《Reaper's Game》Chapter 7.5: A Short Meal Break


*Note - Shin isn't going to be in this chapter, not really.

After the vampire hunter passed out Kage turned around to face Mary who was looking right back at him.

"From what I could tell you seemed to really hate vampire hunters, there are many easier ways to get them to come to you so why did you try so hard to save her life?"

Mary shrugged, "She doesn't seem like much of a hunter and like I said I owed her one. As for easier ways, once we start killing all the ones they send at us they'll be more careful, even go into hiding."

"Like the vampires did?"

Her gaze narrowed a bit, then she sighed, "Yes like the vampires did even if I don't like it, it's a fact. Well what do you plan to do now? If we wait for her to wake up then the gates will be closed for the night."

Kage looked above the corpses of the merchant and his wife, "For now I guess I'll go settle something with the dead."

Their souls were trying in vain to touch or comfort their child in some way shape or form who was currently also passed out. Kage stopped behind them and bowed his head a little, "I have no way of bringing you back into this world, but I will take care of your girl for you."

At that they turned around, "You.... you can see us?" they were needless to say stunned at that. Then the merchant recalled something, "Necromancer..."

"Yes and no, I can see and talk with you but I am not exactly a necromancer although I have abilities alike to one. But as I had said before please rest assured, I will take care of her properly."

"How can we trust you?!? You're just some stranger we met, one that meddles with the dead and your companion is a vampire." The wife shrieked at Kage, swinging fists that pass right through him.

Although they did not physically hit him the fists left a cold feeling behind "I-".


"Stop it Charlotte, we have no choice but to trust in this stranger... Please take care of Mina for us then, please." The merchant stopped his wife and looked to Kage, eyes resigned.

"I will, please rest in peace." Kage once again bowed his head slightly and then Release Soul, the couple's souls faded away, presumably to the afterlife. "Mary can you put them both in the wagon?" Kage went to the merchant's body and removed the bolt, doing the same for his wife.

"What do you intend to do?" Mary walked effortlessly over with the hunter in her arms.

"Bury them, I have enough time left for that much at least."

It took about all of 3 mins for Kage to bury the bodies at the side of the road, unmarked except for the dirt mounds that stood out amongst the grass. Mary who had finished her job was sitting on the wagon observing him. He was a strange one, at first Mary had thought him to be a cold and merciless murderer a complete opposite of the man who seemed naive about everything. But here he was doing something that had no merit to him, likewise when he was presumably talking to the deceased couple about taking care of their daughter there was not a shred of insincerity.

"Just because I'm a cold killer doesn't mean I'm mindless." startled she found Kage looking at her. "You were staring at me strangely, I figure it's cause you saw a big difference in the way I'm acting."

That was true to say the least, he had non of the imposing air he had when he first awakened and Mary had felt no killing intent from him ever since before she passed out. "Anyone would question your behaviour, especially after learning the fact that you had two personalities." Was it just her or was Kage kind of unsteady.

"Well, you won't be seeing me for a while," he smiled apologetically, "Sorry you're going to have to take care of three unconscious people all at once, just make something up with the guard." With that he collapsed onto the ground leaving Mary speechlessly staring with wide eyes.


*Time Passed since Kage awakened - 17 Minutes 32 seconds.

She woke up staring at an unfamiliar wooden ceiling lit by soft candle light. The last thing she remembered was black chains wrapping around her then immense pain, pain that surpasses what you could feel physically. Shivering Liliana sat up and found herself in a room with two large beds, the girl sleeping beside her. The vampire was sitting at the far side of the room next to the window look out at what ever seems to have caught her interest. Then she laid her eyes upon the one who almost took her life, who was in a deep sleep in the other bed.

"Finally awake?" the vampire now looking at her. Liliana hands automatically went to her waist where her weapons belt was only to find... nothing. In fact she wasn't even wearing her robes but instead just plain tunic and pants.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to try to murder you, if I wanted to I would've done so earlier. It would have been helpful though if you woke up an hour earlier. What's your name? Mine's Mary." the vampire Mary walked towards her.

"I... Liliana, thank you for saving my life before, are we in Kane?" There was no lingering pain from before but a weird uncomfortable feeling that she cannot identify, it was like her soul was being restricted.

"Yeah, was a pain trying to convince the guard to let us in, with three unconscious people in the back of the wagon. We're in the Dancing Bear, also sorry about your clothes they would have stood out too much and also about your purse."

Liliana knew of the place, it was one of the medium class inns in the city although she had never actually been there before. "Ah yeah... umm didn't you hate vampire hunters?"

Mary laughed a bit, "Did you think I was going to tear your throat out or something? We aren't beasts, I have no quarrel with a new hunter who hasn't even seen battle before."

"How did-"

"You almost threw up when you first saw all the bodies, and you also healed a vampire probably not knowing better."

Liliana could feel her cheeks heat up in embarrassment, "I'm not good with magic and this was my first mission. Ah about the other hunters..."

"Most probably dead," Mary shrugged, "They never showed up so I assume Shin killed them." At that Liliana looked towards the man in the bed. "He doesn't seem to be waking up any time soon though. Are you hungry? They deliver food here."

At that Liliana realized she hadn't eaten anything since lunch hours ago, what time was it even now? "Yes, that would be very appreciated," she looked at Mary curiously, "Do vampires not eat?"

Mary smiled and approached, leaning in so that their lips almost touched, "We vampires have a different appetite than humans, would you mind if I took my meal first?"

Liliana felt like she was sinking into Mary's eyes, they were making her kind of dizzy, "I... Umm. Er.. I gue... guess that's fine."

As the last word left her lips hunger forgotten, Mary gave a mesmerizing smile showing off her fangs, "Well then thank you for the meal." Mary's hands moved across Liliana's body teasingly, tongue flicking on her neck. After a while after deeming Liliana was ready Mary sunk her teeth into the saliva covered pulsing flesh and as blood flood out from her, Liliana experienced a pleasure that made everything turn white, passing out again but this time in reluctance.

*Note: Quite short thus the .5, next chapter should be out later today (probably tonight) also thinking of doing polls to decide some future events. The current Poll will end in two days, might not have a chapter for the next two days because of RL stuff.

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