《Reaper's Game》Chapter 1: New World with New Companion?


The trip to the throne room was more or less typical to say the least; there NPCs and players crowding around cheering and congratulating. Some were giving disturbingly murderous looks, though I ignored those as best I could and rushed through to my destination; jealousy, envy and pride are dangerously volatile emotions. On one knee I am now waiting for the king to finish his grand speech about all my heroics and rewards including titles, riches etc. etc. I quickly hit ok after the king finished speaking and logged off back to reality. Which I have to say is a dump, dirty laundry, stacks of instant food and cup noodles, bottles and cans littered everywhere. I.... should really clean up, but I can always do it tomorrow, I have sleep to catch up on. And so I drifted off to my first full nights sleep in a long time.

I woke with my eyelids still tightly shut, it was getting uncomfortably hot. Did the air conditioner shut off? Grudgingly I opened my eyes, only to find myself staring at an unfamiliar stone ceiling. Wait what stone ceiling? I sat up straight, all sleepiness gone. I was no longer in my dusty, cluttered mess of an apartment but a perfectly smooth stone room that had a giant ring of black fire in the middle. I must be dreaming right? But the unbearably hot sensation of the fire said otherwise and even if I was still connected to the VR machine there are dampeners so things wouldn't be this hot.

"Where the hell am I?"


With a familiar sound a notice like one in game popped up.

This is a room between dimensions, as the player who beat the game "Death Defiance Online" you are now the chosen of our lord the Grim Reaper.

I stared at the message... I must still be in the VR machine right? Maybe a bug or a glitch caused the heat to feel like that.

"Log off........ Huh?"

No menu popped up and I was obviously still in the room.

"Menu, Help, Contact Support....."


I assure you this is reality.

"Is this some kind of prank?" Maybe someone hacked my VR machine, maybe because I beat the game.

This is a waste of time, this is not a prank the game like functions are put in to make it easier for the "players". As previously stated you have been chosen to be the Lord Reaper's game piece in the game the gods play. As of now the game has already been in progress for 2 years, you are behind as is.

"Wait, hold on backup I still don't believe this is reality but, I beat the game so now I'm a pawn of a god in a GAME he is playing with other gods?"


That is correct.

"No way, send me back I never agreed to this!"

I am afraid that is impossible, you are unable to leave this world until you beat the game or die trying.

"No, just NO who are you to dictate someone else's life I am NOT going to be some bored god's toy."

I am soul number 4242564 assigned to you as your helper for the duration of the game, the choice was made by the Lord. I will now begin an explanation of the basic rules, further interruptions will not be tolerated.

Despite being just a message I felt pressure from it, for now it would be best to just listen.

You have one life, make no mistake this IS reality but the world you are heading to is a magical on straight out of a game or story. To facilitate and make things easier there is a system implemented similar to those in game, such as level and skills. Thinking status will open your status menu showing your current level and basic stats. Skill will show you your skills and Inventory your inventory. The goal of the game is to collect the most symbols that represent the patron god of the players over an undetermined period of time. The winner we get any one wish fulfilled, wishing for more wishes excluded. If you lose your symbol you will die so be careful.

Status thinking that a familiar screen popped up.

Status WIndowNameShinKageLevel1ClassNoneEXP0/100Sub-ClassNoneRaceHumanTitleHardcore GamerHP200/200MP[230/230Stamina180/180Alignment0 - NeutralStrength10Vitality10Endurance8Agility13Dexterity10Luck10Intelligence13Wisdom10

I have a title already? I mean it's accurate but what the hell does it even do?

Hardcore Gamer - You are a hardcore gamer, spending an unhealthy amount of time and money into games. +3 Intelligence, +3 Agility, -2 Endurance


Due to gaming without cares for your own health you gained a new skill:

Gamer's WIll(Passive) - You gain a bonus to reaction speed and exp gain the more tired you get, up to the point you pass out, higher levels of the skill increases reaction speed and exp gain.

Novice 1 - 0%, Increases reaction speed by 1 and exp gain by 1% per 10% missing stamina; one you hit 0 stamina you will pass out.

"... What... that's a skill?"


Due to constant asking of questions you gained a new skill:

Questioning(passive) - Beings are more likely to answer your questions, higher levels increase chances of them answering your questions.

Novice 1 - 0%, Beings have a 5% more chance of answering your questions.

So does everything I do give me skills? Wait...

"Say, are you the one giving me skills?"

Questioning skill failed

I do not need to answer that

"Why!!! And you put the skill failed thing to annoy me didn't you?"



Due to constant harassment of another being you have gained a new skill:

Insulting (Passive) - Beings are more likely to react when you insult them, higher levels of the skill increases the chances and intensity with which they react.

Novice 1 - 5%, increases effectiveness of insults by 5% and intensity of reaction by 10%

I stare at the new window and sigh...

"Well what do I do now?"

After I am done running you through the basics you will be teleported to a random location. As a bonus reward for beating the game you may choose one of the following options.


For beating the game "Death Defiance Online" you can choose between these rewards:

Fabled Hero (Title) - +100 Reputation with everyone, +5 to all Stats, +10 to Mana Regeneration, increase selling prices by 5%

+50 unused Stat points

+2 Lesser Healing Potions, +2 Lesser Mana Potions, +2 Weak Stamina Herbs, +10 Gold, + 200 EXP

1 Random Divine item from the game

I can almost hear the sound of a switch flicking as I start analysing the benefits of the rewards. The title can be really useful especially the Reputation boost, in the game there were many things you can't do without having a high reputation. On the other hand though I already have a title and if it's the same way as it is in the game I can only use one title at once, which means I would probably be switching the title out at some point. The Stat points will give me a really nice boost in the direction I want especially since my starting stats are so low. I don't know the prices or the currency model for this world so while the potions are a standard start and the EXP tempting it may turn out to be cheap goods that I can easily get later on. The Divine item is most tempting since a Divine item in the game is an item made by the gods, being indestructible and having potentially game breaking effects but the game had many trash divine items as well.

"Um... I do not mean to be rude but do you have a name? It's hard to remember the numbers also if possible can you tell me the worth of the items?"

My name.... is... was Karen. As for the items I do not have access to that information as it is not about a skill, stat or information you have previously encountered.

So the helper is kind of like an in-game encyclopedia I guess. Also was? I'm curious but I feel like it's not a subject she (think it's a she) likes talking about.

"But since you are the one who gives me skills.... is it possible to -"

No I cannot, the item you receive will be completely random, it may be possible but I would be vaporized for attempting it regardless of the result.

Oh... "Sorry for asking."

That is fine, but personally I would suggest the Divine item, there is more good items than bad and as it is unbreakable it would work well as a shield if it comes down to it. It will also be useful for virtually the entire time regardless of level as it was made for gods not mortals.

"That... is a good point. Durability is something you always have to worry about, a weapon or armour breaking in the middle of a fight is a good way to get yourself killed. Alright I'll take the item then."

Preparations are complete, you will receive your item after teleportation and you will also be able to access your inventory then. Any final questions before I teleport you?

More questions that I can list, but if I'm 2 years behind every second counts, in a game it can be the difference between lying face down on the ground dead or dancing in victory.

"Is there a way to get back aside from winning? Or at least a way to communicate with some people in my world?" I wasn't particularly social, to most people I'll just be someone who finally gave in and blocked out the world for a game or another. But there was one person at the very least that I don't want to worry, Yuki was my childhood friend from the orphanage and being the same age we were always together. Since long ago she has been taking care of me, even the past half year she was the only reason my place didn't turn into a complete garbage dump.

There is no known way of getting back or communicating with your world, perhaps you may ask a god about it within the world as they like to mess with things sometimes. But my database is limited so you may find a way that is not related to the gods.

I just hope she doesn't get too worried... I don't want to trouble her more than I already have.

"Thanks, I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be now. Let's get this over with quick," my lips parted in a forced smile, "There's a new game releasing in a month I wanted to play."

*Note: I apologize for how short it is (and the ridiculous amount of windows), for now I'm planning to update within a few days, the next chapter though should be out sometime today.

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