《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 10


Once the body was complete Law followed the procedure set by the Idol creation instructions. The instructions said to first insert all of the Mana remaining inside of the dungeon heart into the the Idol's body. The process took Marshall ten minutes or so. Once he ran out of Mana Law felt part of his soul leave the dungeon heart and enter into the Idol's body. This was so that he could control both bodies.

The pain that Law felt from his soul splitting was similar to what Marshall thought riding a cactus like a dildo would feel like. At least that's what he thought it would feel like.

Eventually the pain stopped and instead a new feeling came about. It was like having tunnel vision from both of his eyes and both of his nostrils. He saw everything in his territory from the usual bird's eye view thanks to his dungeon heart. At the same time he was looking through two normal eyes while seeing the Mana in the air. It really made Law uncomfortable seeing so many different views. The new experiences led to Law's Idol body passing out. But despite fainting he still maintained consciousness, but he couldn't control the Idol's body.

In light of his new experiences Marshall had to spend an entire year adapting to being able to control both bodies at the same time. It actually only took him three weeks to be able to operate both bodies at the same time, but the rest of the year was spent mastering how to fight. During that year Marshall did a multitude of things including working out, fighting practice, alchemy practice, weapons training, magic training, and formation training.

This lead to Law having crazy high stats compared to most level one beings. Though there are definitely some talents with equal to or better than his stats. Even Law's girlfriend kept telling him to not be arrogant, which somewhat hurt his self confidence, but he got over it.

Once the year was over Law bought a magic that would disguise his body that way he wouldn't be attacked while traveling. The magic made him look like basically the same but with human legs and no third eye or horns. Otherwise he looked basically the same.

Solomon left the dungeon while riding on his Golem who was form changed to Avalugg from Pokemon except of course rock instead of ice. This was to give him a convenient mode of transportation. He chose the Avalugg form since the Golem would have a wide back which would let him workout while traveling. Though basically most workouts he would do would do nothing for increasing his strength.

The traveling speed of the Golem and Marshall was about thirty miles per hour. Yet it took him three days of constant traveling to reach the city closest to his dungeon. The city he reached was the first city Marshall put his DP farm. It was the 1/3 human, 1/3 elf, and 1/3 fairy. ( While writing this part I kept putting farm after human, elf, and fairy. I don't know why. )


When he reached the city he obviously went to the first inn he had built in the city. Technically the inn was only for mercenaries, but Law built the inn so he could do what he wanted. The inn was built in the human part of city but Law later built elves in the elf and fairy part's of the city.

The human part of the city was mainly built of brick and stone, but some of the fancier buildings were built of wood. In all honesty the human part of the city was ugly and boring compared to the elf and fairy parts, but it was also more efficient and industrial. There was also a higher population of humans compared to the elves and fairies. As he was walking along the brick road he kept bumping into men and women all of who were rude and sent him glares or yelled at him. Most of them backed off once they saw his massive stature.

It should be mentioned that the Golem was left outside of the city hidden in the forest surrounding the city. It looked like a rock formation which gave it a great disguise.

When Law reached the inn he realized that he may have went a bit far when designing the building. He only realized when he actually saw the building with his own eye's and not from a bird's eye view. The inn was designed to look similar to a modern suburban house from Law's old world. The building was as long as a half a city block and about half that in width. It was seven stories tall and each story had less rooms, but those rooms were bigger and more luxurious. Each of the stories were made to be only accessible to a certain level of mercenary and up. The bottom floor being D level mercenaries, second story for C level, third for B, fourth for A, fifth for S, and then the top two were for either royalty or saints or demi-gods. Though Law would of course stay on the top floor which was as nice as his mansion from his old life.

The bottom floor of the inn was also equipped with a bar and cafeteria that provided better food and alcohol for higher level mercenaries. Everything inside of the inn was bought by Law from the dungeon store so everything was top quality and delicious.

When he reached the inn Law found around one dozen low level mercernaries sitting out side of the door way, they were in a line and were clearly waiting to enter the building. Law curious walked up to them to ask them what was going on.

" Ay, why are all of you waiting out here, why not just go inside? "


The first fellow in line was a scruffy looking middle aged man with crappy leather armour and a worn down sword on his waist. Despite his poor looking situation he still shot Law a look of disdain as though saying, " Who the hell is this fool to be talking to me? ". In the end though he answered Law, though he couldn't keep the pissed off tone out of his voice.

" The building is full you idiot, why else would we be standing here? "

After that the annoyed fellow turned his head away from Law and continued waiting in line.

Law just narrowed his eye's and shook his head before walking through the grand doorway that could just barely accommodate his size. When he got in to the building he was surprised by how absurdly packed it was. The place was literally a fireman's worst nightmare and a fire's wet dream. Law couldn't even fit through the rare gaps in the men and women who packed the room, instead he had to brute force his way through. That of course got him some glares and death threats from the drunkards. Law just ignored those idiots though and walked toward the stair case.

When he finally reached the stairs what he saw really pissed him off. Standing in front of the stairs was a tall human man wearing shiny silver armour and a shiny silver sword. The man was clearly blocking the entrance to the next floor which made Law very angry since it was his inn they were controlling. But Marshall was a smart fellow and knew that the man was just a guard for some higher up, which could mean royalty, Saint, or even Demi-God, though the last two are very unlikely.

So Law walked up to the man who started to watch him. The guard seemed to know that Law was strong, though he never would have guessed him to only be level one.

" Why are you blocking the stairs, there is nothing stated in the inn rules that allow someone to block the stairs? "

" I am the guard of his royal highness, Prince Elmsworth Turner. His royal highness told me to block the stairs and block the stairs I shall. Who cares about some rules. "

Marshall just nodded his head and walked away three parts anger one part surprised that such a cliche instance could happen. When he walked off he went to the corner of the room and then started to focus on his dungeon view which he hadn't been focusing on. He wanted to experience stuff with it physical eye's in the first time in years. But he was happy to use his dungeon control for petty revenge. Law opened his dungeon control menu and first found the prince who was in his room on the sixth floor. He was furiously fucking a pretty blond woman who Law couldn't tell if she was a prostitute or not. He seemed angry because he was yanking on the woman's hair and shoving her into the soft bed roughly. Law didn't want to continue watching so he found all of the guards, who were pretty easy to tell because they had shiny silver equipment and a crest on the back of the armour.

Once he pin pointed all of the guards Law used his dungeon powers to dig holes out right under all of them. Once the holes were sufficiently deep he cut out the ground from under the guards causing them to fall into the deep dark depths that Law had created within the ten minutes of getting mad at the one guard. Law then proceeded to lock them all up and keep them in the under ground area milking them for the Dp they provided, not like he needed it though.

Law then checked on the prince to see if he had finished it yet. The quick shot had indeed finished and was in the shower that came with his room. The woman was on the bed crying, Law didn't want to think about what the asshole had done to her. So Marshall dug a hole and did the same thing to the prince that he had done to the guards. He then put a big bag of gold coins that were the currency of the kingdom that Law had been invading. He also left a note that was from the " prince ". It told the prostitute to leave the kingdom and that if the prince ever saw her he would kill her. The note said it was a game that the prince liked playing with prostitutes. In reality that was just Marshall's way of motivating the prostitute to get moving and leave.

Once he saw the prostitute get dressed and leave Law moved on to the top room to rest and plan out how his future was going to go. None of the general public realizing that a prince and seven guards were trapped beneath their feet.

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