《First Of My Kind》Chapter 6: Training, Spy and Choice


Hey Guys sorry for long wait but had a very busy few weeks at work, plus i dropped my phone in water and my internet has not been working.

Anyway here is the chapter hope you enjoy it!


It is just before dawn and I am now standing outside the east gates of Russel, I am waiting for Kellern to arrive so I can start my weapons training. As I am waiting I decide to check my status, I have put off looking at it for the last few months as I want to see how much I improve.


Status WindowName:ThorinLevel:6Age:5Gender:MaleRace:Fireblood (Sealed)Class:ChildTitles: Divine Blessing Of Athreal, First Of My Kind, Born Of Fire, Unbound,Health:410/410Mana:1870/1870Strength:93Vitality:41Agility:72Intelligence:187Dexterity:121Wisdom99Status Points:60

“Hummmm not bad, my strength is about that of a normal human male adult. Not bad for just training and growth.”

I still haven’t distributed my status points, I keep thinking if I come across an enemy who is only a bit stronger than me, I might be able to surprise them if I have a sudden burst of strength from distributing my status points. Anyway skills next.

‘Skill list’

Skill ListBone Gauntlets (Active)

Everflame Barrier (Active)

Fire Arrow (Novice lvl 2)

Pyrokinesis (Advanced lvl 6)

Earth magic (intermediate lvl 7)

Lightning magic (Beginner lvl 8)

Light magic (Beginner lvl 2)

Wind magic (Beginner lvl 1)

Ice Magic (Novice lvl 5)

Martial Arts of another World (Master lvl 3)

Cooking (Advanced lvl 1)

Appraisal (Active)

I have a close look for a minute or two and then realise my martial arts mastery has increased by one. Even though I still have a few things to learn I still have managed to increase my mastery of muay thai.

I am bored of waiting for Kellern, it is nearly an hour after sunrise so mi decide to start my own training. First I stretch and make sure that I am fully ready for training, I start with a running. So I know if Kellern arrives I decide that running to the edge of the forest and back is what to do, it is about 500m to the forest.

I do 5 reps and then have a few minutes rest. I then take the narrow stance that I prefer when using muay thai, it is a good stance for attacking and mobility, it is less of a defensive style but that is not my way of fighting.

I breath out and calm myself like my master taught me, I then imagine my master in front of me just before we spar, I then start my shadow boxing with my masters shadow, as I go in for the attack I can already see what my master would do to defend then counter. I carry on like this with the odd small break every now and then while I wait for Kellern.


(Kellern POV)

A few days ago Tura and Oberon came to me and asked me to start to train the boy Oberon found in the forest, at first I refused as I didn’t want a pupil, but those two did not give up and nagged and nagged me until I agreed.

After I finally agreed they took me to seen Thorin, I have not really seen him since he was brought in by Oberon and I am wondering how to start to train a five year old, he won’t be developed enough to start any muscle training, so I guess I can teach him a few stances and start muscle training in a few years.

The three of us are making our way towards the temple where Thorin is being looked after by Bertha with the other children. As we approach I see Thorin’s fire like hair but I can’t believe my eyes, he looks like an 8-10 year old human. I thought he was a half-elf, he must have some beastman blood in him as we mature a lot quicker than other races.

As I get closer I realise why they asked me to train him, he already has well defined muscles on him, and looks like he works out regularly. Oberon had said he had taught him how to hunt and let him come with him quite often. I am interested in training this boy.

"Thorin wait we need to speak with you!" Oberon calls him over, and he comes over closely followed by Ellena, who seems very attached to this boy.

"Thorin I believe you are big enough to start weapon training with Kellern." He then looks at me and seems to be sizing me up, this is making me very excited to train this boy.

"Sunrise outside the east gate, be there!" I tell him where to meet me tomorrow and then walk off as I need to think of how to train him.

I wake up an hour before sunrise prepare myself and head to the east gate. I have decided to test the boys patience first, as a warrior patience is very important as rushing in can get you killed.

I arrive at the east gate and I am surprised to see he is already here, I hide myself and proceed to watch him. To start with he just sat there perfectly still, after a while he started inspecting his stats and then sat there again.

It is now nearly an hour after sunrise and the boy has still not moved, it is unusual for a boy his age to be able to sit still that long. He suddenly starts to get up. ‘has he given up?’ ‘is he going to leave?’. Thinking he is going to leave I prepare myself to stop him at the gate, but then he does something strange, he starts stretching. Some of the poses I recognise as I use them myself but others I see him using are strange but I see how they would be useful.


After he finishes stretching he starts running, he does this for just under 30 minutes, then he does something even stranger. He takes a weird fighting stance, it is a solid stance I cannot see any openings, then he starts to fight an invisible opponent. I am shocked the moves he is using are some simple and others massively complicated, they use his hands, feet, knees and elbows. I wince at a few moves as I can imagine where they are landing and they would cause a lot of damage.

I have no idea where he learnt such a deadly martial arts, he is only five but looks like he is a master of this fighting style. It is only just then that I realise that I have been watching him for two hours since he started fighting his invisible opponent. I make my way towards him, he sees me approaching but continues to fight his opponent. Just as I am within talking distance he finishes his practice. He then turns to me and bows.

“Good morning master. Thank you for teaching me the lesson of patience.”

This brat saw through me so easily!! It seems he really is much more mature than he looks. I start to smile as I know that this boy will be very interesting to train.

(Thorin POV)

I have been shadow boxing my old master for two hours. I notice that Kellern is watching me, while trying to stay out of sight. ‘This must be like some of those movies where they try and teach a young active boy the meaning of patience. Hehe I am going to say something to shock him!’ I am not an idiot my old master already taught me patience so it is not needed.

I carry on shadow boxing while I think to myself. ‘I wonder what weapons he will train me in. I have seen people carrying a lot of different types, hammers, axes, swords, spears and even one person carrying a staff which had two blades at each end which were slightly curved, it looked very cool. There are even katana’s but they are not used by many. I think it must be that people prefer the bulkier looking normal swords.’

After another hour Kellern finally comes over, I thank him for his lesson in patience and enjoyed the look of shock on his face, but when he started to smile I shivered slightly.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Straight to the point I see, hmmm what to say well I will give him a partial truth.

“From my master.” Short and truthful. He looks at me for a few seconds, he seems to be analysing me.

“Where is he?”

“Not around anymore”

“How long did he train you?”

“Too long”

From what I can tell Kellern is a man of few words, he doesn’t show emotion on his face but his ears and tail give him away. For instance I know that my short uninformative answers are annoying him slightly as his tail is twitching and so are his ears.

“Hmm have you trained in armed combat” I have done training for the use of the Krabi Krabong, the are two single edged blades with a slight curve at the end, the handles are guard less, and about half the length of the blade. (AN: Look it up they look cool)

“Yes a small amount but they were for one on one fights not large scale fights.” This again is only partly true as I am very well versed in using the Krabi Krabong dual blades, but their weakness in a large scale battle is that they are made to be used together on the same opponent. ‘Two blades as one’ that is what master use to say. But I would like to learn other styles.

“hmmm ok tell me your current level, Strength, Agility and dexterity”


“So I can tell you the best weapons for you” He tilts his head and gives a confused look like it is obvious.

“Level six. 93, 72, 121” After I give him what he asks for he blinks a few times and then looks serious.

“lying will only cause you to suffer.” At that I glare at him and don’t answer. I think he gets the message, he then looks like he is thinking. A few minutes later and he gives me my options.

“Great Hammer, Great Sword, Axe, Great Axe, Halberd or Odatchi” What a choice, I guess because of my abnormal strength I am being given heavy weapons, but there are also a couple that will be faster to handle than others.

‘Hmmm what to choose, what to choose. Humph there are a few I want to choose, damn this is annoyi….. Hang on, Oh I know what to choose now.

“Can you train me in…..”


Sorry for cliff hanger :;^^:

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Peace [th_113_.gif]

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