《A Cultivation Story》Ch.6 The Ceremony finale


Mayor Bueacanon ignored Audrey and Austin, walking up to Connor he put his hand on the front of the wooden box and opened it. Connor looked at the contents of the box as they were revealed to him. What he saw were 3 ordinary looking stones, very smooth with a grey and black speckled exterior.

He looked at Mayor Bueacanon, “Rocks?”

“Rocks.” Mayor Bueacanon answered with a nod.

“Are you joking or what?” Connor asked in a confused tone.

Mayor Bueacanon frowned at him, “does this look like a joke to you.”

Connor stiffened up a bit, “no sir, I’m just confused how they’re supposed to measure elemental affinity.”

Mayor Bueacanon’s frown lessened and he let out a sigh. “I’m surprised you actually listened, well these are refined elemental stones. Special stones that, when Qi is passed through them, show your elemental affinity.” To prove his point he picked up one of the stones and the stone glowed with a symbol appearing on it. Pointing at the symbol he said, “this means fire, which is my affinity.”

He then tossed the stone to Connor, who caught it with some surprise. “Normally this is a simple process but because none of you have any Qi, at least beyond the normal amount accumulated by a mortal, I’ll need to pass my Qi through you so that it’ll respond.” He then shut the box and placed it on the raised platform.

Moving back to stand behind Connor, he placed his hand on his back. “Are you ready?”

“Um, what exactly am I supposed to do?” Connor asked.

“This might be one of the most difficult things you’ve done but you need to hold the rock.” Mayor Bueacanon responded sullenly.

“That’s all?” Connor looked back in confusion.


“That’s all, now shut up and hold the fucking rock.” Mayor Bueacanon forced Connor’s head forward and closed his eyes.

Connor tensed up as he felt Mayor Bueacanon’s Qi flow through him. The feeling of power that came from Qi was intoxicating, beyond anything he had felt before. He lost himself in the feeling until it was taken from him, thrust back into the cold and desolate world.

Mayor Bueacanon gave an exasperated sigh. “I’m not even surprised anymore.”

Connor glanced down and saw 2 characters had appeared on the rock.

“That means,” pointing at the first symbol, “Death and that,” pointing at the other, “ means Metal. Dual affinity Death and Metal or a deadly steel man.” Quietly as if to himself, “when it rains it pours, huh.”

Connor barely registered what Mayor Bueacanon said, still reeling from the lack of energy in the area and within himself. “Uh hu.”

“Whatever, who’s next.” He looked at Eric, Austin, and Audrey. “Either one of you steps forward or I’ll start picking people, I don’t care which.”

Eric shook his head and sighed. Stepping forward he waited for one of the stones. “Alright Connor, go have your pity party somewhere else, I just need the damned rock.”

“Uh hu.” Connor handed him the stone and walked away in a daze.

Mayor Bueacanon tossed the refined elemental stone to Eric and moved behind him. “Whenever you’re ready Eric, who am I kidding I don’t care if you’re ready.”

Eric stiffened up, his muscles contracted and his back straightened. After a moment the stone started to glow and a symbol appeared. “Fire affinity or a heat man. Welcome to the club Eric. Next.” Mayor Bueacanon took his hand away from Eric’s back and motioned for the next person.


Eric started to walk towards Connor but was stopped by Mayor Bueacanon, who unceremoniously, pried the elemental stone from his hand.

When he turned around Audrey stood in front of him ready to begin the process. “I’m glad someone is finally listening to me.” Mayor Bueacanon smiled then handed her the stone. Walking behind her he placed his hand on her back.

After a moment the stone lit up and another symbol appeared. “Interesting, Life affinity or a vitality woman.” He chuckled, “both a life and a death affinity in the same crop, ironic. Next.” He motioned for Austin to step forward as he took the stone from Audrey.

Handing the stone to Austin the process began. Soon the stone lit up and another symbol appeared. “Air affinity or a wind man, more like an airhead but whatever.”

“Hey!” Austin protested.

“Oh, you’re actually with it. Carry on.” Mayor Bueacanon waved him away as if nothing happened. Turning to Connor, Eric, and Audrey he addressed them. “Congratulations, the ceremony is finally over. You all are about to enter a world of wonders and horrors. I’m not going to sugar coat it, I don’t expect any of you to return. You might find that statement to be a bit cruel but tough shit that’s the world. Within the next few weeks you’ll be scouted by the various sects so make sure to say goodbye to your families. The only person you can trust is yourself, the strong eat the weak, the law of the jungle. I hope the rest of your short lives are fulfilling, farewell and get out of my house.” With that Mayor Bueacanon ushered them out of the main room of the town hall and slammed the doors shut.

Connor looked at Eric. “I don’t think he likes us.”

Eric blankly looked at Connor then dead panned, “you don’t say.”

They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Connor cracked and started to laugh. Eric soon joined him.

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