《Transient Fire Works》Prologue to chapter 10: Simon's end(Recap in a little more detail!)
Why was it that people in the restaurant thought Jin was a demon? If we want to know, we would have to go from the beginning when they first entered. (There are more details that I’ve added just so you know what other people are thinking.)
The moment Jin entered the restaurant, everyone eyed him because he wore a mask. When they heard the word group date, everyone was slightly interested. As time passed on, a lot of people lost interests. But most of males were interested in the women which was why they stayed for a long time and hoped to get a chance to speak with one of the women.
When game time came, the group was already in pairs to play poker. This made the crowd even more intrigued because the man behind the mask might reveal his face. But the truth behind his mask never came. The first time they heard the snap, the people thought they were imagining things. The second time, some of them saw it clearly. Clear smooth skin like a masterpiece doll and not a trace of hair on his skin. This was only the bottom part of his face.
‘He has yet to reach puberty? But his face is already so beautiful? Is it a man or a woman? Or is it both?’ the crowd thought.
By the third time, everyone was eager to see the mysterious man’s face. But Jin trolled them with a second layer mask. ‘What the f-?’ Everyone was pissed. They were about to jump over people and tables to just rip off the mask from his face. But they quickly calmed down once they heard his reasoning and so they respected it a bit.
Time came around the most daring dare. Kyle dared Mirana to kiss him. Almost all the men stood up when they heard this and was about to bum-rush the man, beat him with whatever they had, and leave him bleeding somewhere under the moonlight. Even Mirana was scared and angry. If she’d refused, she would be forced to do it when Kyle would win again. Her team’s luck was on the down side and could not win the entire time. Kyle and his team had lady’s luck throughout the game! Thus she was scared when she was about refuse.
Jin, from the side, grew angry. This was his high school crush! How could he let her lips be stolen like this? He felt like he had no choice but to stand up and take her place. But knowing Kyle’s character, he knew Kyle would let her off.
Mirana felt a little glad that Jin stood up. It was because the moment Jin walked in, she saw him as a spineless person who would dare to hide his face from the many beautiful women. She disliked spinless people. But this action showed that he was a little more than spinless. Just a little.
Kyle, seeing this was about to reject the courageous man but could not due to the rules. He gnashed his teeth because he was about to lose his chance at a girl’s lips. Although it was underhanded, his real intention was to make Jin take off his mask as a price. He wanted to expose who the mysterious man was! But Jin was someone who could make things up on the spot. So Jin allowed them all to ask him a truth and he would tell them the truth to whatever degree he could.
When Kyle learns that Jin was homeless and jobless, he was satisfied with the thought that he degraded Jin. Little did Kyle know that he just pulled the tail of the devil’s incarnate.
Jin was a man who never really had a preference. But when he valued something as a close friend or somewhat close to a friend, he would never let those who tried to take them away get away with it scott free. Jin was born without a real desire. So to awaken a desireless person’s flames is one of the most dangerous thing to do.
So Jin challenged Kyle to a one on one. He also upped the ante on purpose so that Kyle would feel that he had nothing to lose.
When the people around heard this, they eared closer to see what was going on.
Kyle was born lucky. Since he was little, he had never lost a bet to anyone. Not a single person won against him when it came to a bet. So he had confidence in lady luck.
The two knew their assets. But in the end, it was a matter of luck. Seeing this, Akira felt pity for Jin. Akira always lost to Kyle in a bet and always had to pay more than he bargained for. “Rest in peace Jin” he mutters and clasped his hands and prayed.
Rosa was Kyle’s partner at the moment. But she hated his forceful guts. During the time they played, she saw that Kyle lost on purpose in one of the rounds. Seeing how lucky Kyle was, she too felt that Jin had no way of winning. So she only prayed that Jin could win.
Gisela, seeing the hot blooded bet made her feel hot as well. The masked man who had lots of guts. Kyle, a man who had lady luck on his shoulder. This made her indecisive for who to root for.
Meracle was spectating this while drinking a bottle of light beer. For a moment, she thought she saw a shadow behind Jin that had a demonic smile. This was the first time she saw Jin being evil so it caught her interest.
There were many people watching this scene and some were rooting for the man with lady luck. Other people were supporting the masked man because they thought that he was standing up for his women and getting revenge. They weren’t far off. Jin was pissed off when Kyle grabbed Meracle’s hand and when he dared MIrana.
When the first round started, they saw that Kyle had a three of a kind. ‘Oh damn. The masked kid already lost before it even started’, they thought. But Jin was calm and only drew his cards.
He did not even look at his cards and just casually discarded them. It was a flush! The hand that could already beat a three of a kind! They thought Jin was an idiot for throwing away a winning hand!
But Jin’s real purpose was something higher. He saw that he could get something better. Something that was close to three of a kind but far better. He drew the next five cards without even opening his eyes and flipped them each one by one. When they saw it was a three of a kind, the crowd’s heart skipped. ‘A tie?’ They wince at the masked man. ‘He only got a tie…’
Jin then slowly flipped over the next two cards to cease all doubts of his loss. “You lose” he said. With these two words, the spectators’ jaws dropped. “F-f-full... house… Higher than a flush….”
“So the three of a kind was just for suspense…” They sighed. ‘How in the devil’s seven worlds did he get a full house?’ But the more they think about it, the more they see it as a fluke.
Jin got up, walked right over to a counter filled with cups and containers of drinks. There was a vending machine filled with drinks as well. They saw him take a cup and filled it up with ice. ‘Oh he is just thirsty’ they thought. But that thought flew out the moment he put beer, lemonade, soda, and milk in. They wanted to barf just by thinking of the combination. “Oh god. Is he really going to drink that?”
Jin walked right back and said, “Drink this cup. I call it, Hell’s Beverage”. His voice was flat when he said this. Normally, people would deny it. But there was an aura around him that made people so scared that they had no choice but to drink it. If he wishes, he could just say ‘drink it’ and they would swallow all of it until the last drop. ‘Why the hell is this guy so scary now?’ the people could feel the thickening of the aura. But it suddenly died out just like a light bulb.
Kyle refused flat out thinking the old rules still applied. But Jin reminded him that the rules had already changed. Not wanting to be seen as too evil, Jin gave leeway and threw out a bait.
‘So he is a good person’ they all thought but did not notice the bait. Everyone else was still caught up no how Jin got the full house. They thought he cheated!
Jin, switched the cups into a bigger container. Jin quickly carried the 8 oz, tossed it into the trash, and pulled out a 12 oz cup and came back with it with a newer and deadlier combination. Not one person saw the change! They thought that it was only for Jin to drink! It was no longer 16 oz that he had to drink. But 24 oz! One and ½ pounds of nastiness that was about to be going down Kyle’s throat.
Kyle caught it like a blind fish who could only rely on what it felt is safe. He did not see the bigger container! It was because he was too blinded by the fact that he was lUcky! And so, from this moment on, it would be his downfall.
In the second round, some people started to gather around Jin’s group to see the card game. Kyle’s hand was strong. Already a triple! ‘My god this guy is pulling cards like a professional gambler!’ They all thought. The moment they saw that it was a full house, the crowd got hyped up. “Oh man. There is no way him to beat this” One of man in the crowd whispers to his friends. His friends also nodded in agreement. There was really no way they could see that Jin could’ve won.
On Jin’s side, he did not even look at his hand and just discarded it casually like before. “Is this guy an idiot? He didn’t even check his hand!” One man curses. The man was a veteran gambler. So checking the hand was the first rule to gambling. “Hmph! I hope this guy lose! That’ll teach him to be cocky” he voiced out in the crowd. Everyone who heard this couldn’t help but to agree. Jin was acting cocky by discarding his entire hand without even taking a look! What kind of person would discard their entire hand freely? So many of them hoped for the same to end his cockiness.
But then they saw the hand that was discarded. Jin had a straight! Most people who saw this would immediately go all in. The very fact that he discarded something so good made people think that he was a pure cocksure buffoon.
Jin already knew what was in Kyle’s hand and needed something better. He already knew the outcome if he went with the straight. So he prepared a little more suspense by discarding his entire hand. Just to make things a little more interesting and to silence the veteran, he had an idea. He would get someone else to draw his cards and who else better than Mirana?
Jin turns his head towards Mirana and saw fear on her face. Of course that was normal. But he thought that he was being too evil and so he took the bottom part of his mask and smiled at her. He wanted to make himself look more humane and to make her forget the fear. “Mirana. I need your luck for this next one. Can you help me?” he said.
Meracle, still drinking beer, pouted because he smiled at another women. “Why is he smiling at her?” she grumbled. She snatched two more bottles that was on the table and fiercely chugged them down like water. Even the other two women who were with Kyle and Akira was jealous. They too grabbed two bottles and chugged them down ferociously.
With the help of Mirana, he had no worries. She flipped the cards one by one. The first card made the veteran stiffen. The second card made the veteran gamblers paled. The third card gave them a sense of death. Before the fourth card was revealed, Jin purposely upped the ante once more. Seeing the fearless man, they no longer mocked him. They only hoped that he didn’t get the last ace. But their hopes were in vain.
The fourth card was then unveiled and they lost their own pride. The last card (Now it is the fifth card) didn’t even mattered. But it dealt the final blow to their mentality. It was the king of hearts. The highest four of a kind there could be. When Kyle saw it, he slumped.
Jin swiftly made another three Hell’s Beverage and brought it over. Each drink had different combinations but the effects multiples when taken in successions.
Jin then insisted for Kyle to reveal his hand. Kyle dropped his hidden cards in his hand and it revealed to be a full house. A full house was nothing to be mentioned in the face of a four of a kind! But that last card (fourth card) crushed all the logic that they had known since they started gambling. How strong was this masked man’s luck?
The ones in the crowd that cursed the masked man’s playing style as arrogance were now forced to swallow their own words. If Jin had went with a straight, he would’ve lost! From their point of view, he tossed all of the false fortunes in front of him away in the wind. There was no hopes for one last comeback and yet he succeeded splendidly. His gambler’s instinct surpassed all of their logic and it paid off with a comeback like never before. Some tried to convince themselves that it was due to Mirana’s luck that he won.
Sweat could be seen rolling down Kyle’s neck. Even the spectators feared what was in those drinks. What was in those mysteriously dangerous concoctions would never be revealed because each and every single one of them were different and yet possessed the same color. So there was no way to tell by the naked eye! Even the smell was strong but still could not be distinguished. The only distinct smell present was coffee. This made all coffee lovers on the floor stomach to churn and to be tragically scarred. The coffee that they loved their entire life was now used as a weapon of vengeance!
Jin, once more stopped to ask Kyle to up the ante. With the trial of real luck being involved. The choice of picking cards makes people who were watching excited because it was due to the luck of the ones who picked the cards that can truly determine the winner. Kyle, having lost twice felt like his pride was damaged. So he had to get it back. Even if it means using underhanded tactics.
Even the gamblers around and normal people felt like this was more fun to watch. But feeling of being left out made some people started to bet on who would win. The bet would start after the players drew their cards. At first, most people betted on Jin in their minds. He had the best luck so far. So it was natural. Only a few betted on Kyle. But when time came to the draws, every person betted on Kyle since they saw four aces! All four aces! Some people betted tens, twenties, fifties, hundreds and five hundred D bills. The insane gamblers betted hundreds and the rich betted the five hundreds. Due to the huge number of people in the restaurant, the money quickly built up.
The crowd frowned at the bet. If everyone bets on a winner, then who would be the loser?
Rosa smiled at the crowd’s reaction. In the pot of money, she estimated that there was approximately a few hundreds if not a few thousands. The real amount that was in the pot was $2,308. An evil smile curved up her face. She thought, ‘What if Jin wins?’ So she whispers to her friends to join in on the bet.
Meracle was already sold since she already knew that Jin was a lot of things. Being mad and a loser are not one of them. So she sets five hundred right in the pot. She brought a lot of money because she felt that she needed to repay Jin someday.
Rosa was the first to come up with the idea so she sets seven hundred in. She brought a lot of money because she had a reason. The person in front of her was her savior at one point. So she decided to go all out. He looked so daring that it inspired her to be a little daring as well. She never bet this much in games before, so this was a first for her.
Gisela felt upset because she didn’t bring much money. She didn’t like to have a lot of money on her because fear of robbery. Rosa, seeing this, smiled and sets five hundred for her.
Mirana never liked betting games. But since her friends coerced her into the bet, she had no choice but to follow along. She quickly pulls six hundred and placed it in the pot.
Akira himself wanted to bet on Jin. But since he was Kyle’s friend, he was left with a tough decision. He pulls out a hundred. Just as he was about to put his hand and bet on Jin, Kyle glared at him. ‘You better not bet on that man!’ was the signal that Kyle sent. Akira, feeling the signal withdrew his money and reduced it to eight bucks and bets on Kyle.
Kyle’s face twitched massively. Seeing his good friend bet on him was good. But the difference was the amount. ‘Our friendship is only with eight bucks? Well screw you!’ he inwardly curses at Akira.
All of the girls on the table felt sorry for Akira and Kyle. Akira, who was forced to bet on his friend was streaming sad tears and Kyle, who saw his friend bet eight bucks was steaming mad with hot tears.
But since no one could really trust another person to hold the money, they gave it to the one who watched the entire game, Akira. He looked like he was an honest man and he was. He also bet the least out of all of them. So he had little to gain. They even judged him through the many truths he told so far. So they handed him the pot of money. A total of $4,616! Akira’s hands felt sweaty because of the sum of money he held. He felt that if he drops the pot, everyone would just kill him right on the spot.
Kyle slammed the cards like no tomorrow and every person was happy. They thought that Kyle won! It was four aces after all. They all wanted to go in the pot and reach for their share. But the person named Jin just sat there like an ominous force. His very presence was repulsive and just being near him made the people much less the expert gamblers feel sick. For the moment, everyone except Kyle could see the thickened shadow of a demonic hand. The hand already had its grips around Kyle. But that was not all. The air itself felt like thousands of ghostly hands at their throats. They couldn’t move an inch even if they wanted to. When they took a look at the four women that was sitting down on the table, they could clearly see the laughing banshees that cries of victory. They really wanted their money back. But there was no use.
One by one did Jin flips each card. The very first flip. *FLIP* Normal as it sounds, it gave them some hope. It was only a nine of spades. One of the men roared out laughing. The second flip. *FLIP* It was a jack of spades. At best his hand was a straight flush. But what are the odds? So they all laughed.
The third flip. *FLIP* It was the king of spades. Some of the laughters died because they could feel the tightening of the ghostly hands. These people were the expert gamblers and those with strong intuitions. They wanted to cry out to stop the masked man. But it was too late. *FLIP* The fourth card, the ten of spades. In their hearts, they all wished it to be either a flush or a straight. Just not both.
When the fifth card came, it shattered all of their hearts except Akira and those who betted on Jin. Akira was happy that he didn’t put in too much money so he had minor losses. The girls were madly happy when they heard the fifth card. *FLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP* The very sound of death’s coming! The queen of spades! “This is just not your day Kyle. No matter what color lady luck is, she is always helping the people that needs help.” Jin’s voice softly swept across the restaurant like a gentle summer breeze. In truth, it sounded more like winter’s howling wind on a stormy night.
At that very moment, someone rushed towards the pot but was instantly brought down by the crowd. The person who rushed was bum-rushed and was used as an outlet for their frustration. Many people wanted the pot but who would lose the dignity and pride in front of all these people?
What made the people stop was what happened next. Jin stood up and went over to the counter to start making the hellish drinks. The very first ingredient? Coffee. Dark coffee! The sound of bitterness filled the air and made everyone stop to think of the flavor. Not many people liked it so they thought that the coffee was the hellish drink since it was so hot. Next was the milk so they thought it wasn’t so bad. But then Jin added a whole lot of sugar to the beverage compilation. 'That's fine. I can handle that' half of the crowd thought.
But they were wrong. The moment it got over to the soda, the sound of gushing flow of strawberry soda made every single hair on every spectator to stand. ‘Oh my god… Think of the sugary content! Just thinking just might just give me diabetes!’ some of the crowd shudders. After that, they saw him add a lot of juices of many variety. Next was the additives like honey mustard or ketchup. But the worse was the pepper! He was done the two new cups of hellish drinks! But then Jin felt pity for Kyle. So he went over to get four new cups. The first two were water. The last two were grape soda, orange soda, and melon soda combined. He left the two already completed hellish drinks near the Alcohol beverage station. (There were eight stations of beverages. Alcohols, Coffees, Insta-cocktails, Wines, Sodas, Water, Additives, and Ice)
While making the drinks, two people went over and took the two already done drinks near the Alcohol stations. They were thirsty after the hyped gamble and wanted something refreshing to make them forget their losses. They drank till the last drops. The owner of the restaurant, seeing this, frowned because they stole two drinks from another person. Just as he was about to lecture them, the bodies suddenly collapsed. They were foaming at the mouth.
“What the hell?” the owner mutters. He ran right over to them to check how they were doing. In the next two seconds, they got right up and ran to the bathroom. The owner only stared at the masked man who was getting four more cups of drinks and shudders at the sight of those two men before him. Now he feels pity for the vicious man who made a bet with Jin.
Jin came back to see his two cups were gone and felt disappointed. There stood the owner in shock but Jin just ignored him. He was not going to make another two cups of hell. So he decided that he would let Kyle off if he pays for the meals and apologizes for the bad dares. So he just came back to get the hellish drinks to be disposed of.
While Jin was occupied, Kyle was curious about the beverages before him. He felt that something was off but couldn’t put his fingers on it. In truth, Jin kept on increasing the size by a few more oz since the 12 oz ran out. They ran out of 12 oz cups so he had to get the 16 oz cups for 2 of the 4 that was already on the table. So he gulped down the first one as a test. No sane person would gulp down a mysterious drink like that in one gulp. But Kyle was not a sane person when he lost.
When the poisonous drink came down his stomach, it felt fiery and cold at the same time. Then it felt bitter, salty, sweet, and a whole lot more when it came down fully. An indescribable feeling made him come back to reality and his head felt woozy. It was mostly the beer’s effect that made him unable to think straight. His body began to twitch and spasmed unwillingly.
The second drink was what scared the people. ‘What a brave man’ they all thought. So when the second drink was chugged, his body no longer twitch but thrashes about. He was holding his throat but has yet to foam. Kyle saw death at that moment. When he came back to life, he saw Jin carrying over four more drinks!
*Tap* Tap* goes the footsteps of the devil. ‘I have to drink all of this and that? Oh hell no! Please just knock me out with these last two so he can let me off!’ He thought to himself. Kyle was not in his right mind! The beer took effect and took control of his mind! He was currently seeing a world of hell and Jin was the devil inside. With all of his might, he forcibly drank the last two cups! Approximately 3 Pounds of hell! The most powerful drinks he had ever tasted. The flood gates of hell had been swung open on full blast and destroyed his mind and finally was able to knock him out. But even while dreaming did the drinks not leave him alone. The flavors came right up to his brains just to mess with him. Luckily he was not able to drink all 56 oz. It was more like 50 oz since Kyle got knocked out midway the fourth cup.
In his dream, he saw hell. He saw that Jin was holding cards filled with souls with each number. But what he was most afraid of was what was behind the mask. In his dreams, Kyle saw Jin’s face. A face that he himself implied on how Jin might’ve looked. But it was so disfigured that Jin’s face in his dreams was like a living zombie.
While Kyle was knocked out, everyone was watching him with a close eye. One man was brave enough to go up and take the last cup to test. He drank the last six oz in one gulp. After he finished drinking that very cup, they heard him scream and ran into the bathroom. Just then, Jin just came over and saw the fearful looks on the people’s faces.
Kyle woke right back up to see Jin was standing over him with more Hell’s beverages. Or so he thought. He ran out so fast and right into the bathroom, they thought Jin puts laxative in the drinks. The people watching this, almost barfed. There was no thoughts of getting their money back. They only hoped that he was not as strong as his drinks were.
Every person quietly sat right back down. They calmed their hearts by trying to think of happy memories. But then the sound of shrilled screams echoed out of the bathroom made them all lose their will to drink another cup of water. So the people only ordered things like soup just to be safe.
One of the screams was distinguishable because it was Kyle and his voice was the loudest. Another voice was the courageous man who drank 6 oz of hell. But the last two were unidentifiable. It sounded like a women and a man inside the bathroom even though they were all males. Some were wondering whose voices did the other two belonged to while the people in the bathroom wondered who the girly voice belonged to. The man with the girly voice as ashamed because he was very buffed and sounded just like a woman.
The crowd finally saw the truth of the demon. At first, the masked man looked mysterious. Then he acted slightly weak to throw others off and tell some truths. But his entire end game was to make those who messed with him pay the ultimate price.
Jin’s group was astonished. They never thought someone like Jin could pull it off. After all, Jin and his partner lost the entire game until now. He also sounded like a nice person who would never do terrible things. But it was all a wolf under sheepskins. They were happy because they won a lot of money. Interestingly enough, they did not feel sad for Kyle because he started things with Jin. But they felt sad for those who got caught up in the misfortune of having to drink the mysterious diarrhea looking liquid hell.
All this happened within the 30 minutes Jin spent with Mirana.
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