《The Never-Ending Search for Amusement》Truth


“Hello,” the first deity said. His presence startled the others. They looked at each other, unsure of what to do. After a few seconds, one of them took the initiative. “Who are you? Do you know anything?” The first deity thought about what to say, before replying. “I’m the first deity. We were created by a god, because he…”

“He what?”

“Yeah, tell us!”

Wait, what do you mean created?”

The deities wanted answers fast, but the first wasn’t sure what to do. “He created us because...he was bored. He knows everything in the Universe and nothing could surprise him anymore, so he created me by destroying a small galaxy and reforming the atoms. He left me alone for a while, so I explored the Universe. When we talked again, I told him how it would take me forever to understand it all, so he offered to create you guys to help me.” having said his piece, the first deity anxiously waited for their reactions.

“So we were created to help you explore the Universe? We’re alive so you can research it? That’s our only reason of existence?!?” The deities weren’t happy. They pulsed, changing forms as they lost control over their abilities. If they didn’t calm down soon, I would step in.

“What? No! I mean...when he offered to make people who would help me, I also hoped that we could be friends. It’s lonely in here, and the God isn’t the best companion…” That made sense. The deity had been wandering on his own for several of that planet’s decades. That simple sentiment mollified the other deities. “Well…” They still weren’t happy, but at least they weren’t angry.

“Wait, how do we know you’re telling the truth?” With so many things happening at once, the deities didn’t question what the first one had told him. “Yeah, what do you mean some god made us? That’s ridiculous!” I figured it was time I introduced myself.


“What he means is I created you.” The deities looked around in surprise, but as I had no body, couldn’t find me. “Stop searching, I have no corporal form,” I told them. They still tried for a few more seconds. “So you’re telling us you...made us?” one of them asked. No point in easing the truth. “Yup.”

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