《Reaper's Game》Character Sheet (Up to chapter 35)


Shin- A gamer who was taken from earth and put into this world (Mael) as the Reaper's chosen in a "game" among gods. He has spent two years training under Fafnoth, Vilana and Riaz and currently attempting to find other chosen and making peace with them if possible.

Karen- Soul number 4242, she was assigned to advise and watch over Shin.

Kage- Another side of Shin which is dedicated to protecting him, has access to a different set of skills than Shin.

Mary- A pure blooded vampire whom Shin has enslaved on the night of his arrival to this world. She has interests in girls and was in a relationship with Liliana.

Liliana- A novice vampire hunter who got entangled with Shin and was enslaved. She was in a relationship with Mary before being forcibly called back to a vampire hunter "court" where she was killed by her brother.

Jane- A petite tanned rack athlete who was the chosen of Sekhmet and friend of Brandon. She was killed by Shin when he was in auto mode due to soul starvation and was brought back as a servant by Kage and ended up killing Brandon as a result.

Brandon- A black weight lifter who was the chosen of Atlas and a friend of Jane's, he was killed by Jane after she was brought back by Kage as a servant. Currently Deceased, his soul was released.

Mina- The young daughter of a merchant (presumably) who's parents were murdered by vampire hunters and was saved by kage. She has taken Mary and Jane to her parent's friend's place pre time skip.

Jared- A punk who was the chosen of Fenrir and was killed by Shin (Soul starved) and the base for Pride. Currently deceased and soul eaten.

Clara- A kind girl who was the chosen of Lupa, at the end of the mess at Wuldrud Forest Lupa released Clara from being her chosen. Afterwards she left with Carey and Ben to train.


Carey- The chosen of the goddess of light Lunaela (Mael's goddess) and was born and raised in the temple from a young age to be a master magician that did not need chants to cast spells. Cares for Ben a lot due to them growing up together.

Ben- A hunter and childhood friend of Carey's who's strengths lie almost entirely in stalking, tracking and running away. Very open about his desires for members of the opposite sex, to Carey's annoyance.

Yuki- Shin's childhood friend from the orphanage, was taken as the chosen of Luna and undertook training in Luna's realm.

Lust- A lust demon that exists in this world by using Jane's mortal body. As a lust demon she is strong in management and information gathering as well as sex, relatively weak in combat compared to other sin demons. She has created and controlled a large part of both the underworld and overworld of the kingdom.

Wrath- A demon of Wrath that was summoned using Brandon's body as the base. As a wrath demon he is arguably the strongest compared to the other sin demons when it comes to combat however as a result his intelligence is relatively low and tends to forget things a lot. Raided Celia's village and captured her due to a misunderstanding and forgetting of Shin's orders.

Pride- A demon of Pride created using Jared's body as a base. Among the sin demons the pride demons could be said to have the strongest leadership and technique, despite their very flawed personalities. Had attacked the temple that Himiko was in but failed to capture her.

Himiko- She was a chosen of Amaterasu and previously healed people as a priestess in a remote temple before Pride's attack. With the help of her mother who gave her life, Himiko escaped from Pride on Scarlet, a giant eagle.


Dooza Verholn- A slave merchant who had his business shut down by Shea, he had escaped capture and is plotting against the princess. Nicknamed Swiper by Shin due to his apparance, personality and actions.

Shea Brevar- Second princess of the kingdom who handles most of the domestic and diplomatic affairs. Fairly skilled in magic and capable enough to defend herself in melee.

Tryn- Shea's personal guard and trusted aide since she was young.

Gwyn Brevar- The first princess of the kingdom and a relatively straightforward person. She handles the military affairs of the kingdom while her little sister Shea handles the domestic side of things. Met Shin when he was coming down the mountain from his 2 years of training and recieved some equipment from him.

Tarbalt and Fergul- Guards of Gwyn and part of her personal troops, serves as second in commands when she is away.

Joker- A demonic jester that Shin has summoned who seems to be handling most of his orders. As a demonic jester Joker is adept at stealth, traps, subterfuge and information gathering; in direct combat she relies on tricks and equipment.

Varlhaim Brevar- The king of the kingdom and father to Gwyn and Shea, he inherited a kingdom that was already on it's way to seperation from his father and while not a great king he has managed to keep the kingdom together for this long. Previously without name (that I know of)

Hesn- Head of the royal guards and the king's personal guard.

Sharena- Pope of Nara's temple and a chosen. She has met Shin at some point during his 2 year training.

Lunaela- The goddess of light and one of two goddesses the kingdom believes in.

Nara- Lunaela's twin sister and the goddess of the night.

Durmez- Head of the magicians tower, magic fanatic.

The Minion Master- A chosen of an unknown god who had the power to shrink the heads that he cut off and later use them to summon a stronger version of the person the head's were taken from (heads were consumed by summoning). Currently Deceased.

Rio- A dragon kin who was the minon master's beloved and spent most "screen time" as a skull before being used as a last attack by the minion master. As a dragon kin she was powerful and was able to transform into a dragon, was a chosen.

Velmark- Leader of the "rebel" army. He was descended from a royal family that existed before the kingdom's creation.

Vilana- One of Shin's masters, Vilana was a master of martial arts before reincarnation into this world.

Riaz- One of Shin's masters, Riaz was an emperor of a fallen empire and a master of magic particularly of the necromantic type before reincarnation into this world.

Fafnoth- One of Shin's masters, Fafnoth was an elven smith who had at one point fought against a chosen of the reaper before his reincarnation into this world.

Nelily Faen (Lily)- A fairy Shin had saved from a storm during his 2 years training she had followed him since (largely in part to her stomach). She insists she wants to be married with him and as the daughter of the fairy queen, she has quite the magical prowess.

Celia- Half elf and chosen of Echo. Was captured by Wrath before being healed by Shin after he met her 2 years later.

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