《Walker of the Forgotten Path》(Ch. 23) Protector


Zakira watched the succulent figure of Seth disappear into the crowd below, the itchy between her legs and thirst from her fangs reminding her of the opportunity she had missed. A problem that was much more tricky to solve than concocting a White-Core Advancing pill, at least for her.

She cocked her head in a specific direction. Distance and matter did not seem to impede her gaze as it followed Seth all the way inside an inn, then inside his room, and finally inside the shower.

Her eyes sparkled and her jaw dropped in a clearly exaggerated manner, drooling.

Zakira could easily keep her facade when she was in front of Seth, most of the time. But that was no longer necessary, she could be as theatrical as her heart demanded.

She only managed to pull her gaze away after a few minutes, letting out a deep sigh as she rested her hands over her thin waist, in defeat. She could still feel Ivor’s lingering aura in the area, and while he was not pulling all his attention on her, it was enough to keep her at bay. For now.

Being a lone lady in a human territory is definitely not an easy job. Zakira thought with a sour mood, her bloody-red eyes narrowing all of the sudden, frowning.

Recalling the moment Ivor’s aura descended to interrupt their bonding-session made her cold blood boil in irritation, they would have enjoyed the moment with equal delight, if not he more than her. But no, he had to step in and ruin everything.

Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do if Ivor kept her in check with his senses. The shapeshifter’s senses were incredibly sharp, and Zakira had no hope of tricking them as things stand. Not with just her skills, at least.

So, she would have to either wait for another chance or… come up with one herself.

Which is easier said than done. Zakira thought, shaking her head and pushing the thought away the next moment.

She had already waited dozens of cycles for the perfect partner, and another ten waiting for Seth to mature; it wasn't an issue delaying it for one or two more. What she had not envisioned, however, was that it was going to be so far away from her land while being under a contract with a Doppelgänger (one with extremely bad shape-shifting tastes), and on human territory on top of that.


But Zakira didn't hold any complaints. She had already marked him, and unless god itself decided to send him to the Deep Abyss, he was not going to free himself from her fangs.

Zakira waved her hand, and a small flask filled with a scarlet liquid appeared magically between her lean fingers. Scattered spots of navy-blue light were visible glistening inside as a distinct, rather oppressive aura began to seep out of the elixir.

If Seth had been present, he would have immediately noticed its resemblance with a certain beast he had hunted a while ago. This one, however, with an aura far more potent than whatever he had ever experienced.

“You better taste great or... I’m hunting your entire race to extinction.” Zakira muttered, gulping down the flask in a single motion.

The liquid slid down her throat with an electrifying, corrosive taste. The elixir burned and swallowed mana as though it had a mind of its own, growing in intensity with every bit of mana it took.

The elixir hardly needed a minute before it began tapping over her mana pool, and, like a starved wolf, fed from it as though its life depended on it. But it was as though a puppy was trying to swallow a lake, no matter how much it sip, Zakira’s reserves didn't show the slightest indication of declining.

And soon, the elixir reached its limit and flared with enough power to blow a white core into meat pieces.

Zakira burped, and frowned, the explosion not doing more than slightly appease her thirst.

Should have tossed a few more Krinick Flowers into the blend. She thought, writing down notes in her private notebook.

The Silver Core Stage Stoneater queens had been a good discovery to experiment in the new recipe of feasting elixirs she had been working on, even if they were slightly lacking in the advancement department. Their characteristics make them quite an interesting material to work with, which was a lot for someone as picky as her.

Zakira had even gone to the lengths of sealing some spots so that she could raise a few to the White Core Stage, it would take cycles, but she wasn't short of time.


Especially not when it came to experimentation and alchemy, her hobbies.

Zakira took a few more testing samples and repeated the process as many times as samples she had, around fifty flasks. It was just enough to appease a great deal of her fangs’ thirst.

She was still feeling a bit frustrated down there, though.

For obvious reasons.

Should tell Damon to bring a few more sacks of Peak mortal grade blood, Zakira thought, licking her lips as she made a sack of blood appear moments before sinking her fangs in it. The delicious, warm essence from an unknown white core human satiated the rest of her thirst.

Despite what the common human folk believed, Nobles didn’t require human blood to sustain themselves. Actually, the fresh blood from any kind of life form would fulfil the job just as splendidly, if not more. But if a census was carried out among the Noble race population, the majority would agree that humans possessed one (if not the most) of the richest, most flavorful and aromatic bloods one could find out there.

A through and through delicacy.

However, compared to Seth’s blood, even the rare, super expensive essence from a Peak Copper Ranker paled in comparison to that mouthwatering liquid. It was like trying to compare wastewater with the finest wine ever made, and that was even before taking a sip from the source itself.

Zakira could only fantasize about how it would feel to sink her fangs into the fair white neck of Seth and drink up his sweet, divine liquid…

A presence snapped Zakira out of her reverie.

“You require my help, princess?” a deep, cold voice rang behind her.

When she turned around, Zakira found the figure of her protector standing on the other end of her desk. His sculpted face as unexpressive as ever and wearing the same military-esque uniform that seemed, which was the case, to be glued to his being. The same golden medallion of their Family’s emblem hung on the right side of his chest, showing his status and standing in the family as any Noble Elder should do.

“Not really, but I would appreciate seeing you in something that doesn't remind me so hard of my father.”

Having said that, and without uttering a word, Damon’s garments began to twist and change as though they were made out of goo. Its color went from smoke-grey and bottle green to jet black and pale green, the rest remained pretty much the same.

Zakira's lips twitch. So much brain for nothing.

“Better?” Damon asked, face void of any facial expression and voice lacking any sort of intent. Zakira would have even doubted if he was making fun of her if he had not been her protector for dozens of cycles, she knew he wasn’t the sort of Noble who jokes a lot. If ever.

But Zakira wasn't in the mood to argue with him, not today.

“Yeah, Damon.”

Nodding, the forty-something-looking Noble took a seat on his favorite chair and grabbed the dead mana crystal between his fingers. Inspecting it with his sharp, bloody eyes before turning his gaze away almost instantly, losing interest. His gaze focused in the direction of the inn where Seth had decided to spend the night.

“The kid seems to be progressing at a steady pace,” he said, surprising Zakira by a good deal. She threw him a strange look.

Even if she had chosen Seth as her future partner more than ten cycles ago, Damon had never shown a speck of interest in him during all the cycles he had spent in the orphanage. He had even gone to the lengths of deeming her choice as childish, short of sight and lacking any sort of real substance.

Just what’s wrong with him. If there was anyone present, they would have almost seen wheels turning behind Zakira’s eyes, trying to understand what the hell was going on in her protector’s head.

Damon just smiled, “It seems you have an eye for people, princess.”

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