《Blade of shattered reality》v1 Chapter 05: An unexpected battle


Chapter 05

Then after arriving at Labarnia Kyouko quickly got of the carriage that Adele was riding. She waved her hands at Adele and said.

"Thank you for the ride Adele-san."(Kyouko)

"No it is I who should be thanking you Kyouko-san, If it weren't for you Kyouko-san we would have all been killed. I know it's not much but please accept this."(Adele)

As Kyouko was about to take her leave Adele suddenly grabbed her shoulders and handed her a leather bag and when she took a look on what's inside Kyouko was surprised, it was filled with platinum coins Adele smiled at her and said.

"It's a token of my gratitude for saving my life so please accept these as a gift from me. Well I'll be off thank you Kyouko-san."(Adele)

"Thank you Adele-san."(Kyouko)

"Well I'll be off thank you Kyouko-san."(Adele)

Kyouko smiled at Adele and started walking towards the guild. When Kyouko entered she saw Elaine-san who was sitting near the receptionist desk, after Elaine saw Kyouko she quickly got up her chair and went straight into the counter. Then Kyouko approached her and asked.

"I've finished my quest Elaine-san so what should I do now?"(Kyouko)

"Let me have a look at your guild card kyouko-san."(Elaine)

Kyouko handed her guild card to Elaine and then she took fifty coins from the leather bag and she handed it over to Kyouko and said.

"I've confirmed that you've already finished the request and here's your reward."(Elaine)

After Kyouko received her reward that was fifty silver coin which is worth fifty thousand coru. She quickly left the guild, Kyouko then remembered that one copper coin is 100 coru, silver coin is 1,000 coru, gold is coin 10,000 coru, platinum coins are 100,000 coru and mithril coins are 1,000,000.

After went outside the adventurer's guild building Kyouko then saw a young girl who was staring at her. She decided to ignore her and continued walking, the girl then pulled Kyouko's left arm and said.

"A-are you an adventurer miss?"(Girl)

Kyouko turned around to face the young girl and replied.

"Yes I'm why did you ask little miss?"(Kyouko)

The girl looked at her while clenching her fist and she said.

"I wish to become an adventurer. Will you help me become an adventurer miss?"(Girl)

After hearing the girl's request Kyouko smiled at her and said.

"Sure what's your name?"(Kyouko)

The girl then bows and then she said.

"I'm Yuuki what's yours miss?"(Yuuki)

"I'm Kyouko Akaza and it's nice to meet you Yuuki-chan"(Kyouko)

The girl named Yuuki had short brown hair and while her eyes were color blue. She wore a long blue mantle that reaches to her feet.

Then the two girls went adventurer's guild together and they went Elaine who was still at the receptionist counter. Kyouko approached her and when she turned around on my side and saw Yuuki shivering, afterwards Kyouko heard Elaine's voice as she asked her.

"Hello Kyouko-san are you doing another request?"(Elaine)

"No I'm here to help this girl apply as an adventurer"(Kyouko)

Elaine then looked at the girl beside Kyouko, Yuuki then bows her head, afterwards she said.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Yuuki Aoi"(Yuuki)

Elaine then looked at her with a somewhat troubled face as she asked her.

"Are you sure that you want to become an adventurer Yuuki-chan it's a dangerous world out there. You might even die. Are you sure that you really want to become an adventurer?"(Elaine)

Yuuki then closed her eyes for a moment, afterwards she opened her eyes and said with a strong voice that was filled with determination.


"Yes I want to become one so that I can become strong enough to protect my loved ones."(Yuuki)

Elaine let's out a sigh and said.

"How old are you Yuuki-chan?"(Elaine)

"Fifteen years old ma'am"(Yuuki)

"I see so you are already in the right age to become an adventurer"(Elaine)

In this world only people who are fifteen above are allowed to become an adventurer. So unless your fifteen years old then you can't become an adventurer.

"Please fill up these requirement papers before you can registered as an E ranked adventurer"(Elaine)

"Okay ma’am what's next?"(Yuuki)

"Then let's check your physical abilities"(Elaine)

After filling up the documents Elaine gave Yuuki a card that analyzed the physical abilities of a person. The card started to glow and a few more moments have passed and Yuuki's Physical Parameters have been written on the card.

Name: Yuuki Aoi

Age: 15

Rank: E

Occupation: Swordswoman

Then Elaine read Yuuki's physical status on the other card and she showed a surprised look on her face when she read the contents of the card,

Strength: C

Agility: A

Endurance: A

Mana: D

Magic powers: E

Magic tolerance: C

Curse tolerance: D

Magic defence: C

Physical tolerance: B

Luck: A

Sword abilities: C

Weapon's mastery: E

Bow abilites: E

Axe abilites: E

Spear abilities: C

Hand to hand combat abilities: D

Reflexes: C

Skills: Crushing force: Every time you swing a sword-type weapon the power of the swing is doubled.

After effects: Every time you swing a sword-type weapon it will triple the force of the attack.

Lightning speed: As the battle last longer your speed will increase over time. Starting at twice your speed it can reach up to twenty times your max speed.

"Wow her stat's are quite high are you two really rookies because the two of you are extremely talented as adventurer's"(Elaine)

Said Elaine while she continued to look at Yuuki’s card.

"Is that so?"(Kyouko)

Upon hearing Kyouko's reply Elaine faced Kyouko and she said angrily.

"The average status of a regular adventurer is D and E. And C is considered really high since normal humans can’t reach that level without training the body to it’s utter limit. But the two of you have such an excellent parameter data so you should just Improve your abilities using weapons and you can become a top ranked adventurer"(Elaine)

After Elaine finished her explanation Kyouko turned towards the exit and said to her.

"So I'll be on my way now"(Kyouko)

After hearing those words Elaine then said to the two.

"Don't forget that if the two of you if you lose your adventurer's card it’s possible to re-issue one but you will need to pay a lot of coru so be careful so that you wouldn't lose them okay."(Elaine)

"Okay"(Kyouko and Yuuki)

"By the way do you know the rules of the guild Yuuki-chan?"(Elaine)

"Y-yes Elaine-san. Kyouko-san told me on way here so it's fine to skip the rules and regulations of the guild right?"(Yuuki)

"If that's what you want then I wouldn't stop you."(Elaine)

Then the two girls left the adventurer's guild.

While on the streets Kyouko asked Yuuki her a question.

"Do you have the required amount of money needed to buy equipment like a weapon and armor Yuuki-chan?"(Kyouko)


"I'll take that as no. So let's go to a weapon's show and i'll buy you some armor and a sword."(Kyouko)

Then Kyouko quickly grabbed Yuuki's hand and the two of them ran around town until they found a weapon's shop. When the two entered they're greeted by a middle aged man who was about forty years old.


"Welcome how may I help you young ladies? are you here to buy weapons and armor we sell weapons here cheaply so that even E ranked adventurers can afford them."(Shop Owner)

"How much will a sword made of Rigia cost mister?"(Kyouko)

The shop owner placed his hand on his chin and said.

"I think the cheapest should be 21,000 coru but can you afford it miss? if you want then i'll give you a discount i'll sell it for only 16,000 coru for you. so are you interested miss?"(Shop Owner)

"Let me see the sword first I can see if the sword is worth the money that I'll pay."(Kyouko)

"O-okay then here's the sword so can you please test it out?"(Shop Owner)

The shop owner quickly went to the back of his shop and he showed the two a two handed-sword that had a length of 1.5 meters and it's weight was about 2 kilograms.

"So this is the sword it's worth 16,000 coru huh? It's weight should be fine and it's length is also reasonable. I'll buy it along with two sets of iron armor."(Kyouko)

"Wait I'll look for an armor that will fit you so please wait here."(Shop Owner)


And the Shop owner went to the back of the shop and looked for the iron armor while the two waited outside. And a few minutes later the Shop Owner returned and said.

"Does this armor suit your taste ma'am?"(Shop Owner)

He showed us a pair of iron gloves, iron boots, iron knee guards and an iron breastplate. I examined the armor and said.

"These armor are well-made I used one of my magic name [analyze] to find out if it's worth buying or not and it's made by a skilled blacksmith. How muh will the armor cost sir?(Kyouko)

"10,000 per set which makes two a total of 36,000 coru."(Shop Owner)

"Here you go sir 100,000 coru."(Kyouko)

Kyouko took a platinum coin from the bag that Adele gave her and gave it to the shop owner.

"here's your change 64,000 coru."(Shop Owner)

Then the shop owner handed Kyouko six gold coins and four silver coins which was her change.

"Thank you."(Kyouko)

"Now you should go to the fitting room to measure what size fits you."(Shop Owner)

"Okay let's go Yuuki-chan."(Kyouko)

"Hai(yes) Kyouko-san."(yuuki)

The two girls were guided to a room and a few moments later the Shop Owner brought the armor to see if they'll fit for the two.

"It fits us quite well. But are you sure that you'll see us these for only 36,000 coru?"(Kyouko)

"Well since I'm selling it to young ladies like you I don't mind giving you a discount and besides I'm leaving this town soon so I need a lot of money so selling it as cheap as possible is the best way for me to earn a lot of money."(Shop Owner)

"Is that so? Then have a safe trip."(Kyouko)

He looked at the two with concerned eyes as he said.

"Thank you for your concern but... I think it's better if you leave this country right away."(Shop Owner)

"I can't leave this town yet , but I'll be careful okay goodbye."(Kyouko)

After that the two left the Weapon's shop. As the they were walking Kyouko turned her face towards Yuuki and said.

"Here you can have this sword Yuuki-chan. I bought this sword as a gift for you on finally becoming an adventurer Yuuki-chan."(Kyouko)

"Ah you don't have to worry about me I have a sword of my own. It's not as great as the sword you’ve bought But I’ve worked my hardest to buy it so I want to use that sword instead. I also can't accept something as expensive as that sword."(Yuuki)

Kyouko smiled at Yuuki and said.

"I wouldn't take no for an answer so you need to take it."(Kyouko)

Yuuki then let's out a sigh and said.

"Then thank you for the gift Kyouko-san. But I refuse to wield that sword it's not mine, I'm sorry but I can't accept this sword kyouko-san."(Yuuki)

Kyouko looked at Yuuki with a serious face and said.

"I'm giving it to you as a gift on finally becoming an adventurer. You have no right to refuse so just accept it to get it over with."(Kyouko)

Yuuki sat down on a nearby bench and she said with timid voice.

"F-fine I'll accept the sword. You'll probably continue to bother me until I accept so I have no choice right?"(Yuuki)

Kyouko sat down on the same bench and said.

"Yes that's right so just give up resistance is futile."(Kyouko)

After we a few hours the two of girls returned to the adventurer's guild and as usual Elaine was at the receptionist desk so Kyouko approached her and said.

"Hello Elaine-san are there any subjugation request that Yuuki-chan a take?"(Kyouko)

"Well the only subjugation request available for D rank is goblin hunting and wolf hunting subjugations."(Elaine)

"Then we'll take the goblin subjugation request."(Kyouko)

"S-sure but Kyouko-sama you're B ranked so this kinds of request doesn't give you any points. So no matter how many requests you take and complete as long as it's below your rank then you won't recieve some promotion points."(Elaine)

"I know, I know well then let's go Yuuki-chan."(Kyouko)

And the two left the adventurer's guild and went to the forest where the goblins are living. When they arrived at the given location the two girls saw ten goblins wielding swords made of copper and when they noticed the two girls the goblins all ran towards Kyouko and Yuuki at full speed.

"Woah! Get back Yuuki-chan!"(Kyouko)

Kyouko pushed Yuuki away and blocked the attack of the goblin with her katana.


After blocking the sword of the goblin Kyouko quickly kicked the goblin's abdomen and sending the goblin flying. Then the goblins surrounded Kyouko but she punched the ground with her left fist to create a smokescreen and then Kyouko used her right hand to wield her katana and while hidden in the smokescreen. While moving in the smokescreen Kyouko instantly killed the six goblins. Meanwhile Yuuki drew her sword and started fighting the remaining goblins.

The goblin easily dodged her attacks and this is proof that this is the first time Yuuki intented on killing a living being with a sword and she's definitely lacking one thing. It's murderous intent Yuuki was subconsciously avoiding to hit the goblins with her sword.

"Don't hold back and split those goblins in two. Strike those goblins down quickly!"(Kyouko)


The goblin suddenly stabbed her in her chest. But thanks to her iron breastplate she haven't recieved any fatal wounds. And after the goblin attacked hits her she realized that she could die if she let her guard down she might die, While gripping the hilt of her sword she ran towards her enemies, After losing all of her hesitation she swung her sword towards the goblin without holding back. The goblin intercepted the attack with his sword but the sword was shattered into pieces and the goblin was sliced in half and his blood, organs and body parts were scattered everywhere due to the force of the attack.

"Such a large amount of force was behind that swing?"(Kyouko)

Then the force created by her skill [after effect] easily cuts of the hand of the last goblin. The goblin discarded it's sword and ran at full speed, but Yuuki ran towards it with an insane amount of speed that can't be seen by the human eyes. As Kyouko stabbed the last goblin with her katana she looked at Yuuki who finally finished off the last goblin. Kyouko smiled at her and said.

"I guess that was the last one. Let's go back Yuuki-chan."(Kyouko)

After Yuuki pulls her sword out of the goblin's abdomen and wiped the blood off the blade, a few moments later our cards started to glow and when Kyouko checked it out it said.

"Quest completed."(Card)

After they finished cleaning our weapons the two returned to the guild and recieved 42,000 coru as a reward. Kyouko asked Elaine for another bag and she putted twenty one silver coins in it and she gave Yuuki the bag of silver coins to her. With a surprised look on her face she asked Kyouko timidly.

"Are you sure Kyouko-san? I didn't even do much you should have most of it."(Yuuki)

Kyouko then patted her in the head with her right hand and said she cheerfully to the girl in front of her.

"We're a party so we should split if fairly no matter who did most of the work."(Kyouko)

After recieving the money from Elaine the two left the guild. As the two were walking around town Yuuki stared at Kyouko and said to her in a serious tone.

"Can we have a practice match Kyouko-san?"(Yuuki)

Kyouko quickly looked at Yuuki and stared at her face that was brimming with determination. Kyouko unconsciously let's out a smile and she said confidently.

"Sure…. I wanted to practice swordsmanship but I couldn't find a partner so I'll gladly take up on your offer."(Kyouko)

Yuuki continued to stare at Kyouko and she asked her.

"Do you know any good inns that's cheap Kyouko-san?"(Yuuki)

"I'm sorry but I just arrived at this town yesterday and I have a house here so staying at an inn would be pointless."(Kyouko)

"Is that so?"(Yuuki)

Kyouko patted her head and said.

“Do you have enough money to stay at an inn?"(Kyouko)

"I have enough for at least five months Kyouko-san."(Yuuki)

"That wouldn't do you need to save up money in-case of emergencies. You can stay at my place until you've made enough income to live by yourself."(Kyouko)

"Well if you insist then I'll gladly take up your offer thank you Kyouko-san."(Yuuki)

Kyouko looked at Yuuki with a dumbfounded face and she said.

"Aren't gonna decline my offer Yuuki-chan?"(Kyouko)

Yuuki let's out a sigh and said.

"Even if I wanted to refuse you wouldn't allow it right? so I just saved myself the trouble and just got it over with."(Yuuki)


After a few minutes of walking the two finally arrived at a field near the forest where they killed the goblins. The two girls drew their weapons and Kyouko said to Yuuki with a smile on her face.

"Then let's begin"(Kyouko)


She gave a quick nod and readied herself for battle.

"Here I go"(Kyouko)

Kyouko lunged towards Yuuki with her katana But Yuuki barely managed to block it with her sword. After she blocked the attack a strong gust of wind gazed her cheeks and she said.

"Such speed and power. Is it really possible for a human to attain this much power?"(Yuuki)

"I ask you oh great spirit grant me your powers. Accept my power as the price for your service come forth [sacred divine cloak pegradon]"(Kyouko)

Kyouko raised her right hand up in the air after she's finished the chant and her body was enveloped by flames and the divine cloak pegradon was summoned and changed her stance prepared for battle. Yuuki who was surprised gulps and said.

"A divine garment? and what's with this power that's emmitting from her body? It's hard to believe that she's human."(Yuuki)

As her hands were shaking there was a smile on her face. Kyouko ran towards her at full speed and the two girls started to clash swords against each other.

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