《Blade of shattered reality》v1 Chapter 24: Arrow of Perdition


Our group decided to stay in the village for the night so that we can stop the rebel soldiers attack incase they target his village.

We decided to stay in an inn for the night and wait for the rebel army to attack, The sun has already set and the forest is now dark and I can hear footsteps of many people and they seems to be preparing for an assualt on this village so I decided to wake up Fina-chan and the rest of the group.

"Hey wake up everyone there's someone observing us from the forest!"(Kyouko)


I can sense them thanks to the Eye of Cyril since I still didn't returned the eyepatch on my left eye so I still possessed most of my powers and the abilities that the Eye gave me. And there seems to be a large number of soldiers outside the town. It's over ten thousand soldiers and their armed with swords, spears, axes and crossbows.

"Fina-chan can you notify the soldiers stationed in this town? Tell them that a large number of rebels are outside the village and their numbers are ten thousand."(Kyouko)

"S,sure Kyouko-san then I'll be on my way everyone."(Fina)

I can also sense tens of thousands of soldiers heading towards the capital so what should we do? Should we abandon this village or we could defend this village from the rebel army's attack but that will make only make us lose more time on defending this village, But if the demon king's army attack the capital before we arrive then it's going to be a one-sided slaughter.

I looked around and there are only a few soldiers station in this town. Their numbers doesn't even reached a thousand yet so it's going to be hard to defend this place with only a few soldiers. I decided to create some golems to help us in our battle. So I went outside since there's a lot of stone and other minerals there.


Magical energy gathered in my palms and I started creating golems with it, They begun to take a humanoid shape after I gathered energy, Their bodies are made of stone and they started to change shape into something that had a body build similar to humans but their height is bigger than humans. After a few seconds giants made of stone were finally made. I managed to create a hundred golems and I prepared them for battle.

The enemy forces finally revealed themselves towards us their numbers are ten times greater than ours and their army surrounded the entire village. But the village was surrounded by a wall made of stone they can't easily enter. But the village didn't have enough manpower to defend the village either. Unfortunately the rebel forces brought some ladders which they could use to climb the wall and enter the village.

"The soldiers in this village will just get slaugthered but we could still evacuate the villagers here. There's a hidden passage in the great hall which leads to the capital. But we need to buy them time to escape the soldiers in this village will hold them off so that the villagers can get to the capital safely. So we will hold them off here men!"(Guardsman commander)

The soldiers started on the evacuation while they prepared for battle. Then I approached them and said.

"My group will help you defend this place so everyone to your post!"(Kyouko)

"Just who do you think you are miss? You must get out of his village now! Your in life is in danger if you stay here!"(Guardsman)

"I'm a B class adventurer my name is Kyouko and my party can help you buy time for the villagers to escape."(Kyouko)

"Fine your group can help us but we can't guarantee your safety miss."(Guardsman)


And the soldier returned on evacuating the villagers. Then the rebel soldiers started to attack the village, They fired bolts towards the soldiers at the village wall using their crossbows. But it was futile thanks to my wind magic which redirected the bolts away from the soldiers, The soldiers at the wall then fired arrows towards them rebel soldiers.

After that some of the rebels were hit by the arrows. Some got killed while the others got injured. The blood of the rebel soldiers filled the ground outside the wall. Then the rebels carrying ladders ran towards the wall.

"Perdition arrow!"(Kyouko)

I fired an arrow made of energy using the bow hirameki. The rebel soldiers holding shields tried to block it but they all burned before the flames that came after the arrow made contact with a target.


It left a large creater on the ground and the force of the attack launched several rebel soldiers in mid-air. The Perdition arrow is the arrow that I managed to develop while I'm trying to create an arrow that will not use up to one percent of my power and thus the perdition arrow is born. It only required me to use a small amount of magical energy so it's a very resourceful ability.

"It's a success now I can use this bow without being afraid of destroying the country or town."(Kyouko)

And thus the battle between the rebels and the soldiers of Rybridia will now begin.

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