《Reaper's Game》Chapter 11 Part 1: Contract


*Note: Sorry for the long time with nothing, work picked up a bit, chinese new year and Kancolle event really limited my time. Yup, I'm Chinese Canadian, and QQ E3 Kancolle just hates me, can't get past boss. That aside while I haven't updated in a while I have finished planning several future events, hoping that I can properly make you guys feel something for a certain group of people in the future. For this chapter a character makes a reappearance, connected the dots yet? There's been slight hints since chapter 5, well actually chapter 5 is a giant hint.

"Karen you there?" silence, no windows, no chimes just Kage and the forest. It was really strange, Karen would be silent once in a while but for so long and during such a situation. It's not something Kage can deal with right now however and he needs to settle this quickly, incapacitating Shin for a long period of time again is only going to loop this chain of events over again, but next time it may be in a more dangerous situation.

As Kage went back towards the exit of the forest a slight movement to the right caused him to pause. He held his hands up with knees bent slightly, ready to react at any time; while he still had Brandon's soul that was the only soul he had on him and he'd rather not use it up here. Out of the darkness of the leaves Jane walked out daggers out, did he mess up? Kage never used this skill before and he might've set Jane loose when he gave the order if so she would be out for vengeance. While he was thinking of counter measures Jane stopped a meter in front of him looking around silently. After a few moments Kage realized that Jane was not in control partially due to her behavior but also to the feeling of extreme frustration he felt through the link, "Why have you followed me?"

Jane looked at him briefly before returning to her surveillance of the area, is she not capable of speech? But, her behavior told Kage that something dangerous was near him which would explain why she went to him; typically for summoned companions their default stance was to protect their masters.

"My such a loyal dog, and I was just going to wait for her to go away." From out of the trees came a confident voice filled with lust. Staring hard at through the leaves Kage tried to find the source of the voice and hidden beneath the shadow of a large spruce was the shape of a woman barely visible. A sudden gust of wind blew past Kage and before his brain could comprehend what happened Jane was in front of him daggers raised to kill whoever the mysterious person is.

At first Kage thought the adrenaline pumping through his blood slowed time down but sound of the surroundings confirmed that it was only Jane, that had frozen in mid air. "Hmm, would be a shame to kill this tool of yours." The mysterious lady caressed Jane's face, "It's crude but still useful, although a little too hasty and eager." She stepped out into full view facing him properly with two perfect red eyes. Her posture on of confidence with a supple body and silky black hair and an aura that could only be described as dominating.

"Who are you?" Kage's voice was calm and composed but his brain was racing. Jane was strong, stronger than before probably because of the large amount of mana Kage put into her creation but that person completely stopped Jane. Kage had mana ready to cast a spell at a moments notice but he knew that he wouldn't win, not even if he had a hundred lives much less two.


She made a small curtsy with her tight fitting red dress, showing off the flushed skin of her legs, "Lilith Queen of the Succubi and subject of the Lord and Lady of Death." She gave off an alluring smile, "You have nothing to fear from me."

Kage relaxed a bit but still kept wary, there was no way for Kage to detect whether or not what she said was true unless he wanted to stare at her for about an hour which was tempting but Shin's body would not be able to hold up. But he somehow felt that she was telling the truth all except the last part, she was dangerous and while she probably would not make a move right now it would be best not to trust her fully. Is there a divide in factions under the Reaper's rule?

Lilith laughed a bit hand covering her mouth, "You do not have to be so wary of me, I am here to help after all you are the Chosen of my masters." She made a gesture signalling him to come closer, no Kage realized, it was not a gesture for him as he felt something within him stir. He jumped back a bit trying to distance himself from her, whatever she did Kage felt 'HIM' start to wake up which was bad; very much so. Lilith frowned a bit, "I am only trying to help here, you aren't good enough the way you are." She walked closer each step light and sure hand held out to towards him. He couldn't move, Kage's limbs were frozen did she cast a spell on him like with Jane? Just before she reached his face her hand hesitated and Kage thought he saw the form of another woman take her place briefly. Her frown deepened, clicking her tongue she said with an annoyed face, "Seems I am out of time, I look forward to seeing you again; maybe you'll be up to my expectations then." Then she disappeared, one second she was there and the next nothing but air and Kage could move again as Jane crashed to the ground, it was almost as if Lilith was never there.

There's something bigger going on here, Karen left out some vital information whether it was intentional or not. "Tch", Kage gave Jane a glance to make sure she's uninjured and then continued on his way, there's too many things he doesn't know, and too many things he can't do right now. "Need to finish things up quickly, things will get messy if someone shows up." He muttered to himself as he walked.

"W-ww-ai-wa-wai." A soft stuttering voice made him pause, what now? Looking back he saw in surprise Jane standing there, shaking almost as if she was resisting an invisible force; mouth opening and closing trying to get words out.

Jane was angry, angry at Shin for lying to her and angry at herself for being so trusting. She should've learned from that event a while ago and her mistake caused the lives of her and Brandon to end, to the enemy they least wanted to lose to. She was also in despair, not only did she die to him he had used her as a shield to stop Brandon's attack and her hands to kill him,. She can see it even now as if it was happening in front of her this instant, the feel of the cold daggers, Brandon's eyes staring in absolute shock and the helplessness of not being able to do anything.

She watched as he used their bodies to summon demons to hunt down the other chosen. Her mistake is caused all of this and when he gave her the order to stay in the forest the body that was not hers moved regardless of what she thought. Then sensing a presence the same body dashed to his side to protect him. Jane temporarily gained hope from his expression, he was fearing that she gained control of the body and maybe, just maybe she can. When she was frozen in mid air she would have shouted out in glee if she could, the mysterious lady was strong and if Shin dies all will be well.


But her hopes was quickly crushed as the lady introduced herself as Lilith a servant of the Reaper's and despair quickly returned, if Lilith is helping him with the power she held Jane saw no possibility that he would lose. Something happened though and Lilith had to leave, she had a limited amount of time? That was vital information she had gotten, information she could take advantage of if she was given the opportunity. It wasn't hopeless, not yet. As Shin turned to leave after quickly making sure she was okay Jane suddenly realized something. Carey was back there and if the two companions Shin was travelling with was working with him than she was in danger, strong as she was. Shin had also muttered something about it being messy if people showed up.

Mustering all the will she had, she tried to move her body, a limb, a hand, a finger, anything. It seemed hopeless at first but then something gave a little, her mouth reacted from her persistence. "W-ww-ai-wa-wai," it wasn't a complete word nor was it very loud but he heard her and paused looking back in surprise. It was a small victory that she gained over him but one that gave her hope she could do more, in time; but for now preserving Carey's life was more important because she wasn't involved in this at all. Focusing everything she had into one word at a time she managed to stutter out a string of words, "Wh-What... Ar.. You.. Goi.Going to.. Do.. With.. Ca...rey?"

Kage was shocked, after seeing her behavior he thought Jane had no control but here she was with a small token resistance but it symbolized a lot. Jane was not completely under his control and she could apparently take over the empowered body he gave her even if it's only a little now it may become dangerous later. He composed himself, "I'm surprised you managed to take control, I thought for sure you wouldn't be able to."

"Do-Don't.... Av-void.... The... Que-st-ion." Her voice was stuttering and trembling more than before, it must take considerable will and concentration. Kage gave an inward breath of relief, it would at the very least not be anytime soon that Jane can do anything major but it was still a problem he cannot leave alone.

"She's dangerous, if she isn't apart of the game. I don't believe angering her goddess will be a great move but leaving her alone poses too much of a threat and as far as I can tell the gods do not interfere too much with our interactions so I'm expecting minimal consequences." Jane was probably hoping to use the fact that Carey was not involved in the game to try and make him let her live, but what he said was true. If Carey goes free she would know their faces, even if Mary was able to hypnotize her there is not guarantee that it'll be a permanent effect. Also being the chosen of this world's goddess means her authority is big which would become a large hindrance to Shin at best, or a near death sentence at worst. It also did not seem like he could enslave the souls of other Chosen, it may be because of the bond they shared with their patron gods. Therefore even though it would be against Shin's wishes since he had no way of keeping Carey silent for sure the only thing he can do is kill her.

"There must be some way..." Jane managed to speak without stuttering but the strain was clear in her voice, "In exchange I'll serve you, it would be better than a mindless robot. You must have something that can make certain I wouldn't betray you." Her body was no longer shaking and she was starting to walk back towards the forest, it seemed that to speak clearly Jane could no longer hold back the body.

Kage weighed the pros and cons of the offer Jane gave, it had already proven that the robotic Jane was not ideal in many ways, communication being one of them. If somehow Jane was able to control the body it would be a lot easier and he did have the soul contract skill which even though it requires mutual agreement there would be no problem there if it was part of a deal he made with her. However leaving Carey alive was still a huge risk especially long term wise. But Shin needed the extra protection, Jane with her current body far surpasses Kage and that would be needed. Mary and Liliana are capable but from what he could tell Mary could only use her full power at night or under certain circumstances since she hasn't used her claws once since he enslaved her and Liliana is moderately good at everything but excels at nothing.

"Alright, I'll take you up on that offer. Jane stop moving," Soul Contract.


Please specify the effects of the contract, also a reminder that the contract must be accepted mutually.

"In exchange for sparing Carey's life, Jane will serve me eternally the same as if Enslave Soul was cast on her."

Do you accept?

"I do."

"I-I...I do."

Contract has been successfully made, it is permanent until your souls cease to exist.

Now to give Jane control of the body... Maybe just thinking of it? Instantly the emotionless eyes were replaced by ones filled with surprise as Jane collapse on the ground, no longer held by his previous order of staying still. Jane reached for a dagger, "Don't move." She froze glaring at him. Shrugging Kage moved motioning for Jane to follow, "Guess we know now that it works. Oh right, Don't even attempt to attack me or the people that follow me, that also includes suicide. Now lets go deal with Carey, now that I can't kill her." Jane followed behind with conflicted emotions on her face: relief as she managed to save Carey and regain her freedom of movement but also a mix of anger, despair and hate as she no longer had any way of killing him and now had to serve him till she ceased to exist.

As they approached the light Kage was deep in thought with Jane still grudgingly following him. The zombies Shin had summoned were dead, Kage could no longer feel the bond that was there. But he had no way of knowing what happened, he just hopes that Mary was able to do something about it.

Again any advice or corrections would be appreciated, I did proof read it but errors will persist, I do not claim this to be perfect and I know I have shortcomings. X.X I'm not as skilled as Olyver or Mythran (Two of the first fics I read on here >

I CAN delay future chapters for a bit to proof read it on a different day from the one I write it on if you guys want. The pace I'm going to try to set it at will be 2 chapters per week minimum, counting Chapter 11's two parts as one chapter.

Ugh its late night.

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