《Reaper's Game》Chapter 15: The Slave Auction Part 2


Ugh couldn't sleep last night for some reason X.X kept waking up every 30mins or so thus the delay. Well here it is >

He was looking at me expectantly, tch knew it wasn't going to be this easy. It never is, there's always some complication that makes it a huge pain in the ass. I wonder how much he can see with his analyze, in DDO it can be anywhere from just the name to the entire inventory and stats as well as a detailed life record of everything they did; of course the latter was nearly impossible to get.

"I apologize but that would not be possible she is a part of my fighting force and one of my companions," I bowed my head slightly in apology.

"Oh that's fine that's fine, it's a shame but it's your choice," I don't like how his smile never left his face, actually it got bigger if that's even possible, "Come then, let's go back to the store and you can spend some time alone with the girls first before deciding." During our conversation he amount of grunts increased, doesn't seem like I can say no without repercussions.

"Then please, I'm sorry about all the work you had to do just for this,"

"Oh please don't worry, I'm sure I'll get a profit in the end," that is definitely an evil face, he's is scheming something. The narrowed eyes and large smile reminds me of a certain shiv throwing back stabbing clown demon thing.

So once again we walked through the tent, past the abnormal monsters and the huge increase in grunts; I swear they look exactly the same. This time when we went to the still over perfumed reception, instead of the door in the back we went upstairs stopping at the first room there.

"Here is the first room, you are free to spend as much time as you want talking to the girl even touching if you wish but I must remind you that any damage or insertions will cost you," He started walking back down the stairs then turned around, "Oh but of course you are a respectable man so there should be no problems right? But just in case please be sure to... control yourself." The fact that it came from his mouth makes it sound the opposite of what it means.


"Ok, well let's get this over with." I took a deep breath then put my hand on the door-

You know... I've been keeping quiet but somehow I feel that your are in a lot of bad situations and all of them your own doing.

Thinking back, she's not wrong although I'm not sure whether or not to call this a bad situation; at least the ones I'm about to walk into. I should be immune to most mind control effects, if somehow they have one that affects me there's not much I can do about it. If it's poison or drugs as long as I stay away from eating or drinking it should be fine unless its airborne. Let's create a small air filter around me, focus energy, a solid image, release!!!

All of a sudden the air I breath in became fresher, the perfume was gone and I feel refreshed, this can work nicely. Checking my mana it's draining 1 mana per second which is quite efficient actually so it'll last me a while, "Karen can you remind me when my mana is at about 100 or so?" It's always good to have a little insurance.

Yeah, but even at 1 mana per second it's still not going to last you that long about 11 minutes to be exact.

"I've got some souls stored up so I can use those, thanks Karen." Well let's go.

When someone walks into a room most often the first thing they notice would be a person if there is one, this instance is no different especially someone as attention grabbing as Medline who was now wearing transparent purple cloth instead of the rags from before.

"Hello there handsome, care to join me for a bit?" She put up her hand and gestured for me to come closer with her index finger, her attitude completely ignorant of the place we are in. Well then again the place itself looks better than a five star hotel.

Resisting the urge to bolt out the door away from her who is definitely trouble I went over to sit at the edge of the bed. She looked kind of disappointed at my lack of reaction, there seems to definitely be something in the air because her face was flushed in the dim light and her underwear was wet.


"You're rather mean aren't you? Ignoring me while I was waiting here for you the entire time." She got closer, "Let's have some fun shall we?"

I pushed her slightly away... even without the drugs she was more than stimulating enough, "Ho-how about you tell me about yourself?"

"Oh, are you shy? Have you never had a woman before?" She got closer a teasing smile on her face.

Really? I mean you aren't that good looking but I thought you would have at least done it with someone before.

"No, I have it's just that I'm not really... interested in finding a partner right now." Well for someone who was looking for a true love story a long term relationship wasn't exactly possible.

She pouted a bit, "Am I not good enough for you?" she was looking up at me with teary eyes and her left hand was reaching out to my lower regions while the other was undressing herself.

"No, I think you're a very attractive woman. So much so that it'll be dangerously distracting while traveling. so sorry!!!" Pushing her gently away I ran outside slamming the door shut; that was dangerous, extremely so, even with the filter I almost lost control.

Well that was entertaining, two more rooms to go.

"I... just want to leave now, Karen," Trying to calm my nether regions all was futile, trying not to think about it made me think about it and what would've happened if I didn't escape.

You're going to leave the girls there? So heartless.

"Ugh fine, let's just get this over with."

Dooza Verholn or Swiper as Shin calls him was sitting in the room they were in before when he showed Shin the goods, Milly was kneeling in front of him giving him service.

"How's it going Bob? Did you find out where they went yet?"

Bob looked up from the maid in a hurry, "Er, Ah yes they be at the Dancing Bear Inn. It seems the child and the hooded one left to buy stuff. Vampire and other one stayed at the inn."

Dooza grunted a bit as Milly started to chokingly swallow, "Good, get the boys ready to move in." A large smile was on Dooza's face, he had stumbled upon a great treasure. Pure vampires are rare, almost extinct because of the vampire hunters and to just randomly see one while analyzing the adventurer that walked out of the guild with a huge bag of coins was a great stroke of luck.

Milly who was finished drinking stood up and started to awkwardly undress, "Bob, why are you still here? Get going, as soon as you are ready go get em."

"Er, Yes sir!!!" With some effort Bob peeled his eyes off of Milly and left the room where moans and grunt soon emitted from.

Was debating whether or not to leave it like this or to continue working on it, since this is out I obviously decided to put it out. There will be a part 3 but for now I'm going to eat X...X too hungry to work on the story. The final part will be longer and probably released tonight.

Bit of inside info (Consider it a small spoiler) highlight to read: A wild Princess appears. Wild Princess uses bodyguard, bodyguard is super effective

Also found out today that the colour code of this background is 262626. Abusing this at some point maybe... I don't think I can abuse something I never use.

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