《Reaper's Game》Chapter 19.2: Pride


Flying above the clouds silently at a speed that is generating a large tailwind behind him, Pride was heading off in search of a chosen. The largest chance of finding one would be looking for the biggest disturbances in the land below, after all you can only keep the power of a chosen undiscovered for so long. As the ground flew by in a blur Pride's eyes were taking everything in, a white robed boy dashing towards a wood walled village, a beautiful girl carrying a tray of tea, the hidden base of a bandit, a turtle and a rabbit in mortal combat, many things were seen but nothing Pride cared about; somewhere there must be a disturbance.

A faint blue pillar of magical power was shot into the sky to Pride's right, a gentle colour that soothed souls, except Pride was unaffected, instead he turned and headed in that direction. That was done by no normal mortal, his eyes scoured the area underneath the pillar and settled on a girl with long black hair wearing a red and white schemed robe; she was the source.

"That was brilliant Lady Himiko."

"Truly marvelous."

"You must be blessed by the gods."

Praise after praise was thrown at the young girl standing beneath the pillar of light, beside her lay a young child who had been not a minute before twisting and turning in pain from a disease no one had been able to previously cure. Now the child slept with a peaceful face almost as if nothing strange had happened before hand, the child's parents were weeping at the girl's feet thanking her excessively.

"There's really no need to thank me so much, I am grateful to be of help." A gentle voice reached out to them as the light dispersed into the air.

"Everybody please make way. Lady Himiko needs to rest now." A woman with long grey hair dressed in similar clothing to to Himiko's started dispersing the crowd, her grey hair tied back in a bun.

As they retreated out of sight of the people and into the oriental building Himiko breathed out a heavy sigh, "Thank you mother," as much as she loves to help people being surrounded and praised is exhausting, especially if it's endless.

"I'm sorry that this is all I can do for you..." A sad look was on the woman's face as she bowed her head in apology to her daughter.

"No, please, please raise your head mother, I'm most grateful for what you have done for me." Himiko gave a small smile, one that sheds light through darkness, "I also enjoy the work that I do."

"You are so much like your father," Her mother looked at her endearingly, "What a fool he was, helping stranger he never even knew."

"That's how you fell for him thought is it not?" Himiko's eyes sparkled, hearing about the father she never met, seeing her mother's usually strict face become gentle and loving was a joy. She loved hearing stories about how her parents met and her father's journeys.

"Yes it was, such an honest fool." Her mother's thoughts turned inward as she relived her memories of her loved one.

That's really sweet. Himiko looked down at the necklace that hung around her neck, a simple necklace made of white thread strung with four small jade magatamas and one larger one. A gift two years ago from a goddess who chose her to be the champion, giving her a great boost in magical capabilities like creating the miracle from before. With each magatama she can create one miracle each day, Himiko fingered the one of the far right which had small etchings of flowers on it, the one that she used already today. You should cut back a bit on using that one... it's flashy and will lure others here.


"Ah!" Himiko was startled as her mother made a sudden noise, "Very sorry Himiko, I got lost in my memories and you even stood here waiting for me."

"I don't mind, you're too stressed all the time dealing with the other pries-" Screaming stopped Himiko before she could finish what she said. Looking over to her right where the entrance to a small enclosed garden was she saw one of the priestess on the ground staring at the sky all the while mouth open wide screaming.

"What's happening?" A group of six monks in simple robes wielding naginatas ran down the hallway past them towards the priestess in the garden.

The priestess looked over but before she could answer a black sword pierced her chest, a cold stare from the perpetrator froze the blood of all those present; his eyes were black, bottomless pits of darkness. Yelling out battle cries the monks dashed towards the demon with weapons held out while Himiko's mother pulled at her to get her away from there. As the monks fell, slashed and pierced by his sword, their weapons never reaching him Himiko could not look away for his eyes never left hers. Pride... Pride? Is that the demon's name? If Amaterasu knows him then that means...

"We need to get out of here Himiko NOW!!" Her mother started dragging her away but Himiko was no longer listening, all her focus was to one of the magatama on her necklace; one that had flames etched into it.

Humans were so loud and annoying yet so weak and vulnerable kind of like dogs, all bark, no bite. Pride had decided to land quietly and unnoticed in the enclosed garden within the building after he saw the girl walk in and the first person he met just wouldn't shut up, so he helped her. The men who had rushed him were nothing to speak of, their techniques and physical strength so insignificant that Pride almost felt pity as he cut them down. Now it was quiet, except for the woman pulling the girl away from him, he walked towards them slowly without rush, nothing here can touch him.

An enormous amount of magical power started gathering in the girls hands and Pride hesitated, although he was confident he wouldn't be defeated he shouldn't take any chances. Nothing matters as long as victory is achieved, he has a perfect record to keep up. Shield at the ready Pride once again approached the girl at a pace faster than before, they were separated by merely 5 meters, 4, 3, 2...

"BURN!!! Solar Flare" The girl shouted out as bright orange light flowed out from her hands and a swirling wave of fire surged towards Pride. In response Pride simply lifted up his shield and as the area around him burned he was unscathed by the flames.

Himiko was breathing heavily, using two magatama's in such a short period of time was incredibly draining, she did not want to ruin the building or desecrate the bodies of the others but there was no other choice. It was a feat to use just one of these miracle producing spells but two had pushed her to the limit.

"Are you alright Himiko?" Her mother was crouched beside her, face filled with concern. Yelling from everywhere was heard as the other residents of the temple came to the scene of the incident carrying buckets of water to put out the fire.


"Yes, I'm alrig-" Watch out! from out of the inferno came the demon, black armor polished and completely untouched.

"That was a nice attack," His eyes connected with hers once again, "Now why don't you come with me, you won't win even if you kept fighting." Rather than arrogance or over confidence what Himiko heard in his voice was absolute certainty. She gripped a magatama hard, on it was etched the pattern of a mirror, even if she was at her limit she must cast the spell.

"Over my dead body," Himiko's mother stood in between them, breaking off the eye contact they had. Her hands were glowing as she recited a spell and a white barrier formed itself between them. Boosted by floating charms it was a barrier that would repel even one of the legendary drakes easily.

"Is that all?" Pride said while simply walking through it, the barrier blackening and corroding away where he touched. Dozens of paper charms flew past Himiko as the various monks and priestess's started a ritual in harmony.

"Come let's go Himiko," Her mother pulled her up on her feet and started leading her away.

"But, what about the others" they both knew the seal wouldn't hold him. Her mother had little magical power but through effort mastered the strongest barrier and Pride just waltzed through it like it was nothing.

"They will hold him long enough, we need to get you out of here." Her mother lead her to the back exit of the temple whistling she then hugged her tightly. "We all knew this day would come, when someone would want to use your powers for themselves. We'll hold him back as long as we can and... I love you." Her mother released her and turned back tears flowing.

"Wait, I can't just run away on my own." It was her fault this had happened in the first place.

"The girls right you know." Startled by the voice both Himiko and her mother looked over to the shadows of a rock to the right where three monks emerged; the elder priests of the temple. In their hands were their signature weapons, a naginata, a staff and a pair of chakrams.

"You traitors, have sullying our name not been enough for you?" The three elders who have been exploiting HImiko's powers to increase their own influence and fortune had always been at odds with her mother, but to show up here...

"Now, come here Himiko and we won't have to get violent." The three men moved forward menacingly, they no doubt want to turn her in for a reward from the demon. A screen of white light appeared in front of their faces before dissolving.

"You will not touch her!" Himiko's mothers complexion was pale and breathing getting rougher, using that tiny bit of magic in a show of resistance.

The lead elder made a twisted grin, "I was hoping you would say that." He drew back a hand , chakram ready to be released, "I've always hated yo-."

Everyone was staring dumbly at his arm, where his hand was is now bloody stump. Before his brain could process what was happening and let out a scream he fell apart vertically.

"That's kind of despicable now," Pride walked through the wall in the whole that he had created while killing the elder, as he stepped onto the grass he looked over at the remaining two elders.

"Milord, we were just in the process of capturing her for you, please wait a while." The two started groveling at Pride's feet, not a word was said about the remains of their recently deceased comrade.

"Hmph," Pride's sword swung twice, delivering death sentences onto the two. "Such disgusting, pride less creatures." He turned the sword towards Himiko, "Now back to what I was doing." He started advancing.

"Like I've said before." Himiko's mother slammed against Pride, likely in what would have been a tackle. "You aren't going anywhere near her while I'm alive."

Pride looked down at her, "Very well then, if you want death you shall get it."

"NOOO!!!!" Himiko gripped the fourth magatama, decorated with a single sword. The sound of a sword sliding into soft flesh echoed as a sword of light golden light manifested in front of Himiko. "Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi!!!" The sword flew at Pride's heart as Himiko lost consciousness falling backwards towards the edge of the cliff.

Pride growled in pain as the sword went through his shield and pierced part way through his chest.

"Ha! So the demon can feel pain." Himiko's mother laid on the ground bleeding from her wound a taunting look on her face.

Pulling the sword out, Pride tossed the sword aside as it started disappearing into light. "Unfortunately," Pride dashed forward hand outstretched to grab Himiko before she falls off the edge. "You are out of tricks. Grah?" A hand suddenly grabbed his foot and Pride lost his balance, slamming into the ground as he watched Himiko disappear over the edge. "You BITCH!!!" An arm went flying as Pride flew towards the edge.

"You've lost this time demon." Himiko's mother lay there dying in her own blood but on her face was not a look of a despair but one with a smile.

A giant eagle flew past Pride as he got to the edge, upon it's back lay Himiko. "So you're the last defense, nobody is faster than me!" Wings extended Pride took off after the eagle both at a speed that broke the sound barrier leaving deafening explosions of noise in their wake.

Going to bed now X.X I can probably get Lust's story out tomorrow and maybe finish up the demon's little story cluster after work. Currently looking at Wednesday for another chapter and Sat/Sun although I'm not too sure yet since my schedule is prone to changes. Also as before apologies for errors and mistakes (mostly in the form of grammar) as I don't have anyone to PR, if someone wants to do it for me that would be very much appreciated.

Ugh misspelling a lot now, need sleep...

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