《Blade of shattered reality》v1 Chapter 03: The new home


Chapter 03

As the three wandered around the town looking for the address on the note that Shirou gave Kyouko, the house was a compensation for suddenly forcing Kyouko to abandon all her belongings in her former world. So she gladly accepeted it. As the three of them were walking David turned to Kyouko with a tired look on his face and he asked her.

"Could we have a rest for a bit Kyouko-sama?"(David)

Kyouko showed a smile and patted David's head and she cheerfully said.

"Okay let's sit down on that bench over there for a few minutes."(Kyouko)

Then the three approached the bench and sat down, Fina looked at Kyouko with a curious face and said.

"It might be rude to ask, where did you come from Kyouko-oneesama? Is this an address a house given to you by the one who sent you here?"(Fina)

Kyouko faced Fina with a serious look on her face and said.

"Well a certain friend of mine gave me one of his houses, so I'll be living in this city for a few years..... I think."(Kyouko)

She then continued to look at Kyouko with a curious look on her face as she asked.

"Are you going on becoming an adventurer Kyouko-sama?"(Fina)

Kyouko patted Fina's head and she said with a cheerful voice.

"I'm not sure yet. I want to travel around the world, but it's currently too dangerous right? so maybe after this war ends I'll begin travelling the world."(Kyouko)

Upon hearing Kyouko’s reply Fina smiled at her and said.

"Yes it is Kyouko-oneesama, currently the humans of the south is on the losing side of the war. If this continues it's only a matter of time before the demons set out to destroy the other races in this world.."

Kyouko stared at the two children in front of her and she confidently said to the two.

"Don't worry, If such a thing happens I'll make sure to protect the two of you."(Kyouko)

Then the three stood up from the bench and continued their search for the house Shirou gave Kyouko. But as the three of them were walking around town she noticed something crucial.

Kyouko took her wallet from her pocket and she noticed that she only has fifty gold goins left on her wallet. She realized that she mut first make her income stable if she want's to live in this world with two other people. Kyouko looked at the two children beside her and she asked while having a serious look on her face.

"Do you want live with me Fina and David? Since the two of you already lost your family you have no one to take care of you right, so why not live with me?(Kyouko)

Then the two of them stared at each other without uttering a single word.

".........."(Fina and David)

With a smile on her face Kyouko cheerfully said to the two.

"Don't worry I wouldn't do anything bad to the two of you, but please reconsider my offer. I only wish for the two of you to live a happy life. So please think about my offer."(Kyouko)

Fina looked at Kyouko with an embarrassed face and said.

"I-It's not like we don't trust Kyouko-oneesama, but.... we don't want to be a burden. You've already helped us a lot and there's no way for us to repay your kindness."(Fina)

Kyouko patted Fina's head and pinch her cheeks and said.

"There's no need for you to do anything. Just seeing the bright smiles on your faces is enough for me."(Kyouko)


Fina wanted so say something but Kyouko interrupts her by placing her hand on Fina’s hand and she said to her in a calm tone.


"Just stop thinking about being a burden and smile for me, just doing that would be enough."(Kyouko)

Once again Kyouko patted Fina's and david’s heads.

After an hour of walking the three of them found themselves at the district where the rich merchants and lower aristrocrats live. As the three where looking around Kyouko then spots a soldier who was partolling the area. Kyouko quickly ran towards the soldier and lightly tapped his shoulders and he asked.

"Do you know how can we find this address?"(Kyouko)

The soldier turned to the three with a smile on his face and said.

"Let me take a look young lady."(Soldier)

He placed the spear on his hand down on the nearby bench and took the letter from Kyouko’s hand and he started to read the address and then he returned it to Kyouko and he said to the three.

"You're looking for this address right miss?"(Soldier)

The three then nodded and he showed a sincere smile on his face and he said.

"Then there's no need to look around town since you've already found the address, it's that mansion over there."(Soldier)

The soldier picked up his spear and continued his patrols. While the three turned around and stared at the mansion with a dumbfounded face. Afterwards Kyouko regained her sense and said with a very serious voice.

"What!? Don't tell me that the house that Shirou-kun promised me was this large mansion? I don't think it's good to call this mansion a house!!!"(Kyouko)

Fina and David stared at Kyouko and the two of them asked.

"Kyouko-oneesama could you possibly be a noble?"(Fina and David)

Kyouko vigorously shook her head and she said to the two.

"I'm not a noble and this mansion was given to me by a friend, he said that he's not going to live here anymore and decided to give it to me instead. Please take a look at this letter Fina-chan."(Kyouko)

Kyouko quickly handed Fina the letter and she started reading it. After a few minutes she returned the letter to Kyouko and she said.

"I thought Kyouko-onee-sama is a noble. But does the name of the owner of the mansion seems familiar?"(Fina)

The three stared at the mansion for at least three minutes then the maid who was cleaning the yard and decided to approach them .

The walls that surrounds the mansion is about one hundred meter in diameter, aside from that the mansion is surrounded by different kinds of flowers and herbs. The size of the mansion is about three stories tall and it's about fifty meters in diameter. The mansion walls is made of stone bricks, the roof made of tiles and the window is made of crystal clear glass. Judging from it's current state, it seems like the mansion was built for at least a hundred years ago.

Kyouko and the two children were observing the mansion a young lady in her mid twenties noticed the three and walked up to them and she asked.

"Did you need something miss? If you're looking for directions then maybe I could be of assistance."(Maid)

The young lady was wearing a maid's outfit. So Kyouko guessed that she’s a maid of the mansion so she replied to her question and asked the maid.

"Yes..... an acquaintance of mine told me to go to this address, but I think he was mistaken."(Kyouko)

"Is that so? Please let me take a look miss."(Maid)

The maid had a pair of sky blue eyes and short grey hair, Her body is very slender and her skin is as pale, her height is about 180 centimeters, She wore a maid uniform similar to those that can be seen in animes.


Kyouko handed her the letter from and she started reading it then after a few minutes she gave the letter back to Kyouko and she said.

"Your Kyouko Akaza-sama aren't you? Shirou-sama has already informed me about you. He told me that a young girl with crimson colored hair with a unique two colored eye will be the new owner of the house. It's nice to meet you master. My name is Rose Arcadia."(Rose)

Rose stared at Kyouko’s beautiful silver right eye and gold left eye. Rose seems to be a bit puzzled by how Kyouko looked at the same time intrigued by her appearance. A beautiful young lady with a very rare color of hair and a very unique kind of eyes. Rose then clapped her hands after staring at Kyouko for a minute and she said.

"Okay that's enough for now."(Rose)

Kyouko then looked at Rose with a face that shows her cluelessness and asked her with a timid voice.

"What's the matter Rose-san?"(Kyouko)

The girl named Rose smiled at Kyouko and she said.

"It's nothing important."(Rose)

"Is that so?"(Kyouko)

Rose then turned to Fina and David and asked Kyouko with a serious tone.

"Who are those who children Kyouko-sama? Relatives?, Friends or your children?"(Rose)

After hearing Rose's question Kyouko showed a smile that's filled with pride and she replied.

"Their my adoptive children, starting from today the two of them will be living here, please take care of the two of them."(Kyouko)

Rose elegantly bow's down and she said.

"Of course, as Kyouko-sama's maid I'll follow your instructions and treat them the same way that I'm going to treat you master."(Rose)

Kyouko looked at Rose with a light smile on her face and she said.

"Thank you very much for understanding."(Kyouko)

Rose was startled by my words and said.

"I-I understand Kyouko-sama, would you like a tour around the mansion?"(Rose)

Kyouko then shook her head and walked up towards the gate and said.

"No need I have some business that I still need to attend to so I will leave those two in your care I'll return by dawn."(Kyouko)

"I see...... take care master. Well then Fina-sama and David-sama please follow me to your rooms."(Rose)

The two of them smiled brightly and said.

"Yes, Please take care of us."(Fina and David)

Kyouko closed the gates of the mansion and left. She retraced her steps and after an hour of searching she finally managed to return to the adventurer's guild.

When Kyouko entered the guild Elaine who was standing near the entrance greeted her and she said in a cheerful tone.

"Welcome back Kyouko-san and it's a good thing that you returned. I've forgot to give you this other card, It's a card that analyzes your physical abilities."(Elaine)

Then she handed Kyouko card made of silver and Elaine said.

"Will you try it Kyouko-san? First you must put it above your adventurer's guild card and pour some of your energy in it."(Elaine)


Following her instructions Kyouko placed her hand on the card and she started pouring her magical energy in it.

Then Elaine started her explanation about the status card.

"The status is divided into rankings called S, A, B , C , D and E the higher the stats the better you are at that specific status but lower means you are weaker in that status. Just say the word [Reveal] and your status will be uploaded into the card. Normally humans only have C to E in their strength, agility and endurance, but those status can increase with intense training. Unlike magical power and mana that stays the same unless you have an ability or weapon that can increase it."(Elaine)

Kyouko touched the card and said.


After a few seconds the letters were written in the card and when Elaine took a look her face showed a face that has a mixed expression of shock and amazement.

"What's with this status parameters? Are you really human Kyouko-san ?"(Elaine)

Name: Kyouko Akaza

Strength: SS

Agility: SS

Endurance : S+

Mana: SS+

Magical Powers: SS+

Magic tolerance: S

Curse tolerance: S

Magical defense: S

Physical tolerance: S

Luck: C

Sword abilities: D

Weapon's mastery: E

Bow abilites: A

Axe's abilites: E

Spear abilities: E

Hand to hand combat abilities: D

Reflexes: S

Abilities: Precognition: The ability to predict the next move of your opponent within the current five seconds.

Time control: Allows you to stop time within twenty meters for a minute.

Reality Overdrive: Overwrite the functions of any living being or object in the world.

Overwrite: Use magical energy to permanently strengthen your body, Improve your five senses, Improve your resistance against any harmful bacterias, Increase resistane against magic and greatly improve your reflexes.

Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.

Tendencies of the hero: Steal half of the physical strength of nearby all demons, orcs, goblins, dragons, humans and vampires if they're hostile towards you or your allies. Add those stole power to your power until either the targets died or they left your zone of influence.(Only works if they're within 500 meters from your current location.)

Ideal overdrive: Become stronger when you are fighting to protect what you believe in.

Elaine stared at Kyouko without uttering a single word, then Kyouko then asked Elaine a question to break the silence.

“Is there something wrong with my abilities? Elaine-san?”(Kyouko)

After hearing Kyouko’s question Elaine looked at Kyouko with a somewhat trouble face and she said.

"Yes it's a big problem. Normally an average girl only has E to D rank in strength, agility and Endurance. But your parameters in those status above the S rank. The same applies with your magical powers and mana capacity.With this kind of talent people are willing to hire you as their private guard for more than two thousand gold coins. This kind of status is hard to achieve by an average human. And you also have the rare ability to manipulate time which also known as the strongest ability."(Elaine)

Elaine looked at Kyouko with a serious look on her face and she said.

"Don't tell anyone about your status. It will cause a great uproar. People are willing to kill another to attain that kind of power. You'll be the target of envy and people will tend to avoid you. That's why please keep this a secret will you Kyouko-sama?"(Elaine)

Kyouko strongly nodded and she replied.


"And within the time stop only you can move am I correct? With that kind of power under the hands of a fifteen years old girl... I wonder what kind of future awaits you."(Elaine)

Elaine said while showing a concerned look at Kyouko who revealed a prideful smile on her face and she said proudly.

"Yes that's right, and the future that awaits me is still a mystery. But about the future? I'm sure with enough effort even I can change the future that's decided for me."(Kyouko)

Kyouko then picked up the guild card on her breastpocket and asked Elaine.

"Why is my job a magic swordsman Elaine-san? Well I know a bit of magic, but my swordsmanship isn't that great at all. If that''s the case then wouldn't it being registered as a mage would have been more logical?"(Kyouko)

Rose looked at Kyouko with a serious look on her face and she handed her a piece of paper and said.

“What kinds of magic can you use Kyouko-san?”(Elaine)

Kyouko stared reading the contents of the paper.

“I can use [Protection] magic.”(Kyouko)

"That's amazing since [protection] is the highest ranked defensive magic, And by the way about being a magic swordsman. The guild card analyzes your parameters and it decides which class you'll have depending on your aptitude or talent. Is there something else that you wanted to ask?"(Elaine)

"No thanks then I'll be off."(Kyouko)

Elaine handed Kyouko the card and she said to her with a smile on her face.

"Take care Kyouko-san."(Elaine)

"Thank you Elaine-san."(Kyouko)

Kyouko waves my hands at Elaine as she was walking away from the adventurer's guild.

Afterwards Kyouko returned to my new home.

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