《RE: Necromicy! The Mouse Necromancer!》Prologue I was hit by a truck and met a goddess... she's scary...


Hi I'm Mikey! Mikey-Koppengagen... My parent's were drunk when they named me, just as everyone else in the hospital... new year and all that, but! Why did they agree?

Oh well no use in those ramblings...

So... today is such a nice day... birds singing... firetrucks running around... and I can smell a BBQ being prepared somewhere... it's quite hot here, don't you think? Yes it's summer, we're in London and I'm twelve... in the year of 2012... strange... why do those people running?

“Holy-Moly that man is naked!”

Ow... that was painful...

'Hello child'

I'm not a child lady! I'm Already twelve! The grown ups still call me child... do you know why?

'Child... For them you are considered a child until the age of 16, in some cases until 21, so being only 12 is... Oh... sorry what a host am I if I don't offer my guest a cup of tea.'

Why, thank you lady... “Kya!!!”

'What's wrong, child?'

“Lady why do you wear a mask?”

'… It's my face... *sniff* even children are afraid of me... *sniff*'

“Oh no lady... I am not... I was just surprised, that's all.”

'Really? Oh thank you so much... usually when someone enters my domain they die a second time'

“Die? But I fell quite good.”

'Oh surely you feel fine, but don't you find it strange that you see your back?'

“Holy-Moly! It's true!”

'Sorry Mikey, but you are dead'

“Oh... the offer for the tea still standing?”

'Of course child. Would you like some sweets?'

“Yes, thank you”

“Say lady... why am I here?”

'Oh... you are here because I can offer you a new life.'

“New? Where? Will I see my parents?”


'I'm afraid you won't see them anymore.'


'But don't worry. You will have new parents! They will also love you as much as your first parents.'

“Will they buy me candies for my birthday?”

'… I don't know about candies, but they surely can find something sweet.'

“Then... can I meet them?”

'Of course... but do you want to move on to another world?'

“I don't know...” go to the new place? Who will they be? Will I meet new friends? “Will I see you again?”

'Ow... such a cutie... Yes! You will see me again! oh... I know!' huh? She's gone?

“Holy-Moly! She's a magician! I love Magicians!” they always make people laugh. They are so kind! Too bad they don't want to be my friends...

'Child take it.' Oh... the book... what an interesting picture...

“Necronomicon? Lady is this book with pictures?”

'Yes. And it also talks!'


'Don't be rude! Child come here... this... is my gift to you.'

“WOW! SO COOL!!!” this book talked!



[… sorry...]

'You better be! You just'

“Lady don't be angry! This book is good! It apologized.”

'… as you say child...'

[So I guess you are my new master, huh? Some brown-nosed kid has ME! What a joke of life... or should I say DEATH! MU-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!]

“MU-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA...” Why are we laughing?

'And now child I will send you to your new parents, be a good boy, you hear me?'

“Of course lady!”

[Come on old hag! Send us on our way!]


[… This one apologizes!!!]

“Lady... would you be my friend?”

'… of course!!!'

'Ow... such a cute kid... I nearly got a nosebleed... I'm a skeleton though... so where did I sent him... it's good and...' I Can't Believe it! 'He was supposed to be a prince! Not a mouse!!!'

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