《First Of My Kind》Chapter 2: Temple, Priest and the Stats


Well the hunter decided to feed me and take me along with him, currently we are approaching a large village. The Village is almost too large to be called a village, it has a wooden palisade surrounding it and the houses inside vary between wooden and stone ones, some a single story and some multiple.

We exit the forest and are heading towards the gate where there a few guards dressed in leather armour guarding it. As we get closer they spot us and start shouting to one another. I have no idea what they are saying but, it does not sound aggressive or hostile.

We stop for a few minutes while the hunter who found me, has a chat with the guards. One of them appears to be human or at least very close, whereas the other is defiantly not human, he was about 6.2 ft tall with large muscles dark black hair with wolf ears on top of his head as well as a black wolf tail wagging back and forth behind him.

The wolf man bent over to get a closer look at me. His eyes were glowing and dint look human at all. I was a bit nervous but couldn’t take my eyes of his switching ears. All that was going through my mind was I couldn’t wait to see a wolf girl.

Back on earth a was a bit of a light novel and manga fan, my favourite being fantasy based ones and I always wish that I could see a beastman/demi human and it seems like my wish will come true in this new life.

Anyway the hunter finished his conversation and proceeded into the village. It was a little hard to see everything from the sling but by the looks of it the village was a very prosperous and active village. There were a lot of armoured people walking about but I guess this is a rough world.

The strangest thing about the village was that there seemed to be virtually no humans, maybe the odd one or two but all the rest were demi humans, beastmen or something else, I did spot what I assumed to be dark elves. There was even a couple of dwarfs walking along.

We kept walking for a while stopping every now and then so the hunter could either have a chat or buy something from the stalls. I was starting to get tired and before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.

(POV: Hunter)

I am making my way through Russell Village, I met my old friend Kellern at the village gate. He was very interested in the boy and it the same said about the boy, as he was staring at Kellern’s ears. Kellern was asking why the boy smelt like ash and burnt wood. I said I would explain later, and carried on through the village.


I had a few things to do before I collected my daughter from sister Bertha, during this time the boy drifted off to sleep.

I dropped off the dilk at the butchers to be skinned and prepared for me, then I made my way towards the temple to get Ellena my daughter and see the priest to identify this boy!! As I entered the temple sister Bertha saw me and waved me over.

“Hello Oberon, Ellena has just fallen asleep, what have you got in the sling? You didn’t find an abandoned fox cub for her to rise did you?” Bertha was sitting on one of the temple pews with Ellena curled up on her lap. Her tail was slightly switching from side to side happily. Ellena’s mother was from the fox tribe like my mother was, Ellena’s fox tribe heritage was very strong in her so she inherited her mother’s tail and ears. Unfortunately Leina (Ellena’s mother) died during child birth three years ago. Ellena looks exactly like her mother except for her white hair.

“No it’s not a fox, but…” I said as I revealed the sleeping boy wrapped in the sling.

“Where an earth did you get that….Half-elf??” Bertha said this while looking at the boy, with a questioning look. It seemed she was unsure what he is as well due to his strange tattoo like markings over his body.

“I found him in the forest and I have no idea what he is, his ears are too short to be a half-elf and with all these tattoo like markings on him I have no idea. Oh and you would not be able to tell to tell at the moment but his eyes change colour, I think it has to do with his emotions.” As I explained this bertha looked slightly shocked but interested. “Anyway that is another reason why I am here, is Priest Tura here?”

“Yes he is but has been all over excited all afternoon, Athreal’s candle is a little active, he is in the shrine room praying” In the temple the shrine room is behind the main hall because it contains Athreal’s candle. The candle never runs out and the flame will change now and then to tell us things. The shrine is in the back because ever since one of the temples of Athreal went up in flames because someone knocked over Athreal’s candle. So as a precaution the shrine room is completely made of stone and no wood is anywhere near the candle.

“Can I go in and see him I need him to identify this boy” Bertha chuckled “I am sure my husband would not mind. Go ahead I will keep an eye on this one”.

I made my way to the back of the temples main hall towards the shrine room. I knocked on the door and after a few seconds a short man with red brown hair opened the door. Tura is one of the rarest half breeds you can get, his mother was an elf and his father was a dwarf. This is rare because the dwarves and elves are notorious for hating one another. But due to this he inherited the strength of the dwarves and the magic affinity of the elves.


He is a few hundred years old and very strong both in magic and wielding his axe. But after meeting Bertha who is a half-elf human, he fell in love and became the priest of this church. This all happened over 30 years ago.

“Oberon!!! What do you want??” he said in a rather frantic voice. As he spoke I suddenly felt the heat coming from the room and then I saw the candle of Athreal the flame was massive and it was flickering and changing colour a bit like the boys eyes.

“This is a little active!!” I said as I turned and looked at Bertha who was smirking at me. “Anyway Tura can you identify this boy, I found him in the woods and have no idea who or what he is and I could not access his status window with the identify spell.”

“YOU STUPID IDIOUT!! Did I teach you nothing!! Hmph This child has not had a naming ceremony yet! Can’t you tell, he has no traces of the ritual magic on him and unless he is over ten years old which I highly doubt he is, he would still have traces of the ritual magic. Fool follow me lets name him.” After reprimanding me he turned on his heels and walked into the shrine room to start preparing the ritual for the naming if this boy.

Due to Tura shouting at me he woke the kid up, strangely he did not cry but remained quiet and is now looking wide eyed at Athreal’s candle, but unlike most young children he showed no fear, if anything he showed a slight annoyance like he was cross with the flame.

After a few minutes Tura had prepared himself and signalled for me to approach and began the ritual. He pricked the boy’s finger and collected about ten drops of blood in a small bowl. While chanting he then pores the blood on the naming scroll. The blood forms a magic circle and then he turns to me.

“So what are you going to name him??” He says while looking at the boy then me. I have no idea what he should be called and quickly start trying to think of something.

‘Thorin’ I thought I just heard a voice say something. I look around the room a bit thinking someone came in.

“Well what will you name him” Tura was getting a bit annoyed that I started looking round the room and was frowning at me.

“Oh…erm...” Suddenly a name came to me. “Thorin, he shall be called Thorin” Tura nodded approvingly at me.

“A good name, in the Dragon tongue ‘Thor’ means flame and ‘In’ means born. Pass him to me.” I am shocked at what the name means as I had no idea, it just popped into my head.

Tura takes him from me and places him on the magic circle. “I NOW NAME YOU THORIN, MAY YOU LIVE LONG AND IN HAPPYNESS” the magic circle glowed for a few seconds then on Thorin’s left hand signifying he can now access his status.

Tura then leans down and picks Thorin up who is inspecting the fading magic circle on the scroll. “Right now we can see what he is” He takes him over to the identifying stone which is similar to the identify spell but will show the status of the person touching it to everyone in view. The then takes the kids hand and puts it on the stone.

Status WindowName:ThorinLevel:1Age:0Gender:MaleRace:Fireblood (Sealed)Class:ChildTitles: Divine Blessing Of Athreal, First Of My Kind, Born Of Fire, UnboundHealth:100/100Mana:1170/1170Strength:8Vitality:12Agility:1Intelligence:117Dexterity:2Wisdom65Status Points:10

“What is this, how is this even possible” I could not resister the stats in front of me, this child only has 40 less intelligence than me. Normal kids will have only 1, 2 or 3 as their highest stat, and those titles.

“H..hh.h..he has A-Athreal’s blessing, and is the first of his kind. Great Goddess you have finally created your species!!!!” Tura is almost crying as he kneels in front of the flame coming from the candle.

I am in complete shock the child I found in the woods is the first of Athreal’s new species. Suddenly I thought of the scorched ground all around where I found him and realised that his title ‘Born Of Fire’ was quite literal.

The flames started to change again, this time they filled the room with flames but they did not burn us instead I could sense a very very strong barrier being formed.

“Hahaha I take it you like my new species then” A beautiful voice come from the main candle which now showed a beautiful face in the flames both Tura and I knew it was the Goddess herself. I fell to my knees in shock and awe. Waiting for her to continue.

“Now I need you two to do me a favour.”


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter please vote on the two polls i have going as it will help me know what you want.

Please rate my story and give me feedback of what you think of it.

Like always have a great night


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