul being absorbed by me was high, so I decided to let it be, it's interesting anyway.

We were welcome by Claudia with somewhat troubled expression, I approach her and ask.

“ What happen?”

“ Nothing” Claudia

“ Don’t lie to me, I already know that you are hiding something”

“ How”

“ Because I always watch you”

Even in the bath, I can’t really say that so I stop, Claudia became red at my answer, she finally tells us what was troubling her.

“ The demon army was now marching in the border, the report on our spy was altered and now they are currently marching at our kingdom in one or two months they will arrive here” Claudia

“ I don’t know who did it, but someone was trying to get these kingdoms destroyed” Claudia

“ Wait, is that true sister?” Pola

“ Yes” Claudia

Philia and others are somewhat worried about this situation, so i started to comfort that it will be alright.

“ It's alright, we got enough experience, I think we will be fine, and all of us has the strength that surpasses a general so we can win this, don’t worry too much”

I smiled at her and she blushes, you are easy to read my queen.

“ Okay, if you say so” Claudia

“ So what are we going to do now?” Jin

“We will travel to the border to guard and help them” Claudia

“ When are we going to leave” Jin

“ Tomorrow, prepare your equipment, so rest for today” Claudia

Well, this will be fun, I like war very much FUFUFU I will kill many and absorb their soul to gather more information if by chance I got an information about those swords my life will be easy.

We returned to our room to prepare and rest, night has come, Philia knocks at my door and I open it.

“ Gabriel do you think we will be okay?” Philia

“Don’t worry, we will be fine”

“ How can you be so sure? Philia

“ Have I ever lied to you?”

Philia looks at me, tears began to form in her eyes, I hug her and said.

“ I will protect you, so support me well” Gabriel

I smiled and she nodded.

“ Want to sleep with me?”

‘ W... What are you saying idiot” Philia

And she runs, how cute, now than before we depart, I will dispose of some trash.

I walk out in the kingdom to visit a certain noble, I sneak into the house and jump into the window, and entered his room, I saw him standing in front of me reading some document.

“ You... What are you doing here!?” noble

After so much time he notices me and yelled at me, hey is that the attitude you will make to your guest?

“ Hello noble-san or should I say demon-kun”

FUFU he was shocked, but didn’t panic.

“ Are you the who altered the report before it came to the kingdom?”

He didn’t say anything because he knows that it's no use to lie on me.

“ How did you know that I was a demon? The man who got dragged in summoning was actually this sharp, you are even scarier than those heroes, but soon you will die the army that marching in these kingdoms was general Eugene even your queen will fear him after hearing his name” Demon

Well, this is interesting some puny demon want to scare me FUFU.

“ oh I am scared, hahaha don’t worry your army will all die, do you know when I am fighting those heroes or the princess I only used my one or three percent body strength do you think a demon like your general can match me?”

He looks into my eyes and detects I wasn't lying, after confirming my word he got scared, that’s the reaction I am waiting for BWAHAHA.

“ You... Really telling the truth... How could you a human has so much power, you can’t be human!! It can’t be a G......GOD” Demon

HOHOHO he actually guesses what I am, I smiled at him, but he got more scared and fall down to the ground.

“ Why is a mighty being like you are interfering with the tiny being like us!? If our GODDESS knows this she will kill you” Demon

“ HAHAHA fool, don't compare me, on the GOD of this world, if she comes I will gladly welcome her, I wonder if she will kneel at me after she saw me”

“ Bastard, why would our GODDESS kneel at you? If she saw you, she will kill you for interfering in our affairs” Demon

The demon smiled at me, Of course, I smiled at him too.

“ FUFUFU, let me tell you some secret because you will be on my hand anyway, I am the son of the Queen of the Evil GOD do you think some mere GOD can compare to me?”

“ IMP......IMPOSSIBLE, the queen's son already died a long time ago”

As expected of a demon they actually remember me after so many years, well their life span is long after all.

“ Well, it’s up to you if you will believe me or not, but my time to torture you is up now”


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