《Reaper's Game》Chapter 19.4: When Demons Gather


*Note: This was written over the course of three days so it might be a bit weird, if there's any mistakes or problems as always please let me know. Aside from that enjoy ^.^ (Not really a replacement for death march kara if you read that as well but hey it's something right?)

It had been almost another hour before the door once again opened and a small tanned woman walked out, Farrad almost thought she was child because of her size but the red eyes showed otherwise. "Eh," She knelt beside Jan, black hair swaying. "What happened to her?"

"One of the guys who were undercover stabbed her," A bandit answered, putting away a pair of dice that he was fiddling with before.

"Who are you bitch!?!?"

"Why are you guys answering to her!?"

"Wheres the boss?!"

The three traitors were quite a bit more beat up than when they first got here but from what they were saying it would seem that they didn't know who she was.

"Hmm? Gak? He's still passed out on the bed, such a disappointment," She made a pouting face causing the heart rate of everyone present to rise rapidly regardless of their will. "That's enough." She made a dismissing gesture and the bandits that were beating on the three for their rudeness backed off, resuming their previous postures. She made another motion and the three were lifted off the ground to face her, one of them spat at her feet.

"That was rather rude don't you think?" Contrary to what she was saying what showed on her face was a creepy smile that grew bigger every second. "I will make you pay for that with you body later, for now..." Her eyes glowed pink and the three that were struggling froze. The eyes of the captured party bulged out in surprise as the three went to take up positions next to the bandits after they were let down and unbound.

"Vampire..." A gasped out word, barely audible but everyone heard the word said, the word that was on their mind. The woman turned her head slowly to look at Trent who let that word out, a warm smile on her face.

"I'll say this once so listen carefully," What they felt from that smile was the opposite of warm, tension completely filled the air and not one sound was made by anyone. "I am not... a vampire." As she finished her sentence Trent exploded in a shower of flesh and blood, leaving his father staring in shock. Farrad looked on in terror as blood splattered his clothes, Gent who's brain had caught up with the situation fainted from the shock and laid there bathed in his sons blood as silence prevailed. "Oh seems I might have over done it a bit."

"Demon." The cleric had woken up and spat out that word, glaring at her with utter hatred. Farrad fully expected the same thing that just happened to happen to the cleric but instead the woman just made a questioning expression.

"How did you know that? I'm pretty sure I hid it perfectly." Certainly aside from the red eyes she looked like a perfectly normal girl.

"I can smell your stench from anywhere, I can also see the evil energy coming off of you." He was straining at his bonds now, hate emphasized on every word.

The air around her rippled revealing a pair of elegant bat wings behind her back along with a thin tail, a large smile was on her face, "You must have some inherent blessing, not many people can see through my illusion. From your hate though, you're a priest?" She motioned to one of the blood soaked bandits, "Cut him free... What's your name?"


The cleric slowly stood up rubbing his aching body, eyes never leaving hers, "I have no reason to give you my name."

"True... but then I'll just have to give you a reason." She beckoned a bandit who then positioned himself over Farrad, sword drawn.

"Kendrick, Kendrick Lannar a cleric," Despite his efforts at hiding it, panic was still in his voice. When he answered Farrad sighed in relief as the bandit backed off, his life was at least for the moment safe.

"Good, now that we have that out of the way." She looked at Kendrick with eyes again glowing pink, "Mind healing the two lying over there?"

"And what would be your name?" Staying where he was Kendrick asked, apparently unaffected by whatever spell she had cast before.

She pouted a bit, "It's disappointing that I can't control you, well you may call me Lust." she pointed at the two unconscious guards. "They'll die if you don't heal them soon."

"And what will you do after I heal them?"

"You're worried about me controlling them? Don't worry I treat my pets gently." She smiled then promptly sat down, her body supported by an invisible force. Kendrick ground his teeth together as he stood debating whether or not to do as she says. "Their alternative is death you know?"

"Better dead than under your control." Kendrick closed his eyes and stood there body tense.

"Then how about..." Lust started, a sinister smile making its way onto her face, "I slaughter a village for each of them that dies?" The tone of her voice indicated that she wouldn't think twice about doing it.

Opening his eyes in shock at her statement Kendrick slowly replied through clenched teeth, "You would go that far?"

An irresistibly luring laugh was accompanied by cold taunting words, "You said it yourself didn't you? I'm a demon."

"Damn you!" Kendrick ran forward at Lust but slammed into an invisible wall before taking more than two steps.

"Now now, no need to be violent," Lust was thoroughly enjoying the situation, it mattered little to her whether the guards died or entire villages did.. "So what do you choose Kendrick Lannar?"

Breathing slowly to calm down Kendrick went over to Jan and put his hands over her shoulder, "Lesser Heal." Slowly the wounds on Jan started to disappear and her breathing stabilized.

"Good boy, I believe you'll make things very enjoyable here." As she finished her sentence Lust stood up and walked back to the building seductively, almost as if every movement was calculated to show just the perfect amount of skin and cause the largest reaction by the lower organs of living beings; regardless of gender or race.

The room was cleaned up and the bodies of the unconscious bandits moved. Now Lust was sitting there writing various things using resources from the merchant's wares because the bandits disappointingly, aren't literate. On the other side of the desk stood Kendrick who just walked in after being summoned and was looking in surprise at her, "You can write?"

"Did you expect me to be illiterate just because I'm a demon?" Lust continued writing without looking up, "How are they?"

"Stable but I could only close the wounds how long it takes for them to wake up would depend on their wills..." Kendrick looked at the words Lust was writing, numbers? His hand twitched a bit, "Aren't you afraid I'm going to attack you?" Aside from him and her there were no one else in the room, even outside there was not a single guard posted.


Lust looked up for a second before continuing to work a smile on her face, "I'm sure you would if you could, but we both know that you aren't even the tiniest bit of challenge for me. There's a dagger in that drawer by the door if you want to try though."

"...One day I will." With that Kendrick left the building, slamming the door shut on his way out.

"Hmmm... This should be good for the paperwork." A lewd smile was on Lust's face, "I'm sure master would be appreciative of the work," The first step of running a good operation is organization and planning, on the sheets were numbers depicting resources that they had in stock as well as money and a log of their usage.

The merchant had set out with four guards one of them being Gak, taking with him the resources the bandits had plundered as goods he was going to further increase their wealth while collecting information. Of course the bandits were buffed by various spells in case of emergency encounters. Gent however had commuted suicide after he woke up and the two guards reactions would have to be seen. "Well it's not like I could charm that many more people anyways. Ah, I should have kept Kendrick here," Lust licked her lips, "He would probably last longer than the others."

For days they flew in a non-stop high speed chase, surprisingly the eagle was still ahead of Pride who was scowling at the situation. Pride was the fastest out of all the sin demons, at least in the air and had great stamina above most creatures. As a superior form of a fallen angel he should not be in anyway losing to a lowly eagle, no matter how large it was but that impossibility was happening right now. Pride lose? There's no way that can happen, he cannot lose.

Letting out a high pitched shriek Pride strained his aching wings picking up speed slowly catching up to the eagle. On it's back the girl looked back in fear and hatred at the sudden noise, her eyes widening as she saw him catching up the them. Faster! Even Faster! The distance between them disappeared in an instant as Pride flew by the eagle in a blur.

"Ha! Take that, I'm the fastest there's no way a lowly being like you can out fly me!" Turning his head to gloat and bask in his own glorious self Pride found himself flying alone, the eagle no where in sight. "Wha-" A roar that almost knocked Pride out of the air stopped his sentence. "What? Wrath needs help?" He hovered in the air as he thought, his prey had eluded him and there wasn't anyway for him to track them. Swearing Pride lowered his altitude turning towards where Wuldrud forest. As he returned with his wings spread out gliding on the wind he solemnly swore to himself that no one will know about this... and that he would settle the score someday.

Stomping back the way he came with perfectly kept tempo Wrath left behind an even more devastated landscape in his wake. Unlike when he was heading off in the direction of the village when he had been careful most the way his passage back spread cracks along the land where his steps landed. For Celia who was still unconscious it was a rough and unpleasant journey, small cuts from branches and earth flying paired with bruises from bumping into stuff amplified the pain on her body; although exhausted as she was, consciousness was blessedly out of reach.

Once he had reached the clearing of the forest where there had been an uncountable amount of wolves corpses he put Celia down onto the bed of bones that now covered the floor. Days of being exposed to the elements and scavengers without the shelter of the trees had left a massive amount of bones that would be a necromancers heaven. Wrath sat heavily down crushing the skeletons beneath him to dust as he pondered what to do next. He had already sent out a call for the other two and they should have heard him, should he roar again?

Before he reached an answer the sound of bones being clumsily clambered over made him turn his head curious towards the origin. Dragging the corpse of a fox and covered in scratches a poorly dressed goblin made it's way towards him. "Who you?" Wrath's booming voice caused the bones to shift, the movement of the uneven ground was too much for the goblin to handle who promptly fell down.

Scrambling to get back up the goblin proceeded to present the fox to Wrath, its body bruised but luckily not pierced through by the ribs or fangs it fell on. "Me be Gree, you Gree master?" At the end of its broken speech it shoved the hands holding the fox forward, urging Wrath to accept it.

"Me master?" Wrath scratched his head confused by it, "Me have a master." Despite answering that way Wrath grabbed the fox by it's neck and shoved it into his mouth, crunching on it loudly.

"Yay! Master Master" Gree hopped from one foot to the other leading to another painful fall onto the ground. Getting up Gree picked up a good sized bone to use as a club and carefully walked over to Celia, the makeshift bone clanging as it was dragged. With great difficulty Gree lifted up the club with both hands barely able to maintain balance. With a yell Gree brought the club down towards Celia head with as much force as the small body can produce. "Grah?!?" Gree fell backwards into the bones as the club was repelled by an invisible force.

"Wrath, if you're planning on getting minions at least make sure they don't do something stupid, like killing the person you captured." Walking out of the trees with several bandits behind her Lust directed her attention at Celia who was has not moved during the entire commotion. "Is she the one you found? Are you sure she's a chosen? Her aura is sorely lacking."

Wrath stood up spreading white dust everywhere, "She said she is chosen."

"And you didn't think she could be lying? Maybe to protect the real chosen... In the first place we were supposed to collect information not bring one back..." Lust sighed holding her head with a hand, "At least you brought her back alive."

"Did you expect anything else from him?" A sudden wind blowing away the dust signified Pride's arrival, "He's just a brute, don't know why he was summoned."

Lust raised an eyebrow at Pride who was puffing out his chest, "Says the one who made a commotion at the temple and then let the chosen get away."

Pride's grinning face gave way to shock as something that only he should know was revealed, "How did-"

"You left a lot of live witnesses at the temple, something about a demon wreaking the place and slaughtering the elders then flew off after an eagle. The eagle crashed into Kane about a day ago meaning you weren't successful, in the first place you weren't supposed to reveal yourself." Lust was picking at her nail, ignoring Prides reddening face.

"And what did YOU do, playing around with filthy humans?!!?" Pride's pride was hurt and he had his hand on the hilt of his sword, left hand pointing an accusing finger at Lust.

"I did what the master asked." Lust pointed at the bandits behind her, "I got an information network working and-" Lust interrupted herself and made a slapping motion. The sound of the impact of something soft on something considerably harder was accompanied by screaming and then a crash, Gree had gotten up and again tried to hit Celia only to be faced with a forceful slap by an invisible force. "Annoying goblins, anyways back to what I was saying I've found out that the shrine maiden there who was highly likely to be a chosen is now under the protection of the princess and that the royal army is on the move because of the two of you making such a fuss."

Lust made a motion to one of the bandits, following her unspoken instructions the bandit moved forward to pick Celia up. "Was that really necessary?" Lust was looking at Pride a belittling look on her face, the bandit lay on the ground in two bloody halves, Pride who had drawn his sword pointed it at Lust.

"I never liked you loose whore!"

"Now isn't the pot calling the kettle black? Mister egocentric!" A miniature explosion occurred as Pride's blade clashed with Lust's invisible wall. A deep scar was made in the earth as Pride jumped to the left and sent a cut towards Lust, dodging it Lust replied with a wave of force that Pride blocked with his shield; the trees behind him were not so lucky.

Wrath and the bandits looked on as the two fought, Gree was face down in the ground rendered to the same state of consciousness as Celia.

"De-Demons!" A scared cry interrupted the two's fight, a man in mail armor was the source of the noise, behind him were several other infantry men who had been assigned the task of finding out what happened in the forest. For an instant that seemed like an eternity nobody moved, breaking the silence were the men who ran back the way they came.

"This is all your fault," Raising her arms then bringing it down an a semi circle of trees was crushed in front of the soldiers, the leading soldier was completely crushed.

"Mine?!?! You were the one who had an information network," two men were cut in half in an instant as Pride disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared next to the soldiers a strong wind following him, "You should have known about them."

"Hiiiii!" The man who initially screamed at the beginning brought his sword down at Pride only to have that blade snap off as it collided with the black plate. Turning to look down at him with disgust Pride raised the hand that had the shield and slammed it into the side of the mans head with the sound of a watermelon being smashed. The remaining two soldiers ran the other way away from Pride towards forest as fast as their legs could go.

"Wrath take the trash out," Pride yelled at the red behemoth as the splatters of red on his armor slide off as if it was sliding on oil.

"Ok." Wrath grabbed a fistful of ground and hurled it at the fleeing soldiers, crushing them under rock and bone.

"Damnit!" Lust swore and pointed a finger at Pride, "We should have kept one of them alive for information, I could've even had him giving us information from inside the royal army.

"What information can they possibly give that would be useful."

Holding her head in frustration Lust let out an annoyed sound and ordered the bandits to take Celia back, "Let's just go, Wrath stop being so noisy and Pride... YOU are under my rules at my place."

Pride shrugged before leisurely following Lust from the air, Wrath looked from Lust to Gree. Seemingly making his mind about something Wrath picked up Gree, grip tight enough to make it very uncomfortable for the goblin and carefully followed the other two, almost moving on the tips of his toes in an attempt to be quiet.

After the demons left one of the soldiers that was hit by Wrath's attack clawed his way out of the rubble, breathing heavily he pulled out his dagger and started engraving letters into his helmet with shaking hands. As scavengers descended upon the fresh corpses he drew his last breath, dagger a bit away from finishing the words he was writing.

*Note: Ok so yup princess chapter next (I feel bad for her) then 'After Training' Shin chapter (some parts of his training days will be explained later on so don't worry about *spoiler spoiler spoiler). And since I've already told someone who asked me a question via pm I figured I might as well let you guys know too. Shin's chapter will feature technically the beginnings of his harem (Lust aside).

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