《Blade of shattered reality》v1 chapter 12: The last gift of Shiro


As the Fina-chan and I continued to studied the sword style of sasaki kojiro [chujo ryu] Yuuki-chan was also doing some personal training of her own.

"I wouldn't beat Kyouko-san with just my powers I need to improve my skills in swordsmanship in order defeat her. But her strength and speed is on a whole new level I can't possibly beat such a person."(Yuuki)

"I heard that she was also being trained right now by the champion of light Rose Arcadia. So is it impossible for me to beat her?"(Yuuki)

She stared at the sky and she felt at ease everytime she stared at the sun. But she knows that she can't possibly defeat her unless she trained more than the amount of training that Kyouko has done.

But unfortunately for her that I was training so hard that I wouldn't stop training until my body fell from exhaustion that I can't even stand up.

"Is that girl even human? She's just too strong!"(Yuuki)

Then she saw Rose-san who was walking back from the training camp, after she sparring with me so she was also exhausted from our fight but she still approached her and said.

"C-can you please teach me your swordmanship Rose-san"(Yuuki)

"I can train you but can you handle it?"(Rose)

"I-I can handle it. If I can't overcome this then I can't be considered as Kyouko-san's rival"(Yuuki)

Rose-san let's out a sigh and said.

"Fine I'll help you become stronger but tell me if you can't handle the training because I don't want to you to be disappointed so let's start tomorrow"(Rose)

"T-thank you Rose-san"(Yuuki)

Yuuki-chan bow's down and Rose said.

"Then let's begin our training are you ready Yuuki-chan?"(Rose)

"W-wait now? I will start training now? O,okay Rose-san let's begin"(Yuuki)

"For now you should swing your sword for thousand of times and run for at least ten miles per week then i'll improve the difficulty for you"(Rose)

Afterwards she left the camp and Yuuki-chan started her training.

Meanwhile I was contacted by the adventurers' guild because I'm still registered as an adventurer and it seems like Shiro-san asked the guild here to contact me and thus I was forced to come here to the adventurers' guild and the head guild master Shiro Kobayashi has called me over to the guild I had no choice but to come. So Elaine-san came to the military encampment of the sakuragami republic in labarnia to call me over.

"So we're going to meet the head guild master right? But why now?"(Kyouko)

"I don't know why he requested me to contact you but I think that you should go Kyouko-san because he is still our superior in being an adventurer"(Elaine)

"It's fine since I have nothing to do anyway so let's go"(Kyouko)

"Are you sure Kyouko-san?"(Fina)

"Don't worry everything's going to be fine just trust me"(Kyouko)

"Okay Fina-san I guess it's time for us to meet the head guild master of the adventurer's guild Shiro Kobaysashi"(Fina)

And the three of us went off to the adventurer's guild. On the way Fina-chan saw Rose-san who just left from mansion which was currently serving as the castle of the republic. But she was elected by the council to be the chief of the military while Fina-chan was given the position of Secretary of Finances.

"H-hey Kyouko-sama are you sure it's all right for Fina-chan to be the secretary of finances of the republic of sakuragami? Everyone from the council were furious when they heard that a twelve years old girl will be the one who will manage the finances of the country."(Rose)


"I know but I can't entrust such a job to someone I don't trust and I still don't trust those people from the fallen country of rasbalaria. They might start a rebellion if they're left unchecked so continue your observasion Rose-san. As for Fina-chan I'll entrust your judgement on managing the financial needs of the country."(Kyouko)

"So which means that you're only using Fina to act as the secretary of finances. But I will be the one who will actually manage the finances huh?"(Rose)

"Yup, for now you must teach Fina-chan on how she will manage the finances of the country, once she's learned how to manage the finances you can leave it to her, that's all now..... if you'll excuse me I have an appointment with the head guild master of the adventurer's guild"(Kyouko)

"The head of the adventurer's guild? Do you mean that you have an appointment with the current shogun of the kobayashi shougunate shiro kobayashi?!"(Rose)

"Yup since I'm still technically an adventurer and I still fulfill my obligations as an adventurer's I must meet up with the head guild master"(Kyouko)

I smiled at Rose-san for a few seconds then it suddenly disappeared when she saw a very familiar man with sky blue hair and his armor ressembled those that the samurai wore. It was Shiro kobayashi and he stared at me and his face seems disappointed and then he said.

"So what were you doing all this time Kyouko-chan"(Shiro)

"I was trying to help those who are in needs help is there a problem?"(Kyouko)

"Well there's no problem but I was hoping that you'll help in the battle against the demon king. But wait you did help against the demon king..... Oh no I'm sorry for being angry I forgot that you participated on the subjugation party that defeated one of his retainers."(Shiro)

"But you've improved so much. In fact you've improved better than what I expected."(Shiro)

I'm slowly losing patience and I'm started to be annoyed because Shiro was wasting to much of my time and I said.

"Just tell me what do you need so that I can return on my training."(Kyouko)

"Fine.... Do you think that you can beat the demon king with just power?"(Shiro)

"Unfortunately I can't interfere with the battle between the demon king and humanity so I sent you here to help humanity against their battle on the demon king's army. But you can only beat the demon king if you can beat me because technically I'm as strong as the demon king."(Shiro)

"Take a look at my stats"(Shiro)

Name: Shiro Kobayashi

Age: 1000

Occupation: Magic knight

Strength: S

Agility: S

Endurance : S

Magical Powers: SS

Magic tolerance: S

Curse tolerance:S

Magical defense: AAA

Physical tolerance: AAA

Luck: S

Sword abilities: AAA

Weapon's mastery: B

Bow abilites: SS

Axe's abilites: E

Spear abilities: B

Hand to hand combat abilities: S

Reflexes: S

Skills: Divinity: You are considered something hear to that of a god and it increases your physical ability by a hundred times. It also prevents all attacks to injure you if they don't have divinity or sacred blessing.

Ruler over all: Prevent other people from activating their abilities when they are within a hundred meters from where you are standing.

Ideal overdrive: Become stronger when you are fighting to protect what you believe in.

Reality Overdrive: Allow's you to manipulate the nature of the world and change it to however it fits your image. You can even alter the nature's and weaknesses of living beings like you can remove blood sucking as the main power source of vampires. Change the function of gravity and many more.


Blade of the spirit realm: Allow's you to create a sword or any weapon out of magical energy and it's performance will be on the same level as your actual weapon. It can also be fused with your weapon to enhance it's performace.

Chrono's will: Allows you to stop time within ten kilometers for an hour.

Clairvoyance :This ability provides you with the absolute form of prediction. It can predict what will happen no matter how much people try to prevent it. This ability can predict the next movement of your opponent.

Gift of the eternal: You can give a normal person any abilities that you want them to have.

(Contract)Sign of the eternal: The use of this ability shall gain immortality in exchange on becoming a guardian.

"You really aren't really human are you? Are something beyond Humans? A monster or something godlike"(Kyouko)

After hearing me said that Shiro's expression changed. His smile suddenly disappeared and it became filled with rage and he said.

"How dare you call me a monster...... Fine you'll pay for that. I'll give you some of my abilities. But after that your on your own. I wouldn't help you on the battle witht the demon king got it?"(Shiro)

"S-sure since you can't even join the batttle but in exchange please let me fight you shiro-san"(Kyouko)

"Ho.... Are you possibly testing your new abilities against me?"(Shiro)

"Yup now let's get this over with"(Kyouko)

Shiro used one of his abilities and it's name is Gift of the eternals an ability that allows the user to give another person an ability of their own.

His eyes started to glow and my card suddenly glowed brightly and it seems like my skills and status were updated.

Name: Kyouko Akaza

Age: 15

Occupation: Magic swordsman/ Magic archer

Strength: S

Agility: S

Endurance : AA

Magical Powers: AAA

Magic tolerance: S

Curse tolerance: S

Magical defense: AAA

Physical tolerance: AAA

Luck: B

Sword abilities: S

Weapon's mastery: S

Bow abilites: S

Axe's abilites: E

Spear abilities: A

Hand to hand combat abilities: A

Reflexes: A

Skills: Clairvoyance :This ability provides you with the absolute form of prediction. It can predict what will happen no matter how much people try to prevent it. This ability can predict the next movement of your opponent.

Chrono's will: Allows you to stop time within ten kilometers for an hour.

Divinity: You are considered something hear to that of a god and it increases your physical ability by a hundred times. It also prevents all attacks to injure you if they don't have divinity or sacred blessing.

Blade of the spirit realm: Allow's you to create a sword or any weapon out of magical energy and it's performance will be on the same level as your actual weapon. It can also be fused with your weapon to enhance it's performace.

Reality Overdrive: Allow's you to manipulate the nature of the world and change it to however it fits your image. You can even alter the nature's and weaknesses of living beings like you can remove blood sucking as the main power source of vampires. Change the function of gravity and many more.

Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.

Tendencies of the hero: Demon's will become weaker when they are within one hundred meters from your current location. And demon's lose half of their powers when fighting you while your power increases depending on the amount of power that they have lost.

Ideal overdrive: Become stronger when you are fighting to protect what you believe in.

Protection from evil: Anything within a hundred meters near you can't be affected by dark magic.

Crest of the paladin: People surrounding you within a hundred meters will instantly any wounds they suffer.

Ruler over all: Prevent other people from activating their abilities when they are within a hundred meters from where you are standing.

Technique: Tsubame gashi : An extremely fast cutting technique that can strike down a bird in mid flight. It is performed by striking the blade downwards then quickly striking upwards with an insane amount of speed.

"There i've given you the best abilities that you can ever recieve now the time has come for you to fight one of the demon king's top executives. Take a look his abilities."(Shiro)

Name: Larry the blade of fear

Age: 300

Occupation: Cursed swordsmaster

Strength: B

Agility: S

Endurance : A

Magical Powers: A

Magic tolerance: B

Curse tolerance:C

Magical defense: A

Physical tolerance: A

Luck: S

Sword abilities: S

Weapon's mastery: S

Bow abilites: S

Axe's abilites: S

Spear abilities: S

Hand to hand combat abilities: S

Reflexes: S

Abilities: Eye of the mind : Allows the user to project illusions towards a certain target.

Blade of the forgotten: Allows the user to control gravity and matter.

Scarbard of the legends: Protects the user from any holy attacks.

Greatness of the demon king: Allows your fellow demons to become stronger if they are within a hundred meters.

"Fine i'll hunt down this demon so let's fight so that I can see how strong i've become."(Kyouko)

"Go ahead but first i'll create an arena for us to fight to because if we fought here the entire country would be destroyed in an instant."(Shiro)

Shiro gathered all his energy and I can feel the difference in their powers was.

But I must defeat him so that I can finally find what I'm looking for. A strong opponent that will finally give me a challenge. But can I really defeat him? He is still the one who gave me my powers so I can't let him catch me of guard.

As shiro concentrated his powers on the field outside the city he suddenly said.

"The arena is created please enter it now."(Shiro)

"But there's nothing here?"(Fina)

"Just enter the field and you can see that there's a border around it right?"(Shiro)

"Oh your right shiro-san"(Fina)

A barrier huh? But it seems different how barriers are created. There are no chants but how did he do such a thing?

When our group entered the border we were of what we saw suprised.

"A different dimension? Is that even possible for a single person to create!?"(Kyouko)

"This is my greatest magic the magic of creation.... And this is my greatest world. The world of ethernia we will fight here kyouko-san"(Shiro)

"Here you can fight seriously and the three of you please enter that dome. It will protect you from all our attacks."(Shiro)

So Elaine-san, Fina-chan, and Rose-san entered the dome and it begun to emit a strange energy that are unfamiliar to humans. So Rose started to take caution and said.

Done't touch the dome everyone you don't know what will happen if you do?"(Rose)

Can I defeat the one who gave me the powers that I possess or is am I going to be defeated by the one named Shiro?

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